MUFON 120248

Flashing/pulsating object in the sky, with possible extensions or appendiges Me and my girlfriend observed a flashing/rapidly pulsating multicolored object in the sky. Luckily, I had a telephoto lens attachment for my phone and a small tripod to zoom in on the object. We got some nice videos, about a half hour into the sighting, 2 low flying military helicopers speed by us directly heading towards the object. The object then disappeared moments after the helicopters went out of sight. I recorded for about 10 or so minutes, till I decided to take the telephoto lens off my phone and stop recording since the object remained stationary. The vid was taken a few mins before military copters chased it away. I have the vids on my youtube channel here, I deleted originals to clear space recently. Here's the 2 videos linked. This happened Oct. 18 2021 [removed links}

Source ID120248