MUFON 62706

3-4 objects moving chaotically over Amman Jordan My son witnessed this event and he lives in Amman Jordan and is 20 yrs old.He refused to report but I decided to do it for him as best as I can My son was in his flat and looking through the window into the night sky in a residential area . The light was grey-white but clearly visible in the cloudy night sky. He thought they were ghosts or lost souls as he imagined. There were 3 objects seen first as in the pics but when he enhanced the contrast a 4th less brighter object was seen. they moved chaotically and as if they were playing a game of catch me. He tried to shoot with video with his iphone but unfortunately he couldnt focus on them to shoot so instead he took pictures...then enhanced some for a better view. They suddenly disappeared

Source ID62706

Documents mentioning › Downloads › Books › Digitized_by_AFU
Evans, Hilary - Annotated catalogue of UFO books.pdf
Page 189
Stranger at the Pentagon' in the infamous Stranges' ludicrous book. There's a curious and doubtless unsavoury story concealed beneath all this, but l don't know it. [Time-Life Books] The UFO phenomenon Time ... inconclusive, balanced but boring ? Yes, well, that's exactly what you get... ..................................................... Brinsley Le Poer TRENCH [Lord Clancarty] The Flying Saucer Review's world roundup of UFO sightings and events (editor) Citadel ... London, 1960 HC 224p / bib index / illus French : Le peuple du ciel, J'ai lu Italian : Gli abitatori del cielo, Mediterranee, 1974 The Flying Saucer story Spearman, London, 1966 HC / 208p bib index illus › Downloads › Books › Other
Eberhart, George M - Ufos And The Extraterrestrial Contact Movement- A Bibliography -- Volume One- Unidentified Flying Objects.pdf
Page 59
SAUCERS SPACE & SCIENCE, no.49, Pe 12. 362. Le Poer Trench, Brinsley [Lord Clancarty]. THE ETERNAL SUBJECT: CHARIOTS OF YESTERDAY, UFO'S OF TODAY. London: Souvenir, 1973. 200p. Reprinted as MYSTERIOUS VISITORS: THE UFO STORY ... 175p. 363. ed. THE PLYING SAUCER REVIEW'S WORLD ROUNDUP OF UFO SIGHT- INGS AND EVENTS. New York: Citadel, 1958. 224p. British ed., London: Arco, 1958. 224p. 364. THE FLYING SAUCER STORY. London: Neville Spearman › Downloads › Books › Other
Evans, Hilary - Annotated catalogue of UFO books.pdf
Page 189
Stranger at the Pentagon' in the infamous Stranges' ludicrous book. There's a curious and doubtless unsavoury story concealed beneath all this, but l don't know it. [Time-Life Books] The UFO phenomenon Time ... inconclusive, balanced but boring ? Yes, well, that's exactly what you get... ..................................................... Brinsley Le Poer TRENCH [Lord Clancarty] The Flying Saucer Review's world roundup of UFO sightings and events (editor) Citadel ... London, 1960 HC 224p / bib index / illus French : Le peuple du ciel, J'ai lu Italian : Gli abitatori del cielo, Mediterranee, 1974 The Flying Saucer story Spearman, London, 1966 HC / 208p bib index illus › Downloads › Documents › USA - Congress › Other
1969 - US Library of Congress - Catoe, Lynn - UFOs and Related Subjects- An annotated bibliography.pdf
Page 25
Flying saucers: top secret. New York, Putnam, 1960, 283 p. Evidence on UFO sightings presented by NICAP to individual congressmen and committee chairmen in attempt to secure open Congressional hearings on sub- ject. Details ... Africa, Howard Timmins 1966. 113 p. References to flying saucers that go back as far as the 14th century are cited to "prove" that flying saucers are not something of the present generation. Author concludes ... since there are so many factors they cannot explain themselves. Kraspedon, Dino. My contact with flying saucers. Translated from the Portuguese by J. B. Wood. London, Neville Spearman, 1959. 205 p. Discusses in detailed technical ... five al- leged meetings between author and captain of an extraterrestrial spacecraft. Le Poer Trench, Hon. Brinsley. The flying saucer story. London, Neville Spearman, 1966. 208 p. Author presents evidence to support his belief that
