5 airline pilots saw HUGE UFO CROSS THE SKY. 5 airline pilots including one ex military saw a bunch of lights moving over 15Gs collaborate and then fly across the sky at a very high speed. We figure it was a mike long and same altitude. Approximately 37000 feet. It was about a mile long. We were 3 hours NE of Hawaii. On route from OGG to YVR
Date |
District | |
Country | AX |
Source | MUFON |
Source ID | 124190 |
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Page 26
almermittion af "hallm el fire obiact & theyca fleano * Thi Later raports *! *l: $a12* aro mutaly coco.2602 80 3 ... A02. vIe iND Cornear ant nepalors Lue traShir Er 4 5t Pavarte olso old.ofl
Page 27
Iight and .cigar-shaped, aluminium-colored projootilas deleon to 200 In.) eagle apparent den on ped hesto 3.# to Janinor *******In this windGy!:: cOntin enriotale airpeof viable to thel/www.tight om/the/mattes. a toddst birlod indee ... inlet will to drained If mosssary but the cast this Hill Involre appeared to disturb Bidrkasons 3. A tranelation of secret semarandom from the Defense Statt, dated 7 10 0 31 0 « exoopt possibly ... reported to this office by nonber of the Sradish Arry Staff who said that really nothing could 3'A be Rade ourt• This office believes that the photograph has been touoked up. This flow
Page 28
Indes Oulde. G6w 1522:5803 it Monograph 75 A sarat: F brous tie e el8 3 war-Stockholmin It t: * * 6 79 NE AT TO NE SH!!: LA Taber ado de; 3 ... Sami ad tras The the purpose of hearing Aro. and loot, Ta 3 to Hinting on nite smart in proof a situs ish tutoes bae podiastilae| Pom moNtAnANd 1 . After the Finnish prose had poblished ... exhorted the pablão to report observations • 250 repo wise received far the tim and later 50 • 55 3• 6. A comparison bas been nade of the courass reported for 9 July• As ho report were
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DECLASSIFIED Authority N U D eSCS- BOO.. Ecad RIARA, Date 5 25 154 l SINHOUY TVHOLYN 3
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DECLASSIFIED Authority MM Di7la 5054 Please turn over dh.. CAL ORGY ExC 7.4 APp• • • SIANONY WHOLLYN 3
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over Sweden En, porcut at o: he Notion maported, on) (Main it c f-Index*80184) (Subtitles): 3 (Moke taparote mport lerisoch: titla) 1413 py **ARDER,M(HaN attar: cartlub* cumchory: of: maport, - containing, jubaonen ... kind to prove that guided missiles have aotually been seen over Swedish. territory. wow •. * * g 3. . On 12 August the reporting officer asked three Swedish Air Force officere q (Paijaico par jourope? what they thought ... porton: 4..r u %c: * 59. * /. 2 a: 1 r .4 Doll Anio Cha Edtie. Ror: 1: ÷ 3 * :* •. • : a4. u. wely. tot faz 00. A - :B 13. : ..... • • To tor:re, A tram ... 3 is Pueb rag tha Fundtal: He Ne 34 Stor 1., * : . 1: i MAJ.16
Page 37
power, as it had not yet been proved what the objects are or where they come from. 3 In connection with the Swedish hypothesis, the reporting, officer has gained the Impression that the Swedish Defense ... event of an enemy threat. The reporting officer feels that there is 8 possibility of the followings * 3- **.. * DECLASSIFIED SECRE Authority NUDIeSOSH BY L EAR WARA Dale L z6 leg .. .3• BEAMONY TYHOLLYN
Page 38
experimentabdontontborpzoduce bond plus biological resultat phenomena aro rooket projectslow tut sontumed failure to find fragmonta loaren :. 3. Thatttheisghoktlbonbelortflod+RuBblanzersensupplementa.M/A/Steekitin • • Rodlo 1055 of % Tuly end Report R'278-40÷ mAce ... That the "ghost bombs" are of foreign origin other 'than Russian. ARA: -L: A A wingly.394: 3:.: There 1s no unanimity of opinion even In thia office (ONTHEINA believes there is 509 possibility of premise ... possibirdy Oripremide 3; and a,10% possibility of premise 2. On the other hand, aunt rebarking: betroerw A , A believes the possibility of premise 1. is 70%, 20% possibility of premise 2;154 8% possibility ... premise 7; and 2% of premise: 4: 8.08: 1,9*?: di •13 e : pe P1:1 • 1 3 •: pr. * t P. v: ho at r A: A03 - 2 .: !. ... AEFROVED AND FORMAPRED ... 3 . nt 0; • : 1 3 4 3 9 •:: Ladle JOHNSON • .:. : ". - vui, " *; % .:. 1 349% „Coloml, CRe • :. m: i Mr: A. r .: doting Militury Attnche 3.1 For and in the r; enco oft . ; .. .. .:e ALFRED KERRIER
Page 42
SECRET CORRESPONDENCE S PER PARAS 251 (1) and '60 a) AR 380-5 3503500 A chal 3 cOT. U3 PET, Frankfurt, Germany a gd - Molarney ofte FAIRES A TB. MATONosoov. Russia
Page 49
CORRESPONDETCH PIT PARAS 51.1. and 60n. ARR 380-5. b-5.6~ ^-1 Brom: Malicory Milncho, Mclainki, Finland 3%0 lorren 4-2 Bo: 1703 Dopmatment tor MIL. U A-3 20 Augunt ... Spoota Gen Joratad CRA CI1-IN #515 (21. Aug :16) DIG 201.000 co. ..... GEN. MANANALD TOY SECRET 3? i GER. REST COPY No. THE MAKING OF AN EXACT COPY OF THIS MESSAGE IS FORBIDDEN M05801
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rocketa propared. dul c1030 cooperation wich thin offico, This office lavors promise L with m:omi.900 2, 3, oud ); 0.9 pospibilitics, w.th Report; follows. V 2 tho strongest chercor. End ACTION: Gon. Chamberlin 6 PErO ... Novatod GFN MANANAID CM -IN 1516 CEN. EVEREST (21 Aug 46) DIG 2011302 co. TO! SECRET ?3 COPY NO, 405800 THE MAKING OF AN EXACT COPY OF THIS MESSAGE (S FORBIDPEN
Page 51
MOONICIDAT ARCHIVES DECLASSIFIED Authority Alal7 "7550 10 By. AML NARA Dale 2/29 4 48 .-.. 3? gu WAR DEPARTMENT CLASSIFIED MESSAGE CENTER INCOMING CLASSIFIED MESSAGE QN on 00P CMCROU CRAORIUE LOSS R P049 MIRAGE ... viJA 00) conoulued by Du miind Govt. Frements of bomba Go tar found guadon 10087 D0 022:::3. Ho livoo lost. Swediah General ster? beltove missile 24300 from Pooncmunde nov • occupico Red Army. Swedes have
Page 55
DEPARTMENT CLASSIFIED MESSAGE CENTER INCOMING CLASSIFIED MESSAGE lo. TOP SECRET TOT SAXOp SCo TRIORITY P P'agO 3. From: USMA, London, England 3 gd Bigaoll Ny: 70930 22 August 1946 sonding of guided missile tochnicians
Page 58
missiles are launched Crom the Peenamzade area and traverse Sweden toward the Gulf of Bothnia. 3. It is the bellof of CIG that scientifio axporimintation 1s the prinury Soriot objootire and that politiaal considerations, althouch
Page 164
3 A • *.an ARtY 1203 2:01 ROCKET REP'ORTED : OVER AUSTRIA Vienna. Thusday.-According to nucontirined reperts reaching Vicuna. mysterious rouet passed ever Cruz, 11 inc Bri lisi: zone. to-dar. is said ... seen travelline at a great Saigal and in a north-westerly direction.-lenier. 4-9 3:946 Aouson • DAIRY TRAFCRAPK
Page 4
major Scandinavian wave in 1946, of sightings of UFO-like objects called the Swedish Ghost Rockets. 3 While many of them were shaped like long-range rockets of the German V-2 style, they mostly
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SECHET CO RFIOS PONDUNCE PER PARAS 51 (1) and 60 (e) AR 380-5 FrOM: USMA 3 cOckRolm aed Kesslor To: War Department for MILID Into: US MA Muscow. (Wer pis Pass ) 1083 24 August
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CORRESPOMIS 1061 :.RA3 ! J. (a) e1 60 (a) AR 300-5 p-en. PION.: TO UPEN Panturi; 3 Cd licHernoy 0180 ENGBI TO: Tr.• Dovartmant for HUGID GAS Nr: S-:643 5027 al; August ... Bloicbarode, idontified at Peenchunde in Juno (73-1), vaporsad in charge of launching experimento (B3-2). (3) Notablo Luercase in activity in Poonomuudo in Any ond June (B-1). Perry at Wolgast and branch railroad
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SCORE7 'POP SCA s Page 2 TRO::: 1; UGlU Pm onkfunt; 2 E1 HeInrney cI.to GIGIT 0": 3 • 263 24 Augunt 1906 Coumant: No other knoun Gerunn teotdug anca availablo :ocro vockria
Page 145
radar gear developed of the rocket bombardment London id was found dimcul Monitor pick up rackets--traveling 3,000 m. 1 + on aircraft war Ave 14 radar sels but research wort /946 have made considerable
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Ministers' con- Danish, French and Nothetland U. S. Trade Experts 3O T Malagad **A Intarnational WASHINGTON: AuR. 3
Page 148
AFTER V-J DAY IN JAPAN AFRICANS WOUNDED A 'GHOST ROCKET' Special to Tax 1 PRETORIA, 80 3-Blood flowed Missile Dives Into Lake Nearl Rand zold-mine: Couple in Boat-Boy Scouts Negro miners ... with roar and ernment appointed illuminate the sky with a blinding mittee tonight to flash. Rand strike. 3 Despite the accounts of recent of witnesses who were unanimous GALES DAMAI describing the flaming objects "rockets
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Aden endims Said tamera 24 TO RES EA MAw vedes Killed Says Missiles o1 ouy 3 MET Wr AU6 14 ,/946 Stockholm BIssny qUION P. I Stockholm 148 Says Missiles > Make Arc to Pid: North ... report, published by other afternoon newspapers, was not com- Armed. Report Chauges of Course Meanwhile, government 3 thorities prepared a nation-wide hunt for rockets. Air bases, radar stations and all military units were alerted
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live peona found. our MENANDA CHE now poutulatos theory that uholo 1 bJ.or 1.9 w1 atontional. hoax. 3. NILAZLACHE Mosoow roports Swedish Air officer (B 2) has given following: A. About 200 flying bomba have
Page 71
CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL AIRMAILOGRAM 4 September 1946 To: Opnav Washington 3 017.600 Subjoct chost rocketo x ott ll no tanciblo ovidenco of rockots in Suedon er Norway T no noT prose reports of rockots over Sweden ... Luropo x all four big Stockholm Al Lapors today reprinted AP mi Reuter dispatches from koscow quoting 3 September Russian paper NOVOTE VRE2A accusing Broden f ver agitation with rocket hoax campaign sustained in Swedish
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halt the her family whom us word quiz. lit in no do; any hope. dividendi 3 salesman usually demonstrates Balkan incidents. to him how it works • Radar in far military police cha The with having
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info to Stockholm, Sweden. CNO Aluena Oslo US Chargé 'Affaires ad Intorim, Stockholm ...- NET, DECLASSIFIED S3ANONY AVNOMYN 3#L. IV, 03 2000N038 • Authority I M. D) 4 8 3065 AY L. CONARA Date 2/20ly
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SECRET PIE Top SECRET PARAMURASE NOT VEGETIRED. MANDIE AS TOF SECREC PAR PARAS 51 (1) and 60 (3) An 300 -5 CORRESP A-8 A-3 1330; USUA Copenhagon E3 TCi Eucrt: To: Won Derariment ... Director 01 Intelligence CAS 3 To : 180 20 Soptambar 1946 AAG Denmark coble from 3SU ur 101 to Vashington regarding rockots over Demurt wi.th ref USU subj ronkets ovor Dentit*/te/wcwge.waw.w
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reliable 1 - Report confirmed by other sources B - Usually reliablo 2 - Probably true report C - Fairly reliablo 3 Possibly true report D Not usually reliable 4 Doubtfully true report E - Unreliable 5 • Improbably true report
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miles, with a reported maximum of 1:00 miles. (2) Horizontal flight indicates in cod missiles, (3) Observed flame after long trarel time inficates uso of turbo- jets, ram-jets, or a multiplo
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case have fragments been found other than bits of 1'5 10 material described as "nonmetallic slag." 3 ceRta ronch One of the few reports available from on individual who should be more reliable
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feet. over central Sweden when he saw a dark, cigar-shaped object about 50 fect long ond 3 feet in diumeter flying 200 feet above and approxi- mately 6,500 feet. away from
