MUFON 54640

objet d'apparence m1tallique d'environ 30 metres de longueur( voir la photo) En vacance au Maroc EN AO1T 2010 dans la r1gion de FEZ je r1alisais des photos de paysages.Puis 1 mon retour 1 mon domicile en France ,j'ai t1l1charg1 ces photos sur mon ordinateur.c'est en positionnant une de celle-ci sur ma page d1accueil que j'ai aper1u l'objet insolite qui se trouvais dessus (voire la photo et un agrandissement partiel joint)l'objet m1tallique semble-t-il (ou les objets) d'environ 25/30 m1tres devait 1tre immobile ou presque car sinon je n'aurait pas manqu1 de l'apercevoir imm1diatement. je suis interress1 par le sujet OVNI depuis + de 50 ans (j'ai 67 ans )j'ai personnellement re1u 4 t1moignages d'apparitions de 21me types tr1s cr1dibles d'amis .un de ces t1moignages avait 1t1 relat1 par la TRIBUNE DE GEN1VE (dans les ann1es 70) qui citait d'autres t1moins. cordialement [Name removed/cms/tg] On vacation in Morocco IN AUGUST 2010 in the FEZ region I took landscape photos. Then when I returned to my home in France, I downloaded these photos to my computer. it is by positioning one of it on my home page that I saw the unusual object which was above (see the photo and a partial enlargement attached) the metallic object seems to - he (or the objects) of about 25/30 meters must have been motionless or almost because otherwise I would not have failed to see him immediately. I have been interested in the subject UFO for more than 50 years (I am 67 years old) I have personally received 4 testimonies of appearances of 2 very credible types of friends. of these testimonies had been reported by the TRIBUNE DE GENEVA (in the 1970s) which cited other witnesses. cordially [Name removed / cms / tg]

Source ID54640