Page 135
Klass, Philip. That was no saucer, that was an echo. Aviation week, v. 59, July 20, 1953: 25, 28, 30. CAA study of unidentified radar plots is reported as showing that the spurious targets ... Hampshire, and to an alleged saucer landing in Socorro, New Mexico. Klemin, Alexander. The flying saucer. Aero digest, v. 32, Mar, 1950: 129-130. Author examines "flying saucer stories" from point of view of aerodynamic ... feasibility and practicality and concludes there is "nothing in is them, Kor, Peter. Perspective: flying saucers--physical or psychic? Saucer news, v. 13, Fall 1966: 10-12, Inquiry into the language and concepts that have ... they do not belong to the world of three-dimensional matter, but emerge from denser etheric worlds. Flying discs--the ether ship mystery and its solution, San Diego, Borderland Sciences Research Associates ... they come from the region of existence caller the etheric plane. Le Poer Trench, Brinsley. The flying saucer story. London, Neville Spearman
Page 28
Flying Saucers and the United Nations, Michael G. Mann; Outstanding Sightings from the year 1881; The Electromagnetic Effects of Fly- ing Saucers, John J. Robinson; Twenty Minutes of Terror, Jeanne Stevens; Do Flying Saucers Come ... Mysterious Fate of Clipper 944, Max B. Miller; Mystic Barber's "Doomsday Demonstration, " photo newsstory; Flying Saucer Research on Trial, Thomas M. Comella; Astro- naut Photographs UFO, news item; Detailed Sighting from Pennsylvania, news item ... Build A Saucer, Y.N. Ibn Aharon; An Open Letter to Saucer Research- ers, Dr. Leon Davidson; Open Letter of Reply to Dr. Leon Davidson, Brinsley le Poer Trench; Dr. Leon Davidson and the Secret Weapon ... Theory, Richard Hall; Three Men in Black--the Al Bender Story, James W. Moseley; Saucer with Hieroglyphics Found in England, news item. National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena. [NICAP Headquarters UFO Newspaper Clipping File ... newspaper clippings file of Civilian Saucer Intelligence (CSI), New York, now defunct. Microfilm made by the Science and Technology Division, Library of Congress, 1967. Nebel, Long John. The flying saucer story. New York, American Music
Page 44
Yorker, V. 28, Sept. 6, 1952: 68-89. Discussion of USAF's Project Saucer investigation Into reports of "strange celestial objects." Lear, John. A reply. Saturday review, Feb. 4, 1967: 73. SR's science editor ... York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1966) without permission and out of context. Le Poer Trench, Brinsley. The three W's. Saucer news, v. 11, Dec. 1964: 7-10. Discusses three questions important ... they coming ? Lyustiberg, Villen. "Letaiushchie tarelki"? Mif! [ Are flying saucers a myth ?] a Pravda ukrainy, no. 40, Feb. 17, 1968: 2. Flying saucers are described as well camouflaged means of misinforming masses of people: "whenever ... three sure-fire perennial sensations- -flying saucers, sea serpents (sometimes the Loch Ness monster), and Abominable Snowmen. " McDonald, James E. A need for an international study of UFOs. Flying saucer review ... world" to determine the nature of UFOs. From a Dec. 10, 1967, New York Times story by Henry Kamm. UFOer - det storste videnskabelige problem i vor tid? Randers, Denmark, UFO-NYT9 Forlag › Downloads › Documents › USA - Congress
US Library of Congress - Catoe, Lynn - UFOs and Related Subjects - An annotated bibliography - 1969.pdf
Page 134