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pulse-jet. The best evidence, at present, is that there have been only 2 or 3 roal incidents, perhaps as many as hor 10, of low-flying missiles of the V-1 type. The high
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Sponquao Saw smogsas nogavagswu guy is apot) a nauoine jo gusoudopos.p . " L.I, + • 06,01080 1 0007 3-300.38 j.11(1010016::01.40/ur DuU *0195 old C0140 OLI UNIVE oppo! 0) nopenisa .. > , pommo
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Page 154
BOMB IN to the Intelligence Department of ' the High Command, DENMARK Military. security and COPENHAGEN Tuesday. Political 3 nervousness appear to be respon- A rocket con:h :0-1glt, tell " with sible. in equal
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uonor mounupa out suormony osmuo-yo Kun: 1.0A002 put 'o%.ng 73 1. }op 11!3 101 .a 001.10p OHION soarely -0.1 Waqs.is Guy) pray Sunuoy ou0 4La pojaposse .1030H
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correspondence, i reload report, a ., if applicable)* . Evolution . C-3 AB/EN 3.10: SEA. 4312418-11-18-42 3 NEW 1013 0 A Source Press and Official Liaison Officer As official, personal observation. publication, press conversation ... staled; include important focit, comes, places. dotes, etc.1 Strange light phenomenon, or rocket, observed by amateur astronomer 3 88 over Helsinki at 182130 January 1947; parachute appears to drop; Ne no reliable information obtained ... ugeIO so DLi gi AS 8 ON 850 •(121002 paD jou)l 18330200065 EEP 3 0% O S1 O I TE HO E O ME S I A B visible for seconds, at three second ... object resembling a parachute was seen to fall to earth. This was obgerved through a telescope". 3. Efforts will be made to obtain more information about this observation. Va. N Prepared and Forwarded by: SECRET ... Neueueda F. A. KLAVENESS, TO Commander, U.S. Navy, U.S. Naval Attache, 3% CaMbOl,d d*015 Distribution By Originoto.....CQUAIA.VELI... Rouling space balow for use in O. IS. I. 33 Fri (2) # sprenas unat
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LONDON ORIGINATOR'S NO. LATERIALI *X- /*. - . ROUTING TO (4) inItial 15 Oct 47 denTAR (2) INITIAL TO (3) IN TAL OXE Op32-145 IT DATE OUT DATE 28 Oct 47 24/10 OUT DATE ... tape z6p La - onta math • aou • (BEMO) ****** 600 15. i *hen :180 • Promiaton - ##* - masoline ( StAr * a 3) mop che ali Range - 20 ad a :600 18 Contral - gre** autorpilet with radar botring end tru jestery ... PORN el 22 m tor page - », sun un Distribution By Originator_ L $721 Routine sp pue SuusSad 3
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preparing #C... Distribution By Originalor_ Routing space below lare : 00-Naval Attache, Btookholns with Enclosures (A) and (3) 00-Bureau of Aeronauties, #Ith Biotanures (A) and (B) ec-IN9 (Air) with Emolomures ... orig) w/o eno Op-32-72 (3) - serial; AC5-1-4 w/oney1201. Up-32-F11A, w/o eno Buord rue. p Priority 1, 2 be M; DECLASSIFIED Authority MAN$17303 CRAbIa ¡VHON VA 211 11 0230002kIAN
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alao stated that they understood that dl civilious he d beon evacuated Crom Peenemundo or Uzealo, 3. This report: has been coordinated with the Military Sir Attacho-London. PREPARED BY 3 I PERSON, UP. CopE
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canary bodi. Lot; Promine! To U. S. Naval Attache, London' O Chief. of Naval Intelligence. Subj: 3 Alleged rockets over Sweden. it/ su •†1: net*4. *ko Rer344.ti (a) ÖNI ... churt; •.. twelve metres long, there were wings.". .: o P 1, 'The object was sighted to seaward. ": 3 : T 3 MISTA reap TOP see a air Gone i SOON BE SINAT
Page 103
mage u Li: (a') Peenemunde bori. wag a German V-2 development 'center) and 0:30:. 3 19 now d part of the Russian Zoue. : - e 4' 21:: J Qua cho 441- • ... .. (b) There ... missiles are probably not, 2.4 i toonaocurate; when it comes, toifiring. same ..pri. Pa v 4 Ha: 3:109. OWLIEK4) An r. Mn: ! e p error. pfi -10 degrees in the azimuth: off ay rocket
Page 105
runtial. confin. mation that there hon been additicnal 3.10. ax of covtet. topops Into Bulgaria during pant 3 monthu. Now blocen ... 07ri t11o 1-9-93-X%. Ito De According 1:0 0..2 RepOrt, Novlet® us 3. 0; wren: lu green shoulder bonvOn and of nyozoatmately regimental eta th 46.3 3 cen morwlug through PloPolv ... during firet GATS of *2a1.:3 mouth. Conneat: MVD Crouter trogna may have been withdrawn Co Plovoly open SIO Greek border Area mg part of cenernt move from bordee arco connected yllh vlad.1, of Border
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DECLASSIFIED Authority AlaD '7550 (0 By MM HARA, Date 2/294: t 404 M06949 } *Fo 15 01 59.00 3 127 , GEN. EACh 50 GEN CHAUNCEY € Liste 3 GEN. WEYLAND GEN PART RIOOL 3. GEN. ANDERSON
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Spaatz' office. 2. Submitted to Air Estimates Branch rough draft of JANIS 51 - Turkey. RESTRICIED) non 1100 3. Mr. Baxa, Civil Service analyst, was interviewed by Branch and Section diefs in connection with survey
Page 109
ring World War IT has been allowed to deteriorata with no new camouflage arent. 3 •cIr g. Captain Dankevich stated that he had seen some A.A guns in Moscow, Fearently in tactical positions and some ... warning radar, ~; dectronic research, atomic energy or biological warfare, and had practically information on Chilean aircraft. ci 3. R&R was prepared to Air Intelligence Requirements Division for Air melligence Division signature, subject: "Action
Page 112
paramist etsannden, put lication, press, convorzation with -* Al to F.O de. Kentily airm precUcebiz, chor) Red: AB/EN 3-10; SER.431241G-11-10-12 Subject. SNEDIZI Guided lissiles Alleged rocketa over Sueden. (Matica renerted on) (Main Lila ... conorete ET A evidence vas obtained. (German V-2'a landed In Sweden In 2945). § gi 3. It is the opinion of this office that no foroign-launchod guided ptosilos § havo landed in redon since ... F114 (2) CIG 8 • PV 12) orecan MID F-2 DITR 32-V F121 F411 grY (3) A 51176 -(SER? 1 1 4 ( at) FIR Erl? +V JaV 31 9. 5 - DECLASSIFIED Authority
Page 167
3 ucAl 163 Din y TAIL OF FLAMID" OVER MOROCCO FLYING PROJECTILES CASABLANCA. Wednesdar. Axing projectile with ": of lame ' WAS seen last night over the own of Fez, Morocco, it was reporad here ... thin tail of scow and green 1 lizht. spore -3 They waggled 25 g great 3 • Strange Lights" Sighted Officials as r,isho:1 gheervatory nare unable gusterday, to explain reprets that strange lights
Page 168
Aging otor they district of Pinncourt. It cabio Goa: the south-ons:. do was. : white and lad 3 tot. and WiS traveling as area: Spad." . Piarburg is 10 miles north-west of Hambarz. An bour
Page 170
Vert Time An, harneff told of Walling aws• studien ot the problem not only mankiad," he den # 3! N tracer recently and said he l / con• an "are snotal cad that the " ghost combinate susseat
Page 116
modol should be actually getting Cive times getting In their exporinents. much range a8 they wern 3. br. Wilkonson apparently had very definite Ideas with rogard to the much-discussed/meteorsN that have boon
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www.iufog.org/project1947/ P. O. Box 391, Canterbury, CT 06331, USA Telephone: (860) 546-9135 ==22222 TOP SECRET 3 DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE HEADQUARTERS UNITED STATES AIR FORCE WASHINGTON 24 August 1948 AFOIR-RC MEMORANDUM ... made with the Directorate of Intelligence for che loan of long focal length cameras to the Swedes. 3. General Jung has a keen interest in the products of reconnaissance in a personal as well
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Intelligence DECLASS LICSPESTE • CTOBER 1848 DIGEST al um MA Beette EH. I ON OcT 1148 3 Groun 3 2 Litani1 11 0 0(115094 Chief of the Soviet Long Range Air Force -See "THE SPOTLIGHT
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preca) Swedon OAA-Swedo: N FORMATION EVALUATION BATE OF REFORT 30 Dacember 1948 29 December 19L6 3-2 PREPARED BY (Omer) SOURCE Donald L. Hardy, Colonel, CS:7 Swedish Dofonsa Starr NEFERENCES ( ConTal aumar, directire ... Projoct "SiGN", All ovidonce obtained of sightings was explicable in terns of astronomical phenomosa. 3. In addition, 3 ground radar stations and 2 radar oquipped dostrogers cooter- Jetod in maintaining watch. The radar ocuip.ents were
Page 124
towards the last roported incidents, only causes extrome embarrassment when the Swedes emphasize their radar request. S/ 3. B. Halsh Major, USAF Ascistant air Attache APPROVED : S/ DONALD L. BARDY Colonel, USAP Air Attacho . DIOLS
Page 125
myster- Lous missiles landing in the U.S. Zone of Germany are forwarded for your information and retention. 3. Any additional information on identified projectilas landing in the US Zone received by this beadquarters will immediately.be ... 7020th CU Investigation,. Aotg Chief, Air Tooh Intelligence Er moh 4 March 1949 § AFOIR-CO CA(exo: 3) (AMC-987) - 1st Ind 2 MAY 1949 Dept• of the Air Force, Hq., USA?, Mashingtoa ... Dayton, Ohio Compantine,Sozaral, Audr Materdad gAummand, guaght-Petteraca pie Force: Base, ATTN: MCTAT? E 3-it 4 U 2 Taels
Page 128
Kola peninsula ol :1 a. 1C second rocket bomb n two They Land at 3 Points Is streaked over • Stockholm 8 meteor early yesterday, un-| Irmed press reports said lo• Sweden Rushes Army Experts lishman
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TELL KAY Guardian SWEDEN'S 300" OCKET REPORTS LONdON. A achy Velez 178 - 1:7 Toky 3 0 1946 Rug. 17, 1946 E137 UTHERN APPROACH rom Our Own Correspondent ISLEORMH WINDOWS BROKEN
Page 130
TIMES Lundan 34912, 11 p. 3 128 4 GHOST ROCKETS* SEEN IN SWEDEN Fan A FROM OUR : CORRESPONDENT STOCKHOLM, JULY 11 • During the last three weeks a number of ghost Fockets have been seen
Page 136
height of between 1,500 guided rocket., weapons, It WAs opinion and not the army's.' and 3,000 feet and at a considerablo learned today on high authority, What we want is maximum lond ... wipe out the enemy." not always -follow straight course. accurate long distance rocket weapon which can pack 3 heavy Now Type Planned Some of , them change direction elther in°• o low curvo or somolimes vory
Page 137
three months, pointed out that it had has appronched Great Britnin with Authoritles, promising . com- dvice. cen'3 posalbio in England during a rlew to buying radar equipment. munique on the results
Page 141
Denmark andi :lon against Sweden. 113 general, the what racket So ROCKET Norway. Unconfirmed rumors said the :: 3. From Pare 1 Russians were experimenting withi AV. IZ 0.5 plosions have left hard, black metali rockets
Page 157
north-westerly direction.-Reuter. 1.9.476 NDA LET' "TEECE RAM Soviet. No one has thought of verifying 3 946 * " TAIL OF FLAME e truth the statement," the * per . declared, adding that the ‡ OVER MOROCCO vedish General ... DAILY •= BRITISH ZONE 'Spookbombs over "BALL OF FIRE" the British zonet - HERPORD. Saturday;--Mort ; 3: NEAR SOVIET LINE tel **spookbombs! have been reported by British troops in Germany. thie! "SUNNY EXPRESS BRITISH ZONE H.Q. Germany
Page 158
DEMOGRATS BUOYED Russians Cry 'Slander'. in Light, BY TICKET, MAKE-UP To Rocket-Finin' Charge Moscow, Sept. 3-The ' 50- ew Try viet journal New :Times de- Nomination of Erastus Corn- nounced as anti-Soviet
Page 159
received from the nomic Commission for Balkans and Finland. the The King replied: "T am deeply ench. 3 moved by your wishes and I be- announced in Ber- P. M.-Plenary session to leve that ... Irag. nancial, transport, 4:30 P. M.-Italian Economic about to assume." Acting Foreign Minister Stepha- 3 and industrial Commission; Hungarian Po- nos Stephanopoulos supported the United States litical and, Territorial Com- statement in London ... over that ex- their zone ever sting in any other zone, that it is Promises of support 3 own economies and operating on democratic principles constitutional monarchy of the came from, Panayotis Kanellopoulos and onomically
