MUFON 30091

time adjust receivers , gravity butoon and adjust radars from polykarpos spentzas radio officer a m/v pothiti/swjc cuba 1978-1979 one ufo and two small, no noise , whites like clouds ,(plantier theory explain why no noise arround ufo their atmospere) 5n.miles from ship and time delay about 2hrs and 40 minutes i checked with time signal Wilbert Smith (former Head of Canadian UFO Project "Magnet" 1950-1954) Dr.Paul Santorini: Greek physicist, "Manhattan Project" scientist (Santorini had been a developer of the proximity fuse on the first A-bomb and held patents on guidance systems for Nike missiles and radar systems), born 1893 died 1986. He researched UFOs in Greece in 1947, after several sightings over Thessaloniki (my town) on 1-Sep-1946, thought to be Russian missiles flying over Greece. In a Feb-1966 interview to journalist K.Meraneos of national TV/Radio, he reported that "Ghost rocket" UFOs investigation in Greece was stopped and results were suppressed, after intervention by "foreign officials" (USA). He also refers to French Plantier and his hypothetical gravity-like "Plantier force" and his "flying saucer physics" are very close to the ones outlined by Paul R. Hill. James M. McCampbell e-book Ufology I Ch.7 Flight and Propulsion" and Effects of UFOs Upon People (.PDF) stop from greek radio operator m/v pothiti/swjc close cuba 1978 and 1979 stop from book einstein hls life and season , of the phillip frank pages 107-108 to see paradoxe of twins time delay But then comes out of the two basic assumptions of an Einstein entirely new property of chronometric devices is not consistent with traditional views. A clock is in motion, whatever its construction, work slower than another clock that same property. It is a natural phenomenon may be right or not, but who has nothing the <>. Einstein even suggested a method that would allow us To confirm directly the hypothesis that experimentally. He suggested how people can use as a natural Watches, emit electromagnetic waves as specified frequency. This frequency of swinging can serve like a natural time unit for the individual, and the frequencies of a group of persons property within the laboratory can 107). compared with the rate of one other group of people moving with great speed. This comparison can be made with the help the spectrometer .* The radiation of defined frequencies emitted by the atoms forming distinct spectral streaks the photographic plate, and place the ribs varies depending on the frequency. The result of Einstein could To determine whether spectral streaks of people in motion were slightly shifted toward low frequencies, ss compared with the spectral streaks of people that property. The experiment was carried out in 1936 from the H. Ives, laboratories Bella Telefon, New York, and result was consistent with the view of Einstein .** This phenomenon should certainly be the dilate of what phenomenon called Ntoppler-Fizo *** and involving also change in frequency due to movement of people. Moreover, Einstein phenomenon is independent from the direction of movement of people, the phenomenon depends Ntoppler completely from the direction: the shift is greater value if the movement of people is in an opposite direction from the direction of the velocity of the mirror framework lasso light. It was something very "impressive" when Einstein argued how the heartbeat of a human being And such a kind of clock, and that the pace of rings can therefore be affected, and he from the traffic. Suppose an individual property F the heart of * An instrument that captures a photographic plate in bright spectrum (solar spectrum, spectrum of hydrogen, oxygen, etc.). ** Experimental confirmation of this principle in a way panegyric was in 1959 in the U.S. (SM). *** This phenomenon Ntoppler - Fizo, as is known, we allows to detect whether a light source is removed is coming to us. Thanks to that measured velocities very distant stars with great accuracy. (SM). 108) beat 70 times per minute. If this same move with a velocity v on F, the heart will beat 70 / k times per minute. But we must take into account that this about 70 / k times as measured by a clock attached to F. If measured with a clock that travels with man, the clock will be delayed while the chimes of heart will always be 70. After this same delay observed in across the whole metabolic process of body can say how the man moves with the system L 1aging1 less than another located in F. This may be obvious new, but this novelty is not enough at all to understand 108) the emotion aroused by the new physical theory in a very public. Actually caused the impression that all Our knowledge about the universe suffered a strong shock. At the end of 1912 for the first time I understood how the theory Einstein on the "relativity of time" would be create a sensation around the world. At that time I saw in Zurich, in a Viennese newspaper, entitled: "The minute is in danger, a great mathematical eidisis science ". In this article a professor of physics explained the stunned audience stop please the solution is crew reflecs heart 70/2hours and 40 minutes due time move slow , there fore no send mayday or speak very slow to coast station , or send mors key very slow like star tiger 1948. best rerards greek radio operator a m/v pothiti / swjc cuba after sailing from porto matatzas and port cartagenas cuba phenomeno of time delay for many hours our reflects reduced and we se indicator of gyrocompas and mechanical watches , automatic watches see/looks to return very quickly but realy our reflecs reduced hour heart go slow 70/2 hrs and 40 minutes so all seamens thinks that indicators of compass or watches return qucickly, but really their heart go slow that is the key for our solution because i checked with time signal and see what realy happened stop therefore many equipments for ships aircrafts must modificate and fixe new with time adjust for receivers , gravity button for radars, mechanical hard auto pilots so hard in order to work close ufo when time move slow and probably gravity more than 1g best regards polykarpos spentzas greek radio office a merchant navy

Source ID30091