MUFON 63286

Despertè sobresaltado abrì la ventana para tomar aire llovía y el cielo gris vi pequeños puntos de Luz dos filas muy largas Luego pude ver la dimension de la nave que estaba directamente encima de mi casa / ciudad. Al cabo de 5 minutos la nave empez1 Despertè muy sobresaltado, soñaba que estaba siendo perseguido, me incorporè, encendí la Liz y miré el reloj y eran las 4:30 am luego abrî la ventana para recibir aire, (normalmente me vuelvo a dormir si tengo pesadillas pero estaba muy agitado mi corazòn latía rápido por lo intenso del sueño) Llovía levemente podía ver las pequeñas goteras en la lampara de Luz amarillenta del poste de alumbrado pùblico, respirè profundamente y empecè a mirar el cielo que estaba gris obscuro (me gusta mucho observar las estrellas hobbie que disfruto cuando salgo de paseo al campo) Miraba extrañado el cielo pues no se veían nubes definidas era mas bien una capa uniforme a muy poca altura de un solo tono de grís obscuro. Respirando ya menos agitado mientras continuaba mirando al cielo pensè en recostarme de nuevo, pero me diò curiosidad una pequeña Luz que ví, Pensè que era muy casual poder ver una Estrella con el cielo tan cubierto. Me concentrè en la Luz y para mi sorpresa había otra mas luego otra hasta que pude ver claramente dos largas filas muy cerca una de la otra, compuesta de pequeñas luces blancas apenas perceptibles (no tengo un nùmero exacto de las luces, estas estaban a todo lo largo de la superficial que vi excepto en las áreas de las puntas). Apenas fuí conciente de que lo que estaba sobre mi casa (barrio y ciudad) no era normal, empecè a limpiarme los ojos, lleguè hasta pelliscarme, para asegurarme que no seguía soñando, ya identificadas las luces (podía ver el principio de Ellas, pues continuaban por encima de mi casa y no podía verlas completas por el techo). Me concentrè aùn más siguiendo el sentido que las luces llevaban y pude ver un contorno, mas adelante de donde terminaban se destacaba unas líneas simples con un tono de Gris ligeramente más obscuro que el resto del cielo. Seguí las líneas y pude ver claramente la punta del objeto que flotaba diagonalmente sober mi casa. Desde mi ventana podía ver la punta del objeto con un ángulo cercano a 60 grados, estimè que el objeto flotaba a sòlo 1000 metros de altura por lo que esa primera parted del objeto que ví tenía una longitud considerable. De immediate apaguè la Luz de la habitaciòn abrí la cortina total y empecè a Mira's a travès del vidrio y no se veía bien, habian reflejos y nada de contrasted, luego tratè de escuchar poniendo mi oreja entre Los vidrios de la celosia y no logrè nada, completo silencio. Volví a concentrarme en las filas de luces, Estaban distanciadas simètricamente, pude percibir luego que la superficial no era plana, era còncaba y las luces estaban en el medio, tambièn que no era Lisa, se asemejaba a la textura de unas ollas para cosinar (busquè online y encontrè unas con la textura muy similar pero de otro color. Pasaron 4 minutos donde pude ver claramente esa porciòn del objeto pero sin poder escuchar algùn sonido. Lego el objeto empezò a moverse lent aments, con direcciòn Norte, el contorno de lineas muy simples (un rectángulo largo con formas muy simples al principio y final del àrea que vi claramente.) empecè a agitarme me parè en la cama sin dear de mirar el objector por la celosia abierta, hasty que pude ver el contorno de la parte final. El objeto se desplazò en línea recta lentamente (diagonal a mi ventana) yo parado en mi cams Mirando por la ventana no creía lo que estaba pasando, 30 segundos mas tarde el objecto se encontraba lejos, ya no podia ver la superficial con las luces, encambio pude ver la totalidad de la estructura. El objeto era 15 veces mas alto que ancho y 20 veces mad largo que ancho, de ancho estimo 300 metros. El objeto desapareciò entre bruma Blanca que rodeaba las montañas. No me volví a dormir (no quería despertar creyendo que había Sido un sueño), me quedè en la ventana y preguntaba a Las pocas personas que pasaron si habían visto algo, tambien hice un dibujo del contorno de la superficie que vi claramente.

