MUFON 95620

{rjl} Dark Mettallic Square UFO With Orbs of Light on the Ground This is the scariest thing that has ever happened to me in my life just happened. I1m reporting it because I want to see if anybody else saw anything in my area this day. Honestly i can1t even believe this just happened to me. My mind is blown. I truly didn1t believe this was possible. I1m going to going to provide as many details as I possibly can. I want this out there. I live in southern New Jersey about halfway between Philadelphia and Atlantic City. This sighing happened approximately 1145 PM on October 13th into the 14th. I went out on my front porch to smoke a cigarette when I start to notice movement across the four way stop about 20 yards in the distance. To me it looked like white looking mist moving across the road in a periodic nature. Also in the woods was metallic banging and movement sounds. Where the woods are across the street is just wilderness for miles until you hit the the Delaware Bay. Right after that happens this white light rises up out of the woods and just sits there for about 3 minutes. At this point I wasn1t sure if it was just a plane off in the distance heading away from me or what it was be honest it just looked like a ball of light from that distance. When it started to move it moved right towards me. This thing moved at a slow steady rate until it1s literally about 500 yards from my face. It was a dark metallic almost plate or square looking object with the lights underneath flashing red upside down double v shaped patterns along with some random flashes of yellow light that weren1t bad in any shape or periodic. It scared the living hell out of me to be quite honest. It looked unlike any aircraft I1ve ever seen before. There always wasn1t any sound it was putting off except for a slight electric charge I felt in the air. While it was flying at increasing speed away from me the other phenomenon I experienced first the mist free flowing forms crossing the street started up again almost like they stopped while the ship signaled them. I notice what sounds to be voices what feels like all around me but they sounded distant but close at the same time it1s hard to explain really. Also there was now a lot of lights all moving around in the woods and street right in front of me. The lights were orb looking. Free flowing little balls of bluish white light the almost resembled flashlights in the woods without people holding them. Which made me realize the mist looking stuff could be some kind of cloaked person or being just with very advanced technology. It really felt like there were people all around me at this point. The lights almost looked like people I couldn1t see where holding flashlights while they walked but I just couldn1t see who or why was holding it. I was focusing on the orbs and misty type fighters in front of me so when I looked back for the craft it was already gone. So I didn1t get to see how the craft got out of view so fast. The whole thing was really scary for me. The lights were still moving all across the street and in the woods across from me. I1d say there were about 6 to 10 independent orbs of lights moving in the woods and along the road. That1s when there was this loud scrapping noise of metal on metal whichef scared me enough to get inside. I really didn1t know what was happening. Before this I really wasn1t sure if there really were ufos or not but this has left no doubt in my mind. I1m not saying it was aliens but it sure was something that we the general public have no idea about. Swear that every single word I1ve written is true. I1m free for any questions that anybody has.

Source ID95620

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further than the one just going out as a test) will carry "Flying Saucer equip- ment"1 to help it along. A lot of people ask if the Flying Saucers have landed or have they
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themselves today. Much time to study, to develop the mind. Your mind is only about 1% in action at this time, with 99% to be developed. It must be admitted that a mind with only ... 1% of its potential developed, and has done what it has (even through error and pain).. .what will it do when it has a chance to really develop as it should develop?! You will › Downloads › Books › Digitized_by_AFU
Aldrich, Jan - The Ghost Rockets File.pdf
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mender Legation made no sound and 9÷11-4/00°898 seemed to be falling rapidly 1 earth when observed'. No 3 ALiE of explosion followed haveror. Military Attache 18 investigating through Swedish chancels ... been promised resulte Swedish observations. Swedes profess 1 gooranoe es to origin, character or purpose of missilea but state definitely they are not launchad by Suedes. Eyewitness reports state misalles came in from scuthornly direction
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from Stookholu vith Soviet pressure on Sweden being built up 1n 000-. nection with ourrent 1 oan negotiations or to offset i supposed increase in our military prestige in Sweden TO- sulting from the noval
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RECORD SHEET TALLY NO. IBJECT: BENDE Reports of "Rocket" Sightings over the Scandinavian Countries FILE NO. 1: AC/AS 2 : OM: Deputy Commander, AAF DATE 22 Jul 46 8 COMMENT No. Pa... Noted by General Spaatz ... sort I.C.E. Lt. IRA C. CAKER.- Gen.. U. S. Army, eputy Commander 1: 3 tin Fortnu. Ca & V & e/ X .4.71. 9 4 Surider 41 44 Rout +. 97 00 PAGE
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SECRET SEGRE HEADQUARTERS, ARMY AIR FORCES EY nub.r: y of WASHINGTON Th ommanding Gide TOI 1 9 JUL 1948 my Air Forceh 3 rul FO ArC. Initials MEMORANDUM FOR COLANDING GENERAL, ARMY AIR FORCES ... SUBJECT: Reports of "Rocket " Sightings over the Scandinavian Countries. 1. For your information, the following reports of rockets or missiles in the Scandinavian area have been received in cables from Military Attaches and State Department ... Scandinavian peninsula have appeared sporadically since early June 1946. The chronological sequence of reports is as follows: (1) 10 June 1946 - Holsinid, Finland. 4 light-citting "ghost rocket " was observed flying at an altitude
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during the latter part of April 1946. Extracts from these communications are given here in chronological order. (1) 25 April 1946 - Military Attache, Denmark: reports earth tremors on the islands of Bornholm and Ystad, Srreden ... shaped, about the size of a small airplane. They were flying at an altitude of 100 to 1,000 meters' and were accompanied by a continuous ball of fire with intermittent SECRET
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situatior. are availabl.e, conclusive statements pertaining to their origin; appearance, characteristics and purpose cannot be made. 424 ( 1 Incl Man of Scandinavian GECOGE C. LCDONALD countries Major Generul, U. S. Arry Assistant Chief
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TELESPRESSO N. 1982 REGISTRATO Indurinate. 1 a ENT O 184.6 ML n iS E A58 EdENT: §steri 6 A cra 14 ROma Arccolma. 31 Lual! ¿agetto. Bomba fentaeme. Referimento: Mio telespresso 1.1939/1084 ... potbe Cantasna" suggeriace ad alcuni cagani Bella spamts avedese dell= ipoteei circa la Potenza phe esagus 1 laned di cui trattaci ed i motivi che la spingono a farlo. Il "Morgontidningen", ad essmpio, doge ever ... eagerimenzi 11 cha apsicumarabbe 11 a agrato queli eeperimenti stessi. Ds questa Laze il carmale fa scaturine 1'1o tesi chi tali aroiettili si ano lenciati deliberatemente son42 La Svacia in modo da renderli visibili ... parole, secondo 11 giornale, la Potenza, che ne viene nominata ma che non può essere altro che 1 'Unione Sovietica, procederebbe al lancio di questi proiettili fantasma con scopo non sperimentale ma intimidatorio. Ssepa
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CONET UNCLASSIFIED 1S 1 August. 1946 • MEKDRANDUM FOR THE M ESIDENT Subjoot: "Ghost Rockets* Soundinaria 1. 81 no• 26 May there have Seen occasional presa reporta of "ghost roakat.* seen passing over points in Bredes
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nets eutad :000: gore, mor 1 C pe^tesqo treed, BABu auSTu Le BeTTE eta u3no rou pueDs STO any aotion In any arCar soy tou ApeuatTqUqE6 tee Syster OMI 8 193uessed wenty-91ga Nuepens ... tpunos our moll Boointed on pIt lepues on uorefu IvInbrIled has no' ester on stab upsq 1 t8 Bu aurpauso1 Libroos. oun tored usu quenxe o1 8918 B. 01 ueTJen TuBunu work, each Toyn penurjudo ... E Put Otto aroun u reneone GO STATEBod, uBe (By members TE BE 1 dmoo, utTK preoa eups pure eurtITE the new LetTUNduen 0.. epsuueeq sau queneed?a eur Tree me Bieroor outris ... Intercontinental 6T Gen8nv TO craneat TRUET Oe tobar being TrADE 50,000 members ING) HEN Innis ) uorsuedxe 1
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after sampearing at the horizon, the meteorite reappeared above tie horizon, scribing a tiny hyperbola of perhaps 1° altitude and fell again from nt. The reappearance of the meteorite was like a ricochet or rebound
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prous & Monograph in hea Tue On team & with SumErfi FEMIC ENd OF WA. Taser Owidk title-D 1. is Mind curacti ft. Tho *apook:* rockets continue to be seen over Sweden and nOW points ... awpogte fust ooming in on the latest aaligs:" The Chief of the Defense Research Institute, Overdtrektor 1 start erst BURKESON insisted that Sunden me doing Its bast to find the objects whose point of impaot ... Statt, dated 7 10 0 31 0 « exoopt possibly the laplication that minos August da attached (Inol. 1.) to Illustrate the type of contrique boing issued to celsoted recipients. It contains nothing the 10th ... Findland concerning this subject. Two newspaper photographs of rooksts are attached as Inol. #2. Humber 1 pus publiahed on 8 August in most of the papera. This picture had been earlier reported to this office
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vein doritatied Fore ablserved we Re Apollodes try the local endshienne opiaion about the appearing aky phenomean. 1 va rat to DiEt, Stoelhofs Qbiurntont has Informed thet the great, maber of observed phenomena lalicate tIaralent ... Hinting on nite smart in proof a situs ish tutoes bae podiastilae| Pom moNtAnANd 1 . After the Finnish prose had poblished information about large number of also been made In Finland. obserrations conventrated during ... definite riml conalusion, but It ba question of rocket projeatiles with a speed expeding that of sound • 1* has not 9• Ta dole cases explosions divided Into 5 to 6 "ahooting stars* have been otaerved
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produate without connect ion, wAff. TON USED ALONE ERRORI I. dan, however, only resulted In honing that 1 A 2 A A * The lavestigations 58 4 10 NO DEE %ey: Reman ... taken by yatlead blest, Text 1ä t FLI'e riven i.n in 9 Oar eaw yogter- #i 1:1 9 whizzing 2090d DISTR PRE Dapporter on *inkttagna* spukprojckti- * grOund. Tie persona 0 45343 soni ... horde nagra bilister ell kratrigt milet. . diane arise! pa widen 8. • 1.57. (13; ryc GEt nIt CONTROL: 1 .. 22 ..: cu c Lu grative. (FESs ) To dA n. aLtRun Laban3 35-8-40 a52 10 Cu8.1944 ... DECLASSIFIED Authority NM D 14.5054 B1C.. End NARA Date 1 z6 lite SINHONY WHOLLYN ENA LY O ONOOUdEN
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this confirme part of the pheno- Neutenant Näckman fully measurable. thinks it must have al report, that 1 t al reports concer- uree, in some CABeD an V 1 and some lihe ... onea 1 them page in a cure nia or into the Bal- with a self-destroy- nothing has been 1ghted in Sweden. hotograph of what 18 ph has been taken by yetical object. Text that ... apporten on int E won Lon medi tr duggar-i (tatare, ViRAL, expe ill fönvanstaben, alit 1 straz framföt abilen anset mani att meters höjd over marken denitranloch 189 nn;: kommer, win: ning söderut
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REQUIRED. Is SCOO I S R I E HAIDLE AS TOP SECRET CORRESP • PER PARAS 51 (1) and 60 (o). AR 380-5. Q-2/Intelligence Division Solontific Br/ Intel. Gp/ UDGID, 61.96, Mr John ... Gormany such 03 I'conemuonde position A3 on contern Bal.tie const: coons wore probable but good evi.donco 1 BAI lacking and almort no dato avalloble. End. Note: 50682 to CM-IN-287J. ORIGINATOR: Goneral Chamberlin
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Fante prai 080:: TO: 02: Date 8. mat• 009h003.. i.::. Bredo:: 43: 020300: 00 1• 'P. Wo/481, Gnawany NY: (13 50612 13 August 19'i Rucent: vadio reporta- cmonations seem Sundon ... Research & Development, or 4ca of Public Vatt Relations. 05-02-20/1 : 7.1 11r: 30 : 119"1 4337.3.37 199 1385,%!0 J COPY No. 5 THE MAKING OF AN EXACT COPY OF THIS MESSAGE
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Lepi) BECaM FAG CONTROL 64 T7. * I. Cachi *"Monograph Index Guide No: its Lan 11 Anons - 50! 1-A nee; zOri - * rod 1 F: 5 sto :4: . 1 N From U. -, auval Attache (Ship, fleet ... August 12464 "wwy Swedish Defense Staff cm a pet as last or titLerishor 8: . 1 34Dy Souled Stadiah Army/Staff piAants British RAD. Attaoliegluation. 415803 1 monsier. ¡As official, personal oba ration, publication. prats converiation ... attar: cartlub* cumchory: of: maport, - containing, jubaonen eusahictly dated, middle importAl: bene,* Ramad? pricks; dates, 1 U: dr darjuwa bali:? sure. No tangible evidence to date as to nature or: origin off.:i 1° rockets ... possible that they are Swedish. 'Swedish' Defense Staff evasive and their communiques contradictory and confusing. 9. 1. • : 62 A Sweden may be experimenting with roakets, 'but :1s conceal- * L: ' N • v7 E 1 ... belief tHat rackets of n:!, ", ur: foreign origin are, being laubohed over Sweden, with tie.- t]t : €1 !civilian observers roporting: set tighterty/ebatrails;handts sats meteors. as rookets. MOi la aural Sor a elpar-olmet ... Seoret Report R334-46 of. 13 August: 1.946. Translation of Miscellaneous Swedish Newspaper Artiales, / 6 :* - ta. .. 1. This report 1g an attempt to correlate various report on the recently ; tut reported sightings of light phenomena ... official Swedish military expression as to" the nature of the reported 1 R oUr ma.:t.. • recent visit to Gia ror *L mere y 1. the Miracereas, 71 lath us :.Ditribullen ... Dinarl CommaxenpLandantad Aran Mat he dele E We Leving space below for me in O. N. L. ': . :1: t.. * Pe on bad mita: p:t the Need mi 15 Lemmgh al; - • porton ... 1 r .4 Doll Anio Cha Edtie. Ror: 1: ÷ 3 * :* •. • : a4. u. wely. tot faz 00. A - :B 13. : ..... • • To tor:re, A tram: 1:0 1 me 1 .1 ... Pueb rag tha Fundtal: He Ne 34 Stor 1., * : . 1: i MAJ.16
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minuter/tosseniastion . la; pooulaFeckets. 34ere Ave let hua other praying ground than It,o Unt: country 1: 01. ani or incent 5.01 sinod. the Swedish * Pet: Defense Starr obviously wished us to be leve that ... thoce ableaty have bean tacked Bate by vason: sanelingers. In view of this, thair !sok ur action 1 pason-oy-Rockets of Russian on in, sIt. 00 tr wale sorries 104 that
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August 1946 origin of those missiles ANd ; o: cite !nor maze dhole are no known examples, 1*13 probable that Sweden, which recovered of Suniise origin the Pirat 2 rooket and' has, personnel and resources ... belief that they are rockets and is issuing evagive reports which are, in many ways. contradiotory:-'1(Rnolösure:#1:tos Enclosure (A)) : One possible motive la that they wish torinfluence-publio.4! opihion to baok ... their aircraft to track these misalles. The Defense Staff'e Memorandum (Paragraph 6 of Enclosure #1 to Enclosure A)) tends to oriticise the Finnish reporte, implying that they have been suppressed, Paragraph 12 . discourages
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Angdishsaontzely ovor Bandinarie 2307.0405 BERNiE a) That the Swedish Defense Staff wishes to encourage. the belief that 1: *there are. Rusaian Rockets over Sweden, : : . • . A : - d S www. la).*hatsbheswedish Defense Stalk iNdistonceal ary orddangmblithe ... Collating possibilitiesHshouldhbänobhktdereds. Arny 9 A 4 I... Staff, Praco, Asut. Ex• RAY: Atbachu: 8.3 p. 4. 408: .1. That the so called "ghost bombs", are combination of natural phenomena 8 and aircraft sightings, and that ... reports are mostly Laginary and the fesult .: of publio hysteria. 41.3 - 1. * 1: P: • e 9 +,: 2. That thAs/ghost»bomböl Arevot Sm$diahtartein #hdath blotive Lestither hot experimentabdontontborpzoduce bond plus biological resultat phenomena aro rooket ... unanimity of opinion even In thia office (ONTHEINA believes there is 509 possibility of premise 1, 40% possibirdy Oripremide 3; and a,10% possibility of premise 2. On the other hand, aunt rebarking: betroerw ... believes the possibility of premise 1. is 70%, 20% possibility of premise 2;154 8% possibility of, premise 7; and 2% of premise: 4: 8.08: 1,9*?: di •13 e : pe P1:11 ... AEFROVED AND FORMAPRED: end: : :1 . 30 •Net 3 . nt 0; • : 1 3 4 3 9 •:: Ladle JOHNSON • .:. : ". - vui, " *; % .:. 1 349% „Coloml, CRe • :. m: i Mr: A. r .: doting Militury Attnche ... Gonoral: 034 .. * " * 4*7 Prepared beat lion Astucle uid #ilitary ale wistonty "*: d:.'" •eD R. I Winston, 1 A SuSA.17: 4 • Commander, USN, 3.2 0%1 ; ' : Asst. • Naval Attache ... 043A: 00 of ACO • Bulgarias A.. 84.::79 Bungary, Rumania, 1/A Oslos Omganhegsn, M/A, SuD Stooktola • 1 da Forwarded williatlerabet Captain, VEN, U. S. Naval Attache. ...... cor SECOND t tsecleraura
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NARA Dale 28/2647 38 M05769 Ac 17 9 pHONEY an A le 4149 Ratione - • • - : 1, -3 /ò GEN CAMER d gre e //® GEN. CHAUNCEY Ale F GEN. WEYLAND GEN PARTHIDGE* GEN. ANDERSON
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mIME 401 - PARAPHRASE NOT REQUIRED. HANDLE AB- TOP SECRET CORRESPONDENCE S PER PARAS 251 (1) and '60 a) AR 380-5 3503500 A chal 3 cOT. U3 PET, Frankfurt, Germany a gd - Molarney ofte FAIRES ... Sweden, IS MA, Helsinki Finland a A AT 6 CANNIE S-20740 SPARRO a 16 August 1946 1 S I Reur/MA-50682. It is our opinion that launch- Inge at present are taking placo from ... Chamber lin t ACTION:In Gen Chamber 11n 1 4 Ar A TEL mro: W. Gen Spaatz, Gen Norated, Gen' Aurand, "CSA ROM IN 37#50 GEN MCDONALD (17 Aug 1 46) / 54 .000 161740B
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Dopmatment tor MIL. U A-3 20 Augunt 1916 A-4. Nir: 25 1-5 Pinion Army Intelligence confirm3 your ovinion CAS narcioipation Quanemunda Ipunching groundo in current; Sou AAG Union Rocket Raper Lentoulon mogram
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PROCUICEO AT 1 NATIONAL ARCHIVES DECLASSIFIED :, Authority AlAr 7950 ID By M/L HARA DaLe 2/29 47 47 52 Lott WAR DEPARTMENT CLASSIFIED MESSAGE CENTER INCOMING CLASSIFIED MESSAGE TOP SECRET PTE Top SECRET PARAMIRASS HVY REQUIRED ... Stockholm Sweden U cO Kenslor TO: Wu» Dopartment for HUAD 1-3 Nr: 0.079 20 August 1916 POP GECRET. 0A3 AAG Attention invited Co Naval Attache Stockholm repor . l 35-8-06 of 10 Auguai
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where thoy have croshod. Pockote numbey J. collcing potat in Swoden. Svedloh GenovaJ. Starr love requested public 1;0 'OD328 all. chocvations. Theee dayo n2bor chia appeal. 300 roports wore rocolvod. 500 roporto are boing
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Chamberlin 70910 ig CH-IN-3773 (17 ME General Spantz ACTION: General Chamberlin INFO Goneral Sipantz 476 1 General Noratad General mwond CSA CN-IN-5065 (23 Aug NG) DIG 221650% SiL TOP SECRET
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1 MISC MESC Wen -V UNCLASSIFIED GEMIS 54 . 83 August 1946 -. , MEMORANDUM FOR The Prosident The attached roport on "Ghost Rookets" received from the National Intolligonce Authority la forwarded for your Information. WILLIAM D. LEAH
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UNCLASSIFIED 5$ 22 August 1946 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT I Sinoo preparation of our original memorandum dated 1 Auguat 1948 on the subleot ar "Post Booksta" over Soundinaria, additional intelli- genoo indloutes that the former ... tentative donalusions should be sone ' what modified. 1. The weight of avidenco now points to Peanemande rather than Co the Gulf of Finland ag the probable launching site of moat of those "rookots", a. While ... have boon identified with the Peoneminde aros. : 0 g An B.S.U, source indicates that a Soriet abdp 1. roporting by radio to shore stations on the passage of those missiles from Pouno wande ovar