Page 161
Sesding south 729 ly questiopable origin concerning Russian troop and plane movements $•10 to. the north. P. 3 The reports were said to origina! ate in Srinagar, capital of Kashmir, and were printed
Page 162
trioling dirvetion int near Paris tonight. C Westra France. it is im| : *Doried in It V: A 3 Mast seen lo/t u.bi 2ad! was :00: 1391 a pecand Mate a fowl pours later
Page 43
souzco 10A 00, atatod that Denmark by nise coded magnage, Eno NOST: MiG 19 CM JI 6507 (3 July) D/I 451 to CM IM 3537 (J.G Aus) Con Chamberlin ACTION: Gen Champortin INPO: Gen SponGz
Page 44
Page 47
Auguet 1.946 Pollowing information frou in jon 9. Wemmerntreon,' Cucdish har Officer ou official 3 1 y vinit led air ecleira* dog licacon. About; pon Mains bonte have apaned over Swedial cominour. most: oncoming from ... Only 1 bomb potted 03 curving coard vost: and enter:ing Norway, c0.1 othero curved towards oent (3-2) Bombs are 20 t v-1 model. but OuC :111.230• and nicotly Jargor (B-3) They
Page 173
fell in front of her house, giving off cloud of smoke.-Reuter. 207 •946 LOPND DAILY TELECRAPH 3. paren
Page 176
intact. They also captured numbur of German scientists who were active in promoting guided CALIFORNIANS5 9au 46 3 Wedaense Opinions espreand ny ru missile and rocket rsearch. LOS ANGELES. 344,2 um. Spooks? the pula
Page 5
like a ricochet or rebound, elapsed time of •the fell and reappearance won perhaps 2 or 3 seconda. My log book also shows nigat fligate over this route on Feb 12,- Marco
Page 6
sound and 9÷11-4/00°898 seemed to be falling rapidly 1 earth when observed'. No 3 ALiE of explosion followed haveror. Military Attache 18 investigating through Swedish chancels and has been promised resulte ... might De political to intimidate Suedes in connectiol Met with Soviet promsurd, SP:RIT g 3 ArD'AruT DEPADD RANV. THIS COPY MUST BE RETURNED TO DC/A CENTRAL FILE
Page 8
SECRET CORRESPONDANCE HER: TARAS 51(1) and 60(a) AR 380-5 Frol: USMA Stockholm, Svedon 9 3 3 9 A-5 16 July 1946 To: Var Repariment for MOLIi Suediah Army Steff o tuty.ing
Page 9
sort I.C.E. Lt. IRA C. CAKER.- Gen.. U. S. Army, eputy Commander 1: 3 tin Fortnu. Ca & V & e/ X .4.71. 9 4 Surider 41 44 Rout +. 97 00 PAGE
Page 10
FORCES EY nub.r: y of WASHINGTON Th ommanding Gide TOI 1 9 JUL 1948 my Air Forceh 3 rul FO ArC. Initials MEMORANDUM FOR COLANDING GENERAL, ARMY AIR FORCES 9 SUBJECT: Reports of "Rocket " Sightings ... cables from Military Attaches and State Department representatives in foreign countrics and in news dis- patches: 3. News items concerning "rockets" over the Scandinavian peninsula have appeared sporadically since early June 1946. The chronological sequence ... Helsinki, Finland. The Finnish News Agency, quoting the Helsinld Astronomical Institution, said the ghost rocket" was 3 meteor. (3) 10 July 1946 - Stockholm, Sweden. "Shining missiles" had been observed traveling at great altitude and high
Page 11
Military Attache, Finland quotes a B-1 source which reported a "rocket" observed traveling in 3 south- westerly direction over Helsinki at an altitude of 1000 feet. It was alleged to have moved ... supersonic speed, a emitting a magnesium-like light and a trail of smole. (3) 24 liay 1946 - Military Attache in Sweden and Denmark quote an observer who reported V-bombs flying southwest over Landskrona, Sweden
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Mand Islands. These islands lie in the mouth of the Gulf of Lothnia between intand and Sweden. 3. A report from Finland, dated 26 June 1946, bearing an F-3 evaluation, states that
Page 13
influcnce on the press was malcing itself evident. b. The nossibility that the objects may have been 3 metcor is lessened by a report from the United States Naval Observatory stating that no meteor showers
Page 16
Staff has he yet been unable to reach firm conolasions!on the basis of the trements recovered, 3. From the Information presently available, the Direotor of Intelligence, MDG8, has conolüded thati The missiles (rathör than
Page 19
AC/AS -2 5613 General. McDonald/dl 12 Augunt 1946 MILATTACHE ANCIASSY, London, England 3 Number: WAR 97392 For Col Jeok Griffith from COMGEMAIR signed Chamberlin. Reforence 1 G made to roportu in proco and other nourcoa
Page 25
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Campbell, Glenn - Area 51 Viewer's Guide.pdf
Page 109
Site. where most support comes from. CP-1. the large collection o buildings located in the saddle | 3 % the ridge dividing Yucca and Frenchman Flats, i the control center operations at NTS. Y voca
Page 107
Magnetic Trip Sensor Land Withdrawn peoy xoon carful to Optical Trip Sensor April 1995 take middlo of 3, roads at Intersactior ® Butte Border is marked by "Restricted Area" signs on every road and orange posts
Page 60
Popular scien Secret Air Base The government doesn't want you to know whul's guir; on 3: Groom Lake. Nevada. Dificia:2;, Ch: isei:d:; luv: loped the U-2 & SP-71 Blackbird ... Force warty tc grab 4,000 acres »: pable: 1a03 19 curious car Xians axug. 3 e :are. chalco/ projecte urearan; that citizens have 8 right to know about
Page 51
Page 3
Advice to Visitors ............. ...14 The Highway and the Land .........15 / Preparation........................*. | Highway 375 Mileposts ... / Tikaboo Peak Guide ............. 3 Day Excursions........ .. ....... Summary of Lazar's Claims . Flying Object Identifier . *62 Reference.........................* Express Guide to Las Vegas
Page 23
Former LV women stranded a week in desert BE OBOROL, E EL PE 139 a SOBERE bier 3 Vegas Sun, SepL
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Evans, Hilary - Ancient Astronauts.pdf
Page 3
Earth was originally a comet 2 Mankind is at least 12 million years old 3 Other civilisations preceded those which scholars generally regard as the earliest, and they have left many traces. 44 Earth
Page 34
3/no 3 N200CONDOUT S The mysterious trident On board an AA spacecraft The pyramids are an ancient space communications network (Pawlicki) The saucer worshipping druids Sodom & Gomorrah Jesus Christ was a time traveller Secrets ... from prehistory to present 48 How to contact the Space Brothers (Francie Steiger) Vol 3/ no 6 Goodman of Official UFO notoriety takes over as editor, and we get articles like 12 Secret chambers beneath
Page 32
meteors & collision : psychics & earthquakes: Fort 42 Stonehenge 46 Strange visitor of the Hualapai Indians (Gaddis) Vol 1/no 3 14 EvD on UFOs (Hewes) 20 Ringing rocks 22 Ancient rock books (Shaver) 26 10,000BC
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Evans, Hilary - Annotated catalogue of UFO books.pdf
Page 106
often arguable and sometimes silly : but it is nevertheless brilliant and recommended. Jim KEITH Casebook on Alternative 3 IllumiNet Press, Lilburn GA, 1994 SC 160p bib Alternative 3 was a spoof documentary
Page 66
wide-ranging situation report on 40 years of UFO research. After an introduction, Part 2 considers The 3, Phenomena; Part 3, Assessing the phenomena; Part 4. Explaining the phenomena; Part 5, UFOs & society; Part
Page 69
Dzyan &c. (Ferriz, dir, with Alonso GUTIERREZ) Los OVNI a traves de los siglos [Biblioteca OVNI - 3] Universo, 1985 Spanish / PB 156p / illus Resumé of the prehistory of UFOs from ancient chronicles &c. The usual
Page 115
Gérard LEMAIRE Les OVNIs de 'Apocalypse [1] Les armées du Ciel [2] Les temps d'abomination [3] Les enfants de Belial Editions des Archers, Bruxelles, 1976 French SC/OS vols 160 + 160p + 224p / refs / illus throughout
Page 118
SC/OS / 80p / chronological list / index illus Valuable reference source on (1) physiological effects (2) occupants (3) animal reactions (4) physical evidence LORE - see also KEYHOE Coral E and Jim LORENZEN (Coral alone) The great Flying
Page 173
flying saucerers Sphere, London, 1976 PB 159p / illus More UFOs over Warminster Barker, London, 1979 HC / 152p 3 illus UFO magic in motion Sphere, London, 1979 PB / 256p When local journalist S published his first
Page 103
brief accounts of more than a hundred local cases, grouped into (1) BOLs etc (2) strange objects (3) strange machines (4) entity cases. There iS an introduction and a historical survey. Regrettably, there
Page 209
Studies, Evanston IL, 1976 SC/OS 59p refs / illus Excellent, authoritative report on UFO events of 3-9 April 1975 in southern North Carolina, where a mini-flap, limited to a small geographical area
Page 167
clear and convincing conclusion, at any rate to a thought-provoking hypothesis. Magnificent 3-D cover makes the HC edition worth seeking. Recommended Invisible residents Crowell
Page 20
Bender mystery confirmed Saucerian, 1962 SC/OS / 100p 1 illus Anthology of feedback from readers of FS / 3 men. Whether or not it was done to stimulate sales, the cross-section of reader response gives valuable
Page 185
continues. a This time, the words 'a true story' are omitted. .................. . . . . . . . .... . .... .. . . . ..................... Leonard H STRINGFIELD Inside Saucer Post 3-0 Blue CRIFO, Cincinatti OH, 1957 Booklet / 94p illus Brief account of S's involvement as semi
Page 210
Obiekty Latajace 1 - Pojawienie sie i zasieg czasowo-przestrzenny zjawiska (1983) 2 - Nol jako fenomen psychospoleczny (1985) 3 - Nieznane Obiekty Latajace (1988) Krajowa Agencia Wydawnicza, Gdansk Polish / SC / 135p + 307p + 350p / index / illus Comprehensive survey
Page 25
establish himself as the popular spokesman for, and embodiment of, the subject. In Spain's case, 3 has played this role for many years, and carved out a lucrative career for himself in so doing
Page 28
Kópyon, Sao Paulo, Brasil, 1987 Portuguese / PB 120p / illus Contactee tells her story 'de um Contato do 3# Grau à Conquista da Auto-Consciência'. Her CE3 experience occurred when she was 28, and to judge
Page 191
this Oregon couple with their 'extraterrestrial spouses', Beek and Magna, not to mention their 13 children (3 of them earthchildren, the rest more or less otherworldly). So i you want the abduction myth
Page 122
with catalogues of sightings... W McGINNIS Project Red book (1) In ages past (2) Ezekiel's vision (3) Invasion Earth (4) The science of the UFO (5) The Bermuda Triangle of the Bible
Page 48
director) & Daniel S GILLMOR (editor) The scientific study of Unidentified Flying Objects University of Colorado, 1969 SC/OS, 3 vols / 1465p / / bib / refs index illus Trade: Dutton, NY / Vision, London, 1969 / HC 967p pb Bantam
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Evans, Hilary - Author indexes to Argosy UFO etc.pdf
Page 29
Saga's UFO Report 3 Bond, Raymond Subterranean saucers underground UFO bases global network of 6.4.36 Bondarchuk, Y Alien occupants : 5 startling accounts (from book) 8.1.20 Bowen, Charles UFOs and light 3.1.14 + 3.2.18 [repr
Page 7
Beyond Reality 3 Dickson, Larry The UFOs are back BR. 6.21 Hypnotic art may prove the reality of UFOs (feature on painter Curtis Watkins) UU . 2.22 Dickson, Richard UFO encounter in Japan (Kazato, contactee) BR.21.24
Page 18
Ideal's UFO Magazine / 3 Michaels, Bill Russians uncover remains of mammoth alien spacecraft (links Tungus Event to later UFOs) 8.56 Journey beyond time where are the UFO abductees taken when they disappear
Page 21
