NUFORC S142575

Mass UFO sighting my military personnel in Iraq. While an infantryman in the United States Army, I was on a combat deployment to the Maysan province of southern Iraq. I do not remember the precise date, however, the incident in question happened during a counter IDF mission along the Iraq/Iran border at a time after midnight local time. As a Humvee gunner, I was a part of a 3 vehicle convoy, consisting of two other gunner-mounted Humvees. After positioning out vehicles and going blackout, meaning we turned off our vehicles and any sources of light & mounted our infrared sights to our weapons and ACHs, we began our mission of being prepared to respond to any enemy IDF towards our forward operating base. This type of mission was typical of our overall mission while stationed at this FOB, and usually lasted between 2-3 hours. We were planning on holding position for 3 hours. Shortly after blackout, I’m not positive exactly how long, but don’t believe it to be more than 20 minutes, I received communication via the headset radio from the forward most gunner, who was in front of my Humvee by a distance of 50 feet. The lead gunner asked me if I had a visual of an airborne vehicle at one o’clock of his position, at an angle of 45 degrees to the horizontal, and at an unknown distance but believed to located on the Iranian side of the border. I lifted my helmet-mounted infrared and tried to acquire the target with the naked eye, figuring it would be easy to acquire with the naked eye. I could not locate it, which I communicated to the lead gunner. He then advised me to use my infrared. After deploying my infrared, I acquired a single target that was clearly airborne and giving off a strong reading on the infrared, which to me meant it was either using some type of infrared light source, or was giving off heat. After affirming target acquisition, I had a! short conversation with the lead gunner about what it could be. Considering the object’s slow movement, which seemed for the time being to be nearly or completely stationary, we speculated it to be a foreign helicopter, mainly because of the object’s position and our lack of knowledge of any friendly aircraft in the area. We continued to observe. I could see that the object was clearly moving, although slightly in multiple directions. I would describe it as a very disturbed, very unstable, very erratic type movement that seemed almost magnetic in nature. Even though it seemed to be making constant, albeit very slight directional changes, it always returned to what appeared to be it’s original position. Several minutes into observation, the object did appear to be closer than it originally appeared; now being visible at an angle closer to 55 degrees to the horizontal. The object appeared to move to this newly observed distance, which given the intense darkness and no visible landmarks with which to gauge a distance, it was hard to determine its distance from us. The object then seemed to hold position and become less erratic in it’s multidirectional movements. After seeming to stabilize, the object then began to make a very distinct aerial movement that was an obvious, almost figure eight pattern, although not quite. Shortly after beginning this new movement pattern, the object seemingly seemed to divide into two separate objects. Once there were two objects the movement pattern changed from a figure eight to a slow, coordinated movement. They would start close together in a side-by-side position before moving away from each other a short distance before the left side object gained altitude, while in the same movement the right side object reduced altitude. They then followed the same movement in reverse until they were back to the side-by-side position. After returning the their starting position, they began the movement pattern yet again, this time both objects divided at the beginning of their movements, seeming to create two more objects. This is the only moment of the event that I recall anymore radio chatter. The lead gunner radioed to me and said, “Are you seeing this?”. I simply replied, “I’m seeing it”. The now four aerial objects fell right into the pattern of movement, back and forth, each of which dividing again and again until, from my perspective, filled a quarter hemisphere of the night’s sky. At this point, there was an absolutely unknown number of the objects. It appeared to be in the hundreds. Their continuous and methodical movements seemed, from my perspective, to create a grid-like pattern in the sky. Each object following the grid lines forwards and backwards in their coordinated movements. Once a quarter hemisphere of the night’s sky was completely filled with these dancing objects, they began to slowly fade. Very slowly and at the same time for each object, their light became less