MUFON 66536

Was on guard duty on top of mountain in Italy. Saw object hovering over city looked back down and had lost four hours. I was a U.S. soldier, with the 4th of the 6th Infantry , stationed in Berlin. We went on an IRF ( Immediate Reaction Force ) maneuver in Italy near Venice. This was in 1976. We were sent to secure a piece of a mountain near Venice and Vicenza , Standing on guard looking down over the mountain hovering over the City of Vicenza I saw a huge cigar shaped object it looked like what I call a Taquila sunrise color. Red, orange and yellow. It glowed with little sound and hovered. I had a friend with me we both saw this and by the time we looked back we had lost four hours. We were at a loss to explain where we were and nearly were prosecuted for leaving our post. We tried to explain to our sergeant of the guard what happened and were told to shut up. I have never spoken about this since. My buddy and I never spoke of any of this to each other or anyone else.

Source ID66536