Brill, Joseph M Three btw photos from Denmark (Viita,1974) 1.4.40 Mexican pilot paced by 3 UFOs in broad daylight (Carlos Antonio de los Santos Montiel, 1975) 1.5.12 The Diaz abduction in Argentina
Page 3
Argosy UFO / 3 Lieber, Leslie + Loudeback,L Visitors from outer space they've already been here 1975 Ann.8 McWane, Glenn + Graham, D A case for new UFO sightings [from book] 1.2.41 Makinen, Eero Flying Saucers
Page 12
healing contact) BR. 18.30 Sutherly, Curt Those maddening animal mutilations are UFOs responsible ? BR.17.14 Three startling appearances (3 key cases) BR. 18.40 Is some alien force tampering with the weather ? BR.21.12 Why the CIA tried
Page 43
TRUE FS/UFOs Quarterly / 3 [Anon, contd] UFO sightings from war and wide (1979) TR. 18.6 Yes, some UFOs leave their calling cards (physical traces) TR. 18.16 Star light, star bright, are you the UFO tonight ... Blum, Ralph UFOs vs time, matter & reality (Pascagoula) TR. 7.50 Boose, John F Did the 3 wise men actually follow a UFO ? TR. 16.14 Bowen, Barney The Bennetsville mystery (1968 sighting) TR. 4.6 'Brandon, Stuart
Page 22
Official UFO / 3 Farish, Lucius The techniques of historical UFO research 1.7.18 see also Clark + Titler, Dale M UFOs over Africa 1.8.16 UFO symbols : message or mystery ? 1.9.16 Mysteries of the deep : underwater UFOs
Page 27
their first publication. Dates of publication are approximately : Vol 1 1973-4 vol 2 - 1974-5 vol 3
Page 41
saucers TR. 4.20 2 When the sundog goes down, the moondog comes up (natural IFOs) TR. 5.30 3 Perceptual errors are seldom perpetual mistakes TR.6.24 4 Questions & their (possible) answers TR.7.42 A 'what
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Evans, Hilary - Ball Lightning in the wider context.pdf
Page 8
Vizotum 1993 / Hilary Evans 8 3 Observations associated with marine factors The best-known BOL phenomena associated with the sea are reports of the manifestation popularly known as St Elmo's fire, which is sufficiently ... other hand, there are problems also with natural explanations : Corliss has outlined many of these difficulties (3). 4 Observations associated with terrestrial factors BOLs of terrestrial origin have been the most extensively studied
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terms of its reported attributes. And from its attributes we might proceed to determine its nature. 3: intangible qualities The testimony asserting interaction with humans, often of a seemingly intelligent nature, is only
Page 3
Vizotum 1993 / Hilary Evans 3 The broadly -held consensus is that is 'Ball lightning is a luminous, globular mass whose diameter is usually in the range 10-40cm with a duration of between
Page 4
whether they seem (1) to be atmospheric in nature (2) or to occur in an aerial context (3) or in a marine context (4) or in a terrestrial context (5) or in association with humans ... accounted for. One has only to look at the catalogues of William Corliss's Sourcebook Project (3) to be reminded what a rich diversity of extraordinary observations continue to puzzle the student of nature
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Evans, Hilary - The American UFO pulps.pdf
Page 42
Friedman interview OF . 2.3.46 Those maddening animal mutilations : are UFOs responsible BR.17.14 Three startling appearances (3 key cases) BR. 18.40 Is alien force tampering with the weather ? BR. 21.12 Why the CIA tried to debunk
Page 3
ANNUAL SAS = SAGA'S UFO SPECIAL Dates of publication of SA are approximately : Vol 1974-5 vol 3
Page 12
secret of Spitzbergen : has a crashed UFO been recovered UU. 1.44 Boose, John F Did the 3 Wise Men actually follow a UFO ? TR.16.14 Bowen, Barney The Bennetsville mystery (1968 sighting) TR.4.6 Bowen, Charles Interview ... Brill, Joseph M Three b+w photos from Denmark (Viita,1974) OF . 1.4.40 Mexican pilot paced by 3 UFOs in broad daylight (Carlos Antonio de los Santos Montiel, 1975) OF. 1.5.12 Diaz abduction in Argentina
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Gross - Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse.pdf
Page 43
ewski), Walter A. pp. 17-18, "Ghost Plane X362." pp.6,17,34. 20-21. "Ghost Rocket." pp.1,3-5. Modesto, CA. p.35. Goeteborg, Sweden. p.13. Morganton, NC. p.35
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Bloecher August 3, 1967 Page Three form, but they were not spherical, she said. She indicated that they felt there might be a slight bulge on the under-surface, somewhat like looking at the bottom
Page 26
Bloecher August 3, 1967 Page Four A few days after this sighting, she went on a ten-day visit to California, and then, on return- ing, went with Mrs. D. original home. to Iowa, which
Page 28
doors, she went to look. The hour strife known to those parts. Ball ' lightning, however, has was 3:45 In the afternoon. Late Thursday no additional never been observed in action The spectacle transfixed
Page 31
that is sny higher than ,800 kilometres. an in author's files. hour (3 no0 miles an hour). Indicating that it must be of ex• traordinary nature, the communique added: "The fact is that these
Page 32
Disk' Seen BY BERNARD, KELLY. Denver Post Stat! Writer. stirring, and there wat no cloud MANITOU SPRIN 3 S, Colo.; In the »ky. June 28. -Seven employer of the "It wax about thirty-five
Page 42
December 33. p.33. 9 January 34. p.34. 18 January 47. p.3. 20 January 47. pp.3-5. 3 February 34. p.34. 17 February 47. p.7. 5 February 34. p.34. 28 February 47. p.7. March 1935. p.34
Page 4
this *Spood Para h us, a/o, A conter than Nosquito 139 a 3 A se A 0 SIL Dirootion of flight west (from Datch Coset to, forfalk) 8 So Be rEs Tactics
Page 5
3 18 January. Helsinki, Finland. (9:30 p.m.) "Rocket-like phenomena." According to a Navy Department Intelligence report, the sighting of a "rocket-like" phenomena was published in the Helsinki press. The U.S. Naval Attache
Page 7
NARA DIE_L HIN ASSIFIEn MePE WAR DEPARTMENT _ASSIFIED MESSAGE CEN2R INCOMING CLASSIFIED MESSAGE SECRET TOT Page 3 MPOE:: U814 London England ngd llolly 0081n Nr : 71395 20 January 1947 American Naval Attache, London. Sweden
Page 12
Flying Saucers" may or may not have been seen in Belgium, but we do have at least 3 stories from neighboring France. Here is the first one(no exact date) from Vendee, Roche
Page 14
suitable way thet we do not wish our country to become a target. Those who 3 and oût these projectiles apparently nish to know how far taey so and re very kincly give this infor
Page 16
mysterious rocketa, the provocative rumors about the arrest of German children in Soviet-occupied Germany. ..• (Mo 3 co, Soviet European Service, in English to the United Kingdon, September 4, 1946, 11:00 A.m. EST; FBIB ... Sunday (September 14 - 15). (Athena, in Prench for #Priends of Creece Abroad*, Sept anber 16, 1946, 3:30 p.m. EST S PBIB Daily Report for Septerber 17, 1946) "Tetuan -- The CIPRA agency announced that during
Page 18
restive, co pro nous relatod report, ott • il applicabia Source Porsonal observation .Evaluation Ref.: AS / EN 3-00, SCR. 4312416-11-10-40 (No efficia), persons! desondes, publication, Idently hire pretticable, ela) Guided 11891lep ... this office ur any conorate evidence nas obtained. (German V-2'g landed in Sweden in 1945). 3. It 1s the opinion of this office that ho foroign-launched guided nissiles have landed in Sweden
Page 20
Cola, e DO:CI EST ANY ILO0 EST M 1107. - 10/14 Lanana due widerocitemes eat 1 1 3 by Punst paid, canst ath fam must ruin alpat : 46! acum. meni, guidnty, but rear
Page 24
following information was given Dr. James McDonald via a phone call on August 3, 1947, from a Mrs. E.G. Rawlins. She was 52 at the time of the incident. The other witness in the case ... letter to Ted Bloecher. (See below and on pages 23-24) Mr. Ted R. Bloecher August 3, 1967 Page TwO Type and Number of Objects Seen: Nine small disc- or possibly saucer-shaped objects
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Houran, James - A search for meaning in the Ramey document.pdf
Page 49
possible methods is to use blind restoration method, such as the blind Lucy-Richardson method [2] [3]. Unfortunately, we found that it failed to give a satisfactory result. In Fig.2, we provide the result
Page 50
used are as follows: o? = 23, N = 15. Jor ¿: - 1 begin J: -) *yl:= End: (a) (b) Fig. 3. (a) The test image, (b) The image blurred using the estimated
Page 51
restore the target image. We tried the Regularized least squares method [4], Lucy-Richardson method [2] [3], and the maximum entropy method [5]. We also tried a very powerful restoration method called Pixon
Page 21
control condition (M = 1.6, SD = 1.32). Table 1. Spearman rank-order correlations between measures in the study 3. 4. 5. 6. . Age 2. Gender® 3. Tolerance of .27* .14* ambiguity' 4. Intolerance
Page 52
3. Conclusion We have tried several of the powerful restoration algorithms on the image. Unfortunately, the results are all very disappointing. The target image seems to be a particularly hard candidate for image restoration task ... Gilliland. "Deconvolution of Images and Spectra," Ed. P.A. Jansson, 2nd ed., Academic Press, CA, 1997. [3]. D.S.C. Biggs and M. Andrews, "Acceleration of iterative image restoration algorithms," Applied Optics
Page 33
Develop a detailed and standardized research protocol for an independent and triangulated assessment of the Ramey Memo. 3. Identify three qualified laboratories that can analyze the Ramey Memo via a state
Page 19
photograph, (2) an 8x10 enlargement of the memo area made by University of Texas at Arlington for 3 When Friedman's scans were made from the original negative, Friedman complained about dirt and debris that
Page 53
primarily degraded by blurring, which is the degradation process on which you focused. Look at Figure 3, in order to compare the degraded test image of handwriting to the actual Ramey image ... Rodeghier: I wonder why your deblurring algorithms could successfully deblur the very noisy data in Fig 3, but could not read the lettering on the Ramey Memo which appears to less blurred than that ... 3? Yan response: don't quite get this. But, say we are given Fig.3b, and we try to recover Fig.3a. Even if we know the PSF exactly, it is still near impossible to get back
Page 9
3 Background on the Ramey Document One example of relatively recent empirical data that apparently conflicts with the military's official explanations is the "Ramey memo." During the photo session of the reported weather balloon
Page 30
that (2) priming and expectancy effects are significant confounds in trying to decipher the Ramey document, therefore (3) future studies should adopt a methodologically superior strategy by controlling for these potential confounds via experimentally-blind
Page 63
Improved method for color image enhancement based on luminance and color contrast. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 3, 190-197. Marion, A. (1998). Discovery of inscriptions on the Shroud of Turin by digital image processing. Optical ... Exploration, 16, 663-665. Randle, K. D., & Rodeghier, M. (2002). Frank Kaufman reconsidered. International UFO Reporter, 27(3), 8-11, 17-19, 26 Randle, K. D., & Schmitt, D. (1991). UFO Crash at Roswell. New York
Page 61
Press. Bartko, J. J. (1966). The intraclass correlation coefficient as a measure of reliability. Psychological Reports, 19, 3-11. Berlitz, C., & Moore, W. (1980). The Roswell Incident. New York: Grosset & Dunlap. Brugger, P. (2001). From
Page 20
Stanton Friedman, (3) a 20-year old 8x10 (memo portion) before the original negative had been handled so much, and (4) an 11x14 (memo portion) made earlier in 1998. The Deciphering Task Each participant
