MUFON 43152

described bellow Here is a letter that I sent to one respected urologist. I am not in a mood to write it again. it took me some time. I would like that some of your respected investigators read this and maybe give to others to read. All written there is a truth. Why should I be lying? So just that you say that I am crazy. I can prove it anyway. I called this awakening. All the best "S" Hi again, We have not heard for a while. There are things still happening, old and completely new ones. I would like to start with the old ones. The new ones are the ones that are really strange. There was a yellow star for a week. Every night I went out as I looked up into the night, cloudless sky, I know why I looked up there 1 I felt them, I saw a yellow star slowly gliding above me. I saw it from different places in the city, every time coming from completely different direction. When I say a yellow star, it really yellow. Sometimes it would be gliding all the way and sometimes it would simply switch off in the air. I do not know if I told you this, but one time it made me and "I" numb. She saw it also with me many times also. We were sitting on a bench in a city block next to mine. I saw it coming from the west . I told "I" 1 look I told you about the yellow one, you can now see that I am not lying to you. She told me 1 this is just a satellite. The problem with that big, yellow, bright satellite was that it flied just over our heads, very slowly, then turned to the right from my postion, left from "I"1s since she was sitting facing me, and kept gliding just in the line of the roofs of the buildings so that we can see it. I told her 1 did not I tell that this is no satellite, the satellites do not change the direction in mid air. After if had flown away we started feeling indescribable serenity. We could not move 1 but really not be able to move since we felt mentally satisfied (the easiest was to describe). All day long we were both nervous and f1 up from the things that are happening in our lives 1 and all of the sudden complete calmness and feeling really good. This was not the first time it happened to us. It happened to us one more time on my terrace as the same yellow one flew by. Now every single time when I say to "I" 1 look there is the yellow star flying above she tells me 1 o, not the yellow one, it will make me numb again. And we start laughing. The yellow one regularly changes its flight path when we see it. Ask "I" if you do not believe me. I will not tell you about another times, it is all more or less the same with them in yellow. I am sitting with "I" in that university campus, on our spot. All of a sudden there is a big white one simply switches on just above us in the mid air. It stays there and than it simply starts very slowly to glide away, and after some time it switches off. I am telling "I" 1 is this also the satellite. She is confused. The night sky is completely cloudy. We are on our place, sitting on that stand in my former campus. It is night. I am watching them with here switching on and off just beneath the clouds. That star that landed. A week ago I am walking though the city. It is night. I am walking towards the second university on west side of Mostar. Just above that university there is a hill which is opposite (to the right on my photos) to Hum. The same light that I photographed that landed in that hill is there. Big, bright light 1 but really big and bright, this time it was closer. I am walking, looking in it and grinning. I stay a bit and look in it. Then I go away. I am not the only one who saw it. I was in the middle of the city, there were many people passing by. When I came home later that night I went to the terrace thinking if it is still there I might take a few photos. It was not there. I am sitting with "I" and Ivana, her friend, in "I"1s apartment in Zalik (it is not exactly hers, it belongs to her aunt). There are two bottles of vine in front of us. They are on a table and we are sitting on a couch. All of sudden a bottle cap from one of them jumps into the air and falls to the table. I am asking them, how this can be possible and laugh? "I" puts keys on a table in front of us. They end into her pocked all by themselves. I am going into the shop to by a bier. I have my shorts and I always have my cell phone in my left back pocket. I really mean always. I enter the shop and the cell, which I used a minute ago and I was completely sure that I put back where it was supposed to be, is in the small front, knee pocket where I always keep only money and nothing else. It is anyway too small for a cell. Later I sit on a small was, drink bier and watch people go by. My lighter is missing. I go around and use my cell to find it. I am thinking it might have fallen somewhere. Only after the third time I that I have looked everywhere, I am finding it just in front of. Impossible. My mother puts a 50 Mark paper bill on a couch in her room. All of a sudden I hear from my room that she is all nervous and shouting. I am asking her what is happening and she is telling me that her money is simply vanished. I am calming