MUFON 71024

{jpg} blue ball in super/blood moon eclipse event; is it a planet? The night of super/blood moon/eclipse event September 27, 2015, I observed the night sky with binoculars, but did not see the blue ball. Photographing with a phone camera showed the blue ball near the larger orange circle and an asymmetrical white moon. I took several photos. The blue ball seemed to have moved. At 0230 September 28, 2105, I returned to the same area to capture more photos. The blue ball appeared in a different sky area. Is the blue ball a planet? What is the orange circle? I want to understand the orange circle and blue ball in context with the super/blood moon event. I have had multiple UFO experiences, seen "alien" entities and been abducted a few times over 30 years, so I am calm about these contacts, but seek knowledge to know more.

Source ID71024