Page 29
words, i.e., Fort, Worth, TX, story, weather, balloons, and land (see Houran & Randle, 2002, p. 59, Table 3). Let us now examine how many people in the Atomic Bomb condition perceived more than seven words ... perceived words that were uniquely congruent to the Atomic Bomb suggestion condition (and hence reflect priming). Table 3 shows that three individuals (or < 1%) in the Atomic Bomb condition perceived > 7 words. That statistic does ... instance where the original score sheets on the deciphering tasks would have been useful. Still, Table 3 shows the ratio of words collectively unique to each suggestion condition. This number in column three of Table ... 3 was easily calculated from the total number of words per each suggestion condition minus the numbers of words in each condition that were common relative to the other suggestion conditions (see: Houran & Randle ... Table 3, p. 59). Expressed as a mathematical equation it would read: "total words - collective number in common = collective number of exclusive words for each condition." The important point is that, in each case ... idea that expectancy/priming effects influenced the interpretations of many subjects. It should be noted that Table 3 also corrects another error in our original paper. Specifically, we stated on page 60 that subjects
Page 43
arithmetic mean of these 4 images in order to increase the signal to noise ratio. 3) Conversion of the precedent result, which is a coloured RVB image (named image A in the following) into ... Strong attenuation of the periodic spatial frequencies which correspond to the text (lines and letters) to decipher. 3) Computation of the inverse FFT: thus we obtain a filtered image C where the text is visually
Page 28
Table 3. Statistics (mean, standard deviation, and standard error) on the number of words perceived in the Ramey document by subjects across the three suggestion conditions of Houran and Randle (2002) Suggestion Number of Words ... Exclusive to each Suggestion Condition (collective number of words common across the conditions) Pro-Roswell 0 words = 3 people 141 (128) 4.6 1.89 .25 (n = 59) words = 1 person 2 words = 5 people words ... people 4 words = 5 people 5 words = 23 people 6 words = 12 people 8 words = 3 people 9 words = person Total words : - 269 Testing of 0 words = 3 people 238 (39) 4.8 1.93 .25 Atomic ... Bomb 2 words = 3 people (n = 58) 3 words = 10 people 4 words = 6 people 5 words = 11 people ó words = 16 people words = 6 people 8 words = 3 people Total words = 277 Blind (control ... words = 19 people 72 (20) 1.6 1.32 .17 (n = 59) words 8 people 2 words = 16 people 3 words = 12 people 4 words = 4 people Total words = 92 This is an unfortunate limitation
Page 27
prevented a discussion of all detailed criticisms from that debate, so these are addressed here. Table 3 gives the raw data for the number of words subjects reported across the three suggestion conditions
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Page 136
3 Graphic 3 tog [snotenomib fists to dotsole s'owl towstV.A abila Aulnogo Isnola Mael lav eidT of gathsaggs • CRAFT STRENUIMSEL OPENING Slide 3. Viewer Two's sketch of craft at dimensional opening
Page 132
badl 1108 90108 orb 1svo bam: andlestinem 91s bas s dedt noltaudla ,note uringo to lsab team 3] Slide 1. Viewer One's sketch of entry object
Page 158
intelligences, either for technology trading or because DaS government believes it has no choice. 91901 denw 3. The government is the perpetrator of at least some of the the phenomenology, perhaps drawing on the source
Page 117
explosion in Siberia on the morning of June 30th, night displays persisted from June 30 to July 3 throughout Russia and Europe. Enormous "silvery clouds" were observed at great heights against the bright twilights. ((Baxter
Page 113
Irkutsk, 550 miles to the south, registered tremors of earthquake proportions. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, 3,000 miles away, the vibrations are recorded. A gigantic pillar of fire towers into the clear blue
Page 45
underneath." It was estimated that these were seen by approximately 1,000 other witnesses. Early evening, August 3, 1990, approximately twenty saucer shaped ships with blue lights; later giving off orange/yellow lights, and finally green
Page 161
culture somehow in peril from the the source of this votelosb 9W80 phenomena? bloO adi slirw to 3. What are the threat components from UFO phenomena? UFO 4. Can any of the threat components
Page 10
know, will not be channeled. So, you can all relax a bit. 28 elda 3
Page 89
operations; (2) the vulnerabilities or capabilities of systems, installations, projects, or plans relating to the national security; (3) foreign government information; it boxtups1 arT (4) intelligence activities (including special activities), or intelligence sources or methods
Page 74
routinely sacrificed to expediency. Frederick Douglass, who had himself escaped from slavery and during the 67 3
Page 178
that could be wrought by such techniques in unscrupulous hands. (U.S. Senate. August 3. 1977, p. 73) From the record, there is no evidence of attempts to secure approval for the most controversial aspects
Page 148
DIRTY. Wab fautneYe sex8r 8 tad borsal asw sates arti lo edustidsdat adt Ir BiRceHand amorotori giodust 3 leod vinego ad of bat og91 eww.yoed.ma moistoz eBRA BR NARA that 05 Me 194. 904 sect
Page 157
forms, based in 10 or operating from another (parallel) overlapping dimension than our own time-space. the 3. The phenomena are explained by earth-based "others," referenced throughout history, who may be other life- forms ... various intelligence secrecy AbSTUchR organizations as part of broader security or Cheapol onSnerds disinformational campaigns. cadilas 1 3 10 consultenoo gathogqua 5. The phenomena are broader social engineering, or population mind-influencing programs designed
Page 143
core The entire object s A doesn't/didn't belong here. runs dipsido to dotade zhuod newelv 3 abil2
Page 177
colleges and universities, 15 research foundations, chemical or pharmaceutical companies, 12 hospitals or clinics, and 3 penal institutions. torete The argument inside the Agency for this research was the belief that hostile powers had used
Page 135
Slide 3. Viewer Two's sketch of craft at dimensional opening. What appears to be their vehicle, is out of control and undergoes a surprise impact, which could have been avoided but for incorrect coordinates
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Matsumura, Yusuke - A Catalogue Of Alleged UFO Pictures In Japan 1974-1976.pdf
Page 18
CASE IV-f: (1) OCT. 11, 1974 17:30 (2) Peace Memorial Park, Hiroshima city. (3) Miss Naomi Endo (4) OLYMPUS-PEN EE-3, (5) TOES Auto 1/250th /13.5, 28 mm COLOR ... Photo No. 7435 / CASE VI-a: (1) OCT. 20, 1974 16:00 (2) Setana-gun, Hokkaido (3) Yuji Shinyatsuko (12) (4) ISOCA FLEX (5) f5.8 (6) B - 1 second
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data & Insufficient data for analysis. KEY TO DESCRIPTION Descriptive Codes: (1) Date & Time (2) (5) Diaphragm Location (3) (4) Photographer (age) Shutter speed Film Camera (8) Number of witnesses * EDITOR'S NOTE - This volume
Page 4
3 e. #2# f. 14 AN I= JE MERRIER TE,K I HOAR'S V. *MORN, BRADL5SEKST -Z a. *ORN, V ZOT-AH (E -ZEIX - V) - b. E NAT, 1 Y TUT MORD#PRERRUEO • 7AMAD ... 3 8 (3
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Fuji city, Shizuoka Pref. (5) $ 4 TO B - 3 seconds 8 Kazutoshi Sato (42) TOPCON Unilex, f2, 200 mm (7) B&W -Kodak Tri-X (ASA 400) (8) Few Photo No. 7402 / CASE ... minutes (4) TOPCON Unilex, f2, 200 mm (7) B&W - Kodak Tri-X (ASA 400) (8) 3
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Photo No. 7403 / CASE IV-a: (1) MAR. 20, 1974 -11:30 (2) Seki city, Gifu Pref. (3) Y oshio Yamaguchi (31) (4) RICO Auto-half (5) Auto (6) 1/125th (7) COLOR (8) 0 Photo ... CASE VI-c: (1) MAR. 21, 1974 -05:00 (2) Fuji city , Shizuoka Pref. (3) Kazutoshi Sato (42) (4) TOPCON Unilex, f2, 200 mm (5) f 4 (6) B 30 seconds (7) B&W -Kodak
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seconds (2) Fuji city, Shizuoka Pref. (3) Kazutoshi (4) TOPCON Unilex, f2, 200 mm DOE (8) B&W -Kodak Tri-X (ASA 400) Sato
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Photo No. 7407 / CASE III-a: (1) MAR. 29, 1974 - 21:45 (2) Fuji city, Shizuoka Pref. (3) Toshio Shiozawa (4) OLYMPUS OM-1, £1.4, 50 mm (5) £5.6 030 G Photo No. 7408 / CASE ... Kodak Tri-X(ASA 400) (1) MAY. 12, 1974 (2) 14:00 Summit of Mt. Aso, Kyushu (3) Munefumi Hisayama (15) 18 Allo Auto (about 1/60th) (4) Y ASHICA Electro 35MC
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CASE V-c: (1) MAY. 16, 1974 -13:30 (5) f 8 (2) Mt. Showashin, Hokkaido 1/100th (3) Minor Ozeki (4) YASHICA Electro 35CC, f1.8, 35 mm (7) B&W - Fuji Neopan
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Photo No. 7411 -7413 CASE II: (1) JUN. 21, 1974 -20:15 Iwamizawa city, Hokkaido (5) f2 3 Kazuaki Konishi (18) 6) B - about 10 seconds (4) TOPCON Unilex, £2, 50 mm 13 COLOR -KOlas
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CASE VI-c: (1) JUL. 2, 1974 - 22:00 -02 (2) Fuji city, Shizuoka Pref. (5) f4 (3) Kazutoshi Sato (42) (6) B 2 minutes (4) TOPCON Unilex, £2, 200 mm (7) COLOR -Kodak High ... Speed (8) 3 /Ektachrome
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CASE VI-c: (1) AUG. 2, 1974 - 02:40 f 2.8 (2) Fuji city, Shizuoka Pref. B - 3 seconds (3) Kazutoshi Sato (42) DOE o B&W - Kodak Tri-X (ASA 400) (4) TOPCON Unilex ... Auto (7) COLOR - Fujicolor N-100(ASA 100) (2) Summit of Mt. Tate, Toyama Pref. (6) (3) Gosaburo Hori (42) (4) Y ASHICA Electro
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CASE VI-a: (1) SEP. 13, 1974 - 16:30 (2) Kofu city, Yamanashi Pref® (5) Auto (3) Yukio Kuwazawa (15) (6) (7) B&W -Fuji Neopan SS (ASA 100) (4) ASAHI PENTAX ES, f1.4
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Futaba-gun, Fukushima Pref® at nOt o Miss Mie Masuko (18) KODAK INSTAMATIC X-15 Auto 3 COLOR 0 Photo No. 7425 / CASE VI-C: (1) SEP. 20, 1974 -23:47-57 (2) Fujieda city ... Shizuoka Preí. (3) Yoshimi Yoshimura (25) (4) NIKON F2 Photomic, f2, 28 mm 5 f 2 % B 10 minutes (7) B&W -Kodak
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CASE I: (1) SEP. 30-OCT. 7, 1974 -18:00-21:00 (2) Hidaka-gun, Wakayama Pref. (3) Chuichi Maeyama (27) (4) FUJICA ST701, 11.4, 50 mm # 7429 and f 1.4 B - 30-180 seconds
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Nanyo city, Yamagata Pref. (5) f1.7 6) B - 2 minutes (3) Yoshinori Oda (30) (7) COLOR-Fujicolor N-100(AS 100) (4) YASHICA Electro 35, f1.7, 45 mm (8) O Photo No. 7431/ CASE ... Sawa-gun, Gunma Pref. B - 60 minutes 3 Shinji Otake (15) (4) NIKON REX COo COLOR-Fujicolor
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Auto (1) OCT. 11, 1974 - 06:30 (2) Onomichi city, Hiroshima Pref. C260 COLOR 1 (3) Kazuhiko Fujimatsu (4) KODAK INSTAMATIC
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flash bulb used (2) Nara city, Nara Pref. COLOR -Kodacolor II (ASA 80) (3) Toshikatsu Sato 1 (4) KODAK INSTAMATIC
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CASE I: (1) Nov. 2, 1974 - 19:35 (2) "Go-gome" (the Fifth stage) of Mt. Fuji (3) Yasuo Kudo RICOH FLEX, 200 mm Auto 6 B - 3-30 seconds (7) B&W -Kodak
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CASE V-C: (1) NOV. 4, 1974 - 22:20 & 22:40 (2) Shizunai-gun, Hokkaido (3) Tadatoshi Hirai (17) (4) NIKOMAT FTN, f2, 50 mm with Kenko telescope D60 m/m, F800 m/m (53X) DOCO