her and start looking for it with her. She keeps shouting and telling me all worked up that she really needs that money and that this what is happening is simply impossible. She is positive about the place where she put it. After five minutes we find it in a closet with her wardrobe. The bill is electrified and glued to one of her jackets. I am not even sure if it is possible to electrify that bill. I will have to try one day. She is all surprised and only what she says is 1 this is impossible. The things still change places but not so much as before. My computer still has from time to time mind of his on. When I am not watching it still from time to time simply does something all by itself. For an example 1 I turn away from a monitor just for a second to take a cigarette and it switches on all by itself some other program or marks something on a page that I am currently watching. I was thinking that I may have hackers on it. But I do not have a camera and the microphone is always switched off. So, how can they know the exact moment, that few seconds that I am not looking into the monitor? These here are only some things happening. I am sitting on the terrace and drinking bier. I am sending you photos of the terrace so that you know how that place looks like. It will be easier to understand about the things that I am going to talk to you about right now. Ok, I am sitting on the middle of the exact photographed spot. When I go there during the day I am always sitting facing the North side. Other sides of the terrace are too hot to sit because of the sun. I am sitting and seeing the same object that I am draw in a Corel (file videno (seen in my language)) flying over a wall 2-3 meters left from me. It is around 20 cm long. It looks like a half of a propeller of something. It has a totally strange shape. I got up and go to check where it would go. It looks completely out of place. It flies about 1.5 meter over the terrace (flying south), flies over the next wall, and keeps flying in a completely regular trajectory in the building block opposite to mine. It flies very fast, like it goes on its own energy. It is not carried by the wind. Nothing behaves in the air when carried with a wind like that. It spins. It stays spinning at a window of one building (top flor, 150 meters away from me), it goes to the balcony of the same apartment on the opposite side and stays for a while spinning, and then it simply flies away. The path is completely regular. That was no UFO, but something made by them carried by their energy. That was the only conclusion. I was baffled with what I saw. And now the story gets strange. I called this awakening. Because it is exactly that. I understand now what it means. For the last month I hear knocking above my head. Wherever I go. It started on the terrace. I first thought that it was just a wind. But there is a problem. It is always above my head, up to 10 regular knocks in a half an hour. And it follows me where ever I sit. I tried to change places where I sit and it follows me. it is always above my head. It is knocking on that metal with which the edges of the roof are covered. And it does not end only there. Sometimes I hear knocks on the door next to (terrace) and sometimes even on that metal window next to the place where I sit. The terrace is not big. If it knocks like that on any other place on it I would hear. I sometimes go outside alone. I simply go and sit in a park, or some other place, drink bier and think (think about life, our ignorance, different things from which other people think), I think with my mind completely opened. It is a meditation. My mind reaches that state, a different state. The same knocking was again all over me and above my head wherever I was sitting for a month. It was knocking on a wall of an empty building, knocking on a metal fence next to me and knocking on all solid objects wherever I was sitting. It has been a week that it had stopped. In the last 10 days since my awakening has begun (this is the only was to describe this, it is completely different state of consciousness and yet the same 1 you will understand what I mean by this) I saw 5 times V shaped clouds above my head. 6 of the all together. Those were no vapor trails from an airplane that only appeared that way. Those were regular clouds in a regular V shape. Really regular V shape. For the first time I saw it was a day time. I looked above my head checking if I may see them and it was there. It was mid day. At that time I did not think much of it. It was just a cloud for me which looked cool. The other two times I saw it in the night, one of those two times from my terrace (the second time). I went up before I go out to check if I may see them. It was a large V shaped cloud. I was sitting there for a half an hour. I was watching it if it would disperse. It did not disperse. It was slowly, but really slowly rolling in the night sky from west to east. At one point I got scared. I thought that it might be some UFO. But, I felt that it was a cloud. I felt that the planet earth is speaking. She is alive. I went in to the city. Third