Klass, Philip. That was no saucer, that was an echo. Aviation week, V. 59, July 20, 1953: 26, 28, 30. CAA study of unidentified radar plots is reported as showing that the spurious targets ... Hampshire, and to an alleged saucer landing in Socorro, New Mexico. Klemin, Alexander. The flying saucer. Aero digest, v. 32, Mar. 1950: 129-130. Author examines "flying saucer stories" from point of view of aerodynamic ... feasibility and practicality and concludes there is "nothing in them. Kor, Peter. Perspective: flying saucers--physical or psychic? Saucer news, v. 13, Fall 1966: 10-12. Inquiry into the language and concepts that have been ... they do not belong to the world of three-dimensional matter, but emerge from denser etheric worlds. Flying discs--the ether ship mystery and its solution. San Diego, Borderland Sciences Research Associates ... they come from the region of existence called the etheric plane. Le Poer Trench, Brinsley. The flying saucer story. London, Neville Spearman
Page 26
Flying saucers: top secret. New York, Putnam, 1960, 283 p. Evidence on UFO sightings presented by NICAP to individual congressmen and committee chairmen in attempt to secure open Congressional hearings on sub- ject. Details ... Africa, Howard Timmins 1966. 113 p. References to flying saucers that go back as far as the 14th century are cited to "prove" that flying saucers are not something of the present generation. Author concludes ... since there are SO many factors they cannot explain themselves. Kraspedon, Dino. My contact with flying saucers. Translated from the Portuguese by J. B. Wood. London, Neville Spearman, 1959. 205 p. Discusses in detailed technical ... five al- leged meetings between author and captain of an extraterrestrial spacecraft. Le Poer Trench, Hon. Brinsley. The flying saucer story. London, Neville Spearman, 1966. 208 p. Author presents evidence to support his belief that
Page 29
Flying Saucers and the United Nations, Michael G. Mann; Outstanding Sightings from the year 1881; The Electromagnetic Effects of Fly- ing Saucers, John J. Robinson; Twenty Minutes of Terror, Jeanne Stevens; Do Flying Saucers Come ... Mysterious Fate of Clipper 944, Max B. Miller; Mystic Barber's "Doomsday Demonstration, photo newsstory; Flying Saucer Research on Trial, Thomas M. Comella; Astro- naut Photographs UFO, news item; Detailed Sighting from Pennsylvania, news item ... Build A Saucer, Y.N. Ibn Aharon; An Open Letter to Saucer Research- ers, Dr. Leon Davidson; Open Letter of Reply to Dr. Leon Davidson, Brinsley le Poer Trench; Dr. Leon Davidson and the Secret Weapon ... Theory, Richard Hall; Three Men in Black- -the Al Bender Story. James W. Moseley; Saucer with Hieroglyphics Found in England, news item. National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena. [NICAP Headquarters UFO Newspaper Clipping File ... newspaper clippings file of Civilian Saucer Intelligence (CSI), New York, now defunct. Microfilm made by the Science and Technology Division, Library of Congress, 1967. Nebel, Long John. The flying saucer story. New York, American Music
Page 45
Yorker, v. 28, Sept. 6, 1952: 68-89. Discussion of USAF's Project Saucer investigation into reports of "strange celestial objects." Lear, John. A reply. Saturday review, Feb. 4, 1967: 73. SR's science editor ... York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1966) without permission and out of context. Le Poer Trench, Brinsley. The three W's. Saucer news, v. 11, Dec. 1964: 7-10. Discusses three questions important ... they coming? Lyustiberg, Villen. "Letaiushchie tarelki"? Mif! [ Are flying saucers a myth?] Pravda ukrainy, no. 40, Feb. 17, 1968: 2. Flying saucers are described as a well camouflaged means of misinforming masses of people: "whenever ... three sure-fire perennial sensations- -flying saucers, sea serpents (sometimes the Loch Ness monster), and Abominable Snowmen. ' McDonald, James E. A need for an international study of UFOs. Flying saucer review ... world" to determine the nature of UFOs. From a Dec. 10, 1967, New York Times story by Henry Kamm. UFOer - det storste videnskabelige problem i vor tid? Randers, Denmark, UFO-NYTs Forlag › Downloads › Documents › USA - Congress
US Library of Congress - Smith, Marcia - A selected annotated bibliography - 1976.pdf