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justified at present. Furthermore, considering the large number of theme missiles which have boon reported, 1% soems probable that sooner or later some will bo recovered in • fairly good condition and fron more secessible location
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Francisco-bound Marine Falcon telling of mysterious : Portuguese See flares 465 miles at sea were believed 1 hoax last night, according to the 'Ball of Light' San Diego Coast Guard. LISBON. Sept. 15 (P)-Residents ... clock tonight. Traveling at; terrific speed and maintaining steady altitude, the ob- oct 1! ject: whizzed out of the west and disappeared toward the east. Fri The phenomenon WAS visible for 10 ;seconds
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branch railroad to Pooncmundo rostored (B-2). 4 ) V-21 g brought from Mordbauaon aren 1;0 Peencindo by special laboratory-equipped train (B-1), some ;o De lunched from railroad car0
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MESSAGE CENTER (P INCOMING CLASSIFIED MESSAGE lo. PaTOnIZ SAXOp 'COP SCORE7 'POP SCA s Page 2 TRO::: 1; UGlU Pm onkfunt; 2 E1 HeInrney GIGIT 0": 3 • 263 24 Augunt 1906 Coumant: No other ... knoun Gerunn teotdug anca availablo :ocro vockria cou ory 1 2.7;00l 1060 100 5 cn If Germon Aren voo not nood, would necognitate comploto roconstruction or available German ratlrond equipment for Russian gauge Ajul ... Ronni goberg Areo. Cod. ACTION: Gon Chumborlin INTO Gol 6 DOOZ Go1). Morgind Gon A 1:011 CM-IMi-5579 (25 Aug 16) DIG 241510B 10 JOP SECRet 23 COPY 1905846 THE MAKING
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prarance o mimiles pointed up the far Military authoritie emotely controlled misles. thel nicol alles evidently 1 wer Guaden Since July 1. newapapers• have sen with scribe et is d in a huge curve. Some ... July 15 el Geran aperts could determine uitary authorities received 300 re- The Swedish publle nites, 1 with. the miastics and since that rockets with surprising Es to do mate Tae' the; first Germa ... rocket bomba, 1
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crashes be not tome bomb wArh. Their MuCTeR•I few Witnesars aay the rocketa n altitude of 1,500 Net revealed, as was done during the "re are believed to he trying new war with ... town, explodi: montation. a loud report. Swedish The newspaper Stockholms Tid-authoritien retuned to diact mingen labeled 1 recent editorial name of the Lown. "Ghost rockets and future war," The object emitted and said
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missile the "phantom. bomb," but shall soon have. atomi now frequently is using the term "Russian 1-4." the Soviet. Russia has terials and the person The Swedes notified their lega- Professor Alexandr tion ... course first time that Commi WEST 57 E and hers veered. In-most cases ment has been 1 was . : reported from reservedly expressed! northwest, Other re- nations that in the G SEid some missin
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overhan Chrishas Science Mon tor 104 24, 1946 Avg 22 1146 443 IRISH! MYSTERY e 601 8 1 2 0 An: Unexplined plosion: Rockets Over Swedei A AR. "363 From our Correspondent ten fearlesslone/Pomegrationin ... rocket bombardment London id was found dimcul Monitor pick up rackets--traveling 3,000 m. 1 + on aircraft war Ave 14 radar sels but research wort /946 have made considerable advan At the alme ... possibility to pick up rock •Ghost Rocket' Stirs Sweden and give Jocal warnings of 1 pending trival in time. for sons to shelter, Censorahla p STOCKHOLM, Aus. 14 (P) Altonbladet saidh across: his line ... OSLO (Reuters) - The Nor-' for the past twa months. wegian military hich. cammand gain much Information about 1 The paper said that two persons/ has asked for "information about sulta; the fame reason
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sote• two poraible explanations for their thing that looked like a rain of appearance over. Sweden:. 1-"Sweden is systematically: be- stars," she added. ing dotted in on.a Russian military map." 2-"Sweden is being
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Under Close Study sources in the capital, man said that the depart- Meanwhile, Turkey 1s 1 was investigating the 8p• STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Aug. violently to the Soviet prop laws preparatory to draft- (U.) Swedih Army ... independence, sovereignti an refugee and displaced- be 2.75-inch section of metal. It ritorial integrity war 1' camps where the Jews are has been placed in the hands bf small Baltic Statess the Defense Resparch ... Egypt, Aug. 14 U.N.SEEKS ARGENTINE FATS Premier Peker is expecte 'he Arab League's secre "astonishingly moderate" 1 announced today that seven Presents Bid to Bueno's Aires to Russia when the Gover ations whose
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ESCAPE ONE YEAR AFTER V-J DAY IN JAPAN AFRICANS WOUNDED A 'GHOST ROCKET' Special to Tax 1 PRETORIA, 80 3-Blood flowed Missile Dives Into Lake Nearl Rand zold-mine: Couple in Boat ... extensively dama Aftonbladet editorially criticized l sorely needed crop military authorities for their in- Shipping in the 1 ability to explain the nature c The Princessen Atsuko, Kazuko and Takako. daughters of the " the Emperor ... were two possible explana-Tours Zone Towns, Is Guest of greeted by the employes. the oats appeared 1 tiong for their appearance overl Jimenez at Dinner General, Eisenhower was guest of honor at a formal ... dinner given by 23 Girls Survive Sweden: (1) "Sweden is systematically being dotted in on a Russian artil• Special Naw Yolk TiNEs, PANAMA, . Aug. 13 President and Mrs. Jimenez in the DUBLIN
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established -that the rockets made § INSYA:• 04. - 07 Hits Roc wide com t circle over southern Sweden. 1 ceeding over northern Finland. toward the Kola peninsula Russia The second rocket bomb In nights . streaked aver ... ghost rockets" mimomer for "earthly phenomenon*. and that 979'ST "these ghostly disturbances murt. be regarded 1 preliminary exer. cise of ne most unwelcome
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entire subject since that date. GILLED AUG 1948 Acdum Acting 136E) ** : INStA G BUDGET AND FIELDE P- 1; /7-1 '27 •T 12 :: CON: FBLyon:OPV 8-27-46 .! * *: 046 FORE 1%- •*-*de pogpoda
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/Intoll. Div. Scionti.fio Br/Intel Gp/NDGID 6196 MD: Dyron M Stiten A-l 29 August 1946 1-2 CINCAFPAC Tokyo Jupan 1-3 1-4 Number: WAR 99115 -5 Binod WDGID our 0 64636, 28 Auguoti ... than bita of nom-. molotlio alog live peona found. our MENANDA CHE now poutulatos theory that uholo 1 bJ.or 1.9 w1 atontional. hoax. 3. NILAZLACHE Mosoow roports Swedish Air officer (B 2) has given following
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obsouvora. Pomplbility to that more Chon one 2:910 of mi.omilo involved, mojority appear to bo V 1 type. No volilvo ovidonco 0° ony homing dev.oo. Pogoibl.o launchinr nights ono Poonomundo Aron, the Baltic Compt ... Rotonio or air- 1-:: 0'1;. End. 0 64636 1: CM IN 6288, dad 20 Aug 16, ORIGINATO" Gon Chamber]In DISTRIBUTION: Gon Spootz Gen Norsted
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Attache Stockholm, Sweden DECLASSIFIED A N I.D 46306S Authority ALl bumm ty_L C. NARA Date 22sty 1 301 Jr 0300008/39
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asked ino Airfield on Sunday & Russian However, beneath over the slow pace of STON One reason 1 whether Britain had been ap-acquaintance said: hope that the Communists' + Broinfield St. influence within France and with ... they think; is another reason spokesman said Sweden was one Poinsytvania American Legion ac- Warner of New 1 for diplomatic neutrality on their of several countries" purchasing cepted tor consideration today sev- charges of illegal
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Sept Freece 70 NEW YORK TIES 6 Sept 1906 Page 1. CARRIER CANCELS ATHENS AIR SHON Excerpt: Acting Foreign Minister Stephans Staranopalos supported statement 'in London by PrinderConstantin Tealdaris that flying rockets had been seen
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REQUIRED. HANDLE AS TOP SECRETA STORY CONNED CRIMINALS PER PARA3 51.1. and 600, AR 380-5. 1 From: USMA, London, Enrlond 320. Biano}l To Har Departmont for NILID pornonel Tor Chomberlin CAS Thre ... 1 October 1916 MiC. 56-99 Nes'6 7A ANG Military Attoch8 report 3658-46 of' 25 September un routo by mail raises 6 points under comments on cover chect. Military and Naval Attache Sweden ... Noto: 70872 19 CI-IN-61391 7 Mug) Gonoral Chamber11n ACTION: Gonoval INTO : Gencyal Spaatz 1 A Gonoral, Nonstod (A0252034 CM-IN-1.93 (J. oct 46) DIG: 011310% jjf GEM. EVEREST TOP SAGIC
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COMMAND OF LICUTENANT GENERAL STRATEFEYOR: P. *H. /: SHINE Colonel, GSC, Ass 't. Chiof of Staff • Intoll. 1
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INDEX TO EVALUATION OF INFORMATION AS TO SOURCE AS TO TRUTH, CREDIBILITY & PROBABILITY A- Completely reliable 1 - Report confirmed by other sources B - Usually reliablo 2 - Probably true report C - Fairly reliablo 3 Possibly true
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missiles ars known, the following deductions missiles: may be made from the reports concerning the low altitule (1) Ranges are in excess of 100 miles, with a reported maximum of 1:00 miles. (2) Horizontal
Page 81
flight covered all points of: the l ment. compass, with a northerly direction being slightly pre- mists. , 1 10• dominant. Variations in altitude ranged from trectop height LO 160,000 fect, the higher altitudes almost ... exploding in the air. Irfare In no case have fragments been found other than bits of 1'5 10 material described as "nonmetallic slag." 3 ceRta ronch One of the few reports available from
Page 82
been reported in the majority of other sightings, His report states that the missile was maintaining . 1 constant altitude over the ground and, consequently, was foilowing the large features of the terrain. The last state
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SECRII GHOST ROCKETS end of July almost. 1,000) such reports had been received. The investigation has been • carried out by the Swedish Defense Staff in a. very peculiar manner. In the beginning, many
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indicates that the Swedish Stauff WAS trying to minimize Cho entire matter which had grown Lo snch 1 size that the Staff was afraid of its having official repercussions on Swedish-Soviet relations. Conclusiong ... horizontal flight at low altitudes. There is some evidence that such work has been carried out :1. Stop (in Polish-administered Germany) or on the Baltie islands of Ousel or Dago. Three of t.he people
Page 85
OsouD topan asnt sports jo orgadao aussIe: amp anop ou st 21041. 1000}80 10)H .1323 1; 0 podop.op 90q 'Z-A 10 1-A 049 0} DO aS 'oussoot OoBjinS -07-000j.mus ... popia go so!!rea2jod ou9 gnoge 0013Len LEO Set upnju STUNSVIN - MAINNOO TUSSIN quaId .1 SININIOTIAIG OHILNTIOS
Page 86
Sponquao Saw smogsas nogavagswu guy is apot) a nauoine jo gusoudopos.p . " L.I, + • 06,01080 1 0007 3-300.38 j.11(1010016::01.40/ur DuU *0195 old C0140 OLI UNIVE oppo! 0) nopenisa .. > , pommo ... 1, . 011 Jo quDuI 110:601114 0u '00! !PL; ul BOOTHOUT 1009 LO) 0 73 uonoung o) 2! OstIa Sour upa sjoojop [vote ep) ) 0} palous st Lupu 980 SiD 10.13 or !!laju: palapisuo2 ... Sinsedutijuno,) saunsraw}undo asocand .1042 0A01401 ül SUOL48100ISULTE P UDhs 0%1119n OS U Äpay!! AsOuI 1[1.3 tosAs go.guc2 oussau popm 017 U(14.81 010j10}ut 01 parisop so mausoquno; Sue 'nosuor ... Omas 18no.10 ***SOAR.A DrOUg:00000p JO UdOISSI -SURI 1: X0M OLO% 1! 02!1!10 COMpo;souy aggjuatos mmo |0 0) 018 quasoud ou0 q0 pornogop oq uno 50 mug so 'ysttu Hutson 0113 puzanno
Page 87
SECRET 85 GUIDED MISSILES izo bombing forays (1' sabotage grOups, considered :1.5 :1 distinct capability, such netion must be Those missiles which are launched may also be attacked while in flight. This action probably will ... only defense against remote- controlled atomic bombing. exelusive reliance by any nation D upon such :1 countermeasure would be unsafe. The danger in this case lies in the many factors which must he coordinated ... very much higher speeds by smaller missiles appears 10 be out of the question at. present. 1 is significant, also, that No missile system has yet been developed that is capable of intercepting even
Page 89
PRis Sunun: OUT 1994 A 11 104910; jo od.* Sunnoy 00 (1) : 1; 00u. jour 10 J (Opa0. J 700,010 NI'L 01} suomplooxo 0.9 L, 'Op)! IN SINgO ... 1: (10TU -120) 001 JO an Kep }nO *antront DUD) Dour osje SUODOpIS -110.) 10400 2 1sdn 0) UnI's HUT. tO...I 010 O}ILI 0,01101.31 -10}u. At olouns 00103 0| pEndix ... Murman: Suopy Sux 1 oub -0.1 pInoM 9! 'SNUL "quotedib Surant mo. Sum0 IS pIt: 40St DuD O) STRONON *SONZOD 09 MOUL 10 10 joN 1: 1140!50 BLOA! pa.stono SpauZis o) esuodso ... poutZisop osp: SI O ISSEUT 019 no snjudde Zuusiooa Quu, 'olop op dopaoJ -p au 10J st 1! 0 NOW!P 0010 010 1014 10.010.) DiD Jo hog • DU B 'mount UI 'urs ap J0001020 ... nITROG M01J BU K00.1 2: onur posnooy putts .mpe. JO OlDE 1; 02!1!10 ILA Sporgoad SUn ps% (paeanuo») #u!pma }sOlI 'Hunn DUO 10 [ Jojunoa 0} quow Apuaqu SI 1010.804 'HO SÁN ... 1! SI U! sou0 uodea oun JO 10orsu organurns, ¡sour our 'so | nupuloxl 'SI SO ISSEU popina go ara) -SAs ¡or}u0, aruaao[a OUT, *X0/0800.01400;) 0100.02.//2 P 'SOUSSIE 010 JO norponpond ... manape 'sm 1110A09 (10A0 mo SUDUOIU YIN SU 4001141 st 90 0) poou .inut you a pound 1 10 $217112 u2 ups ¿sureZy: 200 pjot, o) i/qu ( pious Susua ... astojap 1: 1910d DUN: ;:jap 01s opa 7: Ions 4a0.7 'K[ 'pron soon sumnado qui o4 Setu LOUS 8: ASSIS
Page 90
control system necessarily require some knowledge of that system upon which Lo base development of its counter- 1 measures, probably little is being done at this time by any other nation towards producing specific equipment
Page 154
Press asking it not tol * --. maxe any mention of the appear- i ance of rockets over Norwegian 1 territory but to pass on all reports 2 ROCKET BOMB IN to the Intelligence Department
Page 93
uonor mounupa out suormony osmuo-yo Kun: 1.0A002 put ' 73 1. }op 11!3 101 .a 001.10p OHION soarely -0.1 Guy) pray Sunuoy ou0 4La pojaposse .1030H ... aDEN's 101: 'astand ¡paus Doors K010 st: 'paqurugo 0.10.M SjoI oloudmu pun pondo . .1. •SSDDONS (Gu!J JO osnuor 150 J001: 019 panoys U; a 30g ÷ 07 JO .toqunu »p 0on pa.r ... opEuI s}Jo|fo 10}1: 1 OnouGeIv (9) pun : (apr 1)U2: 30.10.31 shonusuo>) (aL oOrt (t) A pomagui (s:) • pondo (7,) !pausnay (1) :sossop SurnouDJ out opus poptap au sau soup ... susosur 0.10.1 sahand op Atonuo 1[33 )IOU pa eugpaooa Kpood InG dAm ysay sup U I Omarou U! 40 rUIN .1.10).1 0.10.11 110141.n JO Augur •spaload 007, Ja30 cutO.N 0010 'MAGI ... sanstomepuno) HuggoJ (o odou 001 tr SOULyOS AG posodord Appopodaa 10171: '7861 01 Ms} SI 410 XJ0,1 07 undoq sysorsAd put sacauGua waua0, ) ottos D030 -MOlI /b OUSSI v. 0qu! SODIAOp Tunnoy Auryasu
Page 94
actire, with the source of energy within the missilo; or as semi-actire, with the source of 1* (fer- energy illuminating the target ircraft, external (0) 'the missile and target. The source
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effective ranges of electrostatic and oleetromagnetic devices. The massive methods can be simple and, in this respect, 1'00 preferable during World War II. A number of them were under development, while the number
Page 97
information, the contributor should identify (mrt. enduate his sources and give the dalcs of incidents mentioned. DISTRIBUTION 1:.18:1 a: | t3 den AG N TOE : : osti9 07:3.31.4 B!EA FIAO ... resto la : 9919 2 419 Nor War Col S*C'. Haler fu S • *('. I Sunotar y : POD. 1) ONI ~ E :DIP. 1'inc: bant 10'4*, Incania . 0 Com Nny Fo. D%-i, thonvery ... CO0.90 Pom Nay Setup. .. SitAnt: Do pl oug: o Flot.. ... toro 2 topiavonthlet. Toor 8 t:::": (1 * 1091- m-t1 e• 2 OrI FM FU.A G: ('! i draste. bert I:. jauw SWAPO
Page 98
1: 1: A :in. i. N, N. 1.74 1943 BY ISSUED BY THE INTELLIGENCE DIVISION OFFICE OF CHIEF OF NAYAL OPERATIONS, ?; ALA i: Oi 16 SECKLI NAVY DEPARTMENT INTELLIGENCE REPORT ... Soriol..R-5-S-47 Monograph Index Guide No. 804-3800/910-3500 (Stout now series sach year, 1. 6. 1-40, 2-43) (To correspond.sil! SuREST airen boloses Saga do intel- index Gl 47 From ... rockets" have been reported by the Finnish press. Up to that time numerous observations had been made, 1. 9 mostly by Inexperienced observers, of objects resembling rockets flash- ing across the sky. was reported over
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DATE TO (0) INITIAL TO (10) INITIAL TO (6) INITIAL TO (?) INITIAL 'MINIAT IRI 7. . A Nerv: 1: * * -trOUT DATE ,. OUT. DATE ~..4 6133 .OUT BATE LAZI OUT DATE SUGGESTED ROUTING * . par rar OUT DATE ... COYERNMENT FRIRTINS OFFI § - 4723 9 ponding, contende to main INO 02 PJEMOg tased ¡suosippa se 1• Since the oprerage of aviation armament 28 a additional duty, 1 Comrade Frant 9421015 RL O for Guided icisories
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CADER LA TENT 1. • CO; ?1 414. * N. N, 1.5, -1942 nO. i ISSUED BY THE INTELLIGENCE DIVISION. OFFICE OF CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS® 98 9 EGRET NAVY DEPARTMENT Ir: P: S INTELLIGENCE REPORT ... Enolonure: 8 Motograph af Photograph of Dosign 302 (Model) Das1gu 301 (Madel) • 2 views. 1. In connection #ith A visit to Stookholm, Seeders 80 appertmity was afforded to disouas pilotson airaraft matters with numbers ... Edion and Ar. s, Warner, Chief Projeot Enginser• •• The oly mimadle which 1 s Myin; to date 8 the 301, photograph of which ia enol osed, There have been five bullt and several of these ... serial; AC5-1-4 w/oney1201. Up-32-F11A, w/o eno Buord rue. p Priority 1, 2 be M; DECLASSIFIED Authority MAN$17303 CRAbIa ¡VHON VA 211 11 0230002kIAN By Aug HARA Date 722SA
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niantied which have been reparted •ver Swedes Crom unknown dour oe (a) There have been Pout 1,000 absorvations el moldo are reliables These observations not m con rarity at al morel •many reporta have
Page 102
Naval Attache, London' O Chief. of Naval Intelligence. Subj: 3 Alleged rockets over Sweden. it/ su •†1: net*4. *ko Rer344.ti (a) ÖNI Sec, Sir. • *0.005 44-+ W. Lordon; nadibly. three: 'or tror ... ioli: %; . *huGon 55 a j*re •vi 6 Deo. 1946 and enolosurea thereto. • of 1'. Sinoe the issue by the Air Ministry of the two papers -1 .: son the alleged rockets over Sweden, references ... tAff. Swedish Air Force officer, which Has been reported in N. A:CANTr *41 . • 'rend be *1, b M #A Swedish Artillery officer 'sighted 'a misalie in an optical range finder and wus able ... motor at LUthe LAte tr ,..churt; •.. twelve metres long, there were wings.". .: o P 1, 'The object was sighted to seaward. ": 3 : T 3 MISTA reap TOP see a air Gone i SOON BE SINAT
Page 103
wore only/ conjeo-• *r*B• tures: lol commit. -c: nirz-41, 136-0-40 00 .. ..C /a- 1. : 4• ., h ant bolosuf43 tHoretoD In formulating the above Spind8h on- the alleged rookets, the following items ... addition'to?the BritiShtreports, were taken into consideration: 1. t...a • E7.1: 1 Lh4 suO Do mage u Li: (a') Peenemunde bori. wag a German V-2 development 'center ... Peenemunde, " aided" by German' solentistsled. Ba: 841 g: formerly connected with the project. i ¡ 42143 ...: 0: :: :. fin!. •: 1. pt. at 4/ t a CAnadle. run: -9 (c) It is quite likely that the: Russians ... path of the missile to be over Sweden from well inland to the shore anther line. 1. 1 est bo'20, .1. Cu about andr Cocks de) Anteam 1. 0. 1. /11A0,6 from
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lunt tyo. Mr: 5072 2) robruary 1947 I ton A, Turkish MA roports that Sovletn have b121. 1 C ce capult for Raunching some form of aircraft near fola, cuAcl have brought Into Bulgaria
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CLASSIFIED MESSAGE CENTER INCOMING CLASSIFIED MESSAGE lo. NOT BECRET AMUG Sailo SC D C PARC 2 1°rol; 03 111.0. Rooranentation for AGC Palparte, Sofia; In Mgonio ogd Mr. conv1 tea 1113 : 5072 24 Februory ... been additicnal 3.10. ax of covtet. topops Into Bulgaria during pant 3 monthu. Now blocen arc 1-1-49-EX, B-1-74-XX, D-3-24-XX, 'ahd 07ri t11o 1 ... According 1:0 0..2 RepOrt, Novlet® us 3. 0; wren: lu green shoulder bonvOn and of nyozoatmately regimental eta th 46.3 3 cen morwlug through PloPolv during firet GATS of *2a1.:3 mouth. Conneat ... 3cmra e0 volt no Regiment probobly exaggeration. End Tat.o mag han been relayed to Up Turkey; AF14. 1. i' ACTION: Gon Chomborlin INPO : Gon Spaatz, Adm Loahy, JOS, Adm Mmaltz, Gon Nontad