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Ibusuki-gun, Kagoshima Pref. B 22 minutes (3) Kochi Kuzunaka (29) B&W -Kodak Tri-X (ASA 400) (4) KONICA, 200 mm 1980 (8) O Photo No. 7454 / CASE ... Ibusuki-gun, Kagoshima Pref. (5) € 3.5 (6) B (3) Koichi Kuzunaka (29) 7 (8) B&W -Kodak Tri-X (ASA 400) (4) KONICA
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CASE VI-c: (1) NOV. 18, 1974 22:11-24:00 (2) Ibusuki-gun, Kagoshima Pref. (3) Koichi Kuzunaka (29) (4) KONICA, 200 mm (5) f3.5 (6) B - 2 minutes (7) B&W -Kodak
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f2.8 (2) Ibusuki-gun, Kagoshima Pref. (6) B - 5 seconds (3) Koichi Kuzunaka (29) (7) B&W -Kodak Tri-X (ASA 400) (4) KONICA FTA (8) Few Photo No. 7458 -7461 / CASE
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CASE V-b: (1) DEC. 14, 1974 - 10:00 (2) Shimonoseki city, Yamaguchi Pref. COrC (3) Name withheld (52) (4) Photo No. 7465 / CASE III-C: DEC. 19, 1974 - 19:50 (2) Hakodate city, Hokkaido ... Kodak Tri-X (ASA 400) o (1) (3) Seiichi Nunokawa (4) MINOLTA
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CASE VI-b: (1) DEC. 22. 1974 13:30 (2) Nishinomiya city, Hyogo Pref. (3) Munehiro Saito (12) # 7466 (4) Y ASHICA Electro 35 DROG Auto (8) COLOR
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CASE IV-f: (1) JAN. 6, 1975 14:00 2 Yokohama city, Kanagawa Pref® 5 3 Auto tr Miss Kyoko Nishiyama (4) POLAROID SX-70 2 (8) COLOR - SX-70 - Land Film 0 Photo
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Hiki-gun, Saitama Pref. (5) f 4 (3) Nobumitsu Koizumi (29) (6) B - 3 or 4 seconds (4) NIKOMAT FT, Tamron Zoom 220 (7) B&W -Kodak
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seconds (2) Hiki-gun, Saitama Pref. (3) Nobumitsu Koizumi (30) Several (4) ASAHI PENTAX, 400 mm B COLOR-Sakuracolor N 100(ASA100
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Photo No. 7514 -7516 / CASE I: (1) FEB. 13, 1975 (2) Oume city, Tokyo (3) Masao Shioda 20:30-35 # 7516 (4) NIKON F. f4.5, 300 mm 339 f 4.5 B - 5 -10 seconds
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Shibetsu-gun, Hokkaido 2€® COLOR -Fujicolor N-100 (ASA100) Auto 13 (3) Yuzo Takahashi (4) KONICA C35 Photo No. 7518 -7519 / CASE VI-c: (1) FEB. 16, 1975 - 21:40 (2) Tosa city Kochi Pref
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CASE III-a: (1) FEB. 18, 1975 - 18:45-19:00 (2) Takikawa city, Hokkaido (5) f4 (3) Mitsuyuki Ando (6) B 30-60 seconds B&W - Fuji SSS (ASA 200) (4) NIKON
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Photo No. 7530 / CASE V-b: (1) FEB. - 1975 20:00 (2) Naha city, Okinawa Pref. (3) Hideo Makishi (17) (4) CANON FTb, f1.8, 50 mm (5 f 1.8 (Skylight filter) (6) B - 8 seconds
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Photo No. 7532 / CASE I: (1) MAR. 20, 1975 - 22:10 (2) Shimonoseki city, # 7533 Yamaguchi Pref. (3) Y uji Tanimura (24) 303 RICOH 500G
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Auto (1) JUL. 21, 1976 - 14:00 11 (2) Yuzawa city, Akita Preí. COLOR - Fujicolor (3) Teruo Tanaka (20) (4) OLYMPUS
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CASE VI-b: (1) MAY. 11, 1975 - 14:00 (2) Chiba city, Chiba Pref. (3) Ryutaro Umehara (13) 4) CANON FTb, f1.4, 50 mm 5 9 daene 8 (& B&W -Fuji Neopan
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shores of a Lake 1/125th Kawaguchi, Yamanashi Pref® (3) Kimikazu Saginawa (48) 7 COLOR -Fujicolor F-II (ASA 100) (8) 0 (4) TOPCON, 13.5, 90 mm 1 # 7541 # 7542 Photo No. 7541 -7542 / CASE
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Photo No. 7543 / CASE V-c: (1) JUN. 2, 1975 15:00 (2) Mt. Showashin, Hokkaido (3) Masuo Kawase (14) 7543 (4) Y ASHICA Electro 35GL 5 6 Auto 7 (8) COLOR -Fujicolor ... Photo No. 7544 -7545 / CASE V-c: (1) JUN. 2, 1975 16:08 (2) Muroran city, Hokkaido (3) Toshiyuki Sato (11) TORER Handmade camera # 7544 B&W 1 Photo No. 7546 / CASE ... Hachioji city, Tokyo (3) Fujiyo lino (4) OLYMPUS 35DC, f1,7, 40 mm (5) f 1.7 (6) Auto COLOR -Fujicolor
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CASE IV-c: (1) JUL. 2, 1975 - 22:15-22:35 (2) Asahikawa city, Hokkaido # 7548 (3) Susumu Saito (27) f 4.5 13 MISON P, 14:5, 300 mm Zoom DE B - 2 minutes ... CASE III-b: (1) JUL. 19, 1975 - 23:10-20 (2) Minami-Ashigara city, Kanagawa Pref. (3) Toshio Usui $ MINOLTA SR-T f 1.4 (6) B - 10 minutes 9 B&W -Fuji Neopan ... Photo No. 7549 / CASE V-a: (1) JUL. 23, 1975 - 01:00 (2) Yokohama city, Kanagawa Pref. (3) Toshio Usui (4) MINOLTA SR-T (5) f 1.4 (6) B' 7 B&W -Fuji Neopan
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Photo No. 7551 / CASE III-a: (1) JUL. 27, 1975 - 00:40 (2) Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo (3) Cameraman of Yomiuri SHimbun (4) NIKON F, £2.8, 105 mm 5 f 2.8 (6) B - 30 seconds
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CASE V-c: (1) JUL. 31, 1975 23:05-30 (2) Yokohama city Kanagawa Pref. (3) Toshio Usui # 7552 9 6 MINOLTA SR-T 126® f1.4 B - 25 minutes B&W -Fuji Neopan SS (ASA100 ... CASE V-a: (1) AUG. 2, 1975 - 23:17-25 (2) Yokohama city, Kanagawa Pref. (3) Toshio Usui (4) MINOLTA SR-T (5, 2.8 B - 8 minutes (7) 3&W -Fuji Neopan ... CASE V-d: (1) AUG. 2, 1975 - 22:21-35 (2) Yokohama city, Kanagawa Pref® (3) Toshio Usui s COCO MINOLTA SR-T f 2.8 B - 14 minutes B&W -Fuji Neopan
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Photo No. 7555 -7560 / CASE VI-b: (1) AUG. 3, 1975 - 18:30 (2) Toyota city, Aichi Pref. (3) Jiro Matsuura (47) (4) OLYMPUS OM-1, f1.2, 55 mm 3 f 8 9 1/125th
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Gunma Pref (4) OLYMPUS OM-1, £1.4, 50 mm Do n f 1.4 8) B - 2 or 3 seconds B&W -Fuji Neopan SS (ASA 100) Several tens
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Maebashi city, Gunma Pref. B - 2 or 3 seconds B&W - Fuji Neopan SS (ASA 100) (3) Miss Aihara (4) OLYMPUS OM-1, f1.4, 50 mm ACE® Several
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used) (1) AUG. - 1975 (2) Nitsuta-gun, Gunma Pref, NOE∞ COLOR - Fujicolor N-100(ASA 100) 1 (3) Miss Tajima (4) YASHICA Electro 35 Photo No. 7567 CASE I: B - 15 minutes ... Maebashi city, Gunma Pref. DOE B&W - Fuji SSS (ASA 200) 1 (3) Miss Shiina (4) ASAHI PENTAX
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Photo No. 7571 / CASE VII-b: (1) AUG. 18, 1975 17:58 (2) Kitakata city, Fukushima Pref. (3) Tsuneo Hori (4) NIKOMAT, † 2.8, f 24 mm 3 17:8.0 f2,8 (0-2 filter
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CASE III-a: (1) AUG. 19, 1975 21:00 (2) Kitakata city, Fukushima Pref. (5) f1.7 (3) Shinji Shiga (6) B (4) YASHICA Electro 35 (7) COLOR -Fujicolor F -II (ASA 100) (8) Few Photo
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CASE I: (1) AUG. 1975 19:00 (2) Kitakata city, Fukushima Pref. (5) 14.5 (3) Tsuneo Hori (6) B - 7 seconds (4) ASAHI PENTAX 6X7, f4.5, 200 mm (7) COLOR -Fujicolor
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Kitakata city, Fukushima Pref. (6) B - 7 seconds (3) Tsuneo Hori (7) COLOR -Fujicolor F-II(ASA 100) (4) ASAHI PENTAX
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CASE I: (1 AUG.. 1975 - 19:00 (2) Kitakata city, Fukushima Pref. (5) f4.5 (Skylight filter) (3) Tsuneo Hori (6) B - 5 or 10 minutes (4) ASAHI PENTAX 6X7, f4.5, 200 mm (7) COLOR
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second (1) (2) Otsu city, Shiga Pref. (3) Masanori Sato (4) NIKOMAT FTN, f2, 35 mm 0060 B B&W Fuji SSS (ASA 200) 3
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CASE VII-b: (1) SEP. 13, 1975 - 19:30 (2) Kitakata city, Fukushima Pref. (3) Makoto Endo (17) (4) MINOLTA SR-1, 12.5, 28 mm 2.8 (Skylight filter) 6, B - 5 or 7 minutes
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CASE VI-c: (1) SEP. 16, 1975 - 18:45 (2) Kawaguchi city, Saitama Pref. 1/125th (3) Makoto Ueno (16) COCa COLOR - Fujicolor N-100 (ASA 100) (4) KONICA C35E (8 Photo No. 7594 / CASE ... Auto . (2) Sapporo city, Hokkaido 6) Hirofusa Hara (7) B&W - Fuji Neopan SS (ASA 100) (3, OLYMPUS 35EC2 (8) More than
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Photo No. 7595 / CASE VI-d: (1) OCT. 6, 1975 - 19:30 (2) Kitakata city, Fukushima Pref. (3) Masaru Onodera (19) (4) Y ASHICA Electro 35 (5) f1.7 (Skylight filter) (6) B - 10 seconds ... Photo No. 7596 / CASE VI-c: (1) OCT. 6, 1975 - 19:30 (2) Kitakata city, Fukushima Pref. (3) Yoshihiro Watanabe (24) (4) CANON FTb, £1.8, 50 mm (5) t 1.8 (Skylight filter
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Photo No. 7597 / CASE VI-c: (1) OCT. - 1975 22:30 (2) Kitakata city, Fukushima Pref. (3) Suganuma (4) OLYMPUS OM-1, £1.8, 50 mm OO f1.8 (Skylight filter) B 7 B&W -Fuji Neopan ... CASE VI-a: (1) OCT. 6, 1975 10:30 (2) Naze city, Amami-Oshima Islands (3) Hideaki Yuasa (4) ASAHI PENTAX SP, f1.8, 55 mm (5) f 16 (Y-2 filter) (6) 1/250th
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CASE VI-b: (1) OCT. 6, 1975 16:00 (2) Toyama city, Toyama Pref. (3) Tetsuyuki Asari (9) ATROC POLAROID Colorpack 82 Auto B&W 3
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CASE VI-a: (1) OCT. 10, 1975 - 10:20 (2) Kuji-gun, Ibaragi Pref® 2 3 Yoshihiro Fujita 4 Y ASHICA (8) B&W - Sakura
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Photo No. 75109 / CASE III-a: (1) NoV. 17, 1975 - 21:00 (2) Hiroshima city, Hiroshima Pref. (3) Kenichi Fujita (27) nON KONICA AUTOREFLEX T3, f1.4, 50 mm f 1.4 1/4 second ... seconds (2) Matsuzaka city, Mie Pref. B&W Fuji Neopan SS (ASA 100) (3) Masaharu Nishida (29) (4) MINOLTA SR-T101
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Photo No. 7603 / CASE VI-a: (1) JAN. 7, 1976 - 07:00 (2) Hachinohe city, Aomori Pref. (3) Shigeru Nagane (11) 3 FUJICA Compact 35, f2.8 THORO Auto B&W - Fuji Neopan ... Nago city, Okinawa Pref. (4) ASAHI PENTAX SPF, £4, 300 mm (3) Ryoji Imai (5) f 16 (Y -2 filter) 1060 B&W -Fuji Neopan SS (ASA 100) 1/250th 3
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CASE I: (1) JAN. 10, 1976 17:20 (2) Niyu-gun, Fukui Pref. (5) f2.8 (3) Miss Masami Ueda (17) (6) Auto (4) FUJICA GE, 12.8, 38 mm (7) COLOR - Fujicolor
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Photo No. 7607 / CASE V-c: (1) JAN. 25, 1976 -24:00 (2) Isezaki city, Gunma Pref. (3) Shohachi Matsumoto (4) ASAHI PENTAX 6X7 , £3.5, 55 mm with equatorial telescope (D60 m/m, F710 ... Photo No. 7608 / CASE III-a: (1) FEB. 6, 1976 - 17:30 (2) Yokohama city, Kanagawa Pref. (3) Minoru Kato (4) MINOLTA XE, 13.5, 135 mm 5 8 £ 3.5 B - second 9 B&W - Fuji
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CASE VI-a: (1) FEB. 27, 1976 - 15:00 (2) Muroran city , Hokkaido 5 Auto (3) Shintaro Mori (12) & Kenji Watanabe (12) 8 B&W - Fuji Neopan SS (ASA 100) (4) KONICA EE MATIC
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Nagoya airport, Aichi Pref. (5) f 8 (SL-1A filter) 3) Shigeru Kaneiwa (11) 6 1/250th (4) AS…HI PENTAX ES, £1.8, 85 17) COLOR -Sakuracolor
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filter) 1/250th 13 B&W -Fuji Neopan SS (ASA100) # 7632 3
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Photo No. 7636 -7637 / CASE I: (1) MAY. 16, 1976 - 19:40 (2) Aomori city, Aomori Pref. (3) Takashi Ozaki (22) (4) ASAHI PENTAX SP, £1.4, 55 mm (5) f1.4 (6) B - 4 seconds 3
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CASE VI-C: (1) MAY. 17, 1976 Oral similal 19:30 (2) Hitoyoshi city, Kumamoto Pref. (3 Naoyuki Minashima (14) (4) MINOLT A Hi-Matic 7 (5) £ 5.6 (6) B - 5 seconds ... CASE IV-e: (1) MAY. 27, 1976 - 14:05 (2) Yokohama city, Kanagawa Pref. D»»y (3) Minor Takazawa (27) (4) CANON FT, 13.5, 55-135 mm Zoom 5) f 8 (Skylight filter) % 1/125th
