MUFON 96254

{dr}started with vision, i awake, my cats are skiddish, i step outside and there i see it, i wake up in bed covered in sweat I am an avid dreamer, that isn1t new, i see world events unfold before happening, i see things from time to time but a couple days ago i know I1ve gone through a threshold that may very well change my life. I awake out of a dream sensing something weird going on because my cats are acting strange staring into the darkness, i head downstairs nothing is out of place so i proceed to smoke a cigarette outside. Its quiet out, peaceful almost and just like that i cant move i feel cold fingers wrap around my head as an adult cups a childs head and in an instant i am facing a giant a really talk and slender being that breathes into me, i awake again this time extremely sweaty, i shower head outside and my cigarettes are on the ground, I know something happened. There is a lot i1m leaving out but i figured at least this would make me feel better if someone knew anyone actually

Source ID96254