MUFON 106557

Tumbling Tube Observed on Radar Between 3:10 PM and 4:00 PM EST an object (that seemed to be a tubular) appeared over the sea directly South of Accra Ghana and directly West of SAO TOME on a Weather Radar App I use entitled MyRadar. This object appeared to tumble in space for the duration of this time period after initially splitting into two objects at approximately 3:10 PM. The second mass then headed North West toward Abidjan, arriving over land in approximately 5 seconds when it disappeared. The original object continued to tumble during this entire period. At 4:15 PM the image remains, although the path traveled is changing slightly as the object itself now seems to be moving to the North West rather than tumbling in place with a second piece moving. Can you please explain this phenomenon? Although I shot a few videos of my phone screen with another phone, perhaps this can also be found in the MyRadar Archives. Note, you can only see this thing when your are zoomed out with the screen covering an area from ABidjan to Nembe at the closest and the Western half of the African Continent at the widest.

Source ID106557