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/CASE VI-b: (1) JUN. 17, 1976 # 7647 16:00 Kyoto city Kyoto Pref. (3) Kazunobu Nishimura (11) (4) KONICA POCKET 400 , f1.8, 28 mm - 86 0 JO 3 COLOR -Fujicolor
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Mogami-gun, Yamagata Pref. COLOR -Fujicolor F-II(ASA 100) (3) Hiroshi Chigahara (12) (4) MINOLTA Hi-Matic
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Photo No. 7670 / CASE VI-a: (1) AUG. 12, 1976 - 13:20 (2) Yokohama city. Kanagawa Pref. (3) Shinya Kakinuma (12) (4) OLYMPUS-PEN D2 NOE Auto (f 8) (1/250th) 8 COLOR -Fujicolor
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CASE VI-b: (1) AUG. 15, 1976 - 10:50 (2) Takarai-gun, Aichi Pref. - 3 Auto 5 Yukio Ishida (39) DE COLOR - Fujicolor (4) PETRI
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Photo No. 7684 / CASE VI-a: (1) SEP. 30, 1976 - 11:30 (2) Nakamura city, Kochi Pref. (3) Hideo Kurata (4) TOPCON IC-1, 15.6, 200 mm (5) f 11 (6) 1/250th ... Minato-ku, Tokyo Kenjiro Kitaura (28) OLYMPUS OM-1, £3.5, 135 mm f 3.5 B - 2 or 3 seconds (7) COLOR -Sakuracolor
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CASE VI-c: (1) OCT. 23, 1976 - 21:40 (2) Nagasaki city, Nagasaki Pref. (5) £ 3.5 (3) Masayuki Moritani (35) (6) B - 1 second (4) MINOLTA SR-T101
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Birdsall, Mark - UFOs over Europe 1943-48.pdf
Page 28
American style? From an early 1 Secret! categorised document, I acquired a brief 'Insight' of 3 report which in my opinion falls within the framework of the 'Ghost Rocket! phenomenon [29]. The official report reads
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highly advanced weaponry, that given orders were issued in 1941, could have been ready in 1943 3 thought Hitler was to be haunted with for the rest of his short life. However, the changing point
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theory or hypothesis on the understanding of what weaponry and technology had already been achieved in 1945 [3]. It is simply not scientific to dismiss the suggestion that a ready answer to these phenomenon
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many good reports of Swedish Ghost rocket sightings, one can assume that we are dealing with 3 very real and physical structure. The Swedish and Norwegian governments both revealed information (statements) which indicated the public
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period, the two named phenomenon have been classed in a variety of probable categories namely:- Foo Fighter 3 03093 Atmospheric phenomenon St. Elmo's Fire Earthlights Ball Lightning Unconventional German weaponry radar-counter measures ... phenomenon Soviet testing of captured V-1 V-2 and German rockets An unknown presence possibly alien 3] SO I find it quite astonishing that UFO regearchers have spent little time studying and analysing
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Oechsler, Bob - The Chesapeake Connection - Part 1 of 2.pdf
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Ocean City traveling on Route 50 south of Cambridge and just east of Airey, Maryland. At approximately 3:00 AM they noticed a scatchy sound over the radio in their new Blazer which was tuned
Page 77
mantileemr, 5 TWOHOUSE ELECTACCOR. 2. DOER A AN. 3377.310.000 John C. May 75 P6300 20 0.0 3. 201 Greensbors One -w. 2 Ca I/E WEVCA Actaen, Va. 22105 (2009 0472 4. 1800 COONS A Sure
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side of the facility and inquired if the site was going to be used for the new 3-D computerized Chesapeake Bay model advertised by the Army Corps of Engineers
Page 68
medical caaminer is investigating clearance from Mailimoro290 st. e "As to the wreck. it doesn't $3) , jack • ading ot.' John Michelle, a Federal directed." bavis said Aviation Administration inspector ai The slot hav bled ... concluded that there He was lured oy the Freein o conclusion: perform such jour un su-eral 3 .** •There just afe 30 many thongs througnout the coumar, vo:C.:. : nat don't maxe sense
Page 13
continue to proliferate despite the support program. An increased extraterrestrial population could further tax the effort. 3
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away from their jobs. Chairman and Chief Executive Of..- politicial issues. 447 really believe that to be 3 ficer: John. Marous, met the: heli*** It focused, they said, on how fact," said Singleton 'His copter
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Oechsler, Bob - The Chesapeake Connection - Part 2 of 2.pdf
Page 8
promised. On March 3, 1989 another call was made to the Real Property Division of the State Department. The helpful employee said that there appears to be no listing of Centreville property on her computer
Page 49
proud, lest the jungle consciousness in each of us destfoys every vestige of sanity taur Co 3 m0 wording against deadline to have another pamphlet on Etheria to serve as •a companion book to Sings
Page 85
million Tops Pentagon List •Other than aircraft division By Norman Black spending on research by just over 3 forming "research, development, percent in fiscal 1988, with awards worth a total of $22.5 billion
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High energy laser succeeds in key test 3•4-99 WASHINGTON - An experimental high-energy laser successful ly shot down. a supersonic missile in flight last week, a first-ever milestone that suggests, warships
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time, discussed or researched the possibilities implied by an inter-action with an extraterrestrial culture? 3. As you are also mentioned prominently in association with the Lovelace Foundation, can you confirm that any Lovelace Foundation/government
Page 13
REMINGTON PARM This enormous facility is actually larger in size (over 3,000 acres) than Eastern Neck National Wildlife Refuge. It was previously owned by the Remington (fire arms) family. It was purchased
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Page 32
Russian, and Alien base. The Space Programme is a farce and an unbelievable waste of money. 'Alternative 3' is a reality and is not at all science fiction. Most of the Apollo astronauts were severely
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meant to nullify the effect upon the populace of the British T.V. expose entitled 'Alternative 3'. The headquarters of the international conspiracy is in Geneva, Switzerland. The ruling body is made up of representatives
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human race. We must use any and every means available to prevent this from happening. (3) The government has been totally deceived and we are being manipulated by an alien power which will result
Page 4
entitled "Coordination of Foreign Intelligence Information Measures" at the urging of Secretaries Marshall, Forrestal, [3
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Jason Society CONFIRMED the finding of the scientists and made three recommendations called 'Alternatives 1, 2 , and 3'. Alternative 1, was to use nuclear devices to blast holes in the stratoshpere from which the heat
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Alternative 3, was to exploit the alien and conventional technology in order for a select few to leave the Earth and establish colonies in outer space. am not able to confirm or deny the existence ... joint U.S. amd Soviet leadership dismissed 'Alternative 1', but ordered work to begin on Alternatives 2 and 3 virtually at the same time. In 1959 the Rand Corporation hosted a Deep Underground Construction Symposium
Page 31
member of the Council on Foreign Relations and knew nothing of 'Alternative 2' or 'Alternative 3'. Internationally, the operations were supervised by an Executive Committee known as the 'Policy Committee'. In the United States they
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Page 20
Sutton -an-Se N Al fora Marsh Wainfleet ++++++++++ OES+ Bicest (armouth KEY TO MAP: [1] [2] MILDENHALL 3] LAKENHEATH USAAF [4] BENTWATERS USAAF Macton an S WOODBRIDGE RAF [5] [6] WATTON RAF ALCONBURY
Page 40
RETURN TO RENDLESHAM (3). The alien contact claims examined: ROBERT MOORE. WHY SHAM ABOUT RENILBSHAM??: The aspects of this incident which may indicate that the Rendlesham forest'UF0!. storys were a 'cover! for an occurrance
Page 30
this came rather quickly, In another instance, "prime witness" Colonel Halt was only reassigned this past summer. 3. Regarding your question about who believes whom, I don't know that any- one has drawn
Page 25
form of USAF Stealth aircraft in the British Isles is more likely to occur in this region. 3) The actual 'homebase' of Stealth in Britain is often alleged to be' èither Mildenhall or Lakenheath
Page 8
spot number 1 there. Spot number 1, right here. that's what we'll call spot number 3. to the back corner and get spot number l. 144-213 9802 OK, we're looking
Page 26
after the supposed 'Skycrash'? It is mentioned in SKYCRASH that a number of witnesses at Shingle Street (3 miles north of Butley, Suffolk), saw a 'UFO' on Friday the 7th October 1983 at around
Page 13
nearby tree had moderate (.05-.07) readings on the side of the tree toward the depressions. 3. Later in the night a red sun-like light was seen through the trees. It moved about
Page 34
document. UFO researchers claim de- nils of the "human-like bodies" and their strange craft have 3 been concealed for 40 years. A Icading UFO author claimed in Sydney recently that AL a number
Page 42
atitude (note speed of Shingle Street 'UFO' and the flight behavior of the Mr. T. 'UFO'). (3): Note, proximity of the supposed 'crash sight' of the woodbridge ' UFO • to the Runway of Woodbridge air force
Page 24
Clancarty said that only craft came to earth in a red last year bail of light at 3 a.m, on spacecraft similar type 01 was observed December 27, 1980. landing near an RAF station About ... propulsion the UFOs had. "They were keen on making them as well," said the earl. Express: 3 v0 35 Lord Clancarty: Sure
Page 1
WORLD INC Steele fate -4 .. S stor MAN we States AIF Force 04e al RAP Wowd. CONSTA 3. adore ottage, in Suffolk. tony sal 1 o 40.15se INVESTIGAT 10 you abet 1151 2 American
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wants galaxy. to know if Mr Heseltine "I don't think we on this red light at 3 a.m. on has seen the report, what planet should be so pre- came earth in a ball ... intercept. One closed on the UFO A copy of the report, American pilots under at about 3,000 feet. The from a secret manual for UFO began to speed off training, was given
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encounter with to be well documented and is very new. How did you a UFO. It was 3:30, in the morning, on dark winter's first get wind
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relation to human proportions BODY: ARMS: Long and thin reaching just above knees HANDS: Constuting of 3 digits, webbed, claw like nails TORSO: Chest and abdomon covered in scaley ribbed skin HIPS: Small, narrow LEGS ... Short and thin GENITALS: No exterior sexual organs FEET: Consisting of 3 toes, no nails and webbed NOTES Que to aggresive nature of the humanoids. no samples of blood or tissue could be taken. When
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snapshot published in 'UFO Magazine' in the inhospitable sands of the Kalahari Desert, close (Vol. 4, No. 3, 1989), showing the being with a caption to the borders between the Republics of South Africa explaining
