MUFON 88088

lost time in patagonia We initiate the trip to el calafate from rio gallegos (distance: more os less 295 Km for RP 5 road) in 0330 hours whit full fuel tank of the focus clx 2002 (new car). when we pased the school of gobernador mayer an we started to clim hill our vehicle stoped instantly, we was parking in reverse but a blue electric strong light flashed inside the car. We cant remember any sounds or anything else after that. We wake up 25 minutes later (said our clocks and cellulars) on RN 40 at 2 kilometers from paso r1o bote, 42 kilometers before el calafate. The baterry of the vehicle are melted, the cristals are scratched and in part brokeds, the four tires are deflated and the lateral paint has bubbles. The fuel tank is practly full. The car looks to direction of rio gallegos, to behind. Our faces and hands are totaly red but not burning, and inside the car smells rancid and dirty. We are in shock and cant think clearly, whit so cold as is winter. In night, one SUV stoped and helped us, transport us to el calafate and conduce us to the doctor. We returned to rio gallegos rwo days after by a bus, we car was still in the route in the same place. Three days later the car agency call us and said "your new car is here, you can came and sign the papers", we do it and one week more we voyage to el calafate again (never more in night). Our old car is not in the road. We dont know who buyed us a new car, we dont know what happened, but we are not scared. The life is not simple but is wonderfull.

Source ID88088