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February 1947 40 EY LORANDUL FOR CHIEF, AIR INTELLICENCE DIVISION *ELATE BJECT: Daily Activity Report JA 1. Lt. Colonel Barrett and hir. Carroll briefed a special party in aceral Spaatz' office. 2. Submitted
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MUTUA asy Lining up in food queues and worrying over their own personal economic COLIN roblems. * / ON .. 1 de *; b. There is apparently no restriction of radios in Moscow but those Cho Al existence
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WASHINGTON 28 February 1947 MEMORANDUM FOR AC/AS-2 and CNI SUBJECT: Daily Activity Report Stern (CHIP AME : 1 . DiATON CEFICIAL 1. Members of the Defensive Air Branch of this division interviewed ur. Flickinger, Viso Fresident
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OLIVE, Ira Colonel, G. S. Co weary h Chief, Air IntelLigence Division (AC/AS-2 - 0. 1. I.) U 2 1: OMERT E: 303 1
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Stockholm, 3reden Date. 15 April 19.47 Serial. 22-5-47 (Stort nos seres cech sear, 1. 0, 1-43, 2-43) 4 B.I.D, ,0407. From U. S. Naval Attache Monograph Index Guida ... Secret Report No. F161-47, dated 14 Mar 1947. Gi Encli (A) Copy of reference (b), 1. Reforence (a) requested that this office fornard its Sinal opinion regarding the allogod rockets over Sueden ... Swedish torritory. Thie stoptioien la shared by M/A Stockholm's office (reference (b), enclosed} o .07 j?- 1;- * :733 5 390 35 E 4. 17hile it 18 possiblo that a fen captured Garmen ... orecan MID F-2 DITR 32-V F121 F411 grY (3) A 51176 -(SER? 1 1 4 ( at) FIR Erl? +V JaV 31 9. 5 - DECLASSIFIED Authority MAD$57303 By Ag NARA Date
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Stockholn Roport No. 22-9-47 * DE 15 April. 1947 1 a not belloved that any hare landed th Smaden. lonavori, It do quite possible that n fon guided missilee maz. havd dono ovor Suedish
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Wright Fld., Dayton, Ohio Attn TSHLI-2 SUBJECT: Mustorious M, ssiles Reported in Sweden 1. Reference la made to your letter of as above. 17 October 1947, subjoot 2. Information available at this Boadquarters regarding
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Chief of Staff United Statas Mr Force Washington 25, D. C. ATIN: AFOIR, Lt Col George Garrett 1. In connection wilth the investigation of flying disca, Projeot "SIGN, it is believed that the various unidentified
Page 167
altitude, from est to west, trailing a 00% thin tail of scow and green 1 lizht. spore -3 They waggled 25 g great 3 • Strange Lights" Sighted Officials as r,isho:1 gheervatory nare unable
Page 168
BRITISH SIL BILL OF FUNG" men. 0.. NEAR SOVIET LUNE BRITISH ZONE ALQ. Genem. 10.Al. F. 1: iS 0:307b/4 as 2 " 0.1 .. are " A 20 a one rolan
Page 169
UTRECHT, Holland, Sopt.* mmunity. very suspicious about the existence -Utrecht University announced today an honorary degree for 1 Dr. Steebehn, who came to the Eleanor Roosevelt, recogniting4 Jewish houser United States to • conter with wartime
Page 170
YORK TIMMS, TUESDAY.| OUNCOUR• 1, 1946. 168 WEATHER CONTROL MARKING FORTY YEARS IN RADIO MORK Nary Forrestal, dovernor Dewey i Mayor O'Dwyer Badel Amit. American Ambassador BY SCIENCE IS SEEN Sarnoti Predict! Weather Control ... shown scant hope that an ade-since he started/ to work in ib04. crown rapidly crest 1 us the Waldorf• Astoria t Holal dome quate. deconse- can be provided. Ouncial of RCA presented ... duty at John Wana• strictions to be placed upon the mall by radio, portable dentists' right 1 question, rimant and to bunk, •Ration, sets that wha enable a a de the dinner included Owns ... must continue to dare These developmenta, cirier as an office boy in the New Impossible in peace 1 fuller the alternative. t devastation York headquarters of the Marcont in to permeate sociely.* 'destruction front: atomis ... Pesos Cited on the seas can collect; and broad- leaders. Thit Not Tet, leadership Avenge 1 cast weather data. Already radar calla for more diriginare exercim Scientisla, Mr. Barnott naud, are spots hurricane, peers into ... ports sk par toss of biological warture phar, :Within minutes naw alec• "But apposonal Is to be 1) more of new triumphs over tronic computing devices can ans• turned to good M this na• that
Page 117
AFOIR-RC MEMORANDUM FOR EXECUTIVE, AIR INTEL, REQUIREMENTS DIVISION SUBJECT: SUPPLEMENT to Daily Activity 24 Aug 1948 1. It has been noted in cable brief that Sweden Armed Force C in C, General Jung
Page 120
these phane zaponahility for the investiga north his value do obtain ay sadoration relative to thie appreciate 1 a nder Project mart, 16 wald be o project with aphanis on technical saplinations. INTELLIGENCE Ta hoping ... upper left-hand corser ad this letter. This procedure facilitates RITT prompt handling of your communication.. 1 Yours very traly, PROC. 4 IMPro PING • UNCLASSIFIED USAT † OTHER COMMANDS WILL LINE OUT ORGANIZATIONAL TITLE Actg
Page 123
PArIPTaph. Lin mdarera a Las or left Doom last of trport m À2 Fom :lie Part Il.) 1. The Swodish Defense Staff has no Dr 00! that any unidentified flyizg objects, missiles or vehicles
Page 124
aztence parcoraph. Lie indorures al loua left. Begin tert of report m A 7 Forra ::? -Put IL.) 1. With reference to request dated 16 JanuarY 1949, Control No. DA-204, and revised by our cable
Page 125
Germany. .: 10: Director of Intelligence, DCS/0 Headquarters. USAP ATIN: ir Intelligence Washington 25, D. C. AF5 7286 1. Reference is made to classified Specific Request for Information, Control No. AMC 987, Headquarters USAF, 8 Larch ... Zone received by this beadquarters will forwarded, FOR THE DEPUTI CEMENT OF STAFF, ITLLIGENCE: 2 Inels 1. 7020th CIU Investigation, Brant Ha hul BROOKS N BOOKER JE 18 February 1949 Ha jar USAP
Page 128
semi• over southern Sweden, pro- Ing over northern Finland Ave . 13, 1446 ird the Kola peninsula ol :1 a. 1C second rocket bomb n two They Land at 3 Points Is streaked over • Stockholm
Page 129
colour was Snight Another, report says yellow when & appeared over object similar in shape to rocket orison, 1 d swiftly changed to a WaS seen travelling slowly in : of Hi tremendollareded steady Northern Sweden ... apapers are requesting people observed the phenomenon to V SWEDISH-DENIAL: to the headquarters of the Ar/ 1 Are. BeS oree and to look out for wreck- No British, Radar Experts ONER Object resembling ... Mavelcoter ERE TE TELL KAY Guardian SWEDEN'S 300" OCKET REPORTS LONdON. A achy Velez 178 - 1:7 Toky 3 0 1946 Rug. 17, 1946 E137 UTHERN APPROACH rom Our Own Correspondent ISLEORMH WINDOWS BROKEN ... 1pleted at the end of the war. a rocket: during the night. Reuter,, " is a utritain 1
Page 130
found that the rockets | ate some motcor-liko phenomena. FIT M F: 1
Page 131
JUly 1 l 1444 Tours f.I 129 SWEDE REPORT HINTS SOVIET ROCKET TESTS Stookholm, July 11,-(AP) --Abin- Ing minallen moon in the inat twenty- tour hours trinveling al KInAt niti- tudo w.lth high apaod
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1. New York Timel DUly 28 1946 P. 34 130 Swedes Curb Fiying Bomb News STOCKHOLM, Sweden, July 37 UP--A limited consorship has been imposed on information concerning [unidentified missiles--believed to be flying
Page 133
Super Rocket: in Arctic Wild. BY HENRY WALES. •(Hap page, 2): (Olicase Tribane Frames Sarrice)* PARIS, Aug. 1 - Reporta ros Stockholm. of flying bombs an giant rockets passing over Swede toward Arctic targets have moke
Page 134
territory. provements. not be' provided with. Important The reports were received in this [The Va rocket has 1 data. Oncial quarters declined to country by tellable sources with| tally more than 100 miles SA Japeculate
Page 135
metal parts of rockets : which were seen to explode recently. One of the metal pieces 1 said about six inches long and to bear fragments of letters and Agures from ROCKETS OVER manufacture markings
Page 136
flamo passing the development of long rangel He sald he was • expressing an estimated height of between 1,500 guided rocket., weapons, It WAs opinion and not the army's.' and 3,000 feet ... produced Fallon in Swedenihave vet been lound. Im- but in the for North one 1 I reporied by entists - and technicians. provements, I several trustworthy witnesses to have The superiority of Russian rocket
Page 137
remotely' controlled missiles.! alet of the Swedish Defense able to make any statemont, ny it Since July 1, newspapers have new and serious stage. taff, Col. C. I. S. Kempf. anld ... knowledge and experi-|S Irace the aource of rockets that ence of coke • and other common * : : : FO 1 Sat ace nt the diaposal of Swediah have ›cen falling on Swedish terri• materials. • • uthoritics in case ... known that the missiles actually landed In Sweden, Military , authorities. sald I Caleare Tribes Frees Service 1 ' •the, missiles evidently passed; over LONDON. Sept. 5- Four mys. Sweden In a huge curve.. Some ... ports , indicated , the objects car- over Gretce the night of red a device for jself-destruction, Sept. 1, the date of the plebb. and military experts pald-some ap- scite on the return ot exiled ... parently: had exploded in the alt. King George 1., it was dia The 'longeat 'aight of 'any of the closed today 'by Greek Pretnier missiles, so. far, as military 'experts Constantin Taaldari», One could; determine
Page 138
with great speed at low altitude, tact wis broken and the Matenins the report said. post "heard 1 crash,": the sews- Following. "bombardment" quoting investigators, Te the missiles Sunday the Swedish! ported. ..Army .dispatched experts ... undoubtedly "pure flights •of imagination." "Many who told crashes are even eat the eract pi • found 16 1 rations to find •tha start mid AG 14 He did not. bowever, deny the phenomena were rockets
Page 139
been observed over this country at frce •ent in• tervals of late, and military officials belleve Sweden 1: in a target arca for exporiments with remotely con- trolled missiles, launched, perhaps, from the German Baltic
Page 140
using radar in full view of the projectile, 4 fight againat the mysterious managed to ret 1 clear view of the Isalles that have been flying over , bomb's hody and ratimato that It • country ... STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Aug. The General Btaft received more UP. -The Swedish Army today An 1,000 report on the rocket runhed experta to three points in mha last night and this morning. : Central Aweden where
Page 141
1 2, 13 1146 Hundreds of Mystery Rockets 'AI THE WASHINGTON POST: A aye Swedes Unperturbed : Monday Augur 12. 145 Stockholm, Aug. 11 UP.- Ghost described, as a small object wilh 139 skets--mysterious spool ... appreciable sound.: iger doubt that the country is in Only target area for, experimentation, 1n few cases 1 it known; that the missiles actually landed in, h remotely controlled missiles.. Sweden. Military authoritles said ... Since July 1, newspapers have blished reports the missiles evidently passed over: the Aying bails nearly every day. • Sweden in a huge curve. Some re ports indicated the objects car- Between July 9 and July ... against Sweden. 113 general, the what racket So ROCKET Norway. Unconfirmed rumors said the :: 3. From Pare 1 Russians were experimenting withi AV. IZ 0.5 plosions have left hard, black metali rockets and flying bombs
Page 157
ZONE H.Q. Germany time over the Lingen-Meppen, area of the Dutch frontier. Officers and Rocket over. 1 Tuesday. *P.m.. What described as a DaL DE other ranks reported seeing several! Are " has been ... fruitless. and French see -B.OR. 18:9.46 ' al 'ball of fire' PARIS, Saturday.-What is de- scribed 1 a ball of fire was seen travelling in south-westerly| direction near Chateauroux. in Western France
Page 158
State bot mirare but reali The denunciation formed fated candidate campaigb, once : were high of 1 now serial « dedicated st and thap dropped to record low systematic exposure of the 1 to Get Views Hovel ... ctory that year ticket cted. Brisbane than • major general; United States Senator, to «well the I.. 1. •tIp aa-tania-IS Farolly Tor w In Polition ballot in New York. City, with
Page 159
TINES. PARIS, Sept. 5-The schedule of tomorrow's peace conference ATHENS AIR SHOW activities: From Page 1 10 A. M.-Italian Political and Territorial Commission; Eco- Continued From Pare 1 l received from
Page 161
atoM. tastern Macedonia and dis- id: over the isle of Thassos appearance of *luminous body rocket; reported 1' resembling a' squash racket" in the day dying over Phit. Indian heavens and rumors of high- Sesding
Page 162
pettedt by the Delical to have passed about to miles; west of Galentka.-Router. 3210 French • 1 - : seo :. • ball of fire' PARIS. Saturday.-What is de-J scribed as ball oi 19 44: 3000 trioling
Page 43
DECLASSIFIED • REPRODIGED AI 110: BARK SIOL NAD 755C1C Authonty. By 1-6 NARA Dale: 25/ 1/67 40 33 1 OW WAR DEPARTMENT CLASSIFIED MESSAGE CENTER INCOMING CLASSIFIED MESSAGE 50 POL SHARET PUS SLOP SOo TARGPURASE ... Department for NUI 31: 453 16 Auguat 1946 213 22 21 CAS MAgIcs pounded over Norvny 2).1. olghted v1 Chi.. MAQ 25 mile rodlun of 020.o, One glarod on July lith ... 1 CEy Um. 2.13th.. (no of aboyo headed past. other Civo golnf nor tit. Fo 1311 18ch noported very low othern h.1 rain 1.30 67.J.ght. Spced reportod 03 "Lighting To: i' and omitting ... flery 3701.3 bui: 11,0 other doscription and m0 perio recovered. Rot ourod :1:6 •C 29 july. Another re. ]leble nource repozin bro pouree CArGO from Russian tor? story eno lometora onnt: of Lola ... Jovenon on Rubsion.3102- veg.!an boudor at 23354 beh July. Manilon appeared to ¡1: 35 notors Long wich oxhuuns : ' Lame of 30 maters. Very r bocp ascent but oconnd 1;0 travel mouthengtuard, Roouvad
Page 44
NAIMHIAL/32.10.19. By_£ß NARA DalE 28/2/07 d 4/ 105784 /G GEN SEMIA (da WALL Nuc 10 2.1 1 0 246 17 GEN. CAM th 1: G f ge E / 8 GEN. CHAUNCEY
Page 45
beins used? C. What radiua of action 1a being attained? D, Is thair accuracy Imova acd 1/ 30, peat 13 1 u and bou vas it attained? AC D. Hoat are technical details
Page 46
detonator ani R8370 voo.r müro00 of Light". 30. Toy Vannlone Konlend 1.200 hr1183 rockot reported girlien 1 y BiLaRony : vowEDPpOC vOpoet uo furthor topsoc inform.:;i.on. 2';. July Riggi Morin) roport in ofternoon
Page 47
Auguet 1.946 Pollowing information frou in jon 9. Wemmerntreon,' Cucdish har Officer ou official 3 1 y vinit led air ecleira* dog licacon. About; pon Mains bonte have apaned over Swedial cominour. most: oncoming from ... moat bombs com: rom vicinity Poencmunde, jomo 1137. F have nome from Boviet maltic contad nycen. Only 1 bomb potted 03 curving coard vost: and enter:ing Norway, c0.1 othero curved towards oent ... medio controller and carry no war heed. bui: are saif destroying. Most Gravel an, nihitude of nbout 1,000 meters hut have bcon scon n.a lov 2n: 5 mctera. Velocity 400 to 600 kalonotara ... Hido aprond aco:103 Mopoi.t Day Sovigin of Kola Peninsula (7) 2), where G1 MI 1:30.7 (20 A1t!; 86) GEN. MARONALD TOU 1208037:0 GEN. EVEREST Cor M/0 5 % 990 THE MAKING
Page 48
SECRET TOU EstOp OSS Toge 2 Tro: MA Moncov. Russio ser Nocon Mr: MAX 50693 1,0 August 1946 activition arg being developed poseibly Uranium (E -h) , Soviets restored and are operating German experimento. underground ... workta j.32 laves Mountains, vloinity Nordhaupon (E.) . M/A comment: Host lounching belleved from Peenomundo. Wh1:1 e opertmentation probably banic reason, silonce of Soviet preas and continuance bombs over Svoden after world publicity suggests additioul
Page 171
other equipment registered readings, but gave no clue as to the nature of the objects." Over 1,000 reports have been sifted. The communiqué says that "fragments" found turned out to be ordinary alag.: SWEDES
Page 172
Agine bomes AD moving at mical speed from case Lordow SwU SAY EXPRESSiO weSt,--S.U.P. 20.9 46 1 -ruG~1940
Page 174
have been Dying over Sweden, linco May. A 'spociali communiqué, de- clared that 80 per cent of 1,000 toporta on rocketa could bo attributed! to "celestial phe- nomena,", but that radar aquip- then
Page 176
italian Perhaps the "Russian hail" was that it might have been breaking nomenon had occurred was 1 government has ordered an investi- sued by the Weather Buream, gation. only stray meteor or two magnified ... over Bakera- field and Burbank reported the Police and the Highway Safety Bureau dented that any accident 1 huve talked to muny people here mysteries of science. How many yuara about the flying bombs. Some
Page 177
X600373 1 AT14 C doRMoy -IC FAT -*77*~ 061 0! - z Y euowouis Aus A.1 P. -opio ot aup kao: Antoftiu aut1 de! o! o wo poounoude jus anand: usmpans aun roquidas o, Keasi ... poduys - nonte punos Borat e proui sites.rad 0.04.1. 'upaNs tonos wog; payrodas unde st qui09-12x00.1 V Lupuon, IlouNdotS mopuodsitangt0 ho mont TAMOON SEIS SAUGUS
Page 4
because they were Unidentified, they were Flying, and they gave every indication of being Objects. An estimated 1,500 reports were made to the Swedish Defence Staff, making this a major event in UFO history ... expanded the number of known sightings in the summer of 1947 from 700+ to more than 1,500. And added large chunks of the globe to the scope of the wave. He has brought this
Page 18
Page 19
HOOD OUTGOING CLASSIFIED MESSAGE COL. CULTON BECRET PARATHFASC NO! REQUIRED, HANDLE A3 SECHET CORRESPONDENCE PER PARAS 51 (1) ond 60 (p). AR 380-5. HO AAF AC/AS -2 5613 General. McDonald/dl 12 Augunt 1946 MILATTACHE ... ANCIASSY, London, England 3 Number: WAR 97392 For Col Jeok Griffith from COMGEMAIR signed Chamberlin. Reforence 1 G made to roportu in proco and other nourcoa ad to inorooned eotivity of micailos that havo follen
Page 20
HANDU: AS TOP SECREC PER PARAS 50 (a) and 60 (n; AR 380-5 SECRE CORRESPO A2 1-3 1-4 From: GIUCAFPAC Tokyo HoU Dona imont for WDATO CAS TO: AAG boys
Page 21
Octobor 1945. End AAF NOTE: C 6300% 10 CM IN 1772 (7 Aug 46) 1 S. MC -56 27 OISI INFL ORIGINATOR: P&O DISTRIBUTION
Page 22
1 I it * nO 1 S N August 12, The morning papers on Monday, 12 August report "flood of pro- Jeotiles" over Am central and East Sweden on Sunday evening. Mor- gon-Tidningen (government) gives ... dark, and the observation lasted only 14 geconds, but supposed that the distance wAB great, the 11eu- 1 t 88 tenant supposed that the length 0f the projectile Was about 20 m; DECLASSIFIED Authority
Page 26
DRO/PEY99, 1. 8 press Ar Monograph hee add ez. mr! nuns StookholmiBited Mite attor tzar oratica C#070 O 8. The observe. nat' Isco inerratttioted to ground observition in the titual follow projectiles once located ... tround observer or sst. :: F - 1: 7 **8 :00:90001M MO: 9• No sew information ás to possible soured of the projectiles to admittéa 1 theory (1/A Stockholm Report ... Stockaoko DECLASSIFIED Authorily NUDe 59SH • •• BYCLE& INARA Date (zi sit l 3AIHOUY TYNOLLYN 3H 1 aBondoud30 › Downloads › Books › Digitized_by_AFU
Campbell, Glenn - Area 51 Viewer's Guide.pdf
Page 107
Tikaboo Peak paloTilsay Ann go - - 4-- DO A - and Badger Mtn. Roservoi WARNING: Gray 07:33 00 1 10 SOULL areas are now off limits Obey all posted signsl 21ab00 TaD ROBO White Sidos Signa ... Cammo Dudes Ridge Road Block Map by Glenn Campbell, 7/95 Arga Slans, 030 A S Scale 1:100,000. (Each square is one mile.) **od 1100 Rocks "Se *e, Restricted Area 20 TJ383x
Page 81
Tonopah Nellis Bombing and Gunnery Range CEDAR • Reveille Peak Worthington Range CALENTE CALIENTE WEST 71S EC-WEST 1% • Rachel The F COYOTE NORTH Student ( Caliente COYOTE • Crystal S COYOTE SOUTH Bald N DREAM NEVADA
Page 68
compared to the aircraft strobes.) could be determined. (Their size in the drawing reflects their relative intensity •'•**,,,*,, *, *, * * 1
Page 111
Secrecy Oversight Council. Since that time, he The Canmo Dudes are here." Mark Richards, photographer, and 1 follow dish gardens, control towers and a handful of 737's. has translated a dogged, computer hacker esprit
Page 109
crosses from the NTS to Groom Lake. Frenchman Dry Lake. Site of numerous airburst tests during 1 the testing program, This site is visible only at the higher elevations of Mt. Stirling. Papoose Dry Lake
Page 104
USGS 1:100,000 Maps of S. Nevada
Page 25
aficionado are essential: the Nevada state highway map (free) $4). The next most useful map is USGS 1:100,000 state topographic map and then the Nevada Ghost To Nevada Highway Map The standard tourist