Page 20
objects. or misiden- Lorenzen, Coral and Jim Lorenzen. UFOs: the whole story. New York, Signet, 1969, 301 p. TL789. L67 Le Poer Trench, Brinsley. The eternal subject. London, Souvenir A collection of national and international ... answers John Fuller's criticisms of him for publishing excerpts study, the uthor discusses feasibility of flying saucers from pro- from Incident at Exeter (New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1966) pulsion, structural › Downloads › Magazines › Australia › Australian Flying Saucer Review
Australian Flying Saucer Review - 1964 10 - no 2 VFSRS.pdf
Page 8
comment about flying saucers. What he does, in fact, have to say provided the inspiration for numerous science fiction stories. It is most interesting but not very sympathetic to the saucer cause. is interesting ... find that a well known saucer book has been the raison d'etre for an intriguing science. fiction story. He believes that there are indeed Unidentified Flying The young English writer J. G. Ballard ... flying saucers'. Stories" in June, 1963. This story is obviously based on Adamski Clarke admits to seeing several 'flying saucers' himself, and his experience of meeting a Venusian as described in, "Flying Saucers Have Landed ... silver discs' which appeared metallic and oscillated 'with a regular seesaw motion', Flying Saucers ? ance with and belief in Kandinski and his story of meeting with a No, merely seagulls reflecting the setting sun with ... read science fiction north end of the Harbour Bridge looking towards the city. He apparently dislike flying saucers and everyone else dismissed him as a lunatic") and attends one of his lectures where he makes ... saucer reports. He agrees too that there Space precludes me from continuing further this account iS left a hard core of sightings which are apparently inexplicable. of how science fiction writers view the saucer field ... electrified gases in magnetic fields. An aurora is caused interested in the enigma of the flying saucers. I would welcome by electrified particles from the Sun which produce, in the Earth's the views ... readers of this article on this matter. atmosphere, a type of fluorescence. Clarke believes that many 'saucers' are really the strange shapes of the aurora caused by the Earth's magnetic field which ... poles. Clarke is a man of profound intelligence and wide "The Sky People", by Brinsley Le Poer Trench. Neville Spearman, What would his reaction be if he saw something in the London, 1960. imagination ... this book by a well known writer on saucers and allied subjects and a former editor of "Flying Saucer Review", "This is the fascinating story of the Sky I have already mentioned how Fort › Downloads › Magazines › Australia › Australian Flying Saucer Review
Australian Flying Saucer Review - 1966 12 - no 6 VFSRS.pdf
Page 3
Continued from the previous page.) YOUTH WILL SHOW THE WAY INT by Brinsley Le Poer Trench, author of "The Flying Saucer Story". Sky Scouts should be encouraged to arrange their own group activities. Obviously, some ... VFSRS by needed to make Sky Scouting a live and healthy movement. Brinsley Le Poer Trench, author of "The Flying Saucer Story". It was, therefore, as Chairman of International Sky Scouts (ISS), that Yusuke › Downloads › Magazines › Australia › Australian UFO Bulletin
Australian UFO Bulletin - 1984 09 - September.pdf
Page 3
