MUFON 31610

information of extraterrestrial life from Julian Assange The 1Centro Ufologico Di Benevento Mars group Campano1 managed by Angelo Carannante claims the following discover. After that some hakersa have tried to attack the website, Julian Assange published the full archive on the website giving the users the responsibility of publish particular information they are interested. The cables are available at the link The archive is about 60GB and there are all kind of document and classification, from unclassified to top secret. We of CUMBG logically wanted found documents about extraterrestrial life. The member of CUBMGC and CUFOM Donatello Guerrera, searching through the many documents, found one which is very very interesting. After you downloaded the archive, at the directory cablegate-201108300212\cable\2010\01 there is a file called 10DUSHANBE8. The Subject of this file is: MAYOR MEETS AMBASSADOR, CONFIRMS EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE. It1s a fantastic news, but we of CUFOM are very prudent. Every document released by Julian Assange was always true, however uncomfortable, so why not this? Because it is too hard to accept? Because the psychological evidence would be devastating in the minds of skeptics and scientists extremists? And that's what is researching Cufom, the psychological impact of a possible alien life, and this discovery seems to get stuck in perfectly with the ambitious project that the Cufom intend to continue. However in that document is a phrase that seems to be made in a very natural way from Ubaidulloev: "war is very dangerous", and said "we know there is life on other planets, but we must make peace here first." In my opinion, this sentence represents a drop of a vast ocean that is yet to be discovered, but for now the news seems really interesting. Soon the news updates on the site at the CUBMGC

Source ID31610