time again I saw it in the night sky. And one more time just above my head in the mid day. There were two V shaped clouds. The smaller one was standing perpendicular to the bigger one on its left, almost touching it. It really made me think. It was the planet earth talking. I felt that. I have started to understand. Even now when I am writing this to you it still sounds strange to me. but I feel it and it is only logical explanation. The 5th time I took a photo of it. This one was not a perfect one like the other 5 but it was still a V shape cloud. I even went out that day with my camera to try to make a photo of it. I know what V represents. I am not interested in iluminati symbolism of it. It represents splitting. Two things separate from one point. Everything changes. We are waking up. I think that I am the first one. The planet earth is speaking. 6 times means a pair of 3s. I have also finally understood what 3 means. I see them in the night sky doing threes above my head sometimes when I want to see them in the night sky. Three flashes of a single star, or 6 sometimes. Only that you see this with your own eyes and you would understand. 3 means two different things going and coming into single point. It means connection between our spirituality and intellect. That what we all forgotten about. 3 are intellect, our animal part in us and our spiritual powers. These are 3 things. Our animal par is completely intertwined with our spirituality, it is its part. This what I am going to write to you will explain what I mean with this. The awakening is 3 and the split is here. You should see my hair. When I wake up in the morning after a good sleep, or during the day when I feel that my energy is good my hair stays straight, like a hedgehog. When I am tired or not feeling well is slumps completely. "I" knows about this, she can testify and you can see. My friends asked me which kind of cr1me I use to have such a hair. I told to them that it has nothing to do with the cream. But, I only told them that. It all started for me 2 years ago. I told you that I did not tell you all that is happening around me. It was also completely strange to me and I did not want that you think that I am crazy. It is still strange to me. I have never heard about anything of this that is happening to me. 2 years ago I came under great and constant stress. It was than when I started feeling the living energy. First in those from above, and than1 I noticed that every time that I am really angry all the dogs around me bark. They still do. They do not bark at me. They turn their heads aside and bark. Even now when I want to switch them up I simply do it. Like when I am sitting in a park and want them to bark they simply start. Every single time. They are emphatic. All animals are. They do not understand language, they understand thought and emotion. This is our animal part from those 3. I will return to this part. You know when I told you that I tried to read human minds, to move things with a look and to feel around me. I was not born that way. There are people who are. I can move things with my look but only for a centimeter and than it stops. I am not practicing this all the time. Only sometimes when I feel like doing it. I feel in the was that I am sitting in a park or at some stairs outside and try to guess if anybody is coming behind my back. When my energy is good (the simplest way to explain this) I guess right for 90%. It is far from the 50-50 probability. I count, I know what I am telling about. Now I am trying to discern female energy from a male and the age of those who are coming. It is getting better and better. I am sitting in a park and see a guy approaching in my direction. He is 40 meters away. I know that he is coming to me to ask for a lighter. 10 meters from me I simply reach with my hand and giving him a lighter. He looked surprised and asked me how did I know that he needed that? I answered 1 what if I tell you that I know things that other do not know? He just laughed. I managed to read "I"1s mind a couple of times. She will tell you this. But it is not yet a complete mind reading. It is mixture of feeling and knowing. I am not sure if I even want to be able to read what other think. And this is not all. But I think that this is enough to get the point. This is the second of the 3. We humans are not what we think that we are. The third of 3 would be intellectually and finally with a free and opened mind to understand mathematics, physics 1 to understand without any problems. Not to approach it as we do right now. They scare the kinds, they scare the adults and maintain modern science as a religion. Just think about it. All super minds from today only think in linear, learnt way. That is why we stopped progressing. They are hitting on some formulas and keep working on something that all of them do and what is fundamentally wrong. New ideas are immediately dismissed. And there is a reason for that. Something is not letting us to see. They do not see. Common persons do not see. There are no common persons. We are thought not to think and to be scared of those