Page 42
ridge ! E 90° Voc ES F60 Bald Mtn. 269° * cLEry Mallbox"ROad+ - PEOY Yo On Go. 50. 1 se 8 M % 1% 270° g 135° 1.10° goo XoquEn ... 1 SET*- - - 0881- 18400 * or her Vegas › Downloads › Books › Digitized_by_AFU
Evans, Hilary - Ancient Astronauts.pdf
Page 31
space, space ships and space people. The Earth planet must rejoin the Interplanetary Brotherhood, and quickly ! 1 [p. 240] WHITE, Peter The past is human Angus & Robertson / Sydney / 1974 Prehistorian demonstrates that there
Page 6
could not be divulged without danger'. 32 Glozel ('incontestably authentic' ) 49 ETs probably came from Venus, because (1) legends say so and (2) proliferation of carbon dioxide there would make blood blue... AN RO levitation
Page 34
only $3.95" Vol 3/no 4 14 F02000% N 9 Baghdad battery The great Martian civilisation Earth Base 1 ([in the Andes, where else ?] The AA zone Phobos ancient UFO (Oberg) Starspeak - language of the space
Page 3
past, it seems reasonable to look for hitherto unsuspected or acknowledged causes. A proposes [p. 10] : 1 Earth was originally a comet 2 Mankind is at least 12 million years old 3 Other civilisations preceded
Page 9
Stanzas of Dyzan Ezekiel 103 Bible anomalies 120 Evolution from space DEM, Marc Les Juifs de 1'espace (The lost tribes from outer space) Albin Michel / Paris 1974 Bantam NY / 1977 'The Jews come from ... skies which are described in the Bible actually have been what modern science terms UFOs ? 1 [wrapper] Evidently the answer
Page 30
terms of ET visitations. WILLIAMSON, George Hunt Secret places of the lion Spearman / London 1959 1 'History is rewritten in these pages in the light of translations from very ancient manuscripts preserved in the great
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2/no 1 14 Raven rattle, American Indian artifact 16 Zimbabwe 20 Golem & other androids 28 Suspended animation in Egypt 32 The elves lost race or ET ? 35 (advt) "I have discovered the Scientific Law which ... Alchemy 44 ET links of Uri Geller 26 Blood of the gods [Rh Negative] Vol 3/no 1 18 Rampa ['Everything in all his books is absolutely true'] 22 Mars (Wilson) 28 The case for biological › Downloads › Books › Digitized_by_AFU
Evans, Hilary - Annotated catalogue of UFO books.pdf
Page 20
splendidly Fortean vanishing hosepipe. Authors include Adamski, Jessup &c. The Bender mystery confirmed Saucerian, 1962 SC/OS / 100p 1 illus Anthology of feedback from readers of FS / 3 men. Whether or not it was done
Page 75
they form isosceles triangles more often than chance would expect by a factor of 1000 to 1, of which proves that Those Responsible know what they're doing. This leads to even more amazing findings
Page 80
fairly archetypal nut. Essential reading for all Allende buffs. ................................................. Luis GONZAGA Scortecci de Paula Mensagens extraterrestres : 1 : os bastidores da experiencia humana Hyperspaço, Sao Paulo, Brasil, 1984 Portuguese / SC / 184p bib / illus Occult / metaphysical / spiritual
Page 210
phenomenon and rode uneasily but for a while successfully on its back. Lujan ZNICZ Niezname Obiekty Latajace 1 - Pojawienie sie i zasieg czasowo-przestrzenny zjawiska (1983) 2 - Nol jako fenomen psychospoleczny (1985) 3 - Nieznane Obiekty
Page 89
Private, Liège, 1987 French / SC/OS / 66p / illus Two useful catalogues with intelligent commentary, on alleged UFO observations (1) associated with space flights and (2) attributed to astronomers. Excellent and well-documented surveys reflecting the author
Page 99
copies) of this contactee account which won popularity thanks to its message of Love and Brotherhood ('Amor 1 Confraternidad'). No doubt the news that there are no soldiers or policemen on Ganimede was well received
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account of the experience is awesome in its implications: even a conservative estimate would have it that 1+ million American citizens are abductees, and all without the authorities being aware of what is going
Page 103
eminent ufologues from Provence: brief accounts of more than a hundred local cases, grouped into (1) BOLs etc (2) strange objects (3) strange machines (4) entity cases. There iS an introduction and a historical survey
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amount of message-peddling. Peter WOOD The Taos saucer story Private, Taos NM, 1979 Booklet / 16p / illus 1 Pleasingly produced and elegantly written little book supporting the thesis that UFOs are involved in cattle mutilation
Page 4
publication dates would also be significant, but that would be very complicated to calculate. 1950 7 1951 1
Page 6
usefulness. UFOs and the Extraterrestrial contact movement; a bibliography Scarecrow, Metuchen NJ, 1986 HC 2 vols 1-810 + 811-1298p / indexes / some / illus When it first appeared, this was hailed as the ultimate reference
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simplistic, is intelligently and attractively done. Julien WEVERBERGH with Ion HOBANA UFOs in Oost en West. Deel 1 : Vligende Schotels ; een nieuwe visie Ankh-Hermes, Deventer NL, 1973 Dutch HC 268p / bib / refs / illus / General
Page 26
BENSON UFOs and other craft ; a diatonic field of propulsion Page Research Library Special Report no 1, Rome OH, 1978 Booklet 28p / illus Pilot turned engineer applies his 'principle of energy transiency' to the problem
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that's the best one can say .............................................................. Isabelle BLANC - see CASTELLO Zbigniew BLANIA-BOLNAR Obecnosc UFO - Tom 1 & Tom 2 Mtodziezowa Agencja Wydawnicza, 1988 Polish / SC 189 + 197 p bib illus Impressive-looking work whose
Page 31
wave in depth. Source references and other documentation are supplied, including maps, plans, photographs and sketches. [1] contains a comprehensive introduction and chapters on specific aspects, [lI] is fully cross-indexed by witness name
Page 45
Howard V CHAMBERS UFOs for the millions Bell, NY, Sherbourne, LA, 1967 HC 158p GB 1 Bailey, 1968 (Reissued as The facts on the Flying Saucer controversy) Fair and balanced introduction, covering cults and contactees
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COLEMAN The unidentified Warner, NY, 1975 PB / 272p / bib / index The authors propose two Laws of Paraufology: (1) The UFO mystery IS primarily subjective and its content primarily symbolic, and (2) the 'objective' manifestations
Page 51
ecee.ce...e.................................... Boris CRISTOFF La astrologia sobre el fenomeno O VNI Kier, Buenos Aires, 1978 Spanish 1 SC 199p Given the unpromising approach, a well-planned and intelligently executed study which acknowledges Gauquelin's findings
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less valid ? Should we be angry at such cynical exploitation, or enjoy the spectacle 1.......anner...................... Adrian VANCE UFOs, the eye and the camera Barlenmir House, NY, 1977 HC 150p bib / index illus
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indeed of human nature in general ! Flying Saucers close-up Saucerian, Clarksburg WV, 1970 HC/OS / 224p 1 illus 'Spacemen urged the author to compile this book, supplied much of the information and approved the work
Page 55
Stefan DENAERDE' [pseudonym] Buitenaardse beschaving : De planeet larga Kluwer, 1969 Dutch / HC/ 217p / illus English: [1] (as science fiction) Operation survival Earth, Pocket Books, 1977, PB [2] (as fact) (with Wendelle STEVENS) UFO contact from
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Downing (qv) can be taken very seriously by other ufologists. (Ferriz, director) Los OVNI atacan [Biblioteca OVNI - 1] Universo, Mexico, 1984 Spanish / PB / 165p / illus Run-through such UFO material as seems to suggest hostile
Page 125
Recommended. Piero MANTERO Compendio di Ufologia Editruce Italia Letteraria, Milano, 1980 Italian SC 123+p / illus Part 1 is a general survey of issues in UFO investigation: Part 2 is a study
Page 122
mental magicians'. Well, it's & lively read compared with catalogues of sightings... W McGINNIS Project Red book (1) In ages past (2) Ezekiel's vision (3) Invasion Earth (4) The science
Page 119
same time they are so much less than they might - and should - have been. (Coral and Jim)1 Flying Saucer occupants Signet, NY, 1967 PB / 215p / table of sightings / illus GB NEL, 1968 Later expanded
Page 118
effects from UFOs NICAP, Washington DC, 1969 SC/OS / 80p / chronological list / index illus Valuable reference source on (1) physiological effects (2) occupants (3) animal reactions (4) physical evidence LORE - see also KEYHOE Coral
Page 115
William D LEET - see JAQUES Georges LEHR - see MICHEL Dalila et Gérard LEMAIRE Les OVNIs de 'Apocalypse [1] Les armées du Ciel [2] Les temps d'abomination [3] Les enfants de Belial Editions des Archers
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account of a meeting with denizens of another world David & Charles, Newton Abbot (GB), 1979 HC 96p 1 bib / illus of Recently discovered manuscript tells of an encounter with aliens in 1871. L wrote
Page 182
material, this will serve as a valuable reference. - with August ROBERTS UFO photographs around the world : vol 1 / vol 2 UFO Photo Archives, 1986 HC / 256 + 256p / chronological catalogue illus throughout Though some
Page 181
book. [STENDEK] (Editorial team of journal) Si : están aproximacion cientifica a los O VIs, volumes 1 and 2 Editorial 7½, Barcelona, 1978 Spanish / SC / 243 + 316p refs illus While it lasted, Stendek was Spain
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soap-opera froth the authors relinquish all claim to be taken seriously. General NAGATA Contact through cameras - 1 Contact through cameras - 2 Tokyo, 1977 and later Japanese (no 1 bi-lingual) HC/SC / 20p, 48p illus
Page 133
last book. Max B MILLER Flying Saucers - fact or fiction Trend. Los Angeles, 1957 GB 1 Bird › Downloads › Books › Digitized_by_AFU
Evans, Hilary - Author indexes to Argosy UFO etc.pdf
Page 41
TRUE FS/UFOs Quarterly / 1 TRUE FLYING SAUCERS & UFOs QUARTERLY : author index WILLIN | lIlIE Anonymous The Saucers still fly! TR. 1.6 Capturing UFOs on film (Jaroslaw photo) TR. 1.8 (see also Fink) The Peruvian flying plate ... submersibles in Loch Ness TR.3.20 The Green Fireball mystery TR.3.38 Alien UFOs prowl Sardinian skies TR.4.12 [IFOs] 1 -How to separate UFOs from saucers TR. 4.20 2 When the sundog goes down, the moondog comes
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physical evidence of UFOs 1.10.34 And now a word from the aliens .11.20 The Lubbock lights (1951) 1. 12.28 UFO pictures that nobody wanted (Gribovski,1974) 2.1.20 The truth about the 1957 UFO flap
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Saga's UFO Report 1 SAGA'S UFO REPORT : author index LILLIAN I lIE HELLOU [Articles with absolutely no relevance to UFOs are not listed. Where articles are co-authored, listing is under first-named ... therefore to articles which appear to be receiving their first publication. Dates of publication are approximately : Vol 1
Page 20
Official UFO 1 OFFICIAL UFO author index WIll HI [The first issue is dated May 1975. Under the editorship of Bernard O'Connor (from start through 1.12) and Dennis Hauck (through 2.6) the journal maintained
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EVans pHiloo Argosy UFO 1 ARGOSY UFO : author index I ILLNE MIME INHIBI [ This seems to have been a spin-off from the regular Argosy. After an 1975 Annual, seemingly a one-off, it began ... appear regularly from July 1976 (first not numbered, but subsequently vol 1 #2 &c) to July 1977, with an annual at the end of 1977, and an issue dated winter 1977/1978. There may have been
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Edward Why don't the damn things swim so we can turn them over to the Navy ? 1 TF. 1.36 Smiley, Charles The 9.05 from Mars is late TF. 2.30 Solomon, Leslie This faster-than
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Flying Saucers UFO reports / 1 FLYING SAUCERS UFO REPORTS author index AHHHHHHHI Though not strictly a pulp zine, and mercifully free of advertising, FSUR is similarly made up of one-off articles, So is usefully
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Flying Saucers & UFOs / 1 FLYING SAUCERS AND UFOs : author index I BILL BEAU Anonymous From coast to coast, the saucers still fly FU. 2.10 South Hill saucer scare (April 1967) FU. 2.18 Science fiction comes
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Beyond Reality / 1 BEYOND REALITY : UFO articles LILLIAN HIllIE Beyond Reality sought to cover the whole paranormal scene, and included a proportion of UFO articles ; but evidently reader interest in them grew so strong that
Page 2
Hayden 'I have seen a UFO ! ' admits Jimmy Carter 1.3.8 'UFOs have interacted with mankind throughout history ! 1 claims Brad Steiger 2.3.28 People who report UFOs (what happens to them) 2.3.47 UFOs villains
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Ideal's UFO Magazine / IDEAL'S UFO MAGAZINE author index | LILLIALL [Issue #1 is dated March 1978 : it was issued quarterly. # 13 (Feb 1981) is not numbered ; # 14 (May 1981) is numbered only inside. Some ... still covering up UFOs ! 2.10 Drucker, Ronald The Pacific Northwest special target for UFOs 1.42 Viking 1's evidence : space aliens are on Mars 2.24 What happens to people who sight UFOs (psychological & psychic after › Downloads › Books › Digitized_by_AFU
Evans, Hilary - Ball Lightning in the wider context.pdf
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usually in the range 10-40cm with a duration of between one and 10 seconds.' (1) The use of 'Ball Lightning' as a label identifying a category of anomalous phenomena is justifiable on grounds
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Vizotum 1993 / Hilary Evans 17 1 : physical parameters We would start with such measurable or at any rate, estimatable - parameters as size duration and luminosity It would be useful to know how wide-ranging
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tent. Looking out from his sleeping bag, he saw a 'bright yellow blob' floating about 1 m from the ground. It disappeared into a climber's sleeping bag. The man screamed in pain. The ball
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stretches any conventional idea of BL. For convenience' sake have categorised these as to whether they seem (1) to be atmospheric in nature (2) or to occur in an aerial context › Downloads › Books › Digitized_by_AFU
Evans, Hilary - The American UFO pulps.pdf
Page 22
What are the odds on spotting a UFO Computer evidence of Hawaian UFO photographs BR. 10.42 UU. 1. 32 • T have seen a UFO admits Jimmy Carter
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over Nuremberg in 1561 . 1.5.36 Robert Schwier photos (1974) F. 1.8.22 UFO fleet over Washington DC (1952) 1. 1.9.12 UFO over Hawaii (Nakayama photo, 1974) F. 1.12.32 Muylderman and Vita photographs OF. 1.13.32 Voss, Garland
Page 1
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FLYING SAUCERS & UFOS QUARTERLY, so I have not included them here. ID = IDEAL'S UFO MAGAZINE Issue #1 is dated March 1978 it was issued quarterly. # 13 (Feb 1981) is not numbered
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Edward 'Why don't the damn things swim - so we can turn them over to the Navy ?1
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Keel, John A Interview (Blum) SA.5.1.36 'Flying saucers were here before man !1 : interview (Bond) ARA.1977.39 Occupants : fake or fact ? FS.2.57 Astronauts report UFOs in outer space FS.4.10 Are UFOs using the Earth
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Unidentified submersibles in Loch Ness TR.3.20 Green Fireball mystery TR.3.38 Alien UFOs prowl Sardinian skies TR.4.12 [IFOs] 1 -How to separate UFOs from saucers TR.4.20 2 When the sundog goes down, the moondog comes
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England SA.3.3.4 UFO crisis in India SA.6.4.24 The Pacific Northwest- special target for UFOs ID. 1.42 Viking 1's evidence space aliens are on Mars ID. 2.24 What happens to people who sight UFOs ? (psychological › Downloads › Books › Digitized_by_AFU
Gross - Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse.pdf
Page 15
that it is the general aasumption that they have a new kind of radio-directed weapon. It 1• suggested that the Russians have found incomplete Gerzan weapons about which there was so much talk ... phases of the war, end that they are trying to perfect these weapons by experienting with thea 1 over Swedish territory. SKAANSKA DAGOLADET continues: 'But a scientist who has seen one is of the opinion ... been a so-called 'coll of cloud' froa the tornado,• (Stockholm, Swedish lone Service, August 16, 1946, 1:00 p.s. EST; PB IB Daily Report for August 19, 1946.) PA report from Gooteborg say that
Page 7
that though pomsible, At to hintly immanbehle that these phenomena which continue to be nanowend davan C4. 1* 1: to time are due to other than natural canon ploy pupale: agination. This opinion 19 strengthened
Page 9
February. Swedish Colonel Westergard. An Intelligence report by U.S. Naval Attache Capt. J.B. Pearson, Jr., dated February 1 7th. was submitted to Washington. It said it part: "During the conversation on guided missiles Colonel Westergard ... missiles which have been reported over Sweden from an unknown source: a.) There have been about 1,000 observations of which about 40% are reliable. These observations are not necessarily of different missiles, as many ... sighted a missile in his optical range finder and was able to follow it for about 1½ minutes. It was in approximately level flight at about 8,000 meters distance and was reported as being
Page 18
Serial_ ..._at Stockholm, Sweden Date (cont new seres each yea, l. 0, 1-45, 2-45 B.I,D. .0407. From U. 9. Naval Attache See O. A. 1. Inter Quido. Monogra; Indax Guide ... guada: 15 fi30 ory paugai? pea Encl: (A) Copy of reference (b). 1. Reference (a) requested that this office fornard its final opinion regarding the alleged rockots over Sneden. 2. To date no evidonce ... Swedes have no tangible evidence or ovon photographs to prove that ouch missiles havo passed * 10''.1 83 L over Snodish territory. This skopticism 1s shared by M/A Stockholm's office (reference (b), onelosed ... 1-31- 453 for captured Garnan 7-2's or other Russian- a up us;o suot launched guided missiles may hava 'gone astray and landed in Baltic vatora, 1.6 'Thile it 10 possiblo that
Page 20
portile win Cola, e DO:CI EST ANY ILO0 EST M 1107. - 10/14 Lanana due widerocitemes eat 1 1 3 by Punst paid, canst ath fam must ruin alpat : 46! acum. meni, guidnty, but rear ... foul as ipet Case pant to starlo'ofan. * Alias ezooi Tus: vs w2 1 got unipodit chad. Platamira aven fory 1. 9 • (tIl. co m clac- asans)! llor
Page 3
threw what dE ANY. at the missile could not have come An ordnance official atated whom. 1 kay." decorative. emphatically that the substance from the in? imbeds de on AMe parade, pround, cyge, thousb Portland
Page 4
FLARES 5/S Placo of observation s 50 miles from Datch coast 520 -21 4 020 670 1 SO A 1, PA ASO SENES BL Numbor of objoota MORE O DANN Dietanco of objoct tram obnorvor
Page 13
very high speed, and disappeared towards the northwest. • (Stockholm, Swedish Home Service, July 16, 1946, 1:00 p.m. EST L; FBI Daily Roport for July 17, 1946) APPROVED FOR RELEASE Date A... undouZZ
Page 1
FIFTH HORSEMAN OF THE APOCALYPSE UFOS: A HISTORY 1947 January 1 st June 23rd SUPPLEMENTAL NOTES By Loren E. Gross Copyright © 2000 Fremont CA "UFOs are the Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse." Dr. Lincoln
Page 14
west, but before disappearing, it had a northresterly course." (Stock.ola, Skewish loww Service, July 15, 1946, 1:30 p.c. EST -L; FaN3 Daily Roport for July 19, 1946.) "A corning nexspaper (unnamed) writes Loaay thet ... object descended at colossal speed and crashed into the lake. " (Stockhola, Swecish Hane Service, August 14, 19L6, 1:00 p.m. LST; 313 Cally Report for August
Page 24
April. Tucson, Arizona. (about 1:20 p.m.) The following information was given Dr. James McDonald via a phone call on August 3, 1947, from a Mrs. E.G. Rawlins. She was 52 at the time
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p.37. January 1945. p.35. April 1945. p.35. Bitters, Richard. p.38. Bloecher, Ted. p.18. 4 May 45. p.35. 1 June 45. p.35. Bombay, India. pp.32,36. 9 July 45. p.35. Boon, Dr. J.D. p.34. Bornholm Island
