MUFON 6616

Two Glowing and Stationary obejects approximately 1/3 the size of full moon The year was 1979 or 1980, but I remember it was a day we had a solar eclipse. I was studying as a boarder in my school, St.Georges Homes, Ketti, Nilgiris Dist, Tamil Nadu, India and I was in the 7th grade, aged about 11 years old. We had only half a day of school that day as it was a solar eclipse and the kids were asked to stay indoors in our dormitories. That evening after the eclipse, at around 6.30 pm or 7.00pm all the school kids assembled outside the Dining Hall as usual waiting for dinner. It was when we noticed, I think the whole school saw it, two glowing stationary spheres about 1/3 the size of a full moon, both were of the same size and same colour, ie. the same as a glowing bulb. There was no audiable noise. The moon was also visible seperately, we did check that, but don't remember in which direction, but it was clearly visible.The sky was clear and no clouds, however, to the left of the two spheres was something that looked very odd...a very bright orange coloured cloud or object, again stationary shaped exactly like a comma, didn't figure out if it was a cloud reflecting sunlight or an object that was glowing on its own...We watched these objects for over an hour, till we went in for dinner.The whole time we watched all three objects, the two spheres and the comma shaped cloud/object, didn't move or change size or shape. When we returned after dinner, the sky was dark and none of the objects were visible. No photographs of the objects were taken, however I d remember two or three school teachers also watched the spectacle. I don't remember anyone discussing the matter again. A year later, in 1980 or 81, I was in my 8th grade,and in the same school, two friends and I were again witness to another very very creepy UFO incident, UFO, I insist because what we saw this time really did fly and move. This incident is so unbelievable, that if I mention the details here, you wouldnt take the report I mentioned above I hope to post it at a later date. One of the witnesses to the second incident is still in touch with me and we did discuss the incident after a gap of nearly 24 years just to confirm what I had seen wasnt a dream or hallucination.

Source ID6616