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STRINGFIELD BASED ON DESCRIPTION OF WITNESSES RAYMOND E. FOWLER Hand with webbed claw like 4(3 )digits THE ANDREASSON AFFAIR sketched by a former CIA employee in 1978. On the night of January
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maintained with advised he has received several more reported incidents. who : to which he will give attention. . . 3
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Sightings 6 889 0174 74 D. DATE OF REPORT: 22 August 1974 10. NO. OP PAGES: Siz 3, 00C MURDER: 99. REFERENCES: DIRM. 433 g DATE 07 DEFORMATION: September 1973- Juno 1974 13. ORIGINATORS PLACE
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well regarded and capable: Commend was poted to be perfectly sober and thoroughly frightosed. 63 • • * • 3 •a •4:. SA D. ARTHUR BYPASS, Jr. .was at Socorro: Now Mexico,. 4/24/64, and had noted the four irregular
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sévised chet he cannot explain the observation described by TEA ON N Letsaid at Socorro, Now Mexico. 3 ; 2 RAted dales Jet Ind AR Tai *http://whw.tm wWWwwweldSafety Officer, gArB, Albuquerque, revised that
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Tolsou.. Mr. Clezx....._. Office Memorandum UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT- ........... 3'r. Neta.s. DATE: Februar:10,2949° TO DIRECTER, FaI FROM KB SAT, BL PASO Mr. : 1 SUBJECT: PROTECTICH OF VITAL INSTALLATICHS Bureau file ... keep this Orrice informed of any currect develop- ments. CC: . ... ANCH 01/5 -5830-0- San Antonio 10. 3 ,00:061:23 MAR 4 1949 RRR/em 1 5 ARDE
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Nation The best evidence, at present, is that there have been only the c 2 or 3 real incidents, perhaps as many as 5 or 5 10, of low-flying In the missiles
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feet over central Sweden when he saw a dark, cigar-shaped object about 50 feet long and 3 feet in diameter flying 200 feet above and approxi- mately 6,500 feet away from
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REVIEW Number 47 9 Jan 1947 DECLASSII.D.y as thily LA. Ed nog Aidio laiti:/s/Ce..O-te,3.:23.:1p- INTELLIGENCE DIVISION, WDGS WAR DEPARTMENT • WASHINGTON
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position to evaluate the information and photographs he has collected, to date or technically investigate such matters. 3. On 26 Nov 80, SA DOTY received a phone call from an individual who identified himself
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applicable itemss DO NO.(S) SUBJECT FILE NO. D ° DET NO.(S) KIRTLAND AF3, NM, 8 Aug - 3 Sep 80, HEADQUARTEÁS IVOS Alleged Sightings of Unidentified Aerial 8017093-0/29 TRANSMITTAL DATE
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attempting to record high frequency electrical beam pulses. Dr. BENNEWITZ claims these Aerial Objects. produce these pulses. 3. After analyzing the data collected by Dr. BENNEWITZ, Mr MILLER related the evidence clearly shows that some
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COMPLAINT FORM ADMINISTRATIVE DATA He \ VOS DATE TIME KIRTLAND AFS, NM, 8 Aug 3 Sep 3C, Alleged Sigthings of Unidentified a Saar 80 1200 Aerial Lights in Restricted Test Range. PLACE AFOST Det 1700. Kirtland ... Charlie Sector, East Side cf Manzano, the three coserved a very brighc light in the sky approdmately 3 miles North-North East of their position. The light traveled with great speed and stopped suddenly ... structures in the area. They advised that a carol was already in the area and would investigate. 3. Cn 11 Aug 80, RUSS CURTIS. Sandia Security, advised that cn 9 Aug 00, a Sardia Security
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CUC5(4) #IDS(1) J5(2) SECDEF(9) USDP(11) ASD: PASE(1) DI-1(1) AMIC(3) MS-28(1) J51-4B(1) DIC-JA(1) AT-5(1) DI0(3 ... 3) DJ-462(3) DI-SD2(1) DI-1(1) DIRÇ1) DT-5(1) DC-4A5(3) *MPIC VASHINGTON DE/ / 1EG// #SAFE *AIG 11881 MCN=86147/05259 TOR=86147/2010Z TAD=86147/2010Z CDSN-MIA339 PAGE
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items; DO NO. (S) 17/1 VO SUBJECT O! DET NO.IS) KIRTLAND AF3, NM, 8. Aug FILE NO. 3 Sep 80 HEADQUARTERS• Alleged Sightings of Unidentified Aerial 8017D93-0/29 TRANSMITTAL DATE DO NO. : 17/810- Lights ... electronic recording tapes, SPIES FO Q AFOS I/ IVOs: ATTACHMENTS File FILE STAMP AND/OR OTHER SIGNATURE 5017179 3-6 THOMAS A: CSEH Major, USAF Commander 'asa Investigative Detachment C20 OSI: FORM
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Largo, oval, bludch groon. ,Hairdrossor, Ascended vortically, nole 26 Nar 74 Villa do Enco Lauras (3:30 dolls) (14,2023-003821) Varicas. Objoct stationary accordi observor with binocularse Initial nots . ovasn 26 Har 74: Chaiss ... lights, rescaled a Mylng (evening) (364213-008083) 002001 . Was motionloss ovor tho 1 N 180:3 e MOLVNIDIO BOrd 26 Mar 74 Valdchi.Jadorog .Indiraao. Strainzo object 21-year-old truck 200 motors from oboorvore
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7/1.5612/4-359/N TO 416 DESP. REF THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE, WAJHINGTON. VR 9444 5612 Sulpo GAEL-GO Febrauiy 3, 1959 FATS (FOO 1) ACTION For Dept. Use Only SUBJECT ÖTHER SIS A 21 PMIR ... P.PT 2, SL-2 3 ATT:7 'CI-LL D55: 2. 0C-L 1151B-10 DaD I BLD-Y FLYING SAUCER* EXPERT LECTURING IN NSA ZEALAND ., OADR TS authority ... security restrictions and saying that the US authorities know a lot more than t'ey will tell. 3• The report of Adanskis lecture in Wellington An The Dominion was flanked by an article
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sude by Captuini 62 tho portinent Qrot. 16 - Buronu (Cncle. 28) 41 Albuquerque REC- 01 WAB/dac 1(3) stesoy! 44 of destosnia, E,E of buel. te OSI 93 DAY 11 19SA ESCa
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size of a full moon as seen from the Barth. It was round and bright. g 3. Date and Time Received: 041025z Aug 87 * - ¡(A6) 2 distribution : AT 55 MINISTRY OF DEFENCE
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Subiect Page Number v CHAPTER 2 (continued) v COMMERCIAL CHARGES 2-14 210 Charges...... 2-14 CHAPTER 3 MERINT REPORTS I GENERAL 3-1 301 Information to be Reported and When to Report 3 ... PROCEDURES 3-1 302 303 General..... Precedence (priority of 3-1 304 ransmission)....... 3-2 305 Contents of MERIT Reports....3-2 306 Reports...... Addressing... • ..3-3 307 ,. 3-5 Acceptance of and Responsibil ... MERIN… Reports.......3-7 VIII ORIGINAL
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your letter of 2 April, some correspondence concerning the "Air Ministry Secret Intelligence Summary" (Vol 10 No 3). I was interested to see this and, following my enquiries, somewhat surprised to hear that you were ... such reports must be made immediately. The majority of reports received here are, however, 2 or 3 days, often weeks, old and we simply cannot devote public funds to the detailed investigation of such sightings
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period. 2. Intermittently between 26/2150 and 27/0100 207 July 52. Periods of obsorvat ion vary. 3. Moctronio: VG-2 radar (ARC) and ASR-1 radar (Tower), Others visual from air (dotalls uninow). 4. Radar located
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miles-per-hour. ARIC furthes advised that Capital Airlines flight 807 outbound from Fational Airport at approximately 3:15 A.M. (1DT) reported sighting seven lights between Washington and Martins burg, West Virginia. They were described
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Force Base radar operators were unable to pick up these images on their scopes. At approximately 3:15 A. M., Eastern Daylight Time, the pilot of Capital Airlines Flight 807, outbound from National Airport, reported
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KEIGHT LICHT CLASHIG (J TriE SKA. ME SAID A Lot OF uro's ARE Saw IN oResuvE. 3. Date and. 'Time Roceived: /S/3Rt TY 8+ MINISTRY OF DEFENCE Sec. (AS)2 Signed
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Switchboard) PARLIAMENTARY UNDER- SECRETARY OF STATE FOR THE ARMED FORCES D/US of S(AT)/RNF 3723 3-4 September 1987 Leon Shan, Thank you for your letter to Ian Stewart of 3 August with
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Nearest Air Division (Defense). (For Z1 only.) and so forth. (c) Commander, Air Technical Intelligence Center, Wright- 3. Objectives. Air Force interest in unidentified flying objects is two- Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. fold: First
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Force Base, Maryland, and seemed to be moving at from 100 to 130 miles per hour, 3. ARTC advised Andrews Air Force Base, the Military Flight Service Center at Middletown, Pa. and a remote radar ... Base radar operator s were unable to pick up these images on their scopes. 5. At approximately 3:15 A.M., Eastern Daylight Time, the pilot of Capital Airlines Flight 807, outbound from National Airport, reported
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tographs. (E) Length of time in sight. 8. Evidence. The existence of physical evidence (photographs or mate- (3) Manner of observation: riel) will be promptly reported. (a) Use one or any combination of the following
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time and duration of sighting. (Local times to be quoted). 12 horli 1A8 19(0 ms ,10 3 cen-S. B. Description of obiect. (Number of objects, size, shape, colours, brightness, sound, smell
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mately 50 foot In diamoter. Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shapo but only 3 foot tall, dressed in notallic cloth of 6 very fine texturo. Each body was bandaged in zanner ... abovo. RAK : VIM RECORDED - INDEXED -F 162-8381420 l 4AR 29 1850 MAR 29 1 1950 ', CA 3 A: DEB Archives for UFO Research Arkivet för UFO-forskning Mate
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COMMUNICATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR REPORTING VITAL INTELLIGENCE SICHTINGS 101 102 Purpose Scope...... ..............l-l 103 104 Ne 3 sage Ident Photographs... •1-2 CHAPTER CIRVIS REPORTS GENERAL 2-1 201 Information to be Reported and When ... General 203 Precedence (priority o 2-2 transmission),. 204 2-2 205 Contents of CIRVIS Reports.......2 3 206 Additional CIRVIS Reports Addressing.. 2-7 207 ..........2-9 Aoceptance of and Responsibility for GIRVIS
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UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT A Date, Time & 14 Tinky 1900 hous. Duration of Sighting 1987 5 - 7 mintes 3 Description of Object Very aright unite object. (NO of objects, size Scrancos Him trau mi. shape, color
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supersedos JANAP 146 - (D) which shall be destroyed in accordance with current service regulations. 3. This publication contains military information end is for offioial use only. 4. Copios and Extracts may be made from this
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term was in use. Within two, it is claimed that ninety people had reported having seen one.' 3
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which emphasize the probability that the objects in the others are faked. The two reproductions on pages 3 and 4 (Adamski and below) [published over-QUEST] illustrate clearly the considerable opportunities for faked photography ... subject. That on page 3 (Adamski) [saucer-shape-QUEST] in particular could so easily be an industrial or operating theatre lamp shade complete with bulbs