Source ID63286

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Eberhart, George M - Ufos And The Extraterrestrial Contact Movement- A Bibliography -- Volume Two- The Extraterrestrial Contact Movement.pdf
Page 354
Malkan, and John M. Dickey. ** A Passive SETI in Globular Clusters at the Hydroxyl and Water Lines." ICARUS 41 (1980):198-204. 15369. Collins. Steve. "Search for Extraterrestrial Life." PATE 29 (January ... Dennis M. Cole. A Modest Al1-Sky Search for Narrowband Radio Radiation near the 21-ca Hydrogen Line." ICARUS 30 (1977):267-73. 15376. "Down to Earth." DOUBT, no.58 (1958):23-26. 15377. Drake, Frank › Downloads › Documents › USA - Congress › Other
1977 - Smith, Marcia - Possibility Of Intelligent Life Elsewhere In The Universe -- US Library of Congress Science Policy Research .pdf
Page 139
band is of interest because inter- stellar transmissions may take place around the hydrogen line, while the 1.427 to 1.727-GHz band is located between the hy- drogen and hydroxyl lines and lies near › Downloads › Documents › USA - Congress › Other
1977 - US Library of Congress - Smith, Marcia - Possibility of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe2.pdf
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band is of interest because inter- stellar transmissions may take place around the hydrogen line, while the 1.427 to 1.727-GHz band is located between the hy- drogen and hydroxyl lines and lies near › Downloads › Documents › USA - Congress
US House Of Representatives - 1978 - Hearing - Space Science Subcommittee - Extraterrestrial Intelligence Research.pdf
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that you advanced; in one* of the slides you were showing, about the H and the OH lines, You also mentioned that you thought that SETI should be initiated at this time. * A GO Could ... examine other frequencies than these naturally defined ones that we have talked about-the "waterhole, hydrogen line and so on.' We should with all haste examine these bands because in a few years they will › Downloads › Documents › USA - Congress
US Library of Congress - Smith, Marcia - Possibility of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe - 1977.pdf
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band is of interest because inter- stellar transmissions may take place around the hydrogen line, while the 1.427 to 1.727-GHz band is located between the hy- drogen and hydroxyl lines and lies near › Downloads › Magazines › United Kingdom › Cosmology Newslink (Ed Harris)
Cosmology Newslink - No 40.pdf
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firely based on developments here on Barth. Our capabilities for cormonest frequencies in the universe... Hydrogen line. Hydrogen 1s Sending ignals out into space appeared side-by-side our far less worth abundant everywhere › Downloads › Magazines › United Kingdom › Cosmology Newslink (Ed Harris)
Cosmology Newslink - No 43.pdf
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procaoly peicw IGH: Secause they JOu. d know that low spectrum of an atomic or hydrogen bomb explosion! woula. be ssorced 55 our atmosphere. Having If really high energies were first transmitted around recieveo ... However, there are aiso rrequencies which reasonaoie area around one-eighth lower than the hydrogen livision line falls slap in the middle of the 23cm band amatuer aust be the same anywnere. A typical example ... come to the big crunch. Radio astronomers owest resonance of the hyarogen atom-known as the hydrogen do not use this band very much and amatuers have to share ina-at 2cm. This ... powerful RADAR stations aries sligntly depending pn doppler. shift-the line frequency such as the recently established chain putting out around ot hydrogen line radiation coming towards us will sligntly 1000 Mega Watts at London
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alien signais ;Sing radio telescopes tuned to the frequency,or rather the wavelength, ot the Hydrogen line Hydrogen is one of the most common elements in the universe;. The scientist then discovered radio signais › Downloads › Magazines › United Kingdom › Project Red Book
Project Red Book vol 4 no 8.pdf
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frequencies and it was very close to the beast by the side of the road. "hydrogen line," a natural signpost in the spectrum Maurice 59, was on his way to Barton Wood Quarry › Downloads › Magazines › United Kingdom › Strange Times (Dixon)
Strange Times - number 2.pdf
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tory) in West Virginia and was headed certainly did exactly the same in 1924. ered that atomic hydrogen along the by Professor Frank Drake. Serious interest in the possibility of Milky Way emitted a radio ... astronomers searching for with others would automatically select ised that microwave frequencies be- the 1.42 GHz hydrogen line frequency tween 1 GHz-10 GHz could also E.T turned their attention to more dis- tant locations › Downloads › Magazines › United States › MUFON Arizona
MUFON Arizona - 2001 01 - Vol 10 No 01.pdf
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Robofly It was actually suggested more than 30 years ago that observing specific absorption lines in the spectra of distant By Louise Knapp quasars could test the predicted increase of temperature with distance (redshift ... rise to particular absorption lines in the spectrum of a celestial Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, are object. aiming to create biologically inspired "roboflies" tiny, Some faint absorption lines of neutral carbon atoms ... sufficient quality could release thousands of these things and if some of them of these faint absorption lines in faint and remote objects in were fost or destroyed it really wouldn't make a difference ... physical processes may also affect Space exploration isn't the only application the roboflies the observed absorption lines, such as collisions between the are slated to perform. They're also expected to be deployed ... cloud - the presence of molecular A superfly indeed. The only question that remains is: Can it hydrogen lines was crucial for this to succeed. It clearly actually be built? showed that the excitation process › Downloads › Magazines › United States › MUFON Arizona
MUFON Arizona - 2001 02 - Vol 10 No 02.pdf
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days. "I'm positive that I was clean shaven very close to the "hydrogen line", a natural signpost in when we set out on the trip. My own beard didn't the spectrum. grow," [explained › Downloads › Magazines › United States › SearchLites (SETI League)
SearchLites - Vol 13 No 4.pdf
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antennas in public parks, interstellar neutral hydrogen atoms. An error of 1 ppm at the farm fields, and mountain tops and attempt to contact others so- hydrogen line translates to 142 Hz of frequency uncertainty › Downloads › Magazines › United States › UFO Newsclipping Service
UFO Newsclipping Service - 1986 07 - no 204.pdf
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there. Since then, scientists have covered thousands more stars, but that the vicinity of the "hydrogen line" Proxmire, D-Wis., awarded the proposed the "hydroxyl line" . the radio Oliver, director of NASA's Search › match › madar-radar
Building Your Own SDR-based Passive Radar On A Shoestring _ Hackaday.pdf
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accurate clock in your line of sight; such as a hydrogen frequency standard broadcasting time signal around 60 kHz. =) Apparently all the hooplah about Perleman sums up to complete understanding of 3- space, so there ... Reply Report comment bthy says: June 5, 2015 at 5:39 pm isn't the hydrogen line somewhere around 1420 MHz? Reply Report comment ganzuul says: June 5, 2015 at 11:53 pm Radio clocks › Data-Net
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radio telescopes. Others think that the natural calibration frequency of the universe, the '21-om hydrogen line which radiates at 1.420 GHz, should be-" looked at more intensely. Still other investigators have suggested different tendons
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complox dimensions in their communications simply because we couldn't understand them. Again, the 21-cm hydrogen line appears: to be a logical choice for data transport be- cause of its universality. BErtee Subscribing