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being spherical and had a ratio of diameter to the thickness of approx- mately 10 to 1, appearing thicker in the center, but this could not be positively ascertained. judged the object
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Walter Alexander Mincz (name changed from Minczewski). My address is 301 North Confederate Ave., Sandston, Virginia. 1 am employed as Meteorological Technician by the U. S. Weather Bureau at Byrd Field, Sandston, Virginia. As this ... know the date. You gave the month as April. I am not even sure 1€ this is correct aS no entry was made on the weather forms. I do recall, however, that the incident occurred
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Manitou Springs, Colorado. (12:15 p.m. 1:15 p.m.) This document is from Dr. J. Allen Hynek's personal files: (Also, see page 30) "I. Description of incident. During their lunch period ... estimated. It did ap- pear higher than the top of Manitou Mountain which is some 1,000 feet high- er than the city. No definite shape could be determined even with
Page 38
object, It of the city. It was far too high to WAS at 8 height of about 1,500 leet." be a fireworks display. Kolaba resident said that an ob• BEHRAM MEHTA. Ject which ... small stars Was big 860 travelling from south-west to east in the sky for about 1½ minutes shining very bighly
Page 21
metallic appearance, but not extremely shiny. As it was viewed in the theodolite 1€ appeared to be domed on the top, but theodolites invert images, so it may be that he was only looking ... case of which I have knowledge. The other occurred at Yuma, Arizona on February 4, 1953 at 1:50 p.m. I have obtained confirmation from the Yuma Weather Bureau office. In that instance two white
Page 37
shaken; midnight. It lasted for about a half hour. Be- A7730 S, on the evening of June 1, 1945, a ginning as a ball of fire of which grew larger, the something whizzed through ... Literary Digest for Nov. 7, 1925. On May 10, 1944, press dispatches: are about the size of 1 toy balloon, strange light in the sky at Mexico, Mo. A color, move about, of residents
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stayed in the sky for over an hour." (xx.) (xx.) U.S. Air Force BLUE BOOK files. Reel #1. Incident › Downloads › Books › Digitized_by_AFU
Houran, James - A search for meaning in the Ramey document.pdf
Page 7
1 Introduction In early July of 1947 an airborne object crashed on a ranch in the New Mexico desert during violent thunderstorm. It was discovered by a rancher, Mac Brazel, and the debris was described
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definitive answer that is evidence-based from either side of the fence. James Houran June 1
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Atomic Bomb suggestion condition (and hence reflect priming). Table 3 shows that three individuals (or < 1%) in the Atomic Bomb condition perceived > 7 words. That statistic does not seem to be of any practical concern
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memo portion of the photograph where the text is visible. Specifically, participants viewed four high-resolution images: (1) a negative of the memo portion of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram photograph, (2) an 8x10 enlargement
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have even been known to alter their own solutions over time (cf. Houran & Randle, 2002, Table 1, pp. 56-57). These facts are quite curious if key text of the Ramey document is as unambiguous ... some investigators insist. Consequently, Houran and Randle seem justified in their conclusions that (1) some of the document is legible and perhaps even interpretable with continued study, but that (2) priming and expectancy effects
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obtain the files that I sent to you (p3tr1, p3tr2, p3tr5, p3trcol and p4col). I. PREPROCESSING 1) Selection of a region of interest (512 x 512 pixels) in the original files. For that operation ... following) into a grey scale (named image B in the following). II. FILTERING PROCESS OF IMAGE B 1) Computation of the spectrum (Fast Fourier Transform: FFT) of B. 2) Strong attenuation of the periodic spatial
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summary, the goals of the project were to: 1. Determine whether the available scans of the Ramey Memo can be successfully manipulated in accordance with state-of-the-art and standardized computerized methodology. 2. Develop
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decipher many words. Still, the findings generally supported our expectations and they also revealed surprises. Table 1 gives the Spearman rank-order correlations between the variables measured in this study. Participants' ages and degree ... these conditions elicited significantly more words than in the blind control condition (M = 1.6, SD = 1.32). Table 1. Spearman rank-order correlations between measures in the study 3. 4. 5. 6. . Age 2. Gender ... scale 6. Number of words .11* 15 .66** .78** .35* deciphered ° Men scored as 1, women as 2. Score ≥ 30, Score
Page 22
same words in the same positions by ufologists (e.g., "remains," "weather balloons," "land:" see Table 2, column 1). Likewise, participants in the Atomic Bomb Condition spent an average of 16 minutes trying to decipher
Page 26
copy of the document. In our opinion, the main value in pursuing research on this document is (1) to provide additional data to refine current hypotheses for the Roswell debris and (2) to possibly provide ... deciphered to any extent. The benefit of this experiment using known text is that it could (1) demonstrate that the text could, in principle, be deciphered or not, and (2) be used as a control
Page 20
score sheet, thereby replicating the system pioneered by earlier researchers (see Houran & Randle, 2002, Table 1, pp. 56-57). No time limit to compete the deciphering task was imposed on the participants. Our research assistants
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across the conditions) Pro-Roswell 0 words = 3 people 141 (128) 4.6 1.89 .25 (n = 59) words = 1 person 2 words = 5 people words = 6 people 4 words = 5 people 5 words = 23 people
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aperture (2D rectangular) has MG. D- O RE )L H(,y) =13,(2m lu'+v)u+v (1) where J, is the Bessel function of the first kind. In the deconvolution problem, equation (1 ... Gaussian blurring kernel. That is, PSF(i, j) = cexp(-' . T4 }, 272 for i, j = 0,1,2,--- N -1 where N is the support size of the PSF and C is a normalizing constant ... experimental result is given in Fig.3. The parameters used are as follows: o? = 23, N = 15. Jor ¿: - 1 begin J: -) *yl:= End: (a) (b) Fig. 3. (a) The test image, (b) The image blurred using
Page 15
Ramey's behavior, which does not seem to be an act of disinformation (see: Westwood, 2002; Randle & 1 These are current regulations, not what would have been in effect in 1947. The actual placement
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Colored Manipulations 1) The image p3trcol (d) is simply a coloured combination of p3tr1, p3tr2 and p3tr5
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problem. We will try our best and let you know what we can do. A few questions: 1) The text is handwritten capitals in English? 2) These images were obtained by directly scanning the film
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good result. New and more sophisticated methods need to be developed to solve the problem. References: [1]. Anil K. Jain , "Fundamentals of digital image processing," Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice Hall, 1989. [2]. R.J. Hanisch
Page 62
Image coding based on a fractal theory of iterated contractive image transformations. IEEE Trans. Image Processing, 1, 18-30. Jeffrey, K. (1998). Roswell-anatomy of a myth. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 12, 79-101. Johnson ... Disc-overy' near Roswell identified as weather balloon by FWAAF officer. Fort Worth Star-Telegram 8 July. 1. Johnson, J. B. (1998). Roswell photos revisited to be aired on FOX-TV network. Internet press release
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noise, respectively. Traditionally, the point-spread function (PSF) of a spatially degrading system is assumed exactly known. 1. Preprocessing In the current image, the speckle noise is very obvious and needs to be alleviated ... well known that speckle noise is multiplicative. One effective method for speckle noise suppression is homomorphic filtering [1]. If we define the noise model as v(x, y) =u(x, y) s(x, y) Then
Page 14
readings], but they're making some of it up" (Dull, 1998). Interested readers are referred to Table 1 in Houran and Randle (2002, pp. 56-57) for a detailed summary and comparison of the various
Page 31
previous investigators of the Ramey document (for a summary of those conclusions, see Houran & Randle, 2002, Table 1, pp. 56-57). Replicating the results of previous investigators under such rigorous test conditions can only benefit
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1. Brigadier General Roger M. Ramey (left), Commanding Officer of the Eighth Air Force, is photographed near the remains of a weather balloon and Rawin radar target on July 8, 1947. In his hand
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tasks in Table 4. It was expected that these laboratories would therefore have the expertise to simultaneously (1) provide an evaluation of the STRUCTURE of the document (e.g., the type of lettering, marks, and spacing
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disc) is identified as Warren Haught in many of the stories (New York Times, July 9, p. 1). A telex was sent by the FBI office in Dallas that suggested, on one hand, that
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Houran & Randle, 2002) in which we asked self-selected participants to decipher the Ramey memo (see Figure 1) under one of three possible suggestion conditions: one condition involved telling participants about the famous Roswell Incident › Downloads › Books › Digitized_by_AFU
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sonsbive Its noswied nolelosb aslupttise dada kad Mresbioob nebroblor er October 12-13, 1991 villaudas.Ji dedW to 1 as of pag anilit have been Loved doeS gen C.B. Scott Jones, Ph.D. eavisemani
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branch of the public, non-profit education and scientific organization, the Human Potential Foundation, Inc. ISBN 1-882658-02-7 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 95-076369 For information address: Human Potential Foundation
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Proceedings 1 OHU 9909181n09 ORU tutalad teom arb 1 bativat I coset-bin adi m ablanoe I sonsulaca OfU-non nasatit bus .badalidstes llav egallo3 19ges0 oll susel ORU adi Rocky Mountain Conference ... boonuonns L A livitas sonsasinoo e veb llul suod vat of 19v0 bluos vert eOnU loods 0 1 189d o1 ,woo bied osl moor vlimst bazosg valuloeds ns al vast of grinava v. ada (Ninth ... Contactee Conference) 991383/00 OnU duo bait of sdi vilsno21ag of vidaid 003 basmuno991 tonnso 1 .sonsibus islasge etdit n onul adi god oltalls91 s1 add elositor abut art oe sist vilsagho 88 l sonia June
Page 4
Government Respo in a Nation State System International Symposium on UFO Research, Denver, CO. May 22 - 25, 1 Matrix of UFO Be Tampa UFO Convention. "UFO's and New F Connecting with the Reality," Tampa ... 1
Page 5
Contents Acknowledgments ix Introduction ....................**...// •*************............................ xi tor I. UFO Phenomena: A Profound Learning Opportunity ..................................1 seing Keynote speech at the Ninth UFO Contactee not clear all to Conference, Rocky Mountain Conference on UFO those who claim
Page 7
conferences tor mid-1970's when invited him College Introduction in 8 non-UFO conference His 1 L established, and I to meet nim somehow the UFO come The following six papers have been changed
Page 8
powerless in moving the government on a more open path, and I sincerely believe they need help. 1
Page 37
oved i'nob e1n9891091 OgU tadt al allst airli to 998889 m onT sueet vas al 919d0 1 01 [sups to at dl 2.U adt of amblist 918 vort not dosoiggs isdolg s ebosmob
Page 38
GOVERNMENT UFO CONNECTIONS Jon ob 1 In a recent article, "A Government Inquiry," long time UFO researcher Richard Hall detailed the known activity to get Congressional hearings on UFOs during the 1960s. He correctly assessed
Page 40
gong, acupuncture, Chinese massage techniques, herbal compounds and *exceptional functions of the human body." The V SellOg89T 1 nt boviovai
Page 43
Investigation Department, and that all materials collected are sent to their Research Department which has two sections: (1) Geology -"core
Page 45
like a group of stars, flames from underneath." It was estimated that these were seen by approximately 1,000 other witnesses. Early evening, August 3, 1990, approximately twenty saucer shaped ships with blue lights; later
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There is no government activity inasmuch as the phenomena are explained by naturally occurring events. 1. The government is aware, but not directly involved or in exons contact with the perpetrating forces. bas 9VBINCIN
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parts-per-million by weight 9d Element SRM 854 59908 Unknown Be (Beryllium) less than 1 (a) 2.0 Co (Cobalt) 1.2 Mo 0.8 (Molybdenum) 1.6 0.5 Sn (Tin) 4.0 (a) Ba (Barium) bats less than ... puendU 5.8 0.32 0.36 the United to use (a) Information values on certificate: Be -- less than 1 may Dovi9091 Ppm darinaiged Sn -- less than 10 0AU put 13.56 P PPm vol adt OJ less than ... BRid a lAttes abalond g19 on 90314 cd battoge; 1 selective up to this point, the Soviet Union on Hi sis colone about UFO sightings
Page 57
quickly our differences would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world." 1 Ouang ant DItS sau 01 eidi no eatst2 batiaU adu ad iw VSO This discussion obviously is another
Page 58
batemastal d ald) tent arbuodt Yu09159gs 979d doidw mon COLOR AND SI antad I Jedw tot oats1g. 1 bataloggselb 919w allst adt 19 ts QU slaoac .snamonodg ONU m tedt I Jasmeeseas no vM bisa ... lesb Mabib dist adt to doum oa seusoad 1 819r0189891 03U /teg ud Ins roami dsdT.batastio 1-Jite, Toget queal rodtel tedD guidion anibulaxs vert 01lm adt ditw Issb ol Lanblool ad or abssa pals ... snosmoa odd duoda bisa bed 3sdw of Sinid) vilstonen odw esisin ago esw 919dT 19d9189891 O8U Insal 1 VIRUOLITOO 19189891 blot vitasnod 1. mid of patrolox as Jos bas on dart won dud asgaq
Page 140
slidw age etsoggsalb bris esvitis 09 10 45 m92 bisd ismartell victo Ico dead anoled I'nbib\1'nesob be too|do outine onT E Feathe avoid shape wobbling out st control Slide 5. Viewer
Page 74
nimob bay.The cost of these Florida wars for the United States eid was $40 million, with 1,500 servicemen dead. At times half of the U.S. Army was deployed against the Seminole military alliance. (Katz
Page 82
moonu nod art b99n oals Thompson, Keith. (1991). Angels and Aliens: UFOs and the ›vods adi 1 Mythic Imagination, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass. 1o nolaaugalb I ovad wov tud TOl oot to LIA ,estudluo olmaos
Page 89
through the list, where do you think information about UFOs and ETs would be located? (1) military plans, weapons, or operations; (2) the vulnerabilities or capabilities of systems, installations, projects, or plans relating
Page 109
Daniel P. Lovalties, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, ent art base 109lotg Isdi w7 vrolondos/:adT grinnigad ant balisteb 1 1905g eidd ai .notabnuot add ditor voolondos: nemud islasge at mont odd ant0199000 9 saaoo 19bau
Page 110
which cooperation largely supplants conflict, the dawn of that day is not yet on the horizon. 1 do not have any direct evidence of a larger organized political system than that represented on Earth
Page 126
domestic response equivalent to the international one when a massive loss of face potentially is involved, 1.e., war - a readiness to destroy property and take lives. If we are serious about making a positive
Page 130
Slide 1. Viewer One's sketch of entry object. bswollol BldT 900 D010 doldw euoTongaoda no liarst Viewer One: This target is associated with an object that is somewhere else, transiting another dimension. It normally
Page 132
Graphic 1 mallonngo to datode 19w9lV (160 odw elgong ate rütur badl 1108 90108 orb 1svo bam: andlestinem 91s bas s dedt noltaudla ,note uringo to lsab team 3] Slide 1. Viewer One's sketch
Page 153
control technology. 200l991933 (818D) mabioW 9 nomic bus asaud M .008192 lIW Levost odd to lemwol vholsuO 1 tava sauguT add estosni 888- 888 299sq 01 lov, veloo? lsoimonoueA
Page 154
agreement on Mered to be 'UFO TAMPA UFO CONVENTION labeis wrong. The 1 10 876 8 0 H othen "UFO: AND NEW FRONTIERS: enoughss? Bibisa enough to CONNECTING WITH THE LARGER REALITY" our Matrix eng4u
Page 156
except for a small minority which lack detail can be explained in terms of naturally occurring phenomena. 1. The phenomena are explained by craft from off planet, but from the visible universe
Page 157
various intelligence secrecy AbSTUchR organizations as part of broader security or Cheapol onSnerds disinformational campaigns. cadilas 1 3 10 consultenoo gathogqua 5. The phenomena are broader social engineering, or population mind-influencing programs designed
Page 159
generally accepted in Washington that the Cold War is over, and that the West won. Personally, 1 think a better assessment is that humankind won. However, the I point I want to make is that
Page 161
during the Cold War that in both countries questions such as the following were raised: have and 1. Is this a threat to sovereignty and national security? 1 mee 2. Even without a direct physical
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what accuracy, what reliability, etc. However, political leaders routinely ask additional questions. "Given that the enemy has 1,000 ICBMs, under what conditions will he use them, does he intend to launch a preemptive strike
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counterintelligence program was staggered at the effectiveness of his efforts. Here are two simple scenarios to consider: 1. UFO phenomena are real and a counterintelligence operation involving disinformation has been employed to protect this fact
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advance of ours, or simply based upon another metaphysics that we cannot handle. biological which could 1
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Senator Huddleston: Is there any indication that gerr knowledge gained as a result of these experiments 08 1 as been useful or is being applied in any way to saton present operations? oJ bssi › Downloads › Books › Digitized_by_AFU
Matsumura, Yusuke - A Catalogue Of Alleged UFO Pictures In Japan 1974-1976.pdf
Page 29
Photo No. 7462 / CASE VII-b: (1) DEC. 6, 1974 - 18:44-19:07 (5) f 3.5 (7) B&W -Kodak Tri-X (ASA 400) (6) B - 23 minutes (4) KONICA AUTOREFLEX ... Ibusuki-gun, Kagoshima Pref. Koichi Kuzunaka (29) Photo No. 7463 / CASE VI-c: f 3.5 (1) DEC. 6, 1974 - 19:43 (2) Ibusuki-gun, Kagoshima Pref. B - 20 seconds B&W -Kodak ... Koichi Kuzunaka (29) (4) KONICA AUTOREFLEX New T3 1 15CO
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Photo No. 7464 / CASE V-b: (1) DEC. 14, 1974 - 10:00 (2) Shimonoseki city, Yamaguchi Pref. COrC (3) Name withheld (52) (4) Photo No. 7465 / CASE ... Hakodate city, Hokkaido DOE B&W -Kodak Tri-X (ASA 400) o (1) (3) Seiichi Nunokawa (4) MINOLTA
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Photo No. 7466 -7467 / CASE VI-b: (1) DEC. 22. 1974 13:30 (2) Nishinomiya city, Hyogo Pref. (3) Munehiro Saito (12) # 7466 (4) Y ASHICA Electro 35 DROG Auto (8) COLOR 1
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Photo No. 7501 CASE IV-f: (1) JAN. 6, 1975 14:00 2 Yokohama city, Kanagawa Pref® 5 3 Auto tr Miss Kyoko Nishiyama (4) POLAROID SX-70 2 (8) COLOR - SX-70 - Land Film ... Photo No. 7502 / CASE VI-a: (1) JAN. 9, 1975 - 11:25 2 Naha city, Okinawa Pref. (5) f 11 (Y-2 filter) () Yuki Nakazato (18) (6) 1/250th (4) MINOLTA SR-T101, f1.4 ... Fuji Neopan SS (ASA 100) (8) 1
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Photo No. 7503 -7509 / CASE I: (1) JAN. 18, 1975 - 17:30-18:00 (2) Hiki-gun, Saitama Pref. (5) f 4 (3) Nobumitsu Koizumi (29) (6) B - 3 or 4 seconds (4) NIKOMAT
