MUFON 91550

A growing ball (color orange and white) appears. We see a light that appear as two human like figures Since 1998 and during a few years, one group of observers of aerial phenomena frequently visited the region of Agua Clara, located west at the city of Coro, Falcon State, Venezuela; in northern South America. This is a desertic zone with large deposits of marine fossils, crossed by the Mitare river and surrounded by mountains rich in minerals, mainly coal and quartz. In a first stage we made 30 field trips, utilizing notes, photo and video cameras, infrared and pixel films, binoculars, telescope, radio and very low frequency receptors (vlf), recorders and magnetometer. Also we interviewed inhabitants in normal state and during hypnosis sessions. We produced and e-book that includes text, photos and videos, that was reviewed by UFO Magazine (August-September 2005, pages 66 and 67). THE EVENT We observed a body the shape of a ball ( white, orange and red-orange ) that was growing so fast coming to the place we were at. We also observed the presence of two luminous figures (red and white) that appear at the vicinity of the house we were at ( please observe the pole light off at the picture extreme left). I am sending an email wit an e-book that support this case and the previous cases that I sent with photos and video (Cases 91479, 91548, 91549 and this case)

Source ID91550