MUFON 74532

white object flying in forward path and then disappeared In a spring noon I was at my 5th floor apartment and suddenly I looked at the east and see this white object flying from east to west direction. For me (airplanes fan) this object seemed to fast to be an airplane so I took my old video-camera and started recording. Camera had 5x zoom and at the maximum zoom the object still looked very far and with a cigar shape. When the object moved to a zone where I couldn't see it, I moved to another room to find it but the iobject was gone... After that I was pretty sure that the object wasn't a commercial plane or a fight aircraft since in Chile we hadn't F-16 at that time and no airforce airplane in Chile is white... I was very excited about to see a real UFO and I was, at the same time, very calm.

Source ID74532