research, I avidly read Uncovering a Coverup many books on the subject, particularly the ' contact! stories and quickly learned the value of being able to Book Review differentiate between the fact and fiction, though Clear ... what was read in the back of the mind for Brazilian Conference. future reference. Naturally 'contact! stories appealed because of their Aliens get Invitation imaginative and colorful nature, and of course, Buck for Airtime. Rogers ... along with Girvan who was at the time, editor UFO reports from the of the English Flying Saucer Review put together books French Press. which at least appeared to be based on facts. Keyhoe ... have thought that we would have caughtup with science fiction So quickly and man would be actually flying in those 'old fashioned! Buck Rogers machines Even he has become modernised since those days of moon ... wrote of F.S. Occupants and Charles Bowen of the English F.S. leview told of Humanoids. Brinsley le Poer Trench, now the Earl of Clancarty, wrote of Forgotten Heritage and The Sky People and several other › Downloads › Magazines › Belgium › BUFOI Magazine
23 - BUFOI Magazine - No 23 - aout-oct 1970.pdf
Page 23
Woord vooraf bij hot boek "OPERATIE AARDE" Dit bock word geschreven door BRINSLEY LE POER TRENCH en uitgogeven door Neville Spearman Limited, 112 Whitefield- street, London W-l. De schrijver heft eon grote foam ... succesvolle uitge- ver van do wolgekende "Flying Saucer Review" Van zijn hand vorschencn ok de volgende bocken The Sky People Non Among Mankind Torgotten Heritage The Flying Saucer Story. Van zijn laatsto bock "Operation Earth › Downloads › Magazines › Belgium › Inforespace
Inforespace - No 07 - 1973.pdf
Page 22
vrais. Brinsley Le Poer Trench est bien connu dans le monde de l'Ufologie pour ses ouvrages, entre autres « Le peuple du ciel » (Ed. J'ai Lu), « Operation Earth » et « The Flying Saucer Story › Downloads › Magazines › Canada › CUFORG (Bonnie Wheeler)
CUFORG - Vol 2 No 41 - 1992 09.pdf
Page 32
send cash with order. No reply= Northern Ircland. regret sold. SPECIAL LIST 60 Shuttlewood, Arthur: WARNINGS FROM FLYING FRIENDS• 1968. One edge bumped, mark on front cover, binding a little slewed, but a good copy ... PHENOMENON.. 1979. NF, £7•50 $14•50 some wear to d.w. Michell, John: THE FLYING SAUCER VISION. 1967• NF, dew. worn. £6.50 $12.50 £7.00 $13.50 Wright, T.M.: THE INTELLIGENT MAN'S GUIDE TO UFOs ... Clancarty (Brinsley Le Poer Trench). Notes by John Michell. Large paperback. VG,65.00 $9.75 Mooney, Richard: GODS OF AIR AND DARKNESS. 1975• Very good, small stain one edge, some wear to dewo Story, Ronald ... Fiore, Edith: ENCOUNTERS• Fine, d.w. £5.00 $9.75 Heard, Gerald: RIDDLE OF THE FLYING SAUCERS. 1950. Some foxing to fore-edge, else very good in dowo (some tears) protected by plastic cover. £6.50 $12.50 Another copy › Downloads › Magazines › Canada › Canadian UFO Report (Magor)
Canadian UFO Report - vol 2 no 6 - 1973.pdf
Page 18
that the objects had red lights and had glided in from the southwest over by BRINSLEY LE POER TRENCH a body of water called the Daranelle Reservoir. They (Second part of a series) lost sight ... Brinsley Le Poer Trench, heir presump- over a period of years. An alien being was ob- tive to the Earl of Clancarty, has been engaged served from a craft that was saucer- shaped ... former editor of the highly respected UFO was saucer- shaped surrounded by lights while British UFO magazine 'Flying Saucer Review", the Rankin UFO appeared to have windows around author ... books on the subject: 'The Sky People', the middle. 'Men Among Mankind', 'Forgotten Heritage', 'The Flying Saucer Story', 'Operation Earth', and lastly, It appears that the basic description is the same. 'The Eternal Subject', which › Downloads › Magazines › Canada › Canadian UFO Report (Magor)
Canadian UFO Report - vol 4 no 6 - 1978.pdf
Page 22
program designed to culminate in pioneer and continuing works of of open relations exists. Brinsley Le Poer Trench (whose When Betty attempted to lea ve open contact if a situation can be created in which ... actual as including the Bible, to put event. Was this test case? together the 'less known life story' Did the aliens attempt to prevent of Jesus. There the UFO theme, as recall only to have ... fear of the unknown. instantly has a preferred place on our bookshelf. In recent years the whole story stands by itself as When the aliens treated them firmly but gently, she realized that there have ... adopted an increasingly positive as Barry Downing's The Bible And of religious history can gainfully Flying Saucers, Josef Blumrich's read. So where are the UFO sceptics › Downloads › Magazines › Canada › Canadian UFO Report (Magor)
