MUFON 29829

ovni sobre mi hogar Buenos d1as. Me gustar1a comentarles mi caso. Escribiere en espa1ol y traducir1 para ustedes en ingles con un traductor de google que es lo mas pr1ctico pero espero que tal vez me entiendan tambi1n el espa1ol. Yo vivo en Colombia en Bogot1 y mi caso sucedi1 as1: En el a1o de 1998 a las 5:15 de la tarde, se muy precisa la hora porque yo o1a siempre en la radio un programa que me gustaba y al momento de unos comerciales aproveche para dirigirme al ba1o a orinar y dijeron son las 5:15 Resulta que cuando compramos esa casa, las ventanas de los ba1os eran muy peque1as y no daban mucha luz, se hicieron ajustes y se ampli1 la ventana, lo cual cuando abro la puerta de este lo primero que tengo es una buena vista del panorama del cielo al frente, y justamente quedando en esa vista yo puedo orinar all1 de pie mientras veo esa vista; suena un poco chistoso esta parte pero quiero explicar detalladamente como sucedi1. Al estar orinando normalmente y viendo esta vista, vi que entre algunas nubes blancas, pero como un poco mas fuera de estas, como mas al lado izquierdo de mi, se ve1a una1 nube1 mas peque1ita con forma de ovalo muy determinada, y supe yo diferenciar una de otra, tanto as1 que inmediatamente me pregunte1 es esto lo que dicen ser ovnis? Mi impresi1n de saber que realmente estaba viendo algo diferente fue tal, que yo tu tuve que dejar de orinar y me puse a ver esto. De pronto ,no s1, yo mire a otro lado a ver si segu1a viendo algo extra1o o si ve1a algo en otra parte ,y al volver a mirar all1 no estaba ya, pero igualmente a ese mismo instante ya aparecieron, como metidos en la nubes que estaba m1s al frente m1o, pues el primero estaba un tanto diagonal a mi izquierda, aqu1 dos luces tambi1n blancas ovaladas y digo luces porque aqu1 estas dos nubes peque1as y ovaladas ya daban luz propia y era ya innegable que era algo, tan as1, que me hicieron con esto sentir su presencia como si quisieran ya hacerse sentir y yo as1 lo percib1, es como si alguien inteligente hace actos inteligentes para que uno se fije y tuve la sensaci1n de que me observaban. Cambiaban muy r1pido de un sitio a otro de la nube. Empezaron a llegar ahora si al todo al frente m1o, y hacia mi luces varias pero ya se tornaron ahora de un color azul y no pod1a saber si eran exactamente 6 o 7 algo as1 porque se mov1an en zig zag y parpadeaban o titilaban o me parec1a que se apagaban sus luces y se volv1an aprender era algo as1. Hasta llegue a pensar si no apagan ellos su luces todo el mundo las iba a ver! Y pensando yo esto, y ya ellos estando m1s cerca de mi casa, apagaron sus luces y tuve la sensaci1n que seguir1an pasando sobre mi casa y de hecho fue as1 pero eran como nubes de gas en forma de 1valos pero apagadas sus luces, es decir como nubecitas grises en formas de dos 1valos andando de par es decir de dos en dos a una distancia constante entre estos dos en y a velocidad contante aproximadamente y no muy r1pidos, y l1gicamente ning1n ruido. el hecho es que yo los observaba pasar sobre m1, sobre mi casa y de de repente un par de ellos que se acercaba dejo pasar la primera, y la de atr1s empez1 esta nube de gas a hacer remolino y yo present1 que algo iba a ver. Espere un segundo y mire nuevamente sobre m1 un ovni es decir ahora si de vedad el plato met1lico sobre mi y una altura aproximad de cuando pasan los aviones sobre mi casa ni muy altos ni muy bajos pues salen del aeropuerto y pues yo vivo cerca del aeropuerto. Este plato met1lico aunque quieto sobre mi cabeza, giraba sobre su propio eje, y era y plano totalmente por abajo solo detalle como una mancha negra peque1a que no s1 si ser1 su punto de salida es el resto solo metal limpio. As1 paso no se si 30 minutos en mi pensar o algo as1. Luego empez1 este plato a temblar me dio la sensaci1n que le pasaba algo malo y se pod1a caer, pero el luego se inclino no s1 como hace eso, de quedarse quieto y se inclinarse, que luego entend1 que tembl1 para tomar potencia para partir y se inclino ya para dirigirse a alg1n sitio la partida y tuve miedo de ver porque cre1 que si produc1a alg1n destello muy brillante o algo as1 me afectara la vista y no quise ver, quite al mirada un segundo y luego volv1 a ver y efecto se hab1a ido, baje al patio de mi casa y ya m1s oscura la tarde segu1an pasando y alguno de ellos as1 con sus luces apagadas dejaba ver como si al girar saliera algo de el y los otras no ten1an dos en dos En esa 1poca de 1998 aqu1 en Bogot1 al menos no era 1poca de celulares y menos que tuvieran c1maras o video incluido como hoy en d1a , ni siquiera ni eran comunes las c1maras digitales y yo menos tener una no ninguna de estos aparatos para tomar su foto pero la experiencia la tengo. No s1 que hicieron all1 ellos cuando pararon por ahora es un misterio para