MUFON 90162

I was taking a random photo for the Sun. When i was looking back to the photos i noticed a strange object in the photo at the bottom corner . I will send two pictures , the actual one and another version zoomed! Its in bootom right of picture .a dot . I was taking a random photo for the Sun. I was totally focused on the sun on the screen of my Iphone so i never saw anything weird . When i was looking back to the photos i noticed a strange object in the photo at the bottom right corner . It was a little black dot ! First of all i thought it is a dirt or something on the screen of my phone so i tried to remove it. But then i noticed it is actually IN the photo it self. So i zoomed and it was like an object in the sky. I thought it could be an airplane but the shape is roundy. It looks like a planet but i guess its impossible to catch a planet with an iphone camera and during the day. I will send two pictures , the actual one where u can see the dot in the bottom right and another version of the same picture but zoomed into the object. I am really wondering what ut might be , and i need an expert to analyse the pictute before jumping into conclusions.

Source ID90162