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Photo No. 7510 -7513 / CASE I: £ 4.5 (1) FEB. 8 , 1975 • 19:00 DOC B - 8 seconds (2) Hiki-gun, Saitama Pref. (3) Nobumitsu Koizumi (30) Several (4) ASAHI PENTAX, 400 mm B COLOR-Sakuracolor
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Photo No. 7514 -7516 / CASE I: (1) FEB. 13, 1975 (2) Oume city, Tokyo (3) Masao Shioda 20:30-35 # 7516 (4) NIKON F. f4.5, 300 mm 339 f 4.5 B - 5 -10 seconds
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Photo No. 7517 / CASE VI-c: (1) FEB. 14, 1975 18:30-19:00 48 f 2.8 (2) Shibetsu-gun, Hokkaido 2€® COLOR -Fujicolor N-100 (ASA100) Auto 13 (3) Yuzo Takahashi (4) KONICA ... Photo No. 7518 -7519 / CASE VI-c: (1) FEB. 16, 1975 - 21:40 (2) Tosa city Kochi Pref. Kozo Asai (28) 33 KASSACA A ST, 11.9. NOC f 1.9 B - 1 second B&W -Fuji ... Neopan SS (ASA 100) 1
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Photo No. 7520 -7529 / CASE III-a: (1) FEB. 18, 1975 - 18:45-19:00 (2) Takikawa city, Hokkaido (5) f4 (3) Mitsuyuki Ando (6) B 30-60 seconds B&W - Fuji
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Photo No. 7530 / CASE V-b: (1) FEB. - 1975 20:00 (2) Naha city, Okinawa Pref. (3) Hideo Makishi (17) (4) CANON FTb, f1.8, 50 mm (5 f 1.8 (Skylight filter) (6) B - 8 seconds ... Fuji Neopan SS O (ASA 100) Photo No. 7531 / CASE I: (1) MAR. 8, 1975 - 20:40 (2) Nakatsugawa city, Gifu Pref. DENIEd Hirotake Kodama MINOLTA SR-7 B - 5 or 6 seconds
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Photo No. 7532 / CASE I: (1) MAR. 20, 1975 - 22:10 (2) Shimonoseki city, # 7533 Yamaguchi Pref. (3) Y uji Tanimura (24) 303 RICOH 500G, £2.8, 40 mm 6 f 2.8 SCo B - 1 ... seconds B&W . Fuji SSS (ASA 200) 4 Photo No. 7533 -7535 / CASE VI-c: (1) MAR. 29, 1975 (2) Chiba city, Chiba Pref® ()) Ryutaro Ümehara (4) CANON FTb, f1.4 ... Fuji Neopan SS(ASA 100) 6) 1/125th 1
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Photo No. 7666 -7669 / CASE VI-b: Auto (1) JUL. 21, 1976 - 14:00 11 (2) Yuzawa city, Akita Preí. COLOR - Fujicolor (3) Teruo Tanaka (20) (4) OLYMPUS
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Photo No. 7536 -7537 / CASE VI-a: (1) APR. 1975 (2) Hitaka-gun, Wakayama Pref, OF DONO Miyoshi Oura (14) OLYMPUS 35DC, f1.7, 40 mm COLOR -Fujicolor F II(ASA 100) Photo ... CASE VI-b: (1) MAY. 11, 1975 - 14:00 (2) Chiba city, Chiba Pref. (3) Ryutaro Umehara (13) 4) CANON FTb, f1.4, 50 mm 5 9 daene 8 (& B&W -Fuji Neopan ... 1
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Photo No. 7540 / CASE IV-a: (1) MAY. 22, 1975 -08:00 18 f 16 The shores of a Lake 1/125th Kawaguchi, Yamanashi Pref® (3) Kimikazu Saginawa (48) 7 COLOR -Fujicolor ... TOPCON, 13.5, 90 mm 1 # 7541 # 7542 Photo No. 7541 -7542 / CASE III-a: (1) MAY. 24, 2975 - 21:30 @ Kanzaki-gun, Saga Pref. (5) f 1.8 & Toyohiro Yoshioka (26) CANON ... seconds (7) B&W - Fuji Neopan SS (ASA 100) (8) 1
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Photo No. 7543 / CASE V-c: (1) JUN. 2, 1975 15:00 (2) Mt. Showashin, Hokkaido (3) Masuo Kawase (14) 7543 (4) Y ASHICA Electro 35GL 5 6 Auto 7 (8) COLOR -Fujicolor ... Photo No. 7544 -7545 / CASE V-c: (1) JUN. 2, 1975 16:08 (2) Muroran city, Hokkaido (3) Toshiyuki Sato (11) TORER Handmade camera # 7544 B&W 1 Photo No. 7546 / CASE VI-C: (1
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Photo No. 7547 / CASE IV-c: (1) JUL. 2, 1975 - 22:15-22:35 (2) Asahikawa city, Hokkaido # 7548 (3) Susumu Saito (27) f 4.5 13 MISON P, 14:5, 300 mm Zoom ... minutes (8) B&W - Fuji SSS (ASA 200) Photo No. 7548 CASE III-b: (1) JUL. 19, 1975 - 23:10-20 (2) Minami-Ashigara city, Kanagawa Pref. (3) Toshio Usui $ MINOLTA ... Fuji Neopan SS(ASA 100) (8) 0 # 7549 Photo No. 7549 / CASE V-a: (1) JUL. 23, 1975 - 01:00 (2) Yokohama city, Kanagawa Pref. (3) Toshio Usui (4) MINOLTA
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Photo No. 7550 / CASE V-a: (1) JUL. 23, 1975 18:00 (2) From JAL B-747 (Flight #JL 62) over Okinawa TA9C0 Keiroku Kanno MINOLTA Hi -Matic E, f1.7, 40 mm Auto ... COLOR -Fujicolor F-II (ASA 100) 0 Photo No. 7551 / CASE III-a: (1) JUL. 27, 1975 - 00:40 (2) Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo (3) Cameraman of Yomiuri SHimbun (4) NIKON
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Photo No. 7552 / CASE V-c: (1) JUL. 31, 1975 23:05-30 (2) Yokohama city Kanagawa Pref. (3) Toshio Usui # 7552 9 6 MINOLTA SR-T 126® f1.4 B - 25 minutes B&W -Fuji ... Neopan SS (ASA100) 0 Photo No. 7553 / CASE V-a: (1) AUG. 2, 1975 - 23:17-25 (2) Yokohama city, Kanagawa Pref. (3) Toshio Usui (4) MINOLTA SR-T (5, 2.8 B - 8 minutes ... Fuji Neopan SS(ASA 100) 6, (8) 0 # 7553 Photo No. 7554 / CASE V-d: (1) AUG. 2, 1975 - 22:21-35 (2) Yokohama city, Kanagawa Pref® (3) Toshio Usui s COCO MINOLTA
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Photo No. 7555 -7560 / CASE VI-b: (1) AUG. 3, 1975 - 18:30 (2) Toyota city, Aichi Pref. (3) Jiro Matsuura (47) (4) OLYMPUS OM-1, f1.2, 55 mm 3 f 8 9 1/125th
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Photo No. 7561 -7564 / CASE I: 1 AUG. 2 4, 1975 b) Miss Aihara 19:50 Maebashi city, Gunma Pref (4) OLYMPUS
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Photo No. 7565 / CASE VI-C: f 1.4 (1) AUG. 4, 1975 - 19:50 (2) Maebashi city, Gunma Pref. B - 2 or 3 seconds B&W - Fuji Neopan SS (ASA 100) (3) Miss Aihara
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Photo No. 7566 / CASE V-a: f 8 (flash bulb used) (1) AUG. - 1975 (2) Nitsuta-gun, Gunma Pref, NOE∞ COLOR - Fujicolor N-100(ASA 100) 1 (3) Miss Tajima (4) YASHICA Electro 35 Photo ... CASE I: B - 15 minutes (1) AUG. 4, 1975 (2) Maebashi city, Gunma Pref. DOE B&W - Fuji SSS (ASA 200) 1 (3) Miss Shiina (4) ASAHI PENTAX
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Photo No. 7568 / CASE VI-c: (1) AUG. 8, 1975 - 20:00 (5) f 1.4 Mito city , Ibaragi Prefo (6) 1/60th 7 COLOR Few NO Rikio Ozu (4) CANON FTb, f1.4, 50 mm (8) Photo ... CASE V-a: f 8 (UV filter) (1) AUG. 12, 1975 -02:00 B - 30 seconds Lake Biwa, Shiga Pref. Ryuun Mizutani (40) (7) B&W -Kodak
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Photo No. 7570 / CASE V-b: (1) AUG. 12, 1975 22:00 NOTDOEO Annaka city, Gunma Pref. Toru Hosokawa Photo No. 7571 / CASE VII-b: (1) AUG. 18, 1975 17:58 (2) Kitakata city, Fukushima
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Photo No. 7572 CASE III-a: (1) AUG. 19, 1975 21:00 (2) Kitakata city, Fukushima Pref. (5) f1.7 (3) Shinji Shiga (6) B (4) YASHICA Electro 35 (7) COLOR -Fujicolor ... Photo No. 7573 / CASE VI-a: (1) AUG. 21, 1975 - 13:20 Sapporo city , Hokkaido (5) € 11 Tetsuo lino (22) (6) 1/250th (4) MINOLTA SR-7 (7) (8) B&W -Fuji Neopan
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Photo No. 7574 -7577 / CASE I: (1) AUG. 1975 19:00 (2) Kitakata city, Fukushima Pref. (5) 14.5 (3) Tsuneo Hori (6) B - 7 seconds (4) ASAHI PENTAX 6X7, f4.5, 200 mm (7) COLOR -Fujicolor
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Photo No. 7578 -7579 CASE V-a: (1) AUG.. 1975 - 19:00 (5) £ 4.5 (2) Kitakata city, Fukushima Pref. (6) B - 7 seconds (3) Tsuneo Hori (7) COLOR -Fujicolor
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Photo No. 7580 -7581 CASE I: (1 AUG.. 1975 - 19:00 (2) Kitakata city, Fukushima Pref. (5) f4.5 (Skylight filter) (3) Tsuneo Hori (6) B - 5 or 10 minutes (4) ASAHI PENTAX 6X7, f4.5
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Photo No. 7582 -7583 / CASE V-a: (5) 2 SEP. 5, 1975 - 22:15 or 1.5 second (1) (2) Otsu city, Shiga Pref. (3) Masanori Sato (4) NIKOMAT
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Photo No. 7584 -7589 / CASE I: (1) SEP. 6, 1975 Kitakata city, Fukushima Pref. Tsuneo Hori 4) ASAHI PENTAX 6X7 , £4.5, 200 mm 6) f 4.5 B - 10 or 15 minutes % COLOR - Fujicolor
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Photo No. 7590 -7592 / CASE VII-b: (1) SEP. 13, 1975 - 19:30 (2) Kitakata city, Fukushima Pref. (3) Makoto Endo (17) (4) MINOLTA SR-1, 12.5, 28 mm 2.8 (Skylight filter
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Photo No. 7593 / CASE VI-c: (1) SEP. 16, 1975 - 18:45 (2) Kawaguchi city, Saitama Pref. 1/125th (3) Makoto Ueno (16) COCa COLOR - Fujicolor N-100 (ASA 100) (4) KONICA C35E (8 Photo ... CASE VII-a: (1) SEP. 18, 1975 11:30 5 Auto . (2) Sapporo city, Hokkaido 6) Hirofusa Hara (7) B&W - Fuji Neopan SS (ASA 100) (3, OLYMPUS 35EC2 (8) More than
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Photo No. 7595 / CASE VI-d: (1) OCT. 6, 1975 - 19:30 (2) Kitakata city, Fukushima Pref. (3) Masaru Onodera (19) (4) Y ASHICA Electro 35 (5) f1.7 (Skylight filter) (6) B - 10 seconds ... Fuji SSS (ASA 200) Few •J Photo No. 7596 / CASE VI-c: (1) OCT. 6, 1975 - 19:30 (2) Kitakata city, Fukushima Pref. (3) Yoshihiro Watanabe (24) (4) CANON
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Photo No. 7597 / CASE VI-c: (1) OCT. - 1975 22:30 (2) Kitakata city, Fukushima Pref. (3) Suganuma (4) OLYMPUS OM-1, £1.8, 50 mm OO f1.8 (Skylight filter) B 7 B&W -Fuji Neopan ... Photo No. 7598 / CASE VI-a: (1) OCT. 6, 1975 10:30 (2) Naze city, Amami-Oshima Islands (3) Hideaki Yuasa (4) ASAHI PENTAX SP, f1.8, 55 mm (5) f 16 (Y-2 filter
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Photo No. 7599 -75101 / CASE VI-b: (1) OCT. 6, 1975 16:00 (2) Toyama city, Toyama Pref. (3) Tetsuyuki Asari (9) ATROC POLAROID Colorpack 82 Auto
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Photo No. 75102 -75104 / CASE VI-a: (1) OCT. 10, 1975 - 10:20 (2) Kuji-gun, Ibaragi Pref® 2 3 Yoshihiro Fujita 4 Y ASHICA (8) B&W - Sakura SS (ASA 100) 1
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Photo No. 75105 -75106 CASE I: (1) OCT. 12, 1975 - 18:30 (2) Ibusuki-gun, Kagoshima Pref. no! f 3.5 B - 5 seconds Akira Kamihigoshi (26) (7) COLOR - Sakuracolor (4) NIKOMAT
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Photo No. 75107 / CASE IV-a: (1) OCT. 22, 1975 - 16:15 (5) Auto t (2) Yokohama city, Kanagawa Pref. (6) (4) CANON DATEMATIC, £2.8, 40 mm 7 (8) COLOR -Sakuracolor II(ASA 100) Miss ... Yurie Takeda 0 Photo No. 75108 / CASE III-C: MAMIY A 1.9, 48 mm (1) NOV. 12, 1975 04:42 e Handa city, Aichi Pref OLYMPUS 12.8, 48 mm Katsuyuki Takeuchi Set 4 cameras with ... open 7 1 cut = 0.0393 sec o 003 Fuji X-ray Rotatory shutter (8) Several tens KONICA £3.5, 50 mm OLYMPUS f3.5
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Photo No. 75109 / CASE III-a: (1) NoV. 17, 1975 - 21:00 (2) Hiroshima city, Hiroshima Pref. (3) Kenichi Fujita (27) nON KONICA AUTOREFLEX T3, f1.4, 50 mm f 1.4 1/4 second ... Kodak Tri-X (ASA 400) o Photo No. 75100 -75113 / CASE III-b: COCO f 3.5 (1) DEC. 26, 1975 - 22:30 B - 1 or 2 seconds (2) Matsuzaka city, Mie Pref. B&W Fuji
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Photo No. 7601 / CASE III-C: (1) JAN. 4, 1976 - 16:45 (2) Higashi-Yatsushiro-gun, Yamanashi Pref. 83 MAsON E: Makeoga wan (34) EF, 105 mm (5) f 11 (6) 1/30th p COLOR -Fujicolor ... Photomicrograph) Photo No. 7602 / CASE III-C: (1) JAN. 4, 1976 - 16:45 (2) Kitakoma-gun, Yamanashi Pref. & TOLEO Takeji Yoshida OLYMPUS-PEN EE Auto COLOR - Fujicolor Few * (40X Photomicrograph
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Photo No. 7603 / CASE VI-a: (1) JAN. 7, 1976 - 07:00 (2) Hachinohe city, Aomori Pref. (3) Shigeru Nagane (11) 3 FUJICA Compact 35, f2.8 THORO Auto B&W - Fuji Neopan ... 1 0 Photo No. 7604 / CASE VI-a: (1) JAN. 8, 1976 - 13:20 (2) Nago city, Okinawa Pref. (4) ASAHI PENTAX SPF, £4, 300 mm (3) Ryoji Imai (5) f 16 (Y -2 filter
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Photo No. 7605 -7606 / CASE I: (1) JAN. 10, 1976 17:20 (2) Niyu-gun, Fukui Pref. (5) f2.8 (3) Miss Masami Ueda (17) (6) Auto (4) FUJICA GE, 12.8, 38 mm (7) COLOR - Fujicolor
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Photo No. 7607 / CASE V-c: (1) JAN. 25, 1976 -24:00 (2) Isezaki city, Gunma Pref. (3) Shohachi Matsumoto (4) ASAHI PENTAX 6X7 , £3.5, 55 mm with equatorial telescope (D60 m/m, F710 ... minutes (8 COLOR -Fujicolor F-II 0 Photo No. 7608 / CASE III-a: (1) FEB. 6, 1976 - 17:30 (2) Yokohama city, Kanagawa Pref. (3) Minoru Kato (4) MINOLTA
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Photo No. 7609 -7610 / CASE IV-b: (5) (1) FEB. 15, 1976 - 14:50 Shirahama airport, Wakayama Pref. (6) (7) COLOR 2 (2) E Yoshiji Nitsuta
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Photo No. 7611 -7626 / CASE VI-a: (1) FEB. 27, 1976 - 15:00 (2) Muroran city , Hokkaido 5 Auto (3) Shintaro Mori (12) & Kenji Watanabe (12) 8 B&W - Fuji Neopan
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Photo No. 7627 -7628 / CASE III-b: £ 3.5 (1) MAR. 5, 1976 - 22:40 Yokohama city, Kanagawa Pref. 2 OC B- 1 second B&W - Fuji SSS (ASA 200) Koichi Itokawa (23) (4) CANON ... Photo No. 7629 / CASE V-c: (5) f5.6 (1) MAR. 12, 1976 17:45 Yokohama city, Kanagawa Pref. (6) Auto Miss Satoko Kurihara (21) (7) B&W-Fuji Neopan SS(ASA 100) (4) YASHICA Electro
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Photo No. 7630 / CASE IV-a: (1) MAR. 14, 1976 - 15:00 (2) Nagoya airport, Aichi Pref. (5) f 8 (SL-1A filter) 3) Shigeru Kaneiwa (11) 6 1/250th (4) AS…HI PENTAX
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Photo No. 7631 / CASE IV-c: (1) APR. 7, 1976 14:30 (2) Yokohama city, Kanagawa Pref. Hiroshi Ishihara TOOEO MINOLTA XE, 13.5, 135 mm f 11 (UV filter) B&W- Fuji Neopan SS (ASA100 ... 1/125th 1 Photo No. 7632 -7633 / CASE VI-a: (1) APR. 10, 1976 - 14:15 (2) Nichinan city, Miyazaki Pref. Toru Abe (18) nO YASHICA FFT, £1.9, 50 mm f 11 (Y -2 filter) 1/250th
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Photo No. 7634 7635 / CASE VI-a: (1) APR. 17, 1976 -16:15 (2) Iki-gun, Nagasaki Pref. Toshio Yokoyama (11) POCKET FUJICA 200 f 11 # 7634 CEROEO 8) Auto (1/60th) COLOR -Fujicolor Photo ... CASE I: (1) MAY. 16, 1976 - 19:40 (2) Aomori city, Aomori Pref. (3) Takashi Ozaki (22) (4) ASAHI PENTAX SP, £1.4, 55 mm (5) f1.4 (6) B - 4 seconds 3 13 COLOR-Pujicolor
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Photo No. 7638 -7640 / CASE VI-C: (1) MAY. 17, 1976 Oral similal 19:30 (2) Hitoyoshi city, Kumamoto Pref. (3 Naoyuki Minashima (14) (4) MINOLT A Hi-Matic ... Fuji Neopan SS(ASA 100) (8) 4 # 7639 Photo No. 7641 / CASE IV-e: (1) MAY. 27, 1976 - 14:05 (2) Yokohama city, Kanagawa Pref. D»»y (3) Minor Takazawa (27) (4) CANON
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Photo No. 7642 -7655 /CASE VI-b: (1) JUN. 17, 1976 # 7647 16:00 Kyoto city Kyoto Pref. (3) Kazunobu Nishimura (11) (4) KONICA POCKET 400 , f1.8, 28 mm - 86 0 JO 3 COLOR -Fujicolor
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Photo No. 7656 -7661 VI-a: 0280 Auto (Skylight filter) (1) JUN. 20, 1976 - 17:30 (2) Mogami-gun, Yamagata Pref. COLOR -Fujicolor F-II(ASA 100) (3) Hiroshi Chigahara (12) (4) MINOLTA Hi-Matic
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Photo No. 7670 / CASE VI-a: (1) AUG. 12, 1976 - 13:20 (2) Yokohama city. Kanagawa Pref. (3) Shinya Kakinuma (12) (4) OLYMPUS-PEN D2 NOE Auto (f 8) (1/250th) 8 COLOR -Fujicolor ... 1 Photo No. 7671 / CASE IV-d: (1) AUG. 13, 1976 16:15 (2) Yokohama city , Kanagawa Pref. STU Goro Murase S CANON EF, 13.5, 135 mm 11 (UV filter) (6) 1/250th
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Photo No. 7672 -7683 / CASE VI-b: (1) AUG. 15, 1976 - 10:50 (2) Takarai-gun, Aichi Pref. - 3 Auto 5 Yukio Ishida (39) DE COLOR - Fujicolor (4) PETRI M35, £2.7, 35 mm (8) 1
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Photo No. 7684 / CASE VI-a: (1) SEP. 30, 1976 - 11:30 (2) Nakamura city, Kochi Pref. (3) Hideo Kurata (4) TOPCON IC-1, 15.6, 200 mm (5) f 11 (6) 1/250th ... Fuji Neopan SS(ASA 100) (8) 2 Photo No. 7685 -7686 / CASE I: (1) OCT. 9, 1976 17:57 (2) Minato-ku, Tokyo Kenjiro Kitaura (28) OLYMPUS
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Photo No. 7687 -7688 / CASE VI-c: (1) OCT. 23, 1976 - 21:40 (2) Nagasaki city, Nagasaki Pref. (5) £ 3.5 (3) Masayuki Moritani (35) (6) B - 1 second (4) MINOLTA SR-T101 ... Kodak Tri-X (ASA 400) 1
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Photo No. 7405 -7406 / CASE V-b: f 4 (1) MAR. 24, - 1974 - 20:00 B 30 seconds (2) Fuji city, Shizuoka Pref. (3) Kazutoshi (4) TOPCON Unilex ... Kodak Tri-X (ASA 400) Sato (42) 1
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Photo No. 7403 / CASE IV-a: (1) MAR. 20, 1974 -11:30 (2) Seki city, Gifu Pref. (3) Y oshio Yamaguchi (31) (4) RICO Auto-half (5) Auto (6) 1/125th (7) COLOR (8) 0 Photo ... CASE VI-c: (1) MAR. 21, 1974 -05:00 (2) Fuji city , Shizuoka Pref. (3) Kazutoshi Sato (42) (4) TOPCON Unilex, f2, 200 mm (5) f 4 (6) B 30 seconds (7) B&W -Kodak
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Photo No. 7401 / CASE V-b: (1) FEB. 26, 1974 04:05 (2) Fuji city, Shizuoka Pref. (5) $ 4 TO B - 3 seconds 8 Kazutoshi Sato (42) TOPCON Unilex
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Identified natural & weather phenomena . b. Inconclusive data & Insufficient data for analysis. KEY TO DESCRIPTION Descriptive Codes: (1) Date & Time (2) (5) Diaphragm Location (3) (4) Photographer (age) Shutter speed Film Camera (8) Number of witnesses
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Photo No. 7662 CASE V-c: (1) JUN. 26, 1976 07:00 (2) Yokohama city, Kanagawa Pref. Hiroshi Eda (19) YASHICA Electro 35 OTD250 f 8 B&W - Fuji Neopan SS(ASA 100) Auto ... Photo No. 7663 -7665 / CASE VI-b: (1) JUL. 5, 1976 - 16:00 (2 Yokohama city, Kanagawa Pref. Katsuhiro Tsuruoka (11) OLYMPUS-PEN EE-2 , £3.5, 28 mm FROE. # 7663 Auto 11 B&W -Kodak ... 1
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Photo No. 7407 / CASE III-a: (1) MAR. 29, 1974 - 21:45 (2) Fuji city, Shizuoka Pref. (3) Toshio Shiozawa (4) OLYMPUS OM-1, £1.4, 50 mm (5) £5.6 030 G Photo No. 7408 / CASE ... seconds B&W -Kodak Tri-X(ASA 400) (1) MAY. 12, 1974 (2) 14:00 Summit of Mt. Aso, Kyushu (3) Munefumi Hisayama (15) 18 Allo Auto (about 1/60th) (4) Y ASHICA Electro 35MC
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Photo No. 7409 / CASE V-c: (1) MAY. 16, 1974 -13:30 (5) f 8 (2) Mt. Showashin, Hokkaido 1/100th (3) Minor Ozeki (4) YASHICA Electro 35CC, f1.8, 35 mm (7) B&W - Fuji Neopan ... Photo No.7410 / CASE VII-b: (1) MAY. 24, 1974 - 16:30 (2) Fuji city, Shizuoka Pref. (5) f 4 () Kazutoshi Sato (42) (6) 1/60th (4) TOPCON Unilex, f4, 200 mm (7) COLOR-Kodak High Speed
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Photo No. 7411 -7413 CASE II: (1) JUN. 21, 1974 -20:15 Iwamizawa city, Hokkaido (5) f2 3 Kazuaki Konishi (18) 6) B - about 10 seconds (4) TOPCON Unilex, £2, 50 mm 13 COLOR -KOlas
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Photo No. 7414 -7417 / CASE VI-a: (1) JUN. 26, 1974 -16:35 -40 (2) Chitose city, Hokkaido & Koichi Ryuzaki (18) 18 17125 th Auto CANON EX AUTO (7) B&W - Fuji Neopan ... Photo No. 7418 / CASE VI-c: (1) JUL. 2, 1974 - 22:00 -02 (2) Fuji city, Shizuoka Pref. (5) f4 (3) Kazutoshi Sato (42) (6) B 2 minutes (4) TOPCON Unilex
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Photo No. 7419 / CASE VI-c: (1) AUG. 2, 1974 - 02:40 f 2.8 (2) Fuji city, Shizuoka Pref. B - 3 seconds (3) Kazutoshi Sato (42) DOE o B&W - Kodak ... TOPCON Unilex, f2, 200 mm 6 Few Photo No. 7420 CASE V-a: (1) AUG. 15, 1974 05:20 (5) Auto (7) COLOR - Fujicolor N-100(ASA 100) (2) Summit of Mt. Tate, Toyama Pref
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Photo No. 7421 -7423 / CASE VI-a: (1) SEP. 13, 1974 - 16:30 (2) Kofu city, Yamanashi Pref® (5) Auto (3) Yukio Kuwazawa (15) (6) (7) B&W -Fuji Neopan SS (ASA 100) (4) ASAHI ... PENTAX ES, f1.4, 50 mm (8) 1
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Photo No. 7424 / CASE VI-a: (1) SEP. 14, 1974 - 11:30-12:00 2 Futaba-gun, Fukushima Pref® at nOt o Miss Mie Masuko (18) KODAK INSTAMATIC X-15 Auto 3 COLOR 0 Photo ... CASE VI-C: (1) SEP. 20, 1974 -23:47-57 (2) Fujieda city, Shizuoka Preí. (3) Yoshimi Yoshimura (25) (4) NIKON F2 Photomic, f2, 28 mm 5 f 2 % B 10 minutes
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Photo No. 7426 -7429 CASE I: (1) SEP. 30-OCT. 7, 1974 -18:00-21:00 (2) Hidaka-gun, Wakayama Pref. (3) Chuichi Maeyama (27) (4) FUJICA ST701
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Photo No. 7430 / CASE V-a: (1) OCT. 2, 1974 18:00 (2) Nanyo city, Yamagata Pref. (5) f1.7 6) B - 2 minutes (3) Yoshinori Oda (30) (7) COLOR-Fujicolor ... YASHICA Electro 35, f1.7, 45 mm (8) O Photo No. 7431/ CASE VI-c: (1) OCT. 10, 1974 19:00-22:00 (2) Sawa-gun, Gunma Pref. B - 60 minutes 3 Shinji Otake
