MUFON 76750

lumiere cerculaire oange de l'extrieure . nous étions a 3 assis sur des pierres au bord de la RN 75 reliant Bejaia a setif(dept algériens)et pas loin du village ou nous habitons .on discutait de tout et de rien quand un des notre a remarque que la planète Mars s'est déplacée ,car habitues a se réfugier sur cette crête pour retrouver un peu de fraîcheur notamment en ces moments de chaleur.avant 20 jours mars apparaît juste a proximité d'une montagne surplombant la région (tikintouchte 1300m d'altitude) en ce moment la aux environs de 21h. nos regards tous les trois sont braques vers le ciel pour designer Jupiter ou saturne car on sait que venus est visible uniquement au coucher du soleil. tellement nos regards sont restes braques au ciel ,j'ai remarque un point de lumière blanche qui se déplace au ciel (phénomène fréquent;des points de lumières blanches qui se déplacent dans le ciel avec une vitesse constante et sans clignotement).j'ai attire l'attention des autres sur ce phénomène pour essayer de le comprendre et on évoquait des avions qui volent a haute altitude ou bien des des vols intercontinentales.soudain un avion je pense d'air Algérie vient de traverser et se dirige vers l'est et on a bien remarque ses feux qui clignotait et son bruit .tout a coups une lumière dominante dans le ciel surgit au dessus de nos têtes(je précise que notre champ visuel tous les trois était NNE).tellement cette lumière était claire et visible elle a attire notre attention tous les trois,c’était juste au dessus de nos tètes si cette lumière est apparue subitement ou bien elle est venus de derrière on ne sait pas .ce qui est certain c'est que cette lumière ne s'est pas arrêtes elle a pris sa course NNE et nous on s’attendait au moment de croisement avec l'avion qu'on observait tout a l'heure et qui a pris le direction de l' au moment du croisement il s'es tavere que la lumière était beaucoup plus haute que l'avion et on a observe la lumière jusqu’à sa disparition dans l' trajectoire est directe et sa vitesse est stable mais surement pas celle d'un avion. description de la lumière;première observation au dessus de nos tètes.;forme circulaire entourée avec la couleurs orange et au centre couleur chrome ou bleu c'est difficile de distinguer le genre de couleur mais c'est comme un miroir .d’après son altitude, comparée a celle de l'avion ,cette lumière est de grande taille et pas de bruit .j'ai voulu faire ce témoignage car j'ai vu un phénomène incroyable jamais vu une chose pareille ce n'est ni un avion ni un hélicoptère ni un missile .cela s'est passe tres vite qu'on a pas pu observer autre chose comme le carcasse d'une ovni ou???? we were at 3 sitting on stones at the edge of the RN 75 linking Bejaia to setif (Algerian dept) and not far from the village where we live. We discussed everything and nothing when one of us noticed that the planet Mars has moved, because accustomed to take refuge on this crescent to find a little cool especially in these moments of heat. before 20 days march appears just in the vicinity of a mountain overlooking the region (tikintouchte 1300m above sea level) at this time around 9pm. our eyes all three are steered towards the sky to design Jupiter or saturn because we know that venus is visible only at sunset. so much our gazes are stuck in the sky, I noticed a point of white light moving in the sky (frequent phenomenon, points of white light that move in the sky with a constant speed and without blinking). I drew the attention of others to this phenomenon to try to understand it and we were flying planes flying at high altitude or intercontinental flights As soon as an airplane I think of air Algeria has just crossed and is heading east and we notice its blinking lights and sound. All of a sudden a dominant light in the sky arises above our head (I point out that our visual field all three was NNE) so this light was clear and visible it caught our attention all three, it was just above our heads if this light appeared suddenly or it came from behind we do not know. It is certain that this light did not stop it took its course NNE and we were expecting at the time of crossing with the plane that we observed earlier and which has Heading east and at the crossing, it turns out that the light was much higher than the plane and we observed the light until it disappeared into the sky. trajectory is direct and its speed is stable but surely not that of an airplane. description of the light; first observation above our heads. circular shape surrounded with orange colors and in the center color chrome or blue it is difficult to distinguish the kind of color but it is Like a mirror, after its altitude, compared to that of the plane, this light is large and no noise. I wanted to make this testimony because I saw a incredible phenomenon never seen such a thing it is neither a plane nor a helicopter nor a missile. it happened very quickly that we could not observe anything else like the carcass of a UFO or ????

Source ID76750

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Phenomena - Issue 133 - May 2020.pdf
Page 43
when they were the biblical description of Satan as being program. After this meeting with Reid and Lacatski, the program (AAWSAP, managers of the UAP program. 'the prince of the power of the air'. Luis ... later AATIP) started with Lacatski, and Dr. James Lacatski is not a household Elizondo says he encountered a religious later Elizondo. This is supported by name in the UFO world - but he should reaction from ... some evidence of that also at the Ministry researcher mentioned above). Elizondo. Elizondo provided clues about Lacatski in his post. These clues and of Defense (UK)". This suggests that this others led to the name ... Lacatski, thanks "aliens are demons" mentality is global Lacatski is also closely associated with and exists among powerful elements in Dr. Eric Davis, a Baylor professor who received military contracts for technical to the brilliant ... obtained funding for an Manipulation), associated with AAWSAP. ongoing study, but it was not called AATIP. James Lacatski is named as the contact The original acronym was AAWSAP or In this document, AAWSAP Program REMARK ... Reid was certainly There are several possible ways: practice of spiritualism and the occult. referring to Lacatski, who was a senior depreciation and verbal harassment, Many researchers may shy away from scientist at the Defense ... limiting program staff. like Colares 77/78 and later in India, Knapp that the Pentagon's UFO program Lacatski wanted to visit a famous 550- as well as the Crab Island incidents. has ended for reasons › dean › documenting_the_evidence
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that were largely based at America's Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA). Managed first by a James T. Lacatski, and then by Luis Elizondo, the larger, more formal of the two was known as the Advanced