MUFON 97421

In this sequence: absorbing trance like communication over the sea where I saw an old god, pulsating energy like my eyes were pulsating, temporal bone headache, then three sightings (2 faded, 1 stopping), feeling of dread and feeling an entity in my room. All occurred on beach in one night. In this sequence: absorbing trance like communication over the sea where I saw what I can only describe as ancient god, then we went for a meal where I was having a pulsating energy like my eyes were pulsating, temporal bone headache, also a feeling of warped time, sensing slowing of time passing, then an hour or so later whilst walking back to our room, walking back on the beach, three sightings (2 fading like a shooting star moving east to north-east in an arc, each seen at separate times by myself and my husband, very shortly afterwards just me seeing another one moving the same way but then stop and blink like a star, husband thought was a plane moving towards us, however no blinking lights and we waited for it to move towards us but carried on blinking far away), feeling of dread and feeling an entity in my room, felt a presence in the room, felt a presence inside the wall and then right opposite that wall in the corner, extreme feeling of fear which made me cry.

Source ID97421