MUFON 109694

lights that seem to look like stars move unnaturally in the skys around my home almost nightly. ive been meaning to make a report since january, but with me having my 3rd child under 5 in march, and the world events unfolding i simply havent gotten around to it until heres whats goin on: because my children are young, i have to go to the back deck behind my house to smoke, and at night i have a paranoia about people being to be able to see me, while i cant see them at night, so i prefer to kill the outside lights and smoke in the dark. naturally, i end up there a minimum of about once an hour, and i usually turn in around midnight or so when i decide to go to bed. so as you can probly gather, i do alot of looking at the night sky in the meantime. so since january ive been noticing what look like stars of varying brightness, color, and areas of the sky are constantly doing jutting, fast paced, back and forth zig-zagging and randomness in my sky almost nightly since then. they dont always move fast, but some do. some switch and change direction- some do slight drifts for a time, and then move more definetly. whats strange is they seem to be trying to convince whoever might be looking that they are stars. but stars dont move in front of your eyes, right? from the constant viewing of the sky, i know the regular features such as prominent constillations,certain planets being in view etc. because i see them nightly. but then there are these "stars" that definetly are not actually stars, because stars cant do what these are fact, im quite positive if these were manned aircraft, the maneuvers would liquify a humans organs.. since i noticed it was reoccuring almost nightly with these things being in the sky, i have done about as much research, video watching, studying other peoples reports and everyother thing i can to compare what im seeing to what other people consider a U.F.O. event, and its definetly something strange happening in my sky. alot of people who are into the ufo culture strive to see even one unexplained happening , while it seems my part of the sky is some sort of hotbed of weird stuff happening, and i think is worth someone who may be able to observe it with actual equipment setup for that sort of thing taking a closer look at, because while ive seen the entire spectrum of unbelievable to almost undeniable evidence when it comes to this phenomenon, ive yet to hear of a place that has almost constant activity. ive showed several of my friends, a few family members. most (i assume) think im just silly in the head, but after a while ive got a few people to shutup and actually observe, and this stuff is definetly happening, and im fortunately seemingly a sane person. what is unfortunate is, noone seems to give a crap, and they explain it off as sattelites, or whatever. i can see satellites too, but they almost always have a constant speed and general direction they orbit , and are very obviously different than what im seeing. i honestly cant say with any certainty what im actually seeing, because who really knows? but ive concluded that they are mostly above an altitude that planes fly, are too numerous and wouldnt make sense if they were drones of some sort, because just a little bit ago i counted in excess of ten that i can see moving around just tonight, and if im wrong, thats a hell of alot of drones for no particular reason not having any indicating lights,and seem unaffected by any wind that might be happening. i dont believe they are planes because alot of times they change direction instead of making any arcs, and have no blinking lights, unless the "star" itself blinks out and on (which has happened a few times but not regularly). ive seen a few videos that are similar, but usually people see one or two lights, while mine are usually a minimum of 5 in different areas of the sky. i realize i live in a rural town, on the edge of it, and my back yard/field points away from the towns lights, and maybe i am getting less light pollution than some and may be part of why i seem to be the only one seeing them, but even so, they seem rather obvious, and not really hiding the fact theres something strange afoot. it irks me since ive not heard anyone but me care about it.also alot of times, ill see two of the lights moving in tandem-one brighter than most, and the other dimmer than regular stars, and i think they move in unison possibly because its one object/aircraft/whatever and the lights might be on the outsides somehow, but thats speculation honestly. i have no idea what im seeing and not prone to jumping to conclusions on stuff like this, and would say im a skeptic who believes nobody knows exactly whats happening, but one thing is for sure; SOMETHING is going on, and if its IS aircraft our people have no control over, and are outpaced by in modern and state of the art machinery im aware of the airforce and aviators in general use,its just a good thing whatever it or they are are not hostile. because this would be the a huge national security threat potentially. to pretend this phenomenon isnt happening in front of me would be lying to myself, and i would really like someone who cares to see what im seeing to have a look, and possibly get some evidence people can view. unfortunately im rather poor, and limited to a cheap phone camera, but im super confident that if i had a full spectrum camera of any quality, i could blow some peoples minds compared to similar incidents ive read or watched online. hopefully someone will hear me, and be interested to take a look and can tell me its as crazy a deal as i think it is, and not to just ignore it. either way, im sure it will continue as it has been, since noone around here seems capable of looking up from their phones to see something anymore, or simply dont recognize or care about it. thanks for hearing me either way, and whoever reads this, please know im super lazy, and to type this means its something i care about and believe in. thank you

Source ID109694