MUFON 122311

At 23:44h, I saw south east firstly 2-3 lights that seemed to fly one next to the other, later on one light seemed to dim and others seemed to pop-up. At 23:44h, I opened my Velux-window and wanted to smoke a cigarette, when suddenly I looked south-east (direction of Perl, Germany) and could observe 2-3 bright orange lights in an attitude of +- 800m hight. They started dimming and to move up, then down, but most of the time they seemed to hover at the same place or to slowly move direction south (France). After the first two lights dimmed, 2 or 3 others appeared out of nothing and behaved the same way as the others. During the 5 minute observation, I went downstairs to call my mother and she saw the objects too, which I previously could film. At the end, all the objects suddenly disappeared without making any sound. Please note that I checked flight radar24, no plane was near that area during that time, no helicopter, no drones or baloons and even not the ISS.

Source ID122311