MUFON 132853

Saw a UFO at night two days before a Hindu festival called Holi in India So , I am a student and i was out with my mom and brother at night or you can call it evening it was around 7 pm , i had a text next day , and i was telling my mom and my brother about satellites and their trajectory and stuff just above my head and i first looked at east it was more like south east but slightly more east , and said , "Mom , look a shooting star ! ", because i saw the moving light and boom you could see this vertically upright Crescent shape ufo darker than the night sky with three faint light in the very wide isosceles triangle like position , you know what i mean , and then you could tell it has a trail to it almost like a soul leaving a body as in movies and it was there moviing from east /southeast to west in like seconds but enough for my mom , me and my bro to digest it in their brains it was humongous you can tell how far it was and how big it was , and we all three realized at the same time and went so quite all looking up and then my brain clicked and i pointed and looked at my bro and mom all of us were looking up , here we have largeee trees called Haldu tree (google it its big istg ) and after going behind it we couldnt see it anymore we lost its sight , thus that was all we saw folks, and it was like a dream come true because i have been a crazy ufo child and these two including my dad kept saying oh dont be stupid who cares but they saw it finally and i am sad my dad was inside , but my bro was scared and my mom stunned lol ( he was so scared he kept searching online and kept telling dad and he is asking mom like what did you really see , she said i dont really know what it was but we really saw something magnificent , it was the best day of my intiree lifeeee . it was beautiful . ( i think they came for holi or i would saw my house it is at the corner from where Himalayas start from i actually live on a hill soooo , i have a million explanation you decide what you believe .

Source ID132853