Canadian UFO Report - vol 5 no 1 - 1978-79.pdf
Page 15
referred to continents." In their paper the two explain abodes for intelligent life, vast the Genesis story of how the Sons of God came in unto the daughters of how the shapes of the North ... that they plan to step in By BRINSLEY Le POER but made by intelligences on the and land on the earth if we get TRENCH Moon. involved in another world war. am returning to that ... book and those fallen astronauts from Ages. (1) Let us digress for a moment. Flying Saucers Uncensored (4) inside the earth, and the surface of mentioned that on August 8, 1954, our planet will › Downloads › Magazines › Canada › Journal UFO
1980_Vol 2 No 1.pdf
Page 2
HAISELL like LETTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . French theorists Meheust and Monnerie are the physical characterist- is described. Obviously the something flying through CORRESPONDENTS EDITORIAL COMMENT. ... ... ..............4 would like to congrat• apparently unknown in successful States ... first year. I've enjoyed In your bilingual count- bust better than something BRINSLEY LE POER TRENCH the first four issues im- ry, one hopes that a some- ignited on a flat surface. FERNANDO CERDA ... Thankyou for your kind BUFORA Comments the letter about Adamski FRANK L. COTE Brinsley Le Poer Trench was an excellent summary, Parapsychology words, Brian. although suspect you JOHN McCARRICK BOOK REVIEW - UFO Sightings, Landings ... Palmer said several Fortean Phenomena personal comment, times in FLYING SAUCERS RANDOLPH W. LIEBECK John Magor I have pleasure in en- that the blob story, that he had seen the Adam- U.S. Government Affairs closing
Page 15
BRINSLEY Le POER TRENCH the same stone. The stone he gave us a fascinating Chief of the Air Staff. (Earl of Clancarty) of our conceit.. talk. Subsequently, Lord Hill On 29 January ... going abroad for MMSE. Ribera wrote 1 some a short time, was asked Brinsley Le Poer Trench has been around the UFO scene the earlier I CUFON group. mentioned weeks ago from Spain ... World War and was a former editor of Britain's well respected journal, FLYING SAUCER RE- gave us a most stimulating iard, Señor Grilfo, had ranged to hand the film and thought provoking a taken ... colour film of a over to him on April. VIEW, now edited by Charles Bowen. Trench is now a mem- talk. What a marvellous UFO at Mount Montserrat, It had also been arrang ... many in history, the Wright He spoke entirely with- in June to elect officers ad- Brothers were flying out notes and rattled off UFO Clipping Service and discuss aims. Since then we have had vanced ... Spain (1) and majority were basically Washington Post published regular monthly basis. Receive. friendly. story written by East. He must have a pho- a minimum of 50 pages a month book form covering these › Downloads › Magazines › Canada › Journal UFO
1980_Vol 2 No 3.pdf
Page 13
came across in an themselves invisible and call that NASA have always Australian magazine. By BRINSLEY Le POER TRENCH been very cagey about ad- visible again. The aliens mitting that American as- During the production ... abilities, far beyond ours dent of Columbia Pictures have seen alien space- the set to Brinsley Le Poer Trench has been around the UFO scene to the President and his craft. Well, Chatelain, a drove ... Britain's well respected journal, FLYING SAUCER RE- ished, U. S. astronauts that have alien spacecraft hovering VIEW, now edited by Charles Bowen. Trench is now a mem- Americans that there might seen alien craft ... book Flying Our Ancestors Came From an inspired leak, support- open contact made with our friends from outer space. present. Yes, but with a There have been quite a Saucers Uncensored (Pyra- difference. Normally ... stories about how the Outer Space. The author is French born, but is now a ing what I mentioned earl- You see, our planet Earth mid Books, New York, an unholy the end of someone › Downloads › Magazines › Canada › Journal UFO