things that they say that are complicated to us. And that is only that. There is nothing more to it. This is the 3 of 3. And I do not think that those who do this are humans. Iluminati masters. NOW 1 they are tighting the loop. If you just take a look into CERN experiment. I do not think that they will find Higs Boson at all. What if that all is also just a step to make us more away from the true nature of universe and a completely new physics? I think that it is exactly that. Money is no object for them. We will know in coming moths. If 250 GeV particle does not fit into their formulas I am right. Now it gets even stranger. A half a year ago (you remember when I told you that I sometimes like to be alone just to think 1 it can last for months) I came to an idea 1 what if there is a frequency which does not allow us to think, the one which make us mad (the easiest way to explain) 1 some electro-magnetic radiation which directly messes up electricity in our brain. This is possible to make. On some people it would be making more influence and on some less. Big part of us cannot be inherently evil and all of us cannot just like that be ignorant to the reality that surrounds us. I am talking about UFOs, obuductions, people who are born with talents to read minds and move objects with their mind, people who are able to learn mathematics without any problems and to sole the most complicated problems easily. Yesterday I was also thinking about this. Before I was thinking for certain bad things in my life (including mental problems that I had for some time after war) that it is just my carma. I do not see a point that we come to this world just to serve to some psychopath from above and then that he in the end decides if we go to hell or heaven. When we die it cannot also be the end, nothing, non existence, void with nothing. That universe would have no sense. We are living energies. So yesterday I opened my eyes and looked around. If you check our collective carma 1 it is really bad. For the majority of us. So it cannot be just the carma. There are people who are constantly telling that there is something intrinsically wrong with this world. They know. If there are such people (and they are right) than it cannot be that all of us are simply dumped on this planet to live miserable and ignorant (or equal) lives due to our carmas (bad lucks, difficulties that we humans on this planet have) and then perish. It must simply be something that does not let us see. Human life is to progress and develop. We know from our insides that we want to know more and to learn. Our life is indeed for us to develop. Something is on purpose keeping us on this status quo. A month ago I started surfing Youtube. David Icke has the same conclusion. And he is not the only one from those people that are waking up that does. I started watching videos from the other ones on the Youtube. In the last couple of years I heard David Icke only a couple of times on Na Rubu Znanosti Croatian TV show. Whenever he comes to Croatia he is immediately guest from that young guy Kreso. Kreso is waking up too. His show is a mixture of a high-end science and frontier spirituality. I am trying to tell you that I came alone to the same conclusions as those guys. I only saw and heard only Icke for a couple of times in the last couple of years. And only him from all of them. Icke says that it is the Moon that has that vibration. What if it is not the Moon? What if these are pyramids? Nobody knows exactly how they were made and what is their purpose. They are speaking about some mystical orgon energy that they are its accumulators, that they are former power plants, that they are simply barrial monuments. But nobody knows for sure. It would be easy to find out if the pyramids do this to us. We would simply have to find out their cumulative electro-magnetic frequency and put several individuals in some habitat to live without it for several months. Then we would have the positive results. What if I am right? I am not pretentiously saying that I am. I am just saying that I have opened my eyes to all possibilities. If there is such EM frequency (or the combination of them) than there must be also people who seem strange to others since they are mentally above that frequency. And there are as it seems. And it seems that the frequency of the planet is rising as those guys say. There are many more of them every passing day. If you could digest this what I said so far, please try this also. About this I am not lying at all. Why should I. So that you say that I am completely crazy. [Link moved to FI Section/cms/tg] I feel life around our planet. Most of these guys are no star ships. Most of them are simply living beings, different from us. I can feel them. I felt them before this video. I saw those guys in the night sky 1 0.48-0.56 min. [Link moved to FI Section/cms/tg] I do not think that they come from another dimensions. I think that they are simply from our universe. I feel this higher densities and other dimensions. I think that all are simply from our universe and more technologically developed than. Not all of them are obviously spiritually developed and some of them are malicious. 