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Photo No. 7432 -7433 / CASE Vi-a: Auto (1) OCT. 11, 1974 - 06:30 (2) Onomichi city, Hiroshima Pref. C260 COLOR 1 (3) Kazuhiko Fujimatsu (4) KODAK INSTAMATIC
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Photo No. 7434 / CASE IV-f: (1) OCT. 11, 1974 17:30 (2) Peace Memorial Park, Hiroshima city. (3) Miss Naomi Endo (4) OLYMPUS-PEN EE-3, (5) TOES Auto 1/250th /13.5, 28 mm COLOR ... Photo No. 7435 / CASE VI-a: (1) OCT. 20, 1974 16:00 (2) Setana-gun, Hokkaido (3) Yuji Shinyatsuko (12) (4) ISOCA FLEX (5) f5.8 (6) B - 1 second
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Photo No. 7436 -7440 / CASE VI-b: Auto (1) OCT. 28, 1974 - 20:00-21:00 / flash bulb used (2) Nara city, Nara Pref. COLOR -Kodacolor II (ASA 80) (3) Toshikatsu Sato 1 (4) KODAK
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Photo No. 7441 / CASE VI-C: OCT. 31, 1974 - 22:55 (2) Ibusuki-gun, Kagoshima Pref. B (1) Koichi Kuzunaka (29) DORO B&W -Kodak Tri-X (ASA 400) 0 6 (4) KONICA Photo ... CASE I: B (1) NOV. 2, 1974 - 21:15 Ibusuki-gun, Kagoshima Pref. B&W -Kodak Tri-X (ASA 400) 4 Kochi Kuzunaka (29) DOE0 Few KONICA
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Photo No. 7443 -7447 / CASE I: (1) Nov. 2, 1974 - 19:35 (2) "Go-gome" (the Fifth stage) of Mt. Fuji (3) Yasuo Kudo RICOH FLEX, 200 mm Auto 6 B - 3-30 seconds
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Photo No. 7448 7449 CASE V-C: (1) NOV. 4, 1974 - 22:20 & 22:40 (2) Shizunai-gun, Hokkaido (3) Tadatoshi Hirai (17) (4) NIKOMAT FTN, f2, 50 mm with Kenko telescope D60 m/m, F800 ... DOCO 2 1/15th B&W Fuji SSS (ASA 200) 0 Photo No. 7450 -7452 / CASE VI-b: (1) NOV. 12, 1974 - 13:00 (2) Obihiro city, Hokkaido Katsuji lino (14) OLYMPUS
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Photo No. 7453 / CASE VI-c: (1) NOV. 13, 1974 • 22:47-23:09 f 3.5 (2) Ibusuki-gun, Kagoshima Pref. B 22 minutes (3) Kochi Kuzunaka (29) B&W -Kodak ... KONICA, 200 mm 1980 (8) O Photo No. 7454 / CASE VI-c: (1) NOV. 18, 1974 - 21:30 (2) Ibusuki-gun, Kagoshima Pref. (5) € 3.5 (6) B (3) Koichi Kuzunaka
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Photo No. 7455 / CASE VI-c: (1) NOV. 18, 1974 22:11-24:00 (2) Ibusuki-gun, Kagoshima Pref. (3) Koichi Kuzunaka (29) (4) KONICA, 200 mm (5) f3.5 (6) B - 2 minutes ... NONe 13, 1974 - 18:45 Kume-gun, Okayama Prefo 8 Max on la Polk uda 1 2 0 FT, 600 mm FLOE® f 5.6 B - 10 seconds (8) B&W -Kodak
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Photo No. 7457 / CASE I: (1) NOV. 20, 1974 20:45 (5) f2.8 (2) Ibusuki-gun, Kagoshima Pref. (6) B - 5 seconds (3) Koichi Kuzunaka (29) (7) B&W -Kodak ... KONICA FTA (8) Few Photo No. 7458 -7461 / CASE VI-c: (1) NOV. 29, 1974 - 21:30 (5) f 5.6 (2) Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 8 Isamu Suzuki (49) 100 2 second (8) COLOR -Fujicolor › Downloads › Books › Digitized_by_AFU › Quest_Publications
Birdsall, Mark - UFOs over Europe 1943-48.pdf
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1] It is my opinion that many civilian UFO researchers now accept that this 'modern prior the era' Or reference to past war UFO sightings actually exists. However, it must be remembered that ' Ghost Rocket
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many years, been regarded as the original predecessors to the modern era of the UFO enigma [1]. In over forty years little has been learnec of the true nature or origin of the above named ... born weaponry emerging from desperate war-weary nations, does not Quest Publications International Ltd Page 1
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interestingly, the future launches of the V-weapons were to account for only a small percentage of 1 Foo Fighter' reports. These weapons were originally designed to strike at all enemy targets, yet the guidance
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were already conducting researches in Russia, 12% in America, 8% went to France and Britain had acquired 1%. 29] Directorate of United States intelligence -• classified 'TOP SECRET', Quest Publications International Ltd Page
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after the war were satisfied that the majority of advanced weaponry (German) was in the hands of 1 safe nations' [38]. Only until the 'Ghost Rockets' emerged did America, Britain and to some extent France
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been the remnants of exploding missiles. But probably more important; Is it I wonder, just coincidence that 1 Foo Fighters' and 'Ghost Rocket' reports appeared during and just after the most advanced
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situations which are all relevant to the study of the UFO. Quest: Ablications International Itd Page 29 1
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174/09 1 Kie 3099 - A. *Pi Oberkommando des fleeres Oic r 1.St 17 C311-5563/43 1 Acting Nel BeEt.. 1224045 n. lia be adoles Fires Kitselwarke 0. n. b, ll. Bet IncEterlesszut Lain
Page 23
Fighter' reports had 'mysteriously' disappeared - conveniently in my opinion just as hostilities had ended [24]1 The public had grown weary of airborne menaces across much of Europe, but now their attention turned
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Germany, yet for some reason the Americans halted their advance. The Soviets totally aware of their own •1 May 451 position, were to carefully analyse the situation, and remain present in much of East Europe ... probably one of the first official press releases on the unusual phenomenon which was shortly to 1 roar! across much of Europe. Unusually, the 'Foo Fighter' reports had 'mysteriously' disappeared - conveniently in my opinion just
Page 28
witnesses to an early American UFO report had actually sighted a V2 American style? From an early 1 Secret! categorised document, I acquired a brief 'Insight' of 3 report which in my opinion falls within ... aspect or another) plus the very locality of the overflight, must produce some doubt that the 1 UFOI was in fact nothing more than the actual launch of a V-2 or perhaps even
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every report that is submitted regarding unidentified flying objects has a valid and relevant explanation [34]. If 1 Foo Fighters' were indeed extraterrestrial manifestations, then I would be extremely surprised, And furthermore, I cannot accept › Downloads › Books › Digitized_by_AFU › Quest_Publications
Oechsler, Bob - The Chesapeake Connection - Part 1 of 2.pdf
Page 65
bridge itself, but he said it that was wrong, as far as could cost as much as $1 million know the contractor would to fix the cracks. probably pay the cost," he said
Page 64
work and the the bridge, McCican Contracting C4 cost of the add lional [repaurs were of Baltimore. 1 attaching steeL aup: Incomplete Last night port plates, called "grillage. on el: Omficials stat believe, however
Page 22
Bridge 31 24% E THON/SON Seatt » rust bae ease 404 4/ Us Prete •08 . •M vacated 1 alto aan drascel Caulu Ass +404 Co -bus asesca . os Li et Chet 86 U. 367 31410 . * cold ... usher al After be *what Code, on. Pomad Dothrol A 1. bodies 1014 de s weal act bee the be beet de blame rp/u est 5: 10.- hold. sece.dies u as Ceceoster fossareder ... cutene crooner care se Ust swow, enoug Or Dourd A Da co do, sious de vaunter 1 algauisgs. pores ding be sped shads trea MAd are sat a fur dal Pa00 C 12 MDma
Page 77
fiscal year 1966 TOTAL S COMP ANT DESCRIPTION NO. EMPLOYEEs HAME/ADORESS/PHONE IN METROAREA HEADQUARTEAS 01911-:14.7 1. bate, nomalion proce yo. 14t. 20179 0011240-0181 • an err mantileemr, 5 TWOHOUSE ELECTACCOR. 2. DOER ... ontar3 dol galad over 125.000 Pal 000/1 a 1 ed app aprusad Lnds. The goieners as fen cel catad to pry he core aco Researched by Debra A. Brill he doin / poled
Page 11
experts would be needed not only to test the debris, but to scan the crash site. 1
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Crash a mystery The sudden radio blackout (Contiaued from Page Al) Kia famly members. 1 The suddea radio blackout would Indicate: power loss. But would indicate a power loss. But when be flalshed the task ... said. ""We just don't know. Il's four months prior to the accident; possibility, but 1 don't know u The case bas beea turned over anyone will ever kaow." the NaUonal Safely Transporta › Downloads › Books › Digitized_by_AFU › Quest_Publications
Oechsler, Bob - The Chesapeake Connection - Part 2 of 2.pdf
Page 49
mental balance...... Let us deal with our ORD massive sins and errorS..• and have the courage 1 ology of barbari sm to whhhh speak up..... against the method- DOR committed. If as a nation
Page 50
McNamars mi Willas MeC. Martin. Jr. eut Arjay Miller Louis W. Cabot Queries W. Robinson Chairman Robert 1 H. Chapan Rose cc: President Dyal Cerud C. Sadth Robert Brookings Saith Sydney Stein, Jc. Phylll
Page 37
County, was among those attending the auction of Wye Angus earling in the background sold for $1,000 each. A BREED APART Wye Black Angus attract breeders from across the country By ANDREA WATTERS Kent ... annal • ca: t2 ..:: quality crystal, he lives in the finest part born calves yet went for $3.100 • 1 leed
Page 29
Manor House about a mile away. The Manor House is an elegant brick mansion set on approximately 1,000 acres of land. A red wind sock indicates a helicopter pad, but that is about
Page 55
these phenomena. To proceed on a research task without a sound disciplinary framework and an exploratory technique 1 n mind would be wasteful and probably unproductive
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LUNAR MISSIONS Mission Launch Expected End Pioneer 10 March 1972 2000 Picneer 11 April 1973 2000 Voyager 1 August 1977 2000 Vovagor September 1977 2000 Boneer Venu, Orbuter May 1978 1992 Magellin May 1989 April
Page 16
light of the bulkhead which, according to the former Kent County zoning director, would cost between 1 million and 2 million dollars
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reading for all ufologists and interested parties is THE PUZZLE PALACE by James Bamford. Quoting from chapter 1, Birth: "At 12:01 on the morning of November 4, 1952, a new federal agency was born
Page 12
vous." Navy catcher Tim Peifley inDing on their first hit of the (Continued on Page C:. t 1 Feds say 'nyet' to Soviet group's visit to local school P sett t De panmeet affecia ... cases: The Doge schect 474 - cond a119 de .Th A ME on : Mare Dee At Led *1 ecots really Muuges a beet 11M Antant Me he sti La de as oste ... real; on; L-a: La sprat menus ar. for De StuN W US SeeMs rela wall after 1 ani4 os cere probably • cere cruple vers." Mo Metaste D. wAt. :: • e* Unos." 1A 44 -ise bolt ... boost See. hers -mg : 313 ph aNd Se-seas Stadral on the school • callerel 1 Stone Depenoce Cases on us Spaced% Carcior el Ge. clop tenure DE . 4. su - See. ess00 Shey FINa libel) forges
Page 11
CREEK JAMES D. WRIGHT MIDDLE VESTMENTS, INC. WM207/68 MW 222/149 18.26 A, 31.36 A. P. 63 63 1 of 2 E g 4.17.5/183 ULRICH 356.18A. STOCKE EDWARD HAHN MWMI97/185 98W113/17 ... GROVE CREEK INVESTMENT, INC. : s MWM 210/694 266.17 A. Forty ROBERT W. NEWSOME MWM221/660 41.72 A. 1
Page 9
sell Pioneer Point to : A 39. the Russian Embassy. see . :...-. DDe. 5. 5... a •* .. iS hea. 1. do, not cAl .coun To SE **** •ra a ste does ... reCA R000 N 9018641 . I.. -so -see De 8 esteR / -de. ease. G.on.ado *coco. me .. brt... ...* * .1,5, 1. W S iN. QJ15 P 1-00, 1 mate ST. H 16 36 Scoten ... vote, la 1.1-. t ** rite at Rat floa 3100 112 - 26d Pt Sued on -... + 1 ho V. ba.. JA ... -ere 00 .8 .... * * ......c.oll -*.*e* 1 el real .....b-... dad a se 14 le secret ... call l ..wO*/COCO.- • 1 VS... * ... ..... .*-*-*, -, -8*..** * * at. ad . A *c en cats see c. a. eros song tees* met ... 26. S.he . .... ar * So c . . he re The Caress €50200s Bored cost - $1 ... Russians *44 * tues. Isa Rodr co at mei files, but does e De greaves runs E 1. t AT to 00 are HOw DO we Go SEnA 5 A Ly C t E *. C40.1
Page 87
CHESAPEAKE CONNECTION So 1 C e List Encyclopedia Brittanica World Book Encyclopedia Time Magazine Fortune Magazine Fortune 500 Magazine National Geographic Magazine Air & Space Magazine The Baltimore Sun The Washington Post The Annapolis Capital
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acquire, track and deposit enough energy on a supersonic target to destroy it," the Navy continued. 8 1
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1 Robert (). Anderson, chairman and trustee. previously president of the Aspen Institute
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admans ns hue iLy buste April 17, 1989 cu Nur questins Dear Mr. Anderson, Corri Quet u 1 Ha luA Our group is researching the intriguing possibility of an ongoing interaction with an extra-terrestrial ... culture. We are wondering if you might answer several questions regarding such a possibility. 1. As you have been prominent in Roswell for many years, do you recall the alleged crash of an alien spacecraft
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such dramatic circumstances, two research areas were recommended and given the highest priority of the entire study. 1. Continuing studies to determine emotional and intellectual understanding and attitudes - and successive alterations of them › Downloads › Books › Digitized_by_AFU › Quest_Publications
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insect-like beings from a totally incomprehensible culture had crashed in the desert of New Mexico. [1
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would be constructed under Indian reservations in the 4 corners of Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and 1 would be constructed in Nevada in the area known a s S-4 located approximately 7 miles
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from any other State for that matter aside from the two mentioned above. The conclusions are inescapable: (1) The secret power structure believes that, because of our own ignorance or by Divine decree, planet Earth
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ourselves of the undisirable elements of our society. The joint U.S. amd Soviet leadership dismissed 'Alternative 1', but ordered work to begin on Alternatives 2 and 3 virtually at the same time
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dead and 4 live aliens. Of the 10, 4 were found in Arizona, 2 in Texas, 1 in New Mexico, in Louisiana, in Montana, and 1 in South Africa. There were hundreds of sightings. Eisenhower ... help with the alien secret structure of alien task supervision which was to become a reality within 1 year. The idea for MJ-12 was thus born. It was Nelson's Uncle Winthrop Aldrich
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director of the State Department's Policy Planning Staff, Kennan. The Foreign and Militay Intelligence, Book 1, 'Final Report of the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect of Intelligence Activities.' United States Senate
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exceed 30,000ft AGL, not to deviate from designated target more than 50 meters, would penetrate 1,000 meters of tuff hard packed soil such as that found in New Mexico, would carry a 1
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live with psychological and physical damage for the rest of their lives. In the documents I saw, 1 in 40 humans had been implanted with devices the purpose of which I have never discovered
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their findings. The Jason Society CONFIRMED the finding of the scientists and made three recommendations called 'Alternatives 1, 2 , and 3'. Alternative 1, was to use nuclear devices to blast holes in the stratoshpere from
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January 1947 and December 1952 at least 16 crashed or downed alien craft, 65 alien bodies, and 1 live alien were recovered. An additional alien craft had exploded and nothing was recovered from that incident ... borders of the United States not including the craft which disintegrated in the air. Of these 13, 1 was in Arizona, 11 wew in New Mexico, and 1 was in Nevada. Three occurred in foreign ... countries. Of those 1 was in Norway, and the last 2 were in Mexico. Sightings of UFOs were SO numerous that serious investigation and debunking of each report became impossible utilizing the existing intelligence assets
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contained within the shroud of secrecy. Project Sign evolved into Project Grudge in December of 1948. 1 ow level collection and disinformation project named Blue Book was formed under Grudge. 16 volumes were to come › Downloads › Books › Digitized_by_AFU › Quest_Publications
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Mark Ian Birdsall Research Director YUFOS 67 Lovell Park Towers LEEDS LS7 1DR Dear Mr Birdsall, 1. Thanks for your amusing letter dated 15 August 1984. 2. Regarding your question why So many people were
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Mexico, approximately 75 miles north- west of Roswell Army Air Force Base (now Walker Field). "On July 1, a secret opcra-, tion was begun to assure recov. cry of the wreckage... acrial reconnaissance discovered that
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1). RETURN TO RENDLESHAM 'The alien contact claims examined: ROBERT MOORE, ORIGINAL TALES OF SPACESHIPS AND SPACEMEN: If the Rendlesham Forest incident is explainable in terms of a minor accident involving a classified aircraft(1 ... statements made by these sources. And other lesser (but still important)differences are present in these allagations: 1: Colonel (now General) T. Conrad stated the size of the 'UFO' when first observed was akin
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Object was stated to be soundless. Source: BUFORA BULLETIN 17( Pg 12). (B): The A-10 possibility: (1): A-10's (a USAF ground attack aircraft) are often observed in the region in which ... that the XST possibility can better account for these. (c): Support for rumour detailed in XST article: (1): Some rumours refer a small object (2): Pg 132 of SKYCRASH(Grafton, 1986) refers to the problem ... American experimental aircraft being tested in British airspace, This responce could be answered in 2 ways: (1): How experimental was it? The device could have been fully airworthy. Only certain parts of equipment within
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News of The lights beamed the World exclusively down and we heard a revealed, Several a 1 1. Bicker lined was high-pitched whine,' authorities. Captain Kathleen Many villagers are McCullom
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Rendlesham forest'UF0!. storys were a 'cover! for an occurrance of a totaly different nature are: 1: The base must have .been awaire of the 'leeks' pertaining to this (supposedly classified) incident, but took
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Pilot repor- ogy magazine which •The fact that the USAF was :able of speeds of up to 1,500 has close developing a top-secret plane mph. ted recently that it had been operating secretly
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Towers LEEDS LS7 10R Dear Mr Birdsall, Please excuse my delay in responding to your letter (BL/RD 1-E) , I have been away from the office for a couple of months. No new information will
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retrieved and perhaps returned to Mildenhall (by road would have been a better option than by aircraft 1.e. lifting helicopter) given its smallish size this would have been quite practical. If the malfunotd.on
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course? TACAN BEACONS:• TACAN ROUTES:• LAKENHEATH MIL DENHALI; -BENTWATERS. MIL DENHALL• WOODBRIDGE, BENTWATERS. WOODBRIDGE. Fig 2: Fig 1. possible course of of the Rendlesham 'UFO', TACAN network (for comparison) (arrows show direction cont/.... of object
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EMBASSY OF THE 1 CIAO UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEFENSE ATTACHE OFFICE London, England Grosvenor Square London W1A TAE U-5352-84/0PSCO 22, August 1984 Mr. Mark I. Birdsall Coordinator of Research 67 Lovell ... Park Towers Leeds LS7 1 DR Dear Mr. Birdsall: Your letter of 15 August 1984 is acknowledged. Thank you for the information you provided. Although files in this office contain no information on the subject