1981_Vol 2 No 4.pdf
Page 17
Book Review w. Ritchie Benedict By BRINSLEY Le POER TRENCH THE ROSWELL INCIDENT, by Charles Berlitz Willian L. Moore, Grosset & Dunlap, N.Y., (Earl of Clancarty) (in Canada by Fitzhenry & Whiteside Ltd.) 1980 . Hardcover $12.95( Canadian ... ISBN 0-448- 21199-8. 168pp. Illustrated. Acknowledgements. Bibliography. Index. Brinsley Le Poer Trench has been around the UFO scene for quite some time. He has been researching the subject In the history of ufol ... Britain's well respected journal, FLYING SAUCER RE- dawn of the modern saucer crash, but there was no- VIEW, now edited by Charles Bowen. Trench is now a mem- and unconfirmed theories. Among these ... first flying Muroc Air Force Base on invisible and the Ho 11 ow saucer "flap". During this Earth theory. Paramount period, there had been February 20th , 1954 and these stories is number of reported sight › Downloads › Magazines › Canada › Saucers, Space & Science (Duplantier)
Saucers, Space & Science - No 46.pdf
Page 10
Brinsley Le Poer Trench tablishing communication with a completely alien race or races from Flying saucer enthusiasts have other spheres beyond the earth 1s a often read contact stories about much more comolex affair › Downloads › Magazines › Canada › Saucers, Space & Science (Duplantier)
Saucers, Space & Science - No 48.pdf
Page 6
AFSCA FLYING SAUCER BOOK LIST Books on this list deal essentially with Flying Saucer sightings, contacts, and information. Books marked with (*) are by contactee authors. Books marked with (**) are highly recommended by AFSCA as important ... listed below include a 15% mailing charge. AUTHOR TITLE PRICE AMOUNT ** 1. ADAMSKI, George & D. Leslie: - "Flying Saucers Have Landed" ---- $3.65 de *c 2. ADAMSKI, George: "Inside The Spaceships" 4.65 3. ALLEN, Gordon: 4. ANGELUCCI ... Aboard A Flying Saucer" - 11. BRASINGTON, Virginia: "Voice Of The Planet Clarion" (Soft Cover) "Flying Saucers In The Bible" (8 1/2" X 11"' Soft Cover) 2.15 3.15 12. EDWARDS, Frank: "Flying Saucers - Serious Business ... Flying Saucer Conspiracy" (Reprinted) 5.10 20. KRASPEDON, Dino: L2006 3179 '$3139NY S01 * IS 83/00H ã 21. MICHEL, Aime: "My Contact With Flying Saucers" 4.15 22. MILLER, Max B.: "Flying Saucers And The Straight Line Mystery ... saucer photos & stories) . 65 MILLER, Max B.: "Real Magazine" (Dec. 1966; many saucer photos & stories) . 65 * 24 MILLER, Max B.: "Flying Saucers Illustrated" (Soft Cover Saucer Photo Album)2. 15 sqn|o Jadnes Flying Amalgamated ... Frank E.: "Flying Saucer Pilgrimage" (Soft Cover) 2.65 29. THOMAS, Paul: "Flying Saucerama" (Soft Cover) 2.15 "Flying Saucers Through The Ages" 4.15 30. TRENCH, Brinsley Le Poer: - "'The Flying Saucer Story ... Saucers Speak" 3. 40 POCKET BOOKS INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS: 2004 *** 36. ADAMSKI, George: "Inside The Flying Saucers" (Inside The Spaceships) 75 * 37. ADAMSKI, George: 38. EDWARDS, Frank: "Behind The Flying Saucer Mystery" (Flying Saucers Farewell ... Flying Saucers - Serious Business" --- "Incident At Exeter" - 90 "From Outer Space" (From Outer Space To You) 90 Code sc: *) 40. MENGER, Howard: 41. RUPPELT, Edward J.: 42. STANTON, Jerome L.: "The Report On Unidentified Flying ... Objects" 65 "Flying Saucers: Hoax or Reality ?" 65 8 43. STEIGER, Brad: 44. VALLEE, Jacques: "Strangers From The Skies" . 75 "Anatomy Of A Phenomenon' • 75 45. SPECIAL "Pass The Word" SALE: (Save ... SHERMAN, Harold: 6.13 61. SUMNER, Dr. F. W.: "Wonder Healers Of The Philippines" + 62. TRENCH, Brinsley Le Poer: "The Coming Golden Age" (Soft Cover) 3.65 "The Sky People" 5.10 63. TRENCH, Brinsley Le Poer: "Forgotten