UFODNA 105707

Cigar-shaped object in clover field, black in middle and gray on ends. four beings 3' green suits with tight hoods. Eyes "strange", telepathy, fear. Vallee reliability rating: 303: Reliable source, firsthand; no site visit, or answer unknown; natural explanation requires major alteration of several parameters.

FSR (formerly Flying Saucer Review)
FSR, London, 1966
Webb, David
HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports
Source ID105707

Documents mentioning

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Page 66
FARTS ried for maint. -1415. EARTS' .rts. 5 L • 1630 1720 SIGMET GOLF 01 distributed.: :2025 TR'onw TOrMeNTor 1951 SIGMET .GOLF.02 posted..7/8. ,2118 (Dlyd entry) BKA radar ots. ME? PAVLOF, eruption reported
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Eberhart, George M - Ufos And The Extraterrestrial Contact Movement- A Bibliography -- Volume One- Unidentified Flying Objects.pdf
Page 165
Flight of UFO's." FATE 13 (April 1960): 111-14. (Letter), Joe Donovan, (August 1960):110-12. 2025. Floyd, William Kirk. (Letter), "Spurting UFO." FATE 11 (Septem- ber 1958):113-14. 2026. "Flying Saucers Definitely
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Eberhart, George M - Ufos And The Extraterrestrial Contact Movement- A Bibliography -- Volume Two- The Extraterrestrial Contact Movement.pdf
Page 395
Axel, 5071, 5279, Flory, Joan, 12456, 12563-64. 12602 15074-76 Flournoy, Theodore, 11022 Floyd, William Kirk, 2025 Firth. 0. 10584 Fischer, André, 10064 Floyd-Kresse, Roberta, 9729 Fischer. John F., 12738 Flynn, James
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Page 66
FARTS ried for maint. -1415. EARTS' .rts. 5 L • 1630 1720 SIGMET GOLF 01 distributed.: :2025 TR'onw TOrMeNTor 1951 SIGMET .GOLF.02 posted..7/8. ,2118 (Dlyd entry) BKA radar ots. ME? PAVLOF, eruption reported
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File A703 580-1-1 Part 17 646573.pdf
Page 146
pula rod obJ 16.02.71 Mogill 2014 GO°E 35°NE 1 red pulo obJ 19.02.71 Mitchell pk 2025 Humming oval, uhito 11t 27.02.71 Largo 2C25 S NU 3 round objocto 033.03.71 Inglo farm
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File A703 580-1-1 Part 2 645647.pdf
Page 184
then seen that there was what apreared to be light. about 500 to 1000ft,each time. 2025 hours. E round bronze coloured disc below and to the right of the bright As the light moved
Page 93
lint moved 39 did this dise keeping the same distance, about 500 to 1000ft,each time. 2025 hours. This WAS first noticed at The bright licht and disc both finally disappeared behind cloud
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File A703 580-1-1 Part 8 646552.pdf
Page 98
Jocelyn Street, DEE WHY, NSW. contacted this office by telephone and reported that at 2025 hours the previous night (12 Sep 67) she had sighted an unusual flying object in the sky over her home
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File E1327 5-4-air part 1 7061046.pdf
Page 47
APPEnDix A ¡EP Ufo Ratoer Ar 2025 hours ic A0061 M.s f MouldisG telephone rebout 143≤ SARINE RD RARD CREEK o. sbjecl in the shy glowins calls, 1590% wLick lacuciad Gad da curars Clenchy
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File E1327 5-4-air part 6 7061047.pdf
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Canada - FOIA Part 15 - Pages 4201-4500.pdf
Page 218
land surface is obstructed with hills and hollows. 3. The second sighting was on 28FEB80 at 2025 hrs. At the same location, VAN METRE his brother Ben, and a good friend--Charlie WALDERN
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Canada - FOIA Part 17 - Pages 4801-5100.pdf
Page 166
recommended that the Forces or some other appropriate Federal agency maintain close contact with Mr. W.K. Allen, 2025 - 29th Avenue 8.W. Calgary, Telephone: 244-3708, a science teacher at Western Canada High School
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Page 16
lagttagerens Navn: Stilling: Gymnast el Alder: Syn: Adresse: 277e Kastop evt. Telf.: lagttagelsesdato: 10. /12 19.92 Klokkeslet: _2025 Lok(nejagtigt?) lagttaget fra (nojagtig Stedangivelse): Kollundveis 2770 icastrue. I hvilket Verdenshjorne saas Genstanden? Nord Angiv
Page 286
Observeret af hel familie Stilling: Ingenion Alder: - Syn:. Adresse: Holto evt. Telf.: lagttagelsesdato: _16/12 _ 19_79 Klokkeslet: 2025 _ (nejagtigt?) lagttaget fra (nojagtig Stedangivelse): . Holto hvilket Verdenshjorne saas Genstanden? Nord Angiv ved et Rids, under hvil
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Page 208
September 2010 Location of Original File: Held at Archives New Zealand Access to Original File: Restricted until 2025 File Contains: Reports of sightings from members of the public and military personnel, numerous press clippings, copies
Page 1
September 2010 Location of Original File: Held at Archives New Zealand Access to Original File: Restricted until 2025 File Contains: Reports of sightings from members of the public and military personnel, numerous press clippings, copies
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THIS FILE MAY BE RELEASED- I ATTENTION DAL 20 r loo La, FOR PUBLIC ACCESS FROM 1 - 2025 This file is the logal pro- 25 hut /66 $07 herty of National Archives R PLEASE RETURN
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Page 57
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Page 25
MEMORANDUM FOR: CHIDE, THANE DIVIFICA VIS : con/megat Officer STUDIT • MANLERA, Subprojact 93, Inveice 13 Allot cat 2025-3320-3302 V 2. Invoice /3 covering the ebove suborotect 13 catached It is requeeted that paysent
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Page 6
Session ended 1830: Beer with dinner 1930: Conference 0.2 gm, L 2003: Conference ended 2025: Session started 2040: Beor 2210: Beer finished •20 gm. L, 50 mg. 9 end 10 mg. G 2215: Break
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Discrete Search Technique, a number of so-called "dowsing" approaches have been identified in the psychoemergetics literature 2025 having some validity in determining the location of targets of interest. In the "dowsing" approach, the area