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fine. Let's go around OK, lights off. Spot number l. S0337 There's spot number 1 there. Spot number 1, right here. that's what we'll call spot number 3. to the back ... corner and get spot number l. 144-213 9802 OK, we're looking now at spot number 1 through Did you use your light? There, it's right there. Focussed. the starlight-scope. There
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Spot number 2 is right over Slight increase in light at spot number 1? look at spot number 2. Right here, see it. OK, get focussed on it, Let's see what we can here ... pine needles are all pushed back, where we get a high radioactive, or high reading, about 1. • 2 side. a deflection of two to three, maybe four, depending on the pointer. You say there ... aNVION: awful lot of noise. You just saw a light? Where? Wait, slow down. Where? Pigmentation. 1#91385 O Right on this position here. Straight ahead from between There it is again. Watch. the trees
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Therefore, could the XST have been the stimulus that created the Rendlesham Forest 'UFO' myth? - Perhaps!. 1) In the 86-87 entry for the F-19 in Jaynes, it states that around
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YORK 09755 ANTe REPLY TO ATTN OF: CD 13 Jan 81 R SUBJECT: Unexplained Lights TO: RAF/CC 1. Early in the morning of 27 Dec 80 (approximately 0300L), two USAF security police patrolmen saw unusual ... briefly sighted approximately an hour later near the back gate. 2.. The next day, three depressions 1 1/2" deep and 7" in diameter were found where the object had been sighted on the ground
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EASTERN RADAR FL 100 - SRASIANTED FL65 0151250 ATZ 203 - 7 BECCLES ASHA NATTISHAM 7O 20 FL 6 1 WT 30 (109-3) *THEASFIELD •JA0 CLACION SECTOR Ch 25 (108-4 (108-6 BRAIN ... 15/35 or 55 C) CROSS CHANNEL SEA LAND 1 6 2.,.60* (269 g RIS 113-474. _ B u L LONGUE, ., p . cal 305 60 $89 N 51° 34.70 E 01° 39.6• EAYTROT
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ORATING OD .17. Oct 83.5 Mark Ian Birdsall Research Officer, 67 Lovell Park Towers, Leeds, LS7 1 OR Dear Mr. Birdsall, am afrald am not In a position to verify or disprove anything printed about ... longer InvestIgate UFO sightings and we haven't done so for many years. done so can 1 short, we have no official Interest In what may have happened, especially since the lights were seen
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alflect Mablethorp a Sutton -an-Se N Al fora Marsh Wainfleet ++++++++++ OES+ Bicest (armouth KEY TO MAP: [1] [2] MILDENHALL 3] LAKENHEATH USAAF [4] BENTWATERS USAAF Macton an S WOODBRIDGE RAF [5] [6] WATTON ... Thames ROUTE +++++++++++ INTENDED ++++++++++ POSSIBLE FLIGHTPATH OF WOODBRIDGE UFO Calais 019+ Eastbou 805* Boulogneo QUeST. Leos Fices. 182 1 80 Alderney StAnce
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began to pull away. "When the range reached Aight from Moscow 1,000 yards the pilot armed London. his guns and fired in an When he asked Soviet attempt to down the authorities
Page 1
bare 10.000 he pots tee banese, and too cramentani Sews of the World investigators And that's - 1. 19. -0. GOOSE. SO* 10 ..0 : MIA, *AHA: ww. ouT: soon ass Godle tase: proof that ... POULT NEPSUEN heht ac ca a.m. da December 27, - ... 5*.... •* wast more we d. cossa :1 ac. Par, Serbel S, y sar 1730. happened in torest OFFICIAL 1: 11 p. L *cast ... States AIF Force 04e al RAP Wowd. CONSTA 3. adore ottage, in Suffolk. tony sal 1 o 40.15se INVESTIGAT 10 you abet 1151 2 American airman ate - Fre 'ALITA BEAREY DETAIL ... stampe goo 4g 45.6it 1041 b4 71 2 no pea t-ro . * Jet -110s **** 1 •G Rote 2026.03 • 9 NO HOAX 8 *a tell Reten nigh -. a 54 009.10 ..M SAYS ... serer. WORRIED the -ur the tant Tue some Rest ad SUPERDAD'S LOVE -13933 1:11%, tolD 10 ... Silence TANGLE RUMPUS CONVOY PULSED NEA Amietaas bot forte - opal: s 45 8t. 1 ... refat•: 4 STORY *ie Per-Gearded Kright 47 a.a severaay: Page B. Pace : HAIR;DA d 4: 1.: ine Cest •N shete & Ra shiehke at me stent g a SPECIAL EEP TELE 9ct GOLD CHAINS ... InDiCaTE 00 PIOS-EATE ** 00 INSTANT BINGO ASCPESS >94 RAN Ag CRY T11 / TAL brex 1*1 NO BE: 1 FULL DETAILS PACE
Page 2
helicopter part of the Russian satellite Cos- Officially unexplained he craft which a; described by an A 1 airman. THE Rendlesham Forest "Sky Crash" incident has been readings taken: They were entered in the files ... aigh Delence officials accept that he said, "Your guess is as good something took place . . . 1 both say they have no interest as mine." a the matter. The "Sky Crash" story is like the isherman ... that something happened with the space craft. which we cannot explain." But, said, there CASE REMEMBERED **pol 1 he slightest shred case was instantly documentation" beyond the , cosmic conspiracy headed "unexplained lights." remembered by both
Page 4
photos can successfülly be denied, We are of the firm conviction that the landing of. 27 December 1'980 di'd take place, and this tape describes USAF efforts at disinformation to cover-that fact › Downloads › Books › Digitized_by_AFU › Quest_Publications
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Would this weapon - this maser have now been able to decipher this? TD: My information - once again 1 can only tell the cannon - have been developed perhaps to deal with the UFO situation, since this
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after completion of investigation in South Africa and Wright Patterson AFB/USA. END OF PRELIMINARY BRIEFING NOTES: PAGE 1-5 Page CLASSIFIER IOP SECRET - DO HQI DIVULGE
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scientists went and did vigil. In NOTES the cewnter of this, they set up the equipment focus- (1) A maser is a source of very intense microwave ing on fields where they anticipated this
Page 5
might have disintegrated. derstand the true meaning of this particular weapon a is a maser weapon (1), which doesn't fire a missile as When they eventually got this thing they actually we know › Downloads › Books › Digitized_by_AFU › Quest_Publications
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CoUnCE B 13. PREPAREO DY: _ IN PORMA TICO • SOURCEs Local Press 16' APPROVING AUTHORITY: Perha/z SUICIARYI RICHARD 1. FOX, CAPTATI us Acting Defense Attache tR. subedits a List of 28 UP0s sighted in SPAIN during
Page 31
DEPARTMENT OF STATE, WAJHINGTON. VR 9444 5612 Sulpo GAEL-GO Febrauiy 3, 1959 FATS (FOO 1) ACTION For Dept. Use Only SUBJECT ÖTHER SIS A 21 PMIR-2 IRC-8 EE-S. LAS, P.PT ... FLYING SAUCER* EXPERT LECTURING IN NSA ZEALAND ., OADR TS authority 10: O PEt - 7• :: 1. Er George ADAMSKI, the California flying saucer expert' and author of the 2200 seats in the Town Hall ... from Venus. He is repeating his con- INVAULA-UISSVIDACIE ) DELETE *Oju! 3A¡stIOdS2 r-LION ( 1 He is also making references to security restrictions and saying that the US authorities know a lot more than ... totally unimpressed with his pictures of saucers. For the Ambassador COPY TO THE FBI * FEB 1 1 1959 Leon Crutcher/gay, THE RETORTS Y - LIAISONL Leon Crate PARTMENT OF STATE First Secratary of Entasof UNCLASSIFIED ... 1 1 1959 INFORMATION OFFICE OF SECURITY COPY NOT TO BE FILED 62 FEB 2.4 1 gRetain in divisional Ales or destroy in accordance with peculineyatwalse
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newspaper Jang dated l Jan 75. It describes another account of the 97493 Op-S' 2p0 1. 158 M/7 01 17 i ~ Translation: Peshawar Dec, 31 (Jan& Rep) "According to a statement
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DIREcTOr, IBI SArz: 3/5/56 Cheerl, CAC, ALBUQUERQUE (63-2023) (C) SUBJECT: UNIDENTY7 MED PLYING OBJECT 6,1. 'OCORNO, LIEY MEXICO APRIL 24, 1064 MYSCE LLARE OUS INFORMATION CONCERNING (NATYONALYTIES INTELLIGENCE ) De Albuquerque airtol to Bureau ... cherts sude by Captuini 62 tho portinent Qrot. 16 - Buronu (Cncle. 28) 41 Albuquerque REC- 01 WAB/dac 1(3) stesoy! 44 of destosnia, E,E of buel. te OSI 93 DAY 11 19SA ESCa
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Joras do 1a lights, rescaled a Mylng (evening) (364213-008083) 002001 . Was motionloss ovor tho 1 N 180:3 e MOLVNIDIO BOrd 26 Mar 74 Valdchi.Jadorog .Indiraao. Strainzo object 21-year-old truck 200 motors
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wHIt Noncome. CLaIRg at FIRST. Eras theY Hearine. SIN L CH WOULD D WAs: B 1. ouT Brolt! LeET A- g TO 10 REMATZe slatwan UTENZTER 07 CLEARLY OUTLINES ... AtROCut, AS THIS Curia. B1 A4 THAN MEN!FPWERICAL SNAPE. 61 e1 7 e eureo LOGENEw.RE 1 1 EURE NOISES ASSOCIATED WITH Tut L I CAT. we ab BA U Cradles BIAS 10. INTERESTINGLY
Page 19
1 Naval Aide Files GHOST ROCKETS SECRET layman is that of a Swedish Air Force pilot. On 14 August, at 1000 hours, he was flying at 650 feet over central Sweden when
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Naval Aide Files ora epine 1. 40. OF PAGES Copy No. 1.3 INTELLIGENCE REVIEW Number 47 9 Jan 1947 DECLASSII.D.y as thily LA. Ed nog Aidio laiti:/s/Ce..O-te,3.:23.:1p- INTELLIGENCE DIVISION
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retained, toith or without attachments, indicate season for security classication and grouping her APR:05-1. REMARKS 1. Cn 10 Nov 80, a meeting tack cHice in 1606 AEN/CC Conference Room attended by the following
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orange lames and disappear over a distant mountain. When de reported his obvervations, representatives oy the local 1 mu enforce went agencten searched the scene and noted your dwall Irregularly shaped onouldering areas and your
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blasting 'c. Wichis not in the area of this Incident. 62. 732 70 L Bureau 8, 114 (1 - FBI Laboratory) O e REC- 53* / APR $0 1954 2 - Albuquerque DA/rae
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Malaga for the purposo of scientifically studying the UFOs soon 1n that' vicinity. Results of this meeting : 1
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gathered from several conventional sources. No sightings, other than these, have .been reported in the area. 4. 1 Mr MILLER has contacted FTD personnel a c W-P AF3, OH, who expressed an interest
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Round, intenso torch- likco light o on forty from Ceuta rock, traveled at low altitude, 00530:1) ' to Al goodras. then fell Into the vator again, This happened twice, 15 Apr 74 La Goralla
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Blasts: SUSs not In the area of Chis incident: Dureau 12 con E to- 50° 62:21202 (1 - FBI Laboratory) ., 512 GO E PAPR S0 1950 • Albuquerque DAB/rac 16) 1 #PY KAY8
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TENUED FROM COMPLARY P.M 1. DID 9 Sect 80 aerial phencnera described by the first three. Again the cbject landed in Coyote Canyon. They did not see the coject take off. 5. Coyote Canyon
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Pobruary 21, 1919 SAC, X1. Paso 9/1 Nructor, PBI 103 PROTECTION OF VITAL INSTALLATIONS 1 . of .) .APOLO 06-58300 -4 •N A review of your referenced Lettor reflects that Du• Lincoln ... ablo to furniuh relutive to this matter. EEL : EEM N R. 23 V V * % HAs 4!1 (*L tie. Tolson XichoL COMMUNICATIONS SECTION ho sE tracy MAILED 15 St S; : Ur. Lea: Ournal ... 1- b1.0 he-te Ponta, u truinr. Taut * FEB 24 1949 G C1 ME NEGLEAR EEMAN OF MIYESTIZA: 15 M VE CERA:!MINT 5A JUSTICL
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Scientific Laboratory that they were able to determine Bureau - A buquerave Gunbl h- SAC, AP 53 %PR 1 6187059 07. 2. 375/7 Approved: Transmitted . (Number) (Time
Page 44
groted stated he would dävise the FIX, Albucuerque, 6£ any pertinent develop- .ments. Fools. are: • 1- no - A Meal. ..: u It may be noted that New Mexico State Police Sergeant M. S. CHAVEZ and. Socorro
Page 29
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kilcmetora south Og Lothor chip - al wind rama, entored villago of Castillo do las (374317-00618:1) Throo 'caller chips 00559) roscabling mushrooms . Guardas. Flow allontly, had no windows but towers above and bolom. Inuinous
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REPORT NO. DO -E-324/33601-76 SUBJECT Aerial Observation of Intense DATE DISTR. Source of Light 1 8 NOY 1376 NO. PAGES 1 REFERENCES DCD Case DATE OF INFO. September 1976 THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION ... SOURCE 1. An unusual incident was observed during a 10 September 1976 British European Airways (BEA) flight (number 831) from Moscow to London. Between 1800 and 1900 hours, the aircraft was cruising at an altitude ... kilometers) off of the aircraft's path and approximately five to six thousand feet (1,500 to 1,800 meters) below the aircraft, somewhat above a lower cloud layer. The light, which resembled a sodium
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GOVERNMENT- ........... 3'r. Neta.s. DATE: Februar:10,2949° TO DIRECTER, FaI FROM KB SAT, BL PASO Mr. : 1 SUBJECT: PROTECTICH OF VITAL INSTALLATICHS Bureau file 465-58300 Fling Dises / :/-y Mr. Quinn Tas Mr. Reference ... ments. CC: . ... ANCH 01/5 -5830-0- San Antonio 10. 3 ,00:061:23 MAR 4 1949 RRR/em 1 5 ARDE 1 OR S 17-45 100-1561 RECORDER
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Manzano PHONE Kirtlard AF3, NM 4-7516 2 C52 L APOLIES SUMMARY OF INFORMATION REMARKS 1. Cr. 2 Sept a0, SCUECE related on. Aug 80, three Security Policemen assigned to 1606 SPS, KAF3
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mutilations there have been an estimated 8,000 aniwals mutilated which would place the loss at approximately $1,000,000. R. E. THOMPSON, United States Attorney, advised that he had received an urgent call from
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Naval Aide Files SECRET GHOST ROCKETS end of July almost 1,000 such reports had been received. The investigation has been carried out by the Swedish Defense Staff in a very peculiar manner › Downloads › Books › Digitized_by_AFU › Quest_Publications
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Force activities are authorized to conduct such prelimi- nary investigation as may be required for reporting purposes; 1. Purpose and Scope. This Regulation establishes procedures for re- however, investigations should not be carried beyond this ... Objects (UFOB)-Relates to any airborne ob- promptly. ject which by performance, aerodynamic characteristics, or un- a. (1) Electrical Reports. All electrical reports will be multiple usual features does not conform to any presently known ... Force activities will report all in- items: formation and evidence that may come to their attention, in- (1) Description of the object(s): cluding the received from adjacent commands of the other (a) Shape. services
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receipt of report 2300 28 May 85 Similar reports to Exeter Police of object travelling at 1000 1 between Taunton and Exeter at 2300. Clusters of lights seen over South Brent, Devon
Page 10
Whon to Roport. te Sightings within the soope'of this chapter, as outlined in paragraphs 102B (1), (2), (6) and (7), are to be reported aa follows: (1) While airborne and from land based observers
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INSTRUCTIONS FOR REPORTING VITAL INTELLIGENCE SIGHTINGS CIRVIS/MERINT Table of Contents Section Paragraph Sub foct Page Number CHAPTER_1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE OF COMMUNICATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR REPORTING VITAL INTELLIGENCE SICHTINGS 101 102 Purpose Scope ... sage Ident Photographs... •1-2 CHAPTER CIRVIS REPORTS GENERAL 2-1 201 Information to be Reported and When to Report. 2-1 JI PROCEDURES 2-2 202 General 203 Precedence (priority o 2-2 transmission
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Page 2
SAChutrilits concarning tho 'abovo. RAK : VIM RECORDED - INDEXED -F 162-8381420 l 4AR 29 1850 MAR 29 1 1950 ', CA 3 A: DEB Archives for UFO Research Arkivet för UFO-forskning Mate
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from ARIC contrallors). One ARIC controller worked a USA? B-25 ( AF 8898 ?) for a bout 1 hr 20 mins about 2230 aDT, B-25 was vectored in on numerous tarots and commented that each
Page 42
Estimated heights are unreliable). No move Mana G. Distance. (By reference to a known landmark wherever possible). 1. poonad WILO wad de , sarg. H. Movements. (Changes in E, F and G may be of more
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sorry that it has taken me so long to reply. To answer your two easier questions first: 1. The form which was sent to you with Mr Hucker's letter of 6 December is complete
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Prom: F CE EN All, -O C.SSCorl Reference: 34/07 RU OLDE MALL 1. HATHol. Dotails of Complaint. 2, Name: b. Address: 2. Sighting: 2.. Date/Time of Sighting and Duration ... Conditions: A FEW LIGHT Cloves. j. Nearby Objects: i k. To 'Tom Reported: Cal EvaNs 1. Other Witnesses: U m. Couments: HE SAW A KEIGHT LICHT CLASHIG (J TriE SKA. ME SAID ... oResuvE. 3. Date and. 'Time Roceived: /S/3Rt TY 8+ MINISTRY OF DEFENCE Sec. (AS)2 Signed: 2 1 JUL 1987 Name: A Date: /S Sex 8+ KEr) FILE Ranic
Page 21
July 1952 MEMORANDUM FOR THE SECRETARY OF THE AIR FORCE SUBJECT: Flying Saucer Sightings at National Airport 1. At about noon on Sunday, 20 July, Lt. Colonel Searles, Air Force Press Desk, Department of Defense
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Page 4
With positiya Súcess, l t when' in J'159, the United States established primitive communicatioris with" the 1 4 e * Aliens. on 6pril 425, 19,4 V a USA intelligence or ricer, met tuo Aliens
Page 34
times to be used, 8 7 .: * "p* alc ( AS) 2 dittiochin E. DECRIFTICH OF OBJECT Humber 2 1. AT SS' Size Q. AC/ ACH. Shape TRIAN bu LAK B Colours Hu LAl Brightnous vERy ... 1. Go wund ASIG Smell NIL Poir ;Fice CIA TEA C. EXACT • POSITION OF OBSERVIER Si. Daudi Geographical location Indoors/Outdoors c019-kul Stationary/Noving Sit the ubty D. HOW OBS FIRVED NARAS ¡TE THAt Al BINoCinG ... HARD S (A landmark may be more useful than a badly 'Estimated beatiniedtren N• 1 703) ANGLE OF SIGHT (Estimated heights are unreliable) NI DISTANCE. (By reference to a known landmark it possible) ? H. MOVEMENT ... WHOM REPORTED Police fonte ESSEXUAX CoRPS, Military Organisation. 4X4 ALK. 1a L The Fress Pk 1. NAME AND ADDFESS OR INFORMAT ANY BACKGROUND OF THE INFORMANT THAT MAY BE VOLUNTEERED lei This D. OTHER WITNESSES
Page 28
2157/8 Harry Baros Janos Me Copeland 1 Stewart Dawson All aro CAA employeos with varying Phil Cocond levels of exporienco (ARTC radar In- stalled Jan. 52). MAico Senitou All appeared to be sorious, consolentious ... Constant 23,000 -20 7. See 6. Others negative. 8. Negative 9. So 1. official reports not received, 10. Normal commercial traffic inbound and outbound Washington National Airport plus Som3 USA? a/c - all known
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UNIDENTIFIND FLYING OBJECT PROTOTIA (€93/) ) eNt 6/8 From: Reference: 1. Details of Complaint. 2, Name: b. Address 2. Sighting: a. Dato/Time of Sighting and Duration: 032100 sighted for a couple of seconds ... Clear sky with hazy moon. j• Nearby Objects:-- k. To !nom Reported: Police and Yeovil air station 1. Other Witnesses: Nil : d * m. Couments: The object was the size of a full moon as seen
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DARTACOR. e1th a view to detecting the origin of . the above ( and cspeciully cr .the "floating light") 1 have recently submitted ü scheme, which has been approved by the C.o.C., for rounding
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1.. 3131 MARCH 1916 SIn:t. Much, '916. J. Countless reborto lave been reecived by tho Mi.1 5 tary Intelligence Department of "FLOATING LIGHTS" on Dartnoor from many indemnient sources, but, the description
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contacted, nor have other potential sources been investigated. Such action will not be possible by this office. 1. Varying numbers (up to 12 simultaneously) of u/s targets on ART radar scope. Termed by CAA personnel ... targets in rough line abreast with about 14 mile spacing moved slowly together (giving about a 1" trace persistency at an estimated speed of less than 100 mph) on a heading
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combination of the following items: a. Photographic: Ground-visual, ground-electronic, air-electronic. (If elec- (1) Visual. The negative and two prints will be forwarded; all tronic, specify type of radar.) original film, including wherever