MUFON 51965

Mother ship above us... silver lights In Spanish ... Personally very young I had to live with my family an incredible experience with an Unidentified Flying Object ... We were in Chile, specifically in the V Region of Valpara1so in a town called "Tunquen". It was the night of September 18, 1996, I was only 5 years old ... That night we were at the house of some friends of my family sharing those days of rest (Because it is the day of national holidays in Chile). It must be said that Tunquen is a country-style town, very relaxed, far from the city and electricity only works on the basis of solar panels ... That day the solar panels were failing and my father's cell phone (of those old ones that were carried in suitcases practically) had no signal. At one point in the night, due to problems with the well, the other adult who was in charge with my father, left the house (which was very small, cabin style) and after a moment She re-enters this desperately calling my father asking him to come out next to her to witness something ... After 10 minutes, both adults of the families asked all of us who were in those moments in the house to go outside so that we could witness the most incredible thing that I have seen in all my life. It was a kind of huge, gigantic, huge spaceship ... It goes beyond all expectations that someone may have of a UFO. It was above us, with silver lights flashing on and off. I remember feeling that if I took a stone and threw it up, it was going to hit metal. That colossal machine covered our stars and did not allow us to clearly see the sky. Going back to the story, after a few minutes, seeing everyone with fear and pain in the knees such a spectacle, my mother began to speak defensively saying that they were projections of a disco in the sky (But really She did not believe that statement, it was simply to protect us because since we were 4 children in the house, we were all very afraid). Then we went back inside the house ... My father and the other adult stayed watching this "ship" or whatever they want to call it for more than 4 hours ... I was standing there in the Chilean sky parked ... According to my father, after a while the dream won over them and they went to bed (Or that's what he thinks) I really do not care if they believe me or not1 Because I know what he lived and to this day, almost 20 years later it is a subject in my family environment. In Spanish... Personalmente muy joven me toc1 vivir con mi familia una experiencia incre1ble con un Objeto Volador No Identificado... Est1bamos en Chile, espec1ficamente en la V Regi1n de Valpara1so en una localidad llamada "Tunquen". Era la noche del d1a 18 de Septiembre del a1o 1996, yo tan solo ten1a 5 a1os... Esa noche nos encontr1bamos en la casa de unos amigos de mi familia compartiendo esos d1as de descanso (Debido a que es el d1a de fiestas patrias en Chile). Hay que decir que Tunquen es una localidad estilo campo, muy relajada, alejada de la ciudad y la electricidad solo funciona en base a placas solares... Ese d1a las placas solares estaban fallando y el celular de mi padre (De esos antiguos que se llevaban en maletas pr1cticamente) no ten1a se1al. En un momento de la noche, debido a problemas con el pozo, el otro adulto que estaba a cargo junto a mi padre, sali1 de la casa (que era muy peque1a, estilo caba1a) y al cabo de un momento entra de nuevo a esta llamando desesperadamente a mi padre pidi1ndole que salga junto a 1l a presenciar algo... Al cabo de 10 minutos ambos adultos de las familias nos pidieron a todos los que est1bamos en esos momentos en la casa salir para afuera para que pudi1ramos presenciar lo m1s incre1ble que he visto en toda mi vida. Era una especie de nave espacial enorme, gigante, descomunal... Se sale de toda expectativa que alguien puede tener de un ovni. Estaba sobre nosotros, con luces plateadas que se prend1an y se apagaban. Recuerdo tener la sensaci1n de que si tomaba una piedra y la arrojaba hacia arriba iba a chocar contra metal. Aquella m1quina colosal nos tapaba las estrellas y no nos dejaba mirar con claridad el cielo. Volviendo a la historia, despu1s de unos minutos, viendo a todos con miedo y dolor en las rodillas tal espect1culo, mi madre empez1 a hablar a la defensiva diciendo que eran proyecciones de una discoteque en el cielo (Pero en verdad ni ella se cree esa afirmaci1n, simplemente era para protegernos porque como 1ramos 4 ni1os en la casa, todos ten1amos mucho miedo). Luego volvimos a entrar a la casa... Mi padre y el otro adulto se quedaron viendo esta "nave" o como lo quieran llamar durante m1s de 4 horas... Estaba parada ah1 en el cielo Chileno estacionada... Seg1n mi padre al cabo de un rato el sue1o les gan1 y se fueron a acostar (O eso es lo que 1l cree) En verdad no me interesa si me creen o no1 Porque yo s1 lo que viv1 y hasta el d1a de hoy, casi 20 a1os despu1s es tema en mi entorno familiar.

Source ID51965