MUFON 124264

Was taking a picture of the clear moon and noticed this object. Then zoomed in and noticed a few things Was taking a picture of the bright moon early morning and noticed a shape in the pic. When zooming in noticed it looked triangle like. Also was moving in zig zag pattern over see real mins. Took some pics from my seat, same position over several mins. Thought there was something on my phone lens. Whipped the lens and then t was there again but different position. And moved various times. Very strange. Was trying to process what I was seeing. Still not exactly sure. Very weird. Anyone have any ideas. Flocks of birds ?

Source ID124264

Documents mentioning › Downloads › Books › Digitized_by_AFU
Evans, Hilary - Annotated catalogue of UFO books.pdf
Page 98
proceedings of the second CUFOS conference, held in 1981. contains several interesting papers Maccabee on the McMinville photos; Schuessler on the Cash/Landrum case; Lawson on the birth trauma hypothesis; Melton on contactees; Johnson › Downloads › Books › Other
Evans, Hilary - Annotated catalogue of UFO books.pdf
Page 98
proceedings of the second CUFOS conference, held in 1981. contains several interesting papers Maccabee on the McMinville photos; Schuessler on the Cash/Landrum case; Lawson on the birth trauma hypothesis; Melton on contactees; Johnson › Downloads › Books › z - foreign language › France › Covers
Bougard (Michel) -1976- Des soucoupes volantes aux OVNI - 290p.pdf
Page 5
PREUVE OU DE SIMPLES CONFIRMATIONS ? 123 Qu'est-ce qu'une « preuve » ? 123 Les extraordinaire photographies de McMinville (USA) L'affaire « Betty et Barney Hill 132 connaît-on enfin l'origine des OVNi? La photographie › Downloads › Documents › USA - Congress
US House Of Representatives - 1968 - Roush Hearing - UFO Symposium - Project 1947 version2.pdf
Page 278
reportedly taken by a farmer, Paul Trent, as he was returning home with his wife near McMinville, Oregon in June 1950, and ET, allegedly taken by a French military pilot near Rouen, France in March › Downloads › Documents › USA - Congress
US House Of Representatives - 1968 - Roush Hearing - UFO Symposium.pdf
Page 236
portedly taken by a farmer, Paul Trent, as he was returning home with bis wife near McMinville, Oregon in June 1970, and E7. allegedly taken by a French military pilot near Rouen. France in March › Downloads › Magazines › Belgium › Inforespace
Inforespace - No 02 - 1972.pdf
Page 7
instrument. il estima sa vitesse à 300 km/h. duisait les deux photographies prises par Paul Trent. à McMinville (Oréaon). Les doc- L'engin qu'il voyait était un disque métallique brillant « entouré d'un bouillonnement › Downloads › Magazines › Belgium › Inforespace
Inforespace - No 102 - 2001.pdf
Page 20
progressa d'abord lentement d'une oscillant autour d'un axe latéral. » Le 29 Ces « photos de McMinville» furent montre le dessin de Marzal, reproduit manière irrégulière, avant de disparaître mars 1952, un autre pilote
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déplaçable qu'on enclenche ou qu'on arrête le mécanisme de régu- 1966, p. 102. B. Maccabee : McMinville (Oregon) photos, pour les voyages interstellaires à laquelle Ensuite, il faut chercher à comprendre pourquoi le lation › Downloads › Magazines › Denmark › SUFOI Disketteservice
SUFOI Disketteservice - 1997 No 3.pdf
Page 2
meteorkrater pa Jupiter-mânen lo. TRENT. GIF 0g TRENTENL. GIF - Det andet foto taget af Trent i McMinville, Oregon, USA, 1950 samt en hej-kvalitets forsterrelse af dette. Du overforer automatisk billederne til kataloget PICT › Downloads › Magazines › Denmark › UFO Nyt (SUFOI) › 1973
UFO Nyt - No 1 jan-feb 1973.pdf
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Paul muligt, ma man forsoge at fã billedet frem materialer i form Trents fotos fra McMinville USA, 1950, ved at gennemgã de mange som tidligere har været udforligt omtalt af tidsskrifter og boger, der findes › Downloads › Magazines › Denmark › UFO Nyt (SUFOI) › 1977