1.04.00- 1 the frequency. I watched a couple of shows from HD history (it was broadcasted on Ci channel). That time it was a complete misinformation. That younger guy with his hair also going up like electrified was talking that time simply nonsense. But only that time. I saw some other shows and they were ok. It is hard to get a completely true information. It started like this. I am sitting in a park. It is night. I am drinking bier and my energy is really good. Even before that time, in the last couple of moths, I started noticing that the birds are acting strange around me. On that terrace there are from time to time many of them around me and they do funny things. For example swallows used to answer to me while passing above my head when I whistled to them. "I" saw this once. One day I was feeling really bad, but really, really bad. I am sitting on the terrace and all of the sudden the wall is full of ravens and some cute singing birds with long yellow beaks. I photographed that even and I will put it on my Facebook page. The ravens are coming and going, not scared of me at all. Like they are giving me a support. I feel that and I am asking myself if I am going crazy. That can be only a coincidence. That small and cute bird starts singing. When that bird starts singing it first whistles. But this time it was starting its song with 2 or 3 whistles every time. It was completely strange. It was standing on that wall 4-5 meters from me and sang for at least 20 minutes. I was feeling really, really good. The same sort of birds 1 for the last year and half, and was feeling really miserably, every morning exactly at the time I was drinking coffee, every single time there was one of them standing at the very corner of the opposite building at which I was looking through an opened window and sang. I started then liking them. They are something unbelievably nice. Every single of them always, I mean always start their song with a single whistle. I herd them sing many times. They are always scared of people. One of those birds sang to me one more time in the same way. The next day I was sitting on a wall in the block next to mine. There is pigeon in front of me, maybe 4 meters away. I feel his good energy. It starts coming near me. It first sits a meter and half from me. It looks at me, and I feel his life. It flies and sits 20 cm from my right. I feel like he is comforting me. I am thinking it cannot be, but I know that it is the truth. Pigeons in this country are more or less completely wild. I even asked people, this has never happened to any of them. And this not all, but this is how this all has started. First to explain my 1 feeing miserable. I read official international statists for my country a couple of days ago, in daily papers, made by international organizations. Every 7th person in BiH is illiterate. More than a half of people in this country has only elementary education or non. In the villages 50% of women are illiterate and 25% of men. More than a half of women in this country have only elementary education or less. They put us at the bottom of Europe and on the world scale we are equal to the undeveloped African nations. Complete primitives run a show here. They run everything. They destroy this little what is left of this country. Normal people here either keep quite or simply lately try to go in other countries to live. This is feudal system in which only children from certain circles have good jobs and such. This here only looks normal, but nothing here is normal. And I am not afraid, one of the few, to speak openly about this all. So you can imagine in which kind of situations those in power put me from time to time. I have absolutely no protection. I almost ended up dead in the last 2 and half year. I think that something is protecting from which ever place. This is for you just to know what I mean by feeling f1 up since I have mentioned this to you many times since we write to each other. Ok, lets continue with my sitting in that park. A week before I was watching those cute birds flying. They are unbelievably fast and big flack of birds make unbelievably sharp turns. All of them seem completely unison and not a single time the flock disperses in the air. Every single one of them makes the turn regardless how sharp and fast it is like every other. How? I was watching it and it seemed completely impossible. I came to an idea that they empathic. The only explanation. They are not telepathic. They simply understand thought and emotion. I am thinking about that, thinking about what I have felt and saw, thinking about the vibration that make us humans mad, thinking about dogs, thinking about stupidity of life and humans in general. But really thinking. when I do that I come into some meditational (the easiest way to explain) state of mind. And I felt that I my perception went over the frequency. It simply climbed up in my mind above our plate and went to another one, higher one, and than came down again. It felt exactly that. It is night and only human voices (before this happened) can be heard around me. all of the sudden I hear all the birds in the park 1 ravens are doing their sounds, other birds are singing, all the dogs in the houses around the park bark. I feel strange. I know that I switched them on. Ask "I" how I switch on all the dogs around me just when I want. I am feeling strange and I leave the park. Wherever I pass, and it is night, I hear dogs bark around me and ravens from the trees. Strange. I come home and go to the terrace to cool a bit. This cannot be. I come home, coming to the opened window in my kitchen, I want to get something to eat. And again as soon as I approach to the window I hear a couple of ravens from the tree bellow my building. The ravens were always before this on the building next to mine. The next morning the ravens wake me up. They are flying in twos a meter from the window of my balcony and every single time they make a very strong noise, just as they pass by it, exactly in front of my face. They are ravens on the top, just above my room, and they are unbelievably loud. It lasts for a half an hour. And this awakening by the birds repeats itself for 3 days. Even now I have every morning a raven just above my head, on the terrace (I am on 12th floor and it is 13 floor building) waking me up. This morning I told him to go away since I am nervous. It did that. Ok, after those 3 days I go to park. I sit on a bench. I hear no birds singing. I try to feel their energy. They are around me in the trees. I ask myself (but I ask them), no voice 1 where are the birds? All of them around me start singing and making noises. And this repeats itself whenever I want. I can now do it. Every single time my energy is good and I feel like it. Not only in the park. Wherever I like. Our animal part of our spirituality. The bugs regularly land at me. This has been happening for a couple of moths. "I" is sitting next to me, there are people around me but they land only on me. A week ago I was sitting with "I" on a wooden bench in one city block. We were sitting, drinking bier and talking. The trees started making strange noises. It was not the first time that trees do strange things when I am under them. The tree just above us started making crackling noises. I have a laser on my lighter. There were no birds in it. It kept doing it for a couple of minutes and then it stopped. Then the other tree started doing the same, the opposite one. I am asking "I" 1 do you know how this can be? She is all surprised and says 1 I have absolutely no idea. I am telling her 1 I know exactly how. 1 What if mother nature is talking to us? She makes no reply. A week before we were sitting on the bench 10 meters away from that one. There are also trees above us. It was at 50th time that we were sitting on that bench. That time that tree made me so allergic, but only that time, that my left eyes was partially closed in the morning. It was Tilia. 5 years ago I was allergic on certain plants, and especially in spring. I simply told myself one day that it all is in my head, I understood that it all is in my head and stopped being allergic. You can ask my parents. I ended up in an emergency room many times since I could not breathe. I even have medical proves. I was before allergic on a tilia also. It was not the only time that the trees are acting strange. [Link moved to FI Section/cms/tg] Here you can find an article from some Russian scientist who has proved that the whole forest works in unison as a single organism and that the trees and plants communicate. Maybe I am not so crazy after all. This is completely interesting to read. Plus there is a bio photonics. They proved that plants communicate with photons. The birds are emphatic and have a big heart. I think that these 3 is what is called awakening. I know that I am not awaken yet. I am sending you also a photo of the stones that fell from the sky on that terrace. The one in the upper left corner, the one that looks completely strange 1 like it is not from this country at all 1 fell next to me after it thumped on that metal part of the roof. The other one (next to it on the right) is obviously a river pebble. You can see how it is smoothened. I was sitting with "I" on the opposite side of the terrace and we were drinking bier. I fell in the same way, but this time next to her. The only problem is that the River Neretva is a kilometer away. The other stones look out of place too. I simply fond them one day there. I do not think that anybody brought them there as a practical joke. Only I and "I" know about this. What shell I say to the people around me. Look, the stones are falling around me on that terrace from the sky. They would tell 1 you are a bit coocoo, aren1t you? Ok, this is how it is. I hope you enjoyed reading this. You are interested to expand and evolve our global consciousness. Otherwise you would not be doing what you do. Only one more thing. Omni sent me this morning a new song. [Link moved to FI Section/cms/tg] You may like it also. I like electronical music anyway. Hope hearing from you and best luck in life and regards. "S" ;))

Source ID43152