MUFON 64463

{nd} i thought it was a shoot star but when it happed on a exact time period about 5 times it changed my thoughts on it . This was observed when I was a kid about 15years old when I was outside play with a fire outside ,it was mid summer clear night mid 1980s and I just happen to look towards the west just above the mountains I saw a shooting star this was 9:30 on i think a thursday well didn't think nothing about it till the next Thursday I was doing the same I was outside playing around and saw the star again well I said I'll take a time down it was 9:30 then I was outside again sametime the something happen this happen about 4times you could set your watch at the time this star fell,well this was school summer break when that happen I kinda lost interest and stopped observing ,then later umm about 8 years later it happen again same place towards the west a shooting at about 9:30 I did follow up because of my occupation I hope this story was interesting . Thank you

Source ID64463