MUFON 64081

Ball of light coming into our camp. I was in a foward battalion during Desert Storm. I was on guard duty at the time, sitting inside of a HEMTT truck. While playing my gameboy I noticed a light in the distance coming towards me. At first , I thought it was a Humvee with one of its headlights out. It was late in the evening so I was wondering if they might need some fuel. There was a large berm surrounding the camp. High enough to stop a tank from crossing, and the only opening was was where I was posting guard. The light as it got closer came over the top of the berm and thats when I turned on the high beams to identify what was coming. That's when I noticed there was nothing on the side top or bottom of the lights. There was nothing there but a glowing light the color of highway lights, a dull orange. The light came closer towards me (about 20 feet away) hovered off the ground about 3 feet in the air made a left turn, then just disappeared. I am still in shock of what I saw the day. I will never forget, but I have no idea what it was or where it came from. But all I know is that its was not from this world. Thank you for your time, I really needed to get this off my chest.

Source ID64081