MUFON 33752

It emitted a single beam of light, and flew straight towards me before stopping to hover. (Happened at night) I found my chickens were dead. I was walking outside at night, clearing my head since I had been at my inlaw's house and I needed a break. I entered a farmer's field, and started down my walk. After a while, i was the only one in a long while away. Then it happened. I noticed something out of the corner of my eye and I saw a strange light in the sky. At first, I thought it was a star, or a satillite, but then it became multicolored and grew in size. It emitted a low hum sound, and it rapidly came toward me. The whole night seemed to go silent as it hovered over me, and then accelerated again. I watched as it beamed a light down towards my inlaw's house. Confused, I began to walk back, and decided that I was just crazy. But after some time, I realized that I had actually seen it.

Source ID33752