MUFON 93754

esf1rico translucido por dentro, bien definido su contorno, est1tico,rodeado por una neblina extra1a que definia su contorno interior 1-de pasajero en un vehiculo, en direccion comodoro rivadavia -caleta olivia- 2- no se porque mire por la ventanilla, ya que era de noche y viajando en esa ruta es muy monotona la vista- tal vez me llamo la atencion ese poco brillo sobre el cielo. 3-solo me quede viendolo el tiempo que duro el vehiculo en pasar por delante,luego reaccione a lo que creo haber visto. 4- circular , transparente por dentro,pero se veia como una bruma como cuando hace calor en el asfalto,, se podia ver a traves de el las estrellas, el circulo esta rodeado por una especie de bruma o nube,estaba estatico a unos 20 grados sobre el horizonte. 5- al principio me quede pensando que podia ser, acordandome de los detalles que habia visto, y en ese momento me recordo unas experiencias que me conto mi abuelo cuando trabajaba en una base militar- 6- lo perdi de vista a medida que el vehiculo en el que iva abanzaba por la ruta, al estar estatico lo dejamos atras . **************************** 1-passenger in a vehicle, in the direction of commodore rivadavia -caleta olivia- 2- I do not know why I looked out the window, since it was night and traveling on that route the view is very monotonous- perhaps that little brightness on the sky caught my attention. 3-I just stayed watching the time it took the vehicle to pass in front of me, then react to what I think I have seen. 4- circular, transparent inside, but it looked like a mist like when it is hot on the asphalt, you could see the stars through it, the circle is surrounded by a kind of mist or cloud, it was static at about 20 degrees above the horizon. 5- At first I was thinking what it could be, remembering the details that I had seen, and at that moment he reminded me of some experiences that my grandfather told me when he worked in a military base- 6- I lost sight of him as the vehicle in which I was leaving the route, being static, we left it behind.

Source ID93754