MUFON 95201

{dr}Very bright lights, 6 seperate UFO's in different parts of sky!Moved up and down! My husband and myself witnessed 6 different UFO's in the night sky last night. The brightest one was lower than the others and was moving up and down fast. The brightest one was in the North direction, then 3 more were farther away in the North East direction. There was another one farther away from us in the Southwest direction. The 6th UFO that we witnessed was farther away in the Southern sky. The 1st UFO was the closest, pulsated red and white lights, going up and down. These UFO's are bigger than any star in the sky and brighter!! We see these UFO's more times than not. The other members of our church are now watching the sky's, now that we have pointed these out to them!!

Source ID95201