MUFON 43573

UFO under prisma lights The 2 pictures are taken in Prague, Czech Republic from the inner courtyard window of a historical building from the top floor (5th). Date 20 Sept 2012, 18:11 PM, almost clear sky. foggy like "clouds" no airplane before or after, pictures taken with smart phone. No rain before or after. I didn't notice the object at all, I was photographing the strange prism like phenomenon visible over the buildings on the opposite side of the inner courtyard. There are 2 witnesses to the "light" in the sky and photos attached here. I haven't noticed the objects till 3 weeks later when I had a sudden urge to look at the photos from the library. Only than I observed that there is a potential object hovering under the light and was not visible to the naked eyes. We were looking to the lights with sunglasses in order to distinguish the beautiful color combination. Still no visible object, only on photos. Note : first photo is just a classic shot, second is with zoom in. I repeat ! I was watching the lights...had no idea that there is other things to observe there. The lights were up there for about 15-20 minutes probably the object too ... but hidden to human eyes. There is no PS or any other correction done to the pictures, lenses were clean. Keep Searching !

Source ID43573