UFO Nyt - No 5 sep-okt 1977.pdf
Page 4
ikke er helt sikre pa herkomsten dig analyse af disse film? Er der nogensinde fo- af), McMinville-fotografierne, Trinidade- retaget en sádan? I givet fald af hvem og med fotografierne, B-57-fotoet samt Lubbock › Downloads › Magazines › France › LDLN
LDLN - No 251-252.pdf
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cinquantaine de met prier. Presque immédiatement, les deux mains desserrent leur étreinte et se volatilisent au ses McMinville dans l'Orégon; elles sont consi- Charleroi par un photographe professionnel qui mêtres, il s'arrête, tandis › Downloads › Magazines › France › Ovni Marne
Ovni Marne - Un Dossier.pdf
Page 9
propagation d'idées philosophiques ou religieuses. Quelques unes des meilleures photographies d'OVNI ont été prises à McMinville. dans l'Oregon, en 1950, à Rouen, en France, en 1954. au large des côtes du Brésil › Downloads › Magazines › France › UFOmania
UFOmania - No 75.pdf
Page 18
DOSSIER soft 11.05.1950 OREGON McMINVILLE Patrick Ferryn mania › Downloads › Magazines › France › Ufologie Contact
Ufologie Contact - Series Nouvelle - No 06 - janv 1981.pdf
Page 26
sounds: "CIRCULAR OR ELLIPTICAL IN SHAPE, FLAT ON BOTTOM AND DOMED ON TOP. Evidences: May 11, 1952 McMinville, Oregon, USA. A shield shaped craft with flat bottom and a periscope like protrusion › Downloads › Magazines › Germany › Deguforum (DEGUFO)
Deguforum - Issue 16 - 1997.pdf
Page 14
sein rinnerung rufen, den Absturz 1994. verstehen könnten, daß aber seine : eswehrflugzeuges vor der Kü- - Die 1950er McMinville Fotos und ire Be- kungen die ganze Welt verändert as, aufgrund einer Kollision mit und alles › Downloads › Magazines › Germany › Deguforum (DEGUFO)
Deguforum - Issue 90.pdf
Page 8
Flugobjekte und Amaury Rivera Die Betrachtung Tell 3 des UFO-Phano- mens und der Pra-Astronautik 1950er McMinville Fotos Wider UFO- Siebtune Free Energie Deutschland Und sie kommen 0000 990 trotzdem: Kornkreise 1994 Chung › Downloads › Magazines › Italy › UFO Rivista di Informazione Ufologica (CISU)
UFO Rivista di Informazione Ufologica - No 36.pdf
Page 16
alta velocità e spariva nel nulla. Questo sembra un buon ca- gini, è il Disco Diurno di McMinville, era un ispettore del traffico, pratica- so di un esempio di UFO da tenere in cioè ... disco fotografato di giorno nel- la zona di McMinville. Le immagini mente un vigile, ha preso tre fotogra- archivio. fie di un disco dall'aspetto metallico sono molto chiare, sono state prese da vicino ... presa in Portogallo, 8.30 di mattina, Gli ingrandimenti del "disco" che appare nelle foto scattate a McMinville nel 1950 il 10 settembre 1990 a Vilar, Alfena, A sinistra, la seconda delle foto scattate a McMinville › Downloads › Magazines › Spain and Catalonia › Anomalia (Fundacion Anomalia) › 1a epoca
Anomalia - 1a Epoca - No 04.pdf
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conclusiones generales son veraces: "Una vez más nos quedamos sin la de ovnis, las dos fotos de McMinville (Oregon), 11/5/1950, ovni-nave-metálica o "lo que no significa que posteridad como uno de prueba sólida › Downloads › Magazines › Spain and Catalonia › Anomalia (Fundacion Anomalia) › 2a epoca
Anomalia - 2a Epoca - No 02 - 2003.pdf
Page 19
aporta valiosa información sobre un "*aterrizaje" ocurrido en Delphos, Kansas, sobre las fotos de Paul Trent, en McMinville, Oregon, y sobre el ECIII de dianai, Papua, Nuva Guinea, que no se encuentra en artículos › Downloads › Magazines › Spain and Catalonia › Cuadernos de Ufologia (Fundacion Anomalia) › 2a epoca
Cuadernos de Ufologia - 2a Epoca - No 13.pdf
Page 6
texto anterior. Los Existen dibujos de las entidades parámetros aplicables esa entrada aparecen fluctuantes (jeand) sepepgug McMinville, Oregón. Hay muy pocas de elas y , por ello, su grado de extrañeza es mayor, no sólo porque