m1. Bueno luego les adjuntare unos esquemas dibujados y tomare unas fotos de esta ventana y el sitio para que me comprendan mejor si les parece. Gracias espero me den su opini1n,. Atentamente (name deleted)fg Translation: Good morning. I would like to tell me. Writest in Spanish and translate for you in English with google translator which is more practical but I hope that maybe I also understand Spanish. I live in Colombia in Bogot1 and my case happened like this: In 1998, at 5:15 pm, the time is very accurate because I always heard a radio program that I liked and when to address a commercial advantage to the bathroom and said it is 5: 15 It turns out that when we buy that house, the windows of the bathrooms were very small and did not give much light, adjustments were made and expanded the window, so when I open the door of this first thing I have a good view of the sky view front, and just being in that view I pee standing there I can see that view while, sounds a bit funny this part but I want to explain in detail how it happened. When urinating normally and seeing this sight, I saw that among some white clouds, but a little more out of these, as more to my left, saw a "cloud" over tiny oval shaped very determined and I knew I differ from one another, so much that I immediately ask is this what they say they UFOs? My impression of knowing that he was really seeing something different was such that I had to stop your pee and got to see this. Suddenly, I do not know, I look away to see if she was seeing something strange or if you see something elsewhere, and look again there was no longer, but also to that moment and appeared as stuck in the clouds I was more in front of me, as the former was somewhat diagonally to my left are two white lights also tell oval lights because here these two clouds were small and oval and its own light and it was undeniable that was something, as well, I made his presence felt with this as if they already do and I feel so perceived, as if someone is smart intelligent acts done for one set and I felt that I watched. Change quickly from one place to another in the cloud. Get started now if the whole front of me and to my lights and turned several but now a blue and could not tell if they were just 6 or 7 something because they moved in zig zag and blinking or winking or seemed is turned off its lights and turned to learn was something. I even wonder if they do not extinguish their lights all over the world would see! And I think this, and as them being closer to my house, turned off their lights and I felt they would continue going over my house and actually did but they were like clouds of gas in the form of ovals, but off their lights, that is as small clouds gray ovals forms of two-pair is walking in pairs at a constant distance between these two and approximately constant speed and not very fast, and obviously no sound. the fact that I watched them pass over me, over my house and suddenly a couple of them approaching the missed the first, and behind this cloud of gas began to make swirl and I sensed that something was going to see . Wait a second and look back on me now say a UFO is Vedad if the metal plate on me and a height of approximately when the planes pass over my house, neither too high nor too low as they leave the airport because I live near the airport . This metal plate but still over my head, spinning on its axis, and it was completely flat, down just a black detail smaller than maybe it's his starting point the rest is just bare metal. This step is not whether 30 minutes in my thinking or something. Then he started to shake this dish gave me the feeling that something was wrong and could fall, but then tend not know how you do that, to sit still and bowed, then shook understood that to take power and to leave already inclined to go somewhere the game and I was afraid to look because I thought if it produced a bright flash or something like that affect your view and I did not want to see, remove the eyes a second and then I saw he was gone and effect , down to the courtyard of my house, and darker in the afternoon were going and some of them with its lights off and let it look as if to turn out something from it and others did not have two at At that time in 1998 here in Bogota at least was not time unless they had cell phones and video cameras or included as today, or even digital cameras were common and I have a least not any of these devices to take your photo but the experience I have. I do not know who made them when they stopped there for now is a mystery to me. Well after some diagrams drawn adjuntare them and take some pictures of this window and the site to better understand me if you please. Thanks hope to give me his opinion. Sincerely

Source ID29829