MUFON 84061

The first written case of an UFO in Peru, February, 1600 Days before the biggest volcanic explosion in our History. The Huaynaputina volcano let Europe without summer that year, and now these ashes were found by scientists even in Greenland and Siberia. Many explosions were so loud that could be heard at least in Lima, 1,000km north, where the Viceroy feared Callao was being attacked by the English pirates and climbed the San Cristobal mountain to watch the sea. 2 days after, they knew Arequipa was destroyed on February, 19, by the Huaynaputina earthquake and ashes. Ventura Travada y C1rdoba (1695-1758), a priest, wrote in his book 1The soil of Arequipa turned into sky1: 1From the soft sulfur mater expelled by the volcano to the upper air region there were forming strange balloons of different sizes, flying lightly over the city, threatening to burn it and eat it, and then disappeared, turning into smoke, letting it with a fetid intolerable stench of sulfur1 suddenly it appeared in the air one of these balloons over the main square, biggest than the previous seen balloons. With its horrible look it seemed to come and eat everybody. They trembled to see it and the shock grew when they saw that it was going to the main church, and entering inside the church with the speed of a thunderbolt not harming people, it came out again by the door1 and going round all the cemetery, it returned to the square and disappeared, dissolving itself in pestilent smoke, letting stench of sulfure1. Here the text: Ventura Travada y C1rdoba (1695-1758) en su conocido libro: "El suelo de Arequipa convertido en cielo" dedica un cap1tulo 1el segundo1 a la erupci1n del volc1n Huaynaputina o tambi1n conocido como: Quinistaquillas, donde hace referencia de un hecho extra1o: "De la materia sulf1rea tenue, que arroja el volc1n a la regi1n superior del aire se formaban unos globos extra1os y de diferente grandeza, que con ligereza volaban sobre la ciudad, amenazando quemarla y consumirla, y luego desaparec1an, volvi1ndose en humo, que la dejaban infestada con un f1tido hedor intolerable de azufre... repentinamente se apareci1 en el aire un globo de los referidos sobre la plaza mayor que cuanto se hab1an visto hasta entonces, que con horrible aspecto parec1a que ven1a a consumirlos a todos; temblaron al mirarle, y creci1 el sobresalto cuando vieron que se mov1a as1 a la iglesia mayor y entrando en ella con velocidad de rayo, sin hacer da1o alguno, volvi1 a salir por la puerta... y rodeando todo el cementerio (*) volvi1 a la plaza y desapareci1, disolvi1ndose en pest1fero humo dejando el infernal hedor de azufre". I attach drawings of the eruption made in 1600.

Source ID84061