and less visible to us. The fading didn’t seem to take more than 3 minutes once it began before all objects were no longer visible. During the entire ordeal, not a single object broke formation nor had an irregular movement to the other objects. Including during the disappearing act. After the objects completely disappeared, the NCO in charge of the mission was clearly spooked by the event as much as the rest of us, as he decided to return to base at that moment. Everyone else eagerly agreed after voicing our collective disbelief. The sighting didn’t seem to last more than 20 minutes to any of us, though we were 40 minutes from our scheduled 3 hour mission timeline. Nobody voiced concern about it, but we were clearly missing well over and hour and a half of time. Our watches read the correct time, we just don’t remember getting to that time. Whether that time was indeed lost or we were all just so mesmerized by what was happening that we didn’t notice how much time was passing, I can’t be certain. All I can be certain of is that nobody that was a part of the mission was eager to speak of it, as it went unreported by the NCO and wasn’t spoken of again, even between those of us who were there. As of writing this recounting, eight years after the fact, I’ve still not spoken to any of my fellow soldiers about the event, nor do I plan on it. At the time, everyone was clearly eager to forget it ever happened. I plan to respect that. However, I can speak for myself and I’ve been more and more eager over the years to speak about it. Still, even I haven’t spoken about to anyone other than my parents and one close friend of mine that is eager about the subject of UFOs and UFO sightings. I will say now that I’ve grown increasingly interested into what exactly happened that night and have gone over it time and again in my head trying to make sense of it. Given the loss of time, I am worried that there’s more to the story than even I can recall. The biggest reason for that worry comes from the emotional response I have to attempting to recount the event to someone. When trying to retell the story to my family and my closest friend, I became emotionally unstable. It was hard! for me to tell them what exactly happened without bringing myself to tears, as if the experience was indeed more traumatic than I remember. ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD))

Source IDS142575

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proceedings of the second CUFOS conference, held in 1981. contains several interesting papers Maccabee on the McMinville photos; Schuessler on the Cash/Landrum case; Lawson on the birth trauma hypothesis; Melton on contactees; Johnson › Downloads › Books › Other
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proceedings of the second CUFOS conference, held in 1981. contains several interesting papers Maccabee on the McMinville photos; Schuessler on the Cash/Landrum case; Lawson on the birth trauma hypothesis; Melton on contactees; Johnson › Downloads › Books › z - foreign language › France › Covers
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PREUVE OU DE SIMPLES CONFIRMATIONS ? 123 Qu'est-ce qu'une « preuve » ? 123 Les extraordinaire photographies de McMinville (USA) L'affaire « Betty et Barney Hill 132 connaît-on enfin l'origine des OVNi? La photographie › Downloads › Documents › USA - Congress
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reportedly taken by a farmer, Paul Trent, as he was returning home with his wife near McMinville, Oregon in June 1950, and ET, allegedly taken by a French military pilot near Rouen, France in March › Downloads › Documents › USA - Congress
US House Of Representatives - 1968 - Roush Hearing - UFO Symposium.pdf
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portedly taken by a farmer, Paul Trent, as he was returning home with bis wife near McMinville, Oregon in June 1970, and E7. allegedly taken by a French military pilot near Rouen. France in March › Downloads › Magazines › Belgium › Inforespace
Inforespace - No 02 - 1972.pdf
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instrument. il estima sa vitesse à 300 km/h. duisait les deux photographies prises par Paul Trent. à McMinville (Oréaon). Les doc- L'engin qu'il voyait était un disque métallique brillant « entouré d'un bouillonnement › Downloads › Magazines › Belgium › Inforespace
Inforespace - No 102 - 2001.pdf
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progressa d'abord lentement d'une oscillant autour d'un axe latéral. » Le 29 Ces « photos de McMinville» furent montre le dessin de Marzal, reproduit manière irrégulière, avant de disparaître mars 1952, un autre pilote
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déplaçable qu'on enclenche ou qu'on arrête le mécanisme de régu- 1966, p. 102. B. Maccabee : McMinville (Oregon) photos, pour les voyages interstellaires à laquelle Ensuite, il faut chercher à comprendre pourquoi le lation › Downloads › Magazines › Denmark › SUFOI Disketteservice
SUFOI Disketteservice - 1997 No 3.pdf
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meteorkrater pa Jupiter-mânen lo. TRENT. GIF 0g TRENTENL. GIF - Det andet foto taget af Trent i McMinville, Oregon, USA, 1950 samt en hej-kvalitets forsterrelse af dette. Du overforer automatisk billederne til kataloget PICT › Downloads › Magazines › Denmark › UFO Nyt (SUFOI) › 1973
UFO Nyt - No 1 jan-feb 1973.pdf
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Paul muligt, ma man forsoge at fã billedet frem materialer i form Trents fotos fra McMinville USA, 1950, ved at gennemgã de mange som tidligere har været udforligt omtalt af tidsskrifter og boger, der findes › Downloads › Magazines › Denmark › UFO Nyt (SUFOI) › 1977
UFO Nyt - No 5 sep-okt 1977.pdf
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ikke er helt sikre pa herkomsten dig analyse af disse film? Er der nogensinde fo- af), McMinville-fotografierne, Trinidade- retaget en sádan? I givet fald af hvem og med fotografierne, B-57-fotoet samt Lubbock › Downloads › Magazines › France › LDLN
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cinquantaine de met prier. Presque immédiatement, les deux mains desserrent leur étreinte et se volatilisent au ses McMinville dans l'Orégon; elles sont consi- Charleroi par un photographe professionnel qui mêtres, il s'arrête, tandis › Downloads › Magazines › France › Ovni Marne
Ovni Marne - Un Dossier.pdf
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propagation d'idées philosophiques ou religieuses. Quelques unes des meilleures photographies d'OVNI ont été prises à McMinville. dans l'Oregon, en 1950, à Rouen, en France, en 1954. au large des côtes du Brésil › Downloads › Magazines › France › UFOmania
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DOSSIER soft 11.05.1950 OREGON McMINVILLE Patrick Ferryn mania › Downloads › Magazines › France › Ufologie Contact
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sounds: "CIRCULAR OR ELLIPTICAL IN SHAPE, FLAT ON BOTTOM AND DOMED ON TOP. Evidences: May 11, 1952 McMinville, Oregon, USA. A shield shaped craft with flat bottom and a periscope like protrusion › Downloads › Magazines › Germany › Deguforum (DEGUFO)
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sein rinnerung rufen, den Absturz 1994. verstehen könnten, daß aber seine : eswehrflugzeuges vor der Kü- - Die 1950er McMinville Fotos und ire Be- kungen die ganze Welt verändert as, aufgrund einer Kollision mit und alles › Downloads › Magazines › Germany › Deguforum (DEGUFO)
Deguforum - Issue 90.pdf
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Flugobjekte und Amaury Rivera Die Betrachtung Tell 3 des UFO-Phano- mens und der Pra-Astronautik 1950er McMinville Fotos Wider UFO- Siebtune Free Energie Deutschland Und sie kommen 0000 990 trotzdem: Kornkreise 1994 Chung › Downloads › Magazines › Italy › UFO Rivista di Informazione Ufologica (CISU)
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alta velocità e spariva nel nulla. Questo sembra un buon ca- gini, è il Disco Diurno di McMinville, era un ispettore del traffico, pratica- so di un esempio di UFO da tenere in cioè ... disco fotografato di giorno nel- la zona di McMinville. Le immagini mente un vigile, ha preso tre fotogra- archivio. fie di un disco dall'aspetto metallico sono molto chiare, sono state prese da vicino ... presa in Portogallo, 8.30 di mattina, Gli ingrandimenti del "disco" che appare nelle foto scattate a McMinville nel 1950 il 10 settembre 1990 a Vilar, Alfena, A sinistra, la seconda delle foto scattate a McMinville › Downloads › Magazines › Spain and Catalonia › Anomalia (Fundacion Anomalia) › 1a epoca
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conclusiones generales son veraces: "Una vez más nos quedamos sin la de ovnis, las dos fotos de McMinville (Oregon), 11/5/1950, ovni-nave-metálica o "lo que no significa que posteridad como uno de prueba sólida › Downloads › Magazines › Spain and Catalonia › Anomalia (Fundacion Anomalia) › 2a epoca
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aporta valiosa información sobre un "*aterrizaje" ocurrido en Delphos, Kansas, sobre las fotos de Paul Trent, en McMinville, Oregon, y sobre el ECIII de dianai, Papua, Nuva Guinea, que no se encuentra en artículos › Downloads › Magazines › Spain and Catalonia › Cuadernos de Ufologia (Fundacion Anomalia) › 2a epoca
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texto anterior. Los Existen dibujos de las entidades parámetros aplicables esa entrada aparecen fluctuantes (jeand) sepepgug McMinville, Oregón. Hay muy pocas de elas y , por ello, su